Federalist Era
Chapter 8 Essential Questions:
1. How did the demographic changes occurring in America by the 1790s affect
politics of the era?
2. How did President Washington’s precedents address the challenges of guiding the
new constitutional government?
3. How did Hamilton’s economic policy forge national unity?
4. How did Hamilton’s economic policy affect foreign policy- especially relations
with Great Britain, Spain, and France?
5. Beginning with the conflict over the Bank of the United States, describe the
advent of the two party system in America?
6. How did the nation ‘line up’ behind each of the political parties? Describe their
support basis.
7. What was the genesis for the foreign policy issues between the United States and
Britain, France, and Spain?
8. How were these issues with European countries resolved?
9. The Federalist party began to splitter by 1796. How did Washington, Adams, and
Hamilton affect Federalist policy?
10. Compare and Contrast the presidential elections of 1796 and 1800.
11. How did the Alien and Sedition Acts and the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
contribute to conflicts between individual liberty and government authority and
states’ rights and the national government’s supremacy?
Terms: Identify the following terms in two to three
Bill of Rights
Alexander Hamilton
Assumption of state debt
10th Amendment
National Bank (BUS)
Report on Manufacturers
Implied powers (Elastic Clause)
Democratic Republicans
Excise tax
Citizen Genet
John Jay
Jay’s Treaty
Judiciary Act of 1789
Elections of 1796/1800
French Revolution
Proclamation of 1793
“Mad” Anthony Wayne
Whiskey Rebellion
Pinckney’s Treaty
Land Act of 1796
Wilderness Road
Daniel Boone
Washington’s Farwell Address
John Adams
XYZ Affair
Alien and Sedition Acts
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Judiciary Act of 1801
Convention of 1800
1790 Census
Quasi Naval War
Commonalities: Find the commonalities in each of the following sets of
terms. State in one sentence and then in one word.
Wilderness Road
Pinckney’s Treaty
Land Act of 1796
Daniel Boone
Excise Tax
Whiskey Rebellion
Article VI of Constitution
Proclamation of 1793
Convention of 1800
Treaty of Greenville
Jay’s Treaty
Battle of Fallen Timbers
Anthony Wayne
Treaty of Greenville
Farewell Address
Two Term Presidency
Venn Diagram: Compare and Contrast the two treaties and their effects.
Focus on concessions and issued solved by each treaty.
Pinckney’s Treaty
Jay’s Treaty