

Kelsey Hewett

How does the type of cookie sheet effect the percentage of cookies burnt?

Procedure Plan – Scientific Method Based Projects

Problem Statement:

How does the type of cookie sheet affect the percentage of cookies burnt?


If I bake cookies on a Sheet Pan then the percentage of cookies burnt will be lower.


Independent Variable: Different types of cookie sheets (Sheet Pan, Stone Pan, Jelly Roll


Dependent Variable: The percentage of cookies burnt

Control variables: Same recipe for cookies, same baking time, same oven, same degrees cookies are cooked in, same amount of cookies that are cooked, same area of cookies on pan, same level in oven that the pan is on, same ingredients in cookies, same amount of ingredients in cookies, brand of all the cookie ingredients are from, and same area in oven that the cookies are cooked.

Location :

My house

Materials :

Cookie sheets



Cookie recipe

Baking ingredients (mixer etc.)

Safety Precautions:

Adult supervision and oven mitts.

Detailed procedures:


Get ingredients for cookie recipe


Get the 3 cooking pans needed


Create cookies


Bake cookies on 3 different cookie sheets


Bake for about fifteen minutes


Give about a five minute cooling time


Repeat steps 1-4 3 times


Find percentages of the cookies burnt


Record findings in data table


Kelsey Hewett

How does the type of cookie sheet effect the percentage of cookies burnt?

Data Table:

Jelly Roll Pan

Trial One

Stone Pan

Sheet Pan

Percentage of Cookies Burnt

Trial Two Trial Three Average

Annotated Bibliography #1

Kelsey Hewett

October 15, 2010

Period 8/9


Vodrey, C. S. (2001, November 29). Chemistry 101. In the Kitchen With Suzanne

Martinson . Retrieved from



This article gives the reader important information about the ingredients in cookies, and their effect on the cookies. There are many ingredients in cookies and they all have important, but different effects. High-Protein flour makes cookies darker in color and more flat. Low-Protein flour makes cookies pale, soft, and fluffy. If you use fat, with a sharp melting point, like butter, it will make your cookies spread more while cooking. On the other hand, fat with that has a wide range of melting points, makes cookies not spread as fast our as far. Corn syrup makes cookies browner. Brown sugar and honey makes cookies that soften the longer you keep them.


This article helped me understand what types of ingredients are in cookies and how these ingredients affect the cookies. By understanding the properties behind my topic this information is beneficial in making my hypotheses about how types of cookie sheets effect the percentage of cookies burned after cookies.


Kelsey Hewett

How does the type of cookie sheet effect the percentage of cookies burnt?

Annotated Bibliography #2

Kelsey Hewett

October 6, 2010

Period 8/9


Fante. (n.d.). Cookie sheets, sheet pans, liners & baking mats. In Cookie sheets, sheet pans, liners & baking mats [Tells info about cookie sheets

and other pans]. Retrieved from database.


This article gives the reader information about different types of baking sheets that can be used when baking cookies. There are 3 types of sheets that are normally used when making cookies. The first one, that is normally used the most, would be a regular cookie sheet. The characteristics of a cookie sheet is that it is flat, makes an easy removal of cookies, one side of the sheet has an upturned lip, which makes it easy to pick up and gives the flat sheet more stability. The other two sheets are called a Sheet

Pan/Jelly Roll Pan. These pans have sides that are 1" high, and can be used for cookies or cakes. Other things that can help with your cooking on sheets would be pan liners and baking mats. These things keeps food from sticking without using grease.


This article helped me learn about the different types of cookie sheets that are used and what their characteristics are. By understanding the different types of cooking utensils for baking cookies, I can know more about how the different types of cooking utensils affects the cookies after baking. I really think this will help me in the future when

I experiment with these different types of cookie sheet. It also helps me know more about what types of cookie sheets are out there; before this I had never heard of the

Sheet Pan or the Jelly Roll Pan!

Annotated Bibliography #3

Kelsey Hewett

October 6, 2010


Kelsey Hewett

How does the type of cookie sheet effect the percentage of cookies burnt?

Period 8/9


John. (n.d.). Cookie chemistry. In Food science activities [tells chemistry of

cookies]. Retrieved from Glencoe online website:



This is an awesome site that tells me all I need to know about how cookies develop their after baking product. It tells me about thin and crunchy cookies and how the cookie dough spreads more during baking to create a thin and crunchy cookie. There are many other things that are in cookies that produce and thin and crunchy cookie such as a high sugar content, and fat, margarine, and butter. It also tells me about the things that produce fat and fluffy cookies like, they have more eggs, vegetable shortening, cake flour, and baking powder. All of these things create a fat and fluffy cookie. The last type of cookie it tells me about is the soft and chewy cookie; this contains vegetable oils and melted fats, sweeteners such as brown sugar, honey, molasses, and corn syrup. Soft and chewy cookies also have extra egg yolks, and bread flour.


This article has really taught me a lot about the different types of cookies and how the things in them (using their chemical makeup) create these types of cookies.

This information with defiantly help me in the future when I am baking cookies. I can also use this information to make another control variable!

Annotated Bibliography #4

Kelsey Hewett

October 7, 2010

Period 8/9


Definition of cookies. (2001, April 9). Definition of cookies (Ehow). Retrieved

from Ehow database.

Annotation: This article gives the reader information about what exactly cookies are.

The article identifies cookies as small, flat dessert treats that are formed into a circular


Kelsey Hewett

How does the type of cookie sheet effect the percentage of cookies burnt? shape with crisp edges and a chewy middle. Cookies may also be formed into shapes. It also explains the features of cookies and that they are made of flour, milk, sugar, eggs, and butter. Things can also be added to the cookies such as peanut butter or chocolate chips. Good sources of oil for baking cookies would be butter, vegetable oil, or egg yolks. Finally the article concludes with the different types of cookies. It explains that the most popular type of cookie is the drop cookie, which is soft dough that is dropped onto the cookie sheet). There are also refrigerator cookies that require you to cool the dough for about an hour until it stiffens. Examples of refrigerator cookies would be sugar cookies or pre-made store-bought cookies. Another type of cookie would be pressed cookies that made using a cookie press to make shapes with a soft dough. Lastly, rolled cookies, which are made using stiffer dough that is rolled out and made into shapes such as Christmas cookies.

Reflection: This article lead me to a better understanding about what cookies exactly are. By having a better understanding of cookies, I know more about what control variables is should have when making the cookies, such as how I prepare them and the amount of ingredients I put into them. It will help me know the after affect of what I am doing to them.

Annotated Bibliography #5

Kelsey Hewett

October 15, 2010

Period 8/9


John. (n.d.). Cookie chemistry. In Food science activities [tells chemistry of

cookies]. Retrieved from Glencoe online website:



This site that tells me all I need to know about how cookies develop their after baking product. It tells me about thin and crunchy cookies and how the cookie dough spreads more during baking to create a thin and crunchy cookie.

There are many other things that are in cookies that produce and thin and


Kelsey Hewett

How does the type of cookie sheet effect the percentage of cookies burnt? crunchy cookie such as a high sugar content, and fat, margarine, and butter. It also tells me about the things that produce fat and fluffy cookies like, they have more eggs, vegetable shortening, cake flour, and baking powder. All of these things create a fat and fluffy cookie. The last type of cookie it tells me about is the soft and chewy cookie, this contains vegetable oils and melted fats, sweeteners such as brown sugar, honey, molasses, and corn syrup. Soft and chewy cookies also have extra egg yolks, and bread flour.


This article has really taught me a lot about the different, types of cookies and how the things in them (using their chemical makeups) create these types of cookies. This information with defiantly help me in the future when I am baking cookies. I can also use this information to make another control variable!

Human subject projects : (For student that Highlighted their folder YELLOW and filled out human subject form 4 – EVERYONE ELSE CAN DELETE THIS SECTION)

Subjects . Describe who will participate in your study (age range, gender, racial/ethnic composition). (Delete this and write answer here)

 Identify any vulnerable populations (minors, pregnant women, prisoners, mentally disabled or economically disadvantaged).

(Delete this and write answer here)

Recruitment . Where will you find your subjects? (Delete this and write answer here)

How will they be invited to participate?

(Delete this and write answer here)

Methods . What will participants be asked to do?

(Delete this and write answer here)

Will you use any surveys, questionnaires or tests? (Delete this and write answer here)

 What is the frequency and length of time involved for each subject? (Delete this and write answer here)

Risks . What are the risks or potential discomforts (physical, psychological, time involved, social, legal etc) to participants?

(Delete this and write answer here)

 How will you minimize the risks? (Delete this and write answer here)


Kelsey Hewett

How does the type of cookie sheet effect the percentage of cookies burnt?

Benefits. List any benefits to society or each participant.

(Delete this and write answer here)

Protection of Privacy.

Will any identifiable information (e.g., names, telephone numbers, birthdates, email addresses) be collected? (Delete the red and write answer here)

 Will data be confidential or anonymous? If anonymous, describe how the data will be collected anonymously. If not anonymous, what procedures are in place for safeguarding confidentiality?

Where will the data be stored? Who will have access to the data? What will you do with the data at the end of the study?

(Delete this and write answer here)

Informed Consent Process.

Describe how you will inform participants about the purpose of the study, what they will be asked to do, that their participation is voluntary and they have the right to stop at any time.

(Delete this and write answer here)

Vertebrate animal projects: (For student that Highlighted their folder BLUE and filled out VERTEBRATE FORM 5A – EVERYONE ELSE CAN DELETE THIS SECTION)

Briefly discuss potential ALTERNATIVES to vertebrate animal use and present a detailed justification for use of vertebrate animals .

(Delete this and write answer here)

Explain potential impact or contribution this research may have.

(Delete this and write answer here)

Detail all procedures to be used (Delete this and write answer here)

 Include methods used to minimize potential discomfort, distress,

pain and injury to the animals during the course of


Detailed chemical concentrations and drug dosages

Detail animal numbers, species, strain, sex, age, etc.

(Delete this and

write answer here)

Include justification of the numbers planned for the research

Describe housing and oversight of daily care (Delete this and write

answer here)

Discuss disposition of the animals at the termination of the

study (Delete this and write answer here )

Potentially hazardous biological agents : (For student that Highlighted their folder

ORANGE and filled out Biological risk form 6A – EVERYONE ELSE CAN DELETE


Describe Biosafety Level Assessment process and resultant BSL determination (Delete this and write answer here) – see Mrs. Biddle for this.

Give the source of agent, source of specific cell line etc. (Delete this and write answer here)

Detail safety precautions. (Delete this and write answer here)

Discuss disposal method. (Delete this and write answer here)


Kelsey Hewett

How does the type of cookie sheet effect the percentage of cookies burnt?

Hazard chemicals, activities, and devices : (For student that Highlighted their folder


Describe risk assessment process and results. (Delete this and write answer here)

Detailed chemical concentrations or drug dosages. (Delete this and write answer here) – these numbers are usually on the bottles.

Describe safety precautions and procedures to minimize risk . (Delete this and write answer here)

Describe methods of disposal. (Delete this and write answer here)

