The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance of the Eastern European

The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance intended to organize the communist block of
eastern European countries against the perceived threat from the NATO alliance,
established in 1950. Its members were all the Communist countries of Eastern Europe
except Yugoslavia. The members of the Warsaw Pact were to defend each other if one
was attacked.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922 - 1991) Formerly part of the Soviet
Union: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia,
Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan
People's Republic of Poland (1945 - 1989)
People's Republic of Hungary (1949 - 1989)
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (1960 - 1990) Czechoslovakia Formerly part
of Czechoslovakia: Czech Republic, Slovakia
Socialist Republic of Romania (1947 - 1989)
People's Republic of Bulgaria (1946 - 1990)
People's Socialist Republic of Albania (1946 – 1991)(left in 1961 as a result of
the Sino-Soviet split)
German Democratic Republic (1949 - 1990) East Germany (in 1956)
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1943 - 1992) Formerly part of
Yugoslavia: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Rep. of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia,
and Slovenia.
Countries who declared themselves to be socialist states under the Marxist-Leninist
definition (in the west known as, "Communist states") at some point in their history. The
map uses present-day borders. Note that not all of these countries were Marxist-Leninist
at the same time.
Asian countries:
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (1978 - 1992)
Democratic Kampuchea (1975 - 1979) People's Republic of Kampuchea
(1979 - 1993) Cambodia
Mongolian People's Republic (1924 - 1992) Mongolia
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (1967 - 1990)
China - People's Republic of China (1949 -) Undergoing free market reforms to
promote growth
North Korea - Democratic People's Republic of Korea (1948 -)
Laos - Lao People's Democratic Republic (1975 -)
Vietnam - Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1945 - 1976) Socialist Republic
of Vietnam (1976 -) Undergoing free market reforms to promote growth
African Countries:
People's Republic of Angola (1975 - 1992)
People's Republic of Benin (1975 - 1990)
People's Republic of the Congo (1970 - 1992)
People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (1987 - 1991)
Eritrea: under Ethiopian control 1955-1993
People's Republic of Mozambique (1975 - 1990)
Somali Democratic Republic (1970 - 1991)
Western Hemisphere:
Cuba - Republic of Cuba (1959 -)
People's Revolutionary Government of Grenada (1979 - 1983)
Current Countries who declared themselves to be socialist states under the MarxistLeninist definition (in the west known as, "Communist states"):
China - People's Republic of China (1949 -) Undergoing free market reforms
to promote growth
Cuba - Republic of Cuba (1959 -)
North Korea - Democratic People's Republic of Korea (1948 -)
Laos - Lao People's Democratic Republic (1975 -)
Vietnam - Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1945 - 1976) Socialist Republic
of Vietnam (1976 -) Undergoing free market reforms to promote growth
Current Socialist States (non Marxist-Leninist) (retain constitutional references to
People's Republic of Bangladesh
Arab Republic of Egypt
Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Republic of India
Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Libya
Portuguese Republic Portugal
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Syrian Arab Republic (de facto single-party state ruled by the Ba'ath Party,
retains constitutional references to socialism) Syria
United Republic of Tanzania
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (informal)
Former Socialist States:
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Republic of Senegal
Republic of Bolivia
Republic of Seychelles
Burkina Faso
Democratic Republic of Sudan
Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma
Republic of Suriname
Republic of Cape Verde
Tunisian Republic Tunisia
Republic of Ghana
Republic of Uganda
Republic of Guinea
Republic of Guinea-Bissau
Republic of Indonesia
Republic of Iraq
Democratic Republic of Madagascar
Republic of Mali
Republic of Nicaragua
Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe
The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is the international organization, or
alliance, consisting of eleven former Soviet Republics: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
Turkmenistan discontinued permanent membership as of August 26, 2005, and is now an
associate member.