Class project guidelines 2015 [doc / 72KB]

Chief Executive Gavin Boyd
‘Musical Pathways to Learning’
Strings & Wind Band Schemes
What the School gets:
 A year long programme delivered over 30 contact weeks.
 Two additional weeks reserved for planning purposes with the school.
 40 minute sessions are recommended although this can be adapted to suit where necessary.
 2 instrumental tutors working in partnership with a teacher in the school.
 Tuition and instruments for a maximum of 30 pupils.
 Sessions with smaller groups if appropriate.
What we provide:
 Development of musical skills, knowledge and understanding.
 Activities aimed at development of rhythm, pitch, musical concepts, singing and using instruments.
 An instrument pack for 30 pupils for the duration of the scheme.
 Opportunities for performances or presentations at the end of the year.
 The option of considering pupils for instrumental tuition when the scheme concludes.
What the school needs to provide:
 A member of the school’s teaching staff (preferably the music coordinator in primary schools) must be present to
participate in the session, to get involved in the activities, take responsibility for classroom management and assist with
tuning and the set-up and allocation of instruments where appropriate.
 Accommodation and storage: Appropriate to the size of the group and instruments involved.
 A selection of classroom percussion instruments for use in the supporting activities if required.
 The use of a piano is helpful for string pathway programmes to assist with tuning.
 Replacement accessories i.e. bows, strings, reeds, slings, mouthpieces etc. are the responsibility of the school.
 The replacement cost of instruments lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair. Please refer to the Music Service for advice
on repair and replacement costs.
 Stands for double basses. (Details on request from Portadown Music Centre).
Classroom Support:
 Curriculum delivery, classroom management, discipline and follow-up work are essential to the success of the scheme
and are the responsibility of the classroom teacher. The Music Service will provide guidance on curriculum links and
general support for the class teacher.
What we recommend:
 Instruments remain in school initially.
 Arrangements may be made for certain instruments to be brought home as the project progresses. This decision is at the
discretion of the Music Service tutors and with the approval of the school.
 The scheme normally applies to P4 or 5 in primary and Year 8 in post-primary.
 In some schools it may be possible to continue the scheme throughout KS2.
 At KS3 a development of the scheme is also being piloted in Year 9. However, this only applies when there is
continued commitment to the delivery of the existing scheme in Year 8.
What does it cost?
 The annual cost for 2015/16 for a 40 minute session is £1307
 This price is inclusive of staff, instruments and tuition but please note that replacement and repair costs apply (see
above “What the school needs to provide.”).
 The charge for this scheme may not be passed on to parents.
Pupils may be asked for reasonable voluntary contributions towards the use of the instruments but must not be
prevented from participating for financial reasons.
Fund raising activities, for example school concerts or sponsorship, may be used to help finance the scheme.
Revised 28/08/15
Education Authority, Southern Region
Music Service, Bann House, Bridge Street, Portadown. BT63 5AE.
Tel: 02838 332371
Education Authority, Southern Region
Music Service, Bann House, Bridge Street, Portadown. BT63 5AE.
Tel: 02838 332371