
Clara Tsui
Experiment 1 and 2-milk
Milk contains: gram-positive, nonmotile, microaerophilic/anaerobic rods/cocci
Ie. Lactobacillus, Micrococcus, Streptococcus
- direct plate count
- direct microscope factor calculation  area of field (πr²)  convert from mm² to
o # of fields in 1 cm²/area = # of fields
o Microscope factor = # of fields / vol. of milk over 1 cm²
o (in our experiment it was 0.01ml/cm²)
Fresh pasteurized milk had the lowest count; past-date is next, then raw milk has most
Standard plate count  colonies formed = # of viable microorganisms
(only the MOs capable of growing on those nutrients/conditions)
*pour plate technique was used
Exp 3- cheese
MEA- selective (mold/fungi can grow  detect cheese mold)
EMB – detect coliforms that cause gas defects in cheese
- differential  E. Coli – green metallic sheen around dark purple colonies
 E. aerogenes – pink mucoid colonies
- selective  methylene blue and eosin inhibits growth of gram-positive organisms (ie.
Streptococcus, staphylococcus)
APT- non selective
Streptococcus and Lactobacillus are lactic-acid producing bacteria (initiate cheesemaking process)
Defect: Clostridium/E. coli/Enterobacter aerogenes form gas, or Geotrichum,
Penicillium form dairy mold
Exp 4 – Food illness by Staphylococci/Salmonellae
Salmonella not usually found in food products, so enrichment step is necessary;
staphylococci are abundant
- usually in food poisoning outbreaks, only one organism is the agent
Staph: positive coagulase test
Salm: selenite-cystine=enrichment (in real life, tetrathionate brilliant green is too); plate
on MacConkey agar ensures isolated colonies (brilliant green sulfa used IRL)
- g+ve org inhibited; lactose fermenting =red/dark pink, zone of precipitated bile
- non-lactose fermenting  pick transparent-pink colony to TSI slant
Clara Tsui
Obs: red = negative for lactose/sucrose utilization; black = H2S production, dextrose
utilization; gas formation positive
Lactose use (+ve)  yellow
Exp5 – MPN Test (Coliforms in water)
Water always has large # of MOs, but it is potable as long as human pathogens are
- test for coliforms (MOs indigenous to human intestinal tract that are rarely found
in env’ts other than feces)
(1) presumptive
- multiple lauryl tryptose broth tubes  gas production? YES = unsafe
(2) confirmed
- brilliant green lactose bile (selective for coliforms)
- inoculate with YES tubes from (1)
- gas production = positive
- alternate: streak onto EMB or Endo agar, look for greenish metallic (E.Coli) or
pink w/dark centre (E. aerogenes) colonies
(3) completed
- inoculate the coliform colony into lauryl tryptose broth and make g-stain slide
- g-negative, nonsporeforming bacilli that produce acid+gas from lactose =
Exp6 – Membrane filter technique
ENDO medium: basic fuchsin + aldehyde = shiny green complex (= coliform, since
they break down lactose into simpler substances)
Total coliforms  incubate at 35°C
M-FC: fecal coliforms are blue; incubated at 44.5°C
Method is sensitive and large volumes of water can be tested, shorter test time, but filter
can be plugged easily by cyanobacteria
B. subtilis and S. aureus are not coliforms b/c they don’t grow on EMB or Endo
Exp8 – IMViC Test
I=Indole production
Clara Tsui
- tryptophan  NH3 + pyruvic acid + indole ring (by tryptophanase)
- indole ring + Kovac’s = red
M=Methyl red test
- glucose+peptone water to see if MO ferments glucose  pyr. Acid
- red = +ve (pH<4.5 pyruvic acid produced)
- yellow = -ve (pH>4.5 peptone use after glucose exhausted raises pH)
Vi=Voges-Proskauer reaction
- glucose  pyr acid  acetonin (acetylmethylcarbinol)
- Acetonin + alpha-naphthol + KOH = red
- Negative = brown
C=ability to use citrate as sole carbon source
- Positive = can use sodium citrate, shift pH to basic side
- Indicator bromothymol blue = blue, from neutral green/yellow (acid)
Exp9-Chlorine demand
- reagent: ortho-tolidine
- chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent; marked affinity for organic cpds
- water supplies w/organic matter have “chlorine demand”
- only available chlorine (not Cl used by demand) is bactericidal
- peptone=affinity for Cl so some growth is observed, more than just bacteria+Cl
but less than no chlorine added
Exp10-Oxidation of Carbon source
- NaOH titrated with HCl to determine remaining amount
- NaOH + ½ CO2  ½ Na2CO3 + ½ H2O
- n=c*v
Nitrosomonas – NH4+  NO2Nitrobacter – NO2-  NO3Ammonia detection: Nessler’s reagent (positive = yellow colour/brown precipitate)
Trommsdorf’s reagent + sulfuric acid: nitrite test (brown-block = positive)
Diphenylamine+sulfuric acid : nitrate test (black = poisitve)  only valid if
Trommsdorf test is negative (detects nitrite and nitrate)
Clara Tsui
NO3-  ½ N2 + 3 H2O
Pseudomonas; look for production of gas in tryptone-yeast-nitrate-broth
nitrogen is contained in coenzymes/proteins/nucleic acids
proteases=extracellular hydrolytic enzymes
Nessler’s, bromothymol blue, urea use
Exp14-Nonsymbiotic Nitrogen Fixation
Only a few bacteria + cyanobacteria can fix nitrogen (atmospheric  available to
Azotobacter = aerobic soil org; gram-negative, produces capsular slime; forms thickwalled cysts; +/- water-insoluble melanin pigment and/or water-soluble fluorescent
pigment (appears green under UV)
Clostridium pasteurianum = anaerobic
Rhodospirillum rubrum = photosynthetic (important in nitrogen enrichment of soil)
Ammonia + alpha-ketoglutaric acid = glutamic acid (very versatile aa)
Azomonas – large ovoid cells in pairs/clumps (like Azotobacter), some can N2 fix;
however does not have large cysts, appears white under UV light
Chroococcum Large ovoid rod, pairs
Large ovoid rod,
- coccoid in older cultures
- has large capsules
Large ovoid rod, pairs
Large ovoid/pleomorphic rod
- variations from coccoid to
elongated filaments occur
Yellow/cinnamon None
in older cultures
Yes, green
Yes, green
Exp15-symbiotic N2-fixing bacteria
Nodules are formed of thin-walled parenchyma cells packed with Rhizobia
- rods
- change to x and ys (bacteroids)
- gram negative (stain pink)
Exp16-Sulfur oxidation
Clara Tsui
2S + 3 O2 + 2 H2O  2 H2SO4
Thiobacillus, Thiobacterium, Thiospira
Found in sewage, sulfur springs, coal-mine drainage, polluted stagnant aquatic env’ts
pH decrease = sulfur oxidation; growth can occur at 1, grows readily at 3!
Exp17-sulfate reduction
SO42-  SO32-  S2- (H2S)
ATCC medium #2 contains ferrous ammonium sulfate  blackening = reduction
Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2  S2- + Fe  FeS
Exp18-Bacteriophage assay
Viruses: nucleic acid (RNA OR DNA) + protein outer covering (coat/capsid)
Polyhedral head (65x95 nm) and contractible tail (17x115 nm)
Bacteriophage host specificity: phage for one strain of bacteria within a species may not
attack another strain
Lytic cycle-replication of more phage particles + destruction of cell w/release of virions
Virulent phage-phage that attaches to cell envelope
Vegetative state – phage nucleic acid is inside cell
Empty coat – ghost
Burst size = # of particles liberated per host cell
Latent period = period from vegetative  liberation of new virions
Turbidity decreases!
Plaque = clear area produced by destruction of cells
* each plaque initiated by single virion; one virion is adsorbed onto a single host cell
Exp19 – Microbial symbiosis in lichen
Association of alga/cyanobacterium + fungus
Can grow at low temps or extreme env’ts (on rocks/bark/other usually unsuitable
Thallus = tightly woven fungal mycelia
Below: layer of algal cells
Bottom: attaches to substrate directly or by short twisted strands of hyphae
Fungal partner = mycobiont (usually associated form, not free living)
 provides mechanical support/protection for alga, or inorganic nutrients req’d by alga
Clara Tsui
 stores water = microenv’t high in water for alga
Algal component = phycobiont (if it is cyanobacteria, N2 fixation may be possible!)
 can be free-living
 photosynthetic, metabolize CO2 + water to make materials available to mycobiont
Green algae produces sugar alcohols: ribitol, erythritol, sorbitol
Cyanobacteria  glucose
Fungus  other sugar alcohols (arabitol, mannitol), utilized as energy source
Components: (should not go beyond 10x objective)
a) upper cortext (surface layer of fungus)
b) algal layer
c) medulla (filamentous portion of fungus)
d) substrate layer of fungus
Exp20-Multiple test/rapid method systems
API 20
BBL Crystal Enteric/nonfermentor ID system
Value # * 1/0 (+/-)  add 3 together to get # between 1-7
7 digits form the profile #
Incubate to ensure fermentation, not oxidation
Sterile mineral oil = seal out air
Motility: hanging-drop
Oxidase (transfers e-‘s to oxygen): reagent = 1% dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine HCl 
purple = +ve
-ve = clear/light purple
Continue w/API test if oxidase + and GLU – (blue/green)
GLU tube is positive: VP test, indole
Oxidase +ve  nitrate reduction test (add sulfanilic acid +
dimethylalphanaphthylamine; red=positive; reconfirm neg by adding zinc dustred; if
no colour change upon adding zinc dust, + for nitrate reduction)
Clara Tsui