Extra-Credit Options

Extra-Credit List
1. Write a three page paper on anything that interests you about Astronomy
(up to10 pts)
2. Attend a Planetarium show (5 pts each visit. Up to 10 points)
3. Write a song or poem with an Astronomical theme
( 5 pts each. Up to 10 points)
4. Do an Art piece with an astronomical theme
(5 pts. 10 pts if it is impressive. Up to 10 pts)
Extra-credit movies: (up to 20pts)
1. Nova: To the Moon(10 pts)
2. Nova: Earth from Space (10 pts)
3. Nova: Extreme Ice (10 pts)
4. Nova: Secrets of Stonehenge (10pts)
If you have recommendations let me know.
To earn extra-credit for the movies, you must write a page summary of the movie and
turn it in. At the end of the semester.
You can do enough extra credit to earn up to 25 points of extra credit total.