Name - CvilleBio

Name ___________________________
Date ___________________
Chapter 9 & 10: DNA, Transcription & Translation
Please answer all of the following questions on a separate sheet of paper, and hand your work into me
the day of the exam.
Identifying the Genetic Material
1. What are chromosomes?
2. What is a gene?
3. What scientist studied the affects of different strains of pneumonia on lab mice?
4. How many different strains of pneumonia did he use? What were the affects of the different
5. What was the significance of this experiment?
6. Who is Oswald Avery?
7. Why type of experiment did Avery conduct?
8. What was the significance of this experiment?
9. What is a bacteriophage?
10. Who are Hershey and Chase?
11. What experiment did they conduct?
12. What is Transformation?
13. What was the transforming principle that Griffith talked about in his experiment? What scientists
help determine what the transforming principle was?
The Structure of DNA
14. What is DNA? Why is it such an important molecule?
15. List four facts about DNA’s shape.
16. What are the subunits of nucleic acids?
17. What is a nucleotide? Please draw and label a DNA nucleotide.
18. What simple sugar is found in a DNA nucleotide?
19. What are the four types of nitrogenous bases that can be found on a DNA nucleotide?
20. What is a Purine? Give two examples of purines.
21. What is a Pyrimidine? Give two examples of pyrimidines.
22. What is the backbone of DNA composed of?
23. Discuss the importance of Franklin and Wilkins scientific work in terms of DNA structure.
24. What two scientists discovered the shape of DNA?
25. What is Chargaff’s rule?
26. How did this rule help Watson and Crick determine the shape of DNA?
27. How do nitrogen bases pair up with one another?
28. How many sugar-phosphate backbone(s) are in a single molecule of DNA?
29. What type of bond holds two nitrogenous bases together?
30. Why is nucleotide sequence important?
DNA Replication
31. What is DNA Replication?
32. Why is DNA replication called a Semi-Conservative process?
33. Where does DNA replication take place in the cell?
34. What are the three steps of DNA replication?
35. What is needed to separate the two strands of DNA from one another?
36. What is Helicase?
37. What is DNA Polymerase?
38. What are the results of DNA replication?
39. Why must DNA replication take place before a cell prepares to divide in mitosis or meiosis?
40. If I only gave you one strand of DNA, would you be able to predict what the second strand of
DNA would look like? Why or why not?
The Structure of RNA
41. Please list the three ways in which RNA differs from DNA.
42. What is the full name of RNA?
43. What are the four nitrogen bases found in RNA? How do these nitrogen bases pair?
44. What is Messenger RNA?
45. What is Transfer RNA?
46. What is Ribosomal RNA?
47. What is RNA’s role in protein production?
48. What is DNA’s role in protein production?
49. What is Transcription?
50. Where does transcription take place in the cell?
51. What type of RNA is produced during transcription?
52. What are the differences between DNA replication and transcription?
53. What is transcription necessary?
54. What are the four steps of transcription?
55. Why does RNA need to leave the nucleus?
56. What enzyme is needed to unzip the DNA molecule being used to make mRNA?
57. What enzyme is needed to bring in free RNA nucleotides during the formation of mRNA?
58. How does RNA polymerase know what free RNA nucleotides to match up with the original DNA
The Genetic Code
59. What is the Genetic Code?
60. Why is the genetic code universal?
61. What are the subunits of proteins?
62. How many different amino acids make up all the living things on the planet?
63. What is a Codon?
64. How many different mRNA codon combinations are in the genetic code?
65. What is a Stop Codon? Please list all of the stop codons.
66. What is a Start Codon? Please list all of the start codons.
67. What amino acids do the following codons code for: GGU, AUC, GCC, ACA, and CAU
68. What is Translation?
69. Where does translation take place in the cell?
70. What is tRNA’s role in translation?
71. Draw and label a transfer RNA molecule.
72. What is an Anticodon?
73. What are the five steps of translation?
74. What is the ribosome’s role in translation?
75. How are amino acids bonded together?
76. How do amino acids become proteins?
Additional Material
77. What is spermatogenesis? What is oogenesis? How do they differ?
78. What are the four phases of mitosis?
79. What is the scientific method?
80. What are the 8 levels of taxonomic classification?
81. What are the four macromolecules of life? What are their subunits?
Please remember that the grade you receive on your exam will be a direct reflection of how well you
prepare during the days leading up to the exam. Take this assignment seriously and you will be
successful on the chapter test. Good luck!