IB (SL) Biology 2009 - lewishardaway

Holly Lewis
IB Biology is an honors course that is designed to provide interested students with a detailed study of Biology that builds
upon their previous course work in Science. Students will experience a curriculum that can prepare them to take the
International Baccalaureate Exam at the Higher Level. Class activities will include performing laboratory work, writing lab
reports, developing simulations or models to explain complex concepts, participating in class discussions, reading the text,
and taking notes.
Each student will be issued a textbook, Biology (Campbell & Reece). The Book is the have a cover on it at all times.
Students will also be required to have a flash drive to have at all times (may leave it in the class if you want)
Students are required to have one (1.5” - 2”) 3 ring binder with paper
1. Respect yourself.
2. Respect others.
3. Learn Science
…all other rules come from theses three rules.
1. Attendance: Participation is expected for the entire period. Work areas are to be clean before leaving the classroom. If you are
absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get make-up work. You will be given only three days to complete missed work for one day
absent. Due dates for an absence of more than one day should be discussed with the teacher. Labs that require equipment may not
always be made up, but the teacher may require an alternative assignment. The student should realize that hands-on work with
equipment and the collaborative experience of working with teammates to reinforce curriculum objectives through the laboratory
can not be made up. If you are absent on the day of a test, expect to take it in class the day you return.
2. Tardiness: You are expected to be on time and seated with bags/purses under the table and ready to participate in the day’s
activities when the tardy bell rings. You will be marked tardy if you enter the classroom after the tardy bell has rung.
3. Late Work: Late assignments will be accepted, but will drop one grade for every day it is late. The absolute last day for any late
work in a unit is the day of the unit test.
4. Electronics: Cell phones, I-pods, and other electronics are not allowed in the classroom.
5. Hall Passes: Occasionally students need to be excused from the classroom for one reason or another. Please ask permission before
leaving the room. You are expected to return to the classroom within five minutes. This privilege will be revoked if used excessively.
6. Personal Integrity: I expect that you will do your own work at all times. Cheating, or helping someone else to cheat, will result in a
zero on the assignment or test. More serious consequences will be considered for repetitive incidences.
7. Monday Afternoon Sessions: Every Monday from 3:35-4:35pm we will be participating in a review session. Attendance is
Mandatory to two sessions a month. I will be taking roll at 3:35, if you are not here when I take roll you will not be counted as
present. Every person will be assigned a topic in which you will re-teach and review during these sessions. This will be a Test grade.
They must complete a lesson plan for the review session and have it to me no later than one week in advance. Each day that you
are late with the lesson plan, 10 points will be removed from the grade. If you choose not to show up on your Monday for your
presentation, you will get a zero for the grade. There are no exceptions. If you are sick you need to find another classmate to take
your Monday and I must be informed of the swap before school begins on Monday. You may get help from friends for the reteaching, but you will be the only one graded during the presentation. A signup sheet will be posted from August 10-13 (after
school only) for you to select a Monday and a review topic. Anyone who chooses not to sign up will be assigned the left over
Mondays and topics. First Day of review sessions is Monday, August 23.
8. Daily Quizzes: On the wiki site (at the top of this page) is your daily reading assignments. You are expected to have your reading
done before entering the classroom for the day. The reading assignment can range from 2-10 pages per night. Remember this
book has a lot of pictures and information. I will not require you to read the entire book. I have correlated the IB topics with their
page numbers in the book. Every day you will come into the classroom and take a 5-10 question quiz on the reading from the night
before. On Fridays you will be presented with a cumulative IB question quiz for the readings for that week (including the Thursday
night reading). This will be in form of one or two short answer questions. If you are absent, you will be expected to make up the
quiz on the day you return and also expected to take the quiz for the day you return. The reading assignments are posted online for
the entire 1st semester so there are NO excuses.
9. Wiki Site: I currently have a wiki site which I have posted most of the materials used in class. I have posted PowerPoint notes (both
mine and some people have shared with me), worksheets, additional information, etc. On this wiki site it also has the daily reading
assignments which are your homework. The only other assignments which will be required to do outside of class are lab reports
and studying for tests. I will be continuously adding to the site so make sure to check it weekly.
For my part, I will start class on time; provide learning activities that are interesting and helpful to you and other students. I will evaluate
your progress and provide feedback to you regularly. I will accommodate students with special needs and provide opportunities for
those needing a challenge. I will be available to you for extra help after school and before school by appointment.
Test/Lab Reports:
Daily Quizzes:
Daily Grades
A 90%-100%
B 80%-89%
C 70%-79%
Topic 1: Statistical analysis
Topic 2: Cells
2.1 Cell theory
2.2 Prokaryotic cells
2.3 Eukaryotic cells
2.4 Membranes
2.5 Cell division
Test Topic One and Two
No School-Labor Day
Topic 3: The chemistry of life
3.1 Chemical elements and water
3.2 Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
3.3 DNA structure
3.4 DNA replication
3.5 Transcription and translation
3.6 Enzymes
3.7 Cell respiration
3.8 Photosynthesis
Test Topic Three
Topic 4: Genetics
4.1 Chromosomes, genes, alleles and mutations
4.2 Meiosis
4.3 Theoretical genetics
4.4 Genetic engineering and biotechnology
Test Topic Four
No School-Inservice Day
Topic 5: Ecology and evolution
5.1 Communities and ecosystems
5.2 The greenhouse effect
5.3 Populations
5.4 Evolution
5.5 Classification
Test Topic Five
Topic 6: Human health and physiology
6.1 Digestion
6.2 The transport system
6.3 Defense against infectious disease
6.4 Gas exchange
6.5 Nerves, hormones and homeostasis
6.6 Reproduction
Test Topic Six
Final (SL IB Exam) Paper One and Two
Topic 7: Nucleic acids and proteins
7.1 DNA structure
7.2 DNA replication
7.3 Transcription
August 10-13
August 16-Sept. 2
Sept 2
Sept. 6
Sept. 7-28
Sept. 28
Sept 29- Oct.18
October 18
October 25
Oct. 19-Nov. 3
November 3
November 4-December 2
December 2
December 7 and 8
December 9-January 11
7.4 Translation
7.5 Proteins
7.6 Enzymes
Test Topic 7
Topic 8: Cell respiration and photosynthesis
8.1 Cell Respiration
8.2 Photosynthesis
Test Topic 8
Topic 9: Plant science
9.1 Plant structure and growth
9.2 Transport in angiospermophytes
9.3 Reproduction in angiospermophytes
Test Topic 9
Topic 10: Genetics
10.1 Meiosis
10.2 Dihybrid crosses and gene linkage
10.3 Polygenic inheritance
Test Topic 10
Topic 11: Human health and physiology
11.1 Defense against infectious disease
11.2 Muscles and movement
11.3 The kidney
11.4 Reproduction
Test Topic 11
Option D: Evolution
D1 Origin of life on Earth
D2 Species and speciation
D3 Human evolution
Option G: Ecology and conservation
G1 Community ecology
G2 Ecosystems and biomes
G3 Impacts of humans on ecosystems
Review until Date of IB Exam
January 11
January 12-January 25
January 25
January 26-February 11
February 11
February 14-February 25
February 25
February 28-March 21
March 21
March 22-April 14
April 15-April 29