This is a TENTATIVE, but fairly accurate list of what needs to be in the notebook checks tomorrow. If you will scroll down, you will find the freshman list and a short,working copy of the concurrent list. You may print this out if you save it to your computer and then print. This notebook check is tomorrow, Friday. If you’re absent, bring your notebook Monday before school, during 2nd lunch, or 7th period, or after school. Seniors Regular classes periods 1,2,5,6 Notebook List of Items 1. 2nd six week’s agenda print-out sheet that I handed out. 2. I made you take notes on how to get into the van schools website. 3. Sets 5-10 SAT vocab. flashcards / paragraph / poems, etc. Have these counted and divided into groups. 4. Copy of the two-person group SAT project that was presented in front of the room / one copy for TWO 5. In spiral, you should have 60 different SAT words listed. 6. Spiral note taking while we read The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales 7. Prologue test (matching characters from Canterbury tales prologue) 8. 18 research notecards…. 3 source and 15 information cards 9. Hand written pardoner’s tale paragraph with two direct quotes and MLA parentheticals 10. Wife of Bath quiz 11. MLA / Wife of Bath / Pardoner’s Tale TEST 12. SAT Test from 1st six weeks 13. Slip for online book 14. Criterion and turnitin passwords / usernames – I have to see yours written SOMEWHERE Freshmen 1. Set 5 through 10 SAT vocab flashcards/poems/paragraphs separate these in stack of 10 words. 2. Billboard poster 3. In Spiral figurative language terms (10 terms written) 4. Spiral notes taken on how to get to the school website and get Make-up work 5. In spiral, you should have 6 different sets of 10 SAT words each for 60 total words. This does not count today’s words. 6. 2 different lined copies of TAKS Benchmark box writings. One from September, one from Oct 7. 2 copies of the reading packets for TWO different benchmarks. One from September, one from Oct 8. Lady or the Tiger free write where you came up with an alternate ending 9. Cask of Amontillado five comprehension questions 10. School song TEST 11. Three week test taken October 30’th 12. Outside free write under the trees 13. 2nd six week’s agenda print out sheet I gave the first day of this six weeks. 14. SAT group (2 people) project that was presented in front of the class. 15. Online book slip for username/password 16. I must see your username and password to assure you have and KNOW it. Concurrent Sets 5-10 SAT vocab cards / poems / paragraphs Mid term exam Process essay Four different sets of grammar exercises We will get a consensus of which ones we should be responsible for in order to prepare for the upcoming Grammar test. SAT group project we did in groups of two/ make sure your two names are on the top Your narrative copy that had all of the grammar corrections that you used to fix the copy that you just turned in.