Midterm Exam Study Guide 2015


Name: ________________________ Date: _________________ CP

English I: Study Guide for Midterm Exam


Section I: Multiple Choice (based on the texts provided) and Essay

Essay Prompt:

Use what you have learned from reading a short story and poem (included on the exam) to write an essay in which you identify a common theme evident in both texts. Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both texts. You must use at least two quotes from each text.

Section II: Multiple Choice

 Vocabulary definitions

 Literary terms

 Texts under study so far this school year


I. Be knowledgeable about:

 characters

 key events in the plot

 settings

 themes/messages

 all literary term and new vocabulary we went over in class

 the names of each author under study


Short stories and novella under study:

A. “The Necklace”

B. “Marigolds”


“The Scarlet Ibis”


“Thank You, Ma’am”




“The Cask of Amontillado”


“Harrison Bergeron”

III. Novels and novella under study:

A. The Pigman

B. Son of the Mob

C. The Birds

IV. Literary terms:

1. Plot

2. Setting

3. Conflict

4. Six Categories of Conflict

5. External Conflict

6. Internal Conflict

7. Paradox

8. Allusion

9. Types of Characters

A. Dynamic Character

B. Static Character

C. Round Character

D. Flat Character


10. Freytag’s Pyramid

A. Exposition

B. Inciting Incident

C. Rising Action

D. Climax

E. Falling Action

F. Resolution

G. Denouement

11. Theme

12. Symbol

13. 3 Types of Irony

A. Situational Irony

B. Dramatic Irony

C. Verbal Irony

14. Point of View: perspective

A. First Person

B. Second Person

C. Third Person

 Limited: focuses on the thoughts and feeling of a single character

 Omniscient: focuses on the thoughts and feelings of all or multiple characters

15. Protagonist

16. Antagonist

17. Satire

18. Utopia

19. Dystopia

20. Foil (referring to characters)

21. Epiphany

22. Stanza

23. Symbol

24. Metaphor

25. Simile

26. Tone

27. Pathetic fallacy

28. Bittersweet

29. Memoir

30. Narrator

31. Tag Name

32. Superstition

33. Portent

34. Prose

35. Stanza

36. Nostalgia

37. Empathy

38. Sympathy

39. Roman à clef

40. Tone

41. Personification

42. Pathetic fallacy

43. Motif

44. Fallibility

45. Infallibility

46. Excerpt

47. Cliché


Additional literary terms pertaining to Romeo and Juliet:

48. Aside

49. Soliloquy

50. Pun

51. Comic Relief

52. Apostrophe

53. Oxymoron

54. Antithesis

