Study Guide- Chapter 16

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Bentley Chapter 8 Study Guide: The Unification of China
Eyewitness: Sima Qian: Speaking Truth to Power in Han China (p. 149-150)
1. Describe the benefits of pursuing the career as a eunuch.
2. Describe the similarities between the Achaemenid rulers and the Qin and Han rulers.
3. Describe how China differed from the empires of Persia.
In Search of Political and Social Order (p. 150)
Confucius and His School: Confucian Ideas (p. 150-151)
4. What are the Analects?
5. Describe Confucian thought.
6. Why did Confucius not concern himself with the structure of the state, and what did he believe would
promote a good government?
7. Describe the impact Confucian thought had on education in China for more than 2000 years.
Confucius and His School: Confucian Values (p. 151-152)
8. Describe the qualities Confucius emphasized (ren, li, and xiao or filial peity).
9. What impact did these qualities have on China?
Daoism (p. 153)
10. Who was the founder of Daoism, and how this belief differ from Confucianism?
Daoism: The Dao (p. 153)
11. Describe the beliefs of Daoism.
Daoism: The Doctrine of Wewei (p. 153-154)
12. Describe the Daoist view of government.
Daoism: Political Implication od Daoism (p. 154)
13. How did Daoism and Confucianism work together?
Legalism (p. 154)
14. How did Legalism differ from Daoism and Confucianism?
Legalism: Legalist Doctrine (p.155)
15. Describe the principles and beliefs of Legalism.
16. What impact did Legalism have on China?
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The Unification of China
The Qin Dynasty: The Kingdom of Qin (p. 156)
17. Describe the economic, political, and military development the Qin state underwent and its impact on
Qin rulers.
The Qin Dynasty: The First Emperor (p. 156-157)
18. What was the significance of the Qin Dynasty, despite only lasting for fourteen years?
19. Describe the reign of the first Qin emperor.
The Qin Dynasty: The Burning of Books (p. 157)
20. Describe the impact Qin Shihuangdi had on Confucians and Daoists.
The Qin Dynasty: Qin Centralization (p. 157)
21. What initiatives did Qin Shihuangdi launch to enhance unity in China?
The Qin Dynasty: Standardized Script (p. 157-158)
22. What was the significance of the mandate to use a common script?
23. What impact did Emperor Qin Shihuangdi have on China?
The Early Han Dynasty: Liu Bang (p. 159)
24. What was the capital of the Former Han Dynasty? (We will refer to this city as the capital of the Han
The Early Han Dynasty: The Martial Emperor, Han Wudi (p. 159)
25. What were the two policies pursued by Han Wudi?
The Early Han Dynasty: Han Centralization (p. 159-160)
26. Describe how the rule of Han Wudi was similar to that of Qin Shihuangdi.
27. What problems did Han Wudi face in building an enormous governmental structure?
The Early Han Dynasty: The Confucian Educational System (p. 160)
28. Describe the solution to Han Wudi’s problem and its impact.
The Early Han Dynasty: Han Imperial Expansion (p. 160-161)
29. Where did Han Wudi expand Han control, and what was the impact?
The Early Han Dynasty: The Xiongnu (p. 161)
30. Describe the Xiongnu and their relationship with the Han emperors.
From Economic Prosperity to Social Disorder (p. 162)
Productivity and Prosperity During the Former Han: Patriarchal Social Order (p. 162)
31. What impact did the Confucian principle of filial piety have on the Han Dynasty?
Productivity and Prosperity During the Former Han: Ban Zhao, Woman Scholar (p. 162)
32. What did Ban Zhao believe to be the most appropriate virtues for women?
Productivity and Prosperity During the Former Han: Iron Metallurgy (p. 162-163)
33. Beside in agriculture, how else did iron impact China?
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Productivity and Prosperity During the Former Han: Silk Textiles (p. 163)
34. What impact did the manufacturing of silk have on China?
Productivity and Prosperity During the Former Han: Paper (p. 163)
35. List other technological innovations that occurred during the Han Dynasty.
Economic and Social Difficulties: Social Tensions (p. 163-164)
36. Explain the social tensions that were occurring during the Han and the result of those tensions.
Economic and Social Difficulties: Land Distribution (p. 164-165)
37. What problems did the distribution of land create and what was a result of those problems?
The Later Han Dynasty: The Yellow Turban Uprising (p. 165-166)
38. What caused the Yellow Turbans to rebel and what was their impact on the Han Dynasty?
The Later Han Dynasty: Collapse of the Han Dynasty (p. 166)
39. What other tensions led to the fall of the Han Dynasty?