TB20 TRINIDAD PREFLIGHT CHECKLIST Revision 02-22-2013 DISPATCH CHECK 1. Weather & Notams & Squawks. 2. Inspections - 50/100 Hourly, Annual, ELT, Transponder, Pitot Static, VOR, Database. ARRIVAL 1. Baggage Door – Open. 2. Tiedowns, Chocks, Covers – Removed. 3. Fuel and Oil Level – Check at arrival. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Fuel Selector – Set to least full. Friction lock- Set desired. Heating and Cooling Vents – Set desired. Hobbsmeter, Tachometer – Record. Documentation – Check AR(R)OW. Passengers– Brief cards & sick sacks. EXTERIOR PREFLIGHT 1. Cabin Roof – Antennas inspect. 2. Left Main Landing Gear – Inspect rear. -----view. (Tread, inflation) 3. Left Fuel Vent – Clear. 4. Left Wing Electrical Cables - Inspect. 5. Left Flap – Hinges secure. Has play. 6. Left Wing Tie Down Untie (Check pitot ----------drain). 7. Left Aileron – Secure. Free & correct ---------travel. (Actuator has play. Tabs folded. No ---INTERIOR PREFLIGHT 1. Avionics Units – Off (look from outside). 2. Magnetos/Ignition Switch – OFF. 3. Alternate Static – Operable. 4. Mixture – Idle cut off . 5. Main – On (reach into cabin). 6. Pitot Heat/Landing/Taxi/Nav Lights, Stall Bell - Check (& enter cabin). 7. Switches & Switch Breakers – All OFF except Strobe. 8. Annunciators – Test. 9. Fuel Guages/Voltmeter- Check Reading. 10. Landing Gear – Down & Indicated/Test 11. Flaps -Takeoff . 12. Main – Main Off. 11. Control Lock – Remove. 12. Flight Controls – Free, full, correct travel. 13. Emergency Gear Control – Secured 14. Circuit Breakers –All in. 15. Cabin Lights – Set as desired. 16. Compass Card – Installed. 17. Fire Extinguisher – Check integrity. 25. Transponder Antenna – Inspect. 26. Nose Landing Gear – Inspect. 27. Right Fuel Drain, Tank, Cap, Main ----------Landing Gear, Wing Surface, Lead edge -----Underside, Wingtip , Aileron, Flap, Tie -----Down, Electrical Cables, Fuel Vent – --------Same as per left side. 28. Underside - Antennas & strakes inspect. 29. Right Fuselage – Inspect. 30. Right Static Port – Clear. 31. Vertical Stabilizer- Secured. 32. Tail Cabin Intake – Clear. 33. Rudder – Undamaged. Has play. 34. Tail - Cone screws secure. Untie. 35. Stabilator – Free travel, undamaged. ------Recess unobstructed. 36. Stabilator Tab- Secure. (Has up and down ------Left/Right, back and forth play.) 8. Left Wing Tip – Undamaged & secured. 9. Left Wing Surface, Lead edge, Stall warning Vane – Rivets, Undamaged. 10. Pitot Tube – Inspect. 11. Underside – Panels closed, Screws flush. 12. Main Landing Gear – Tread, Inflation, Brake pads, Hydraulics, Absorber Microswitches, Brace, Spring, Gear Doors. 13. Belly fixtures – Inspect. 14. Crank Case Oil Breather Intake – Clear. 15. Underside Cowl Gaps – Clear. 16. Front Landing Gear – Inspect. 17. Left Cowl Hardware - Inspect. 18. Left Cabin Intake – Inspect. 19. Engine Cooling Intakes – Clear. 20. Propeller – Inspect. 21. Spinner – Inspect. 22. Air Induction Intake – Clear. 23. Right Cowl Hardware – Inspect. 24. Right Cabin Intake - Inspect. 1WORLD AERO – SOCATA TB20 TRINIDAD CHECKLIST play, no side to side, or back and forth play.) 37. Left Fuselage – Inspect. 38. Left Static Port – Clear. 39. Windshield – Cleaning? (Use Pledge & diaper ------------rags). 40. Shock Struts – Cleaning? (Use LPS & shop --------towels. Oil cans & shop towels in Trash Box Only.) PREFLIGHT COMPLETION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Wing & Belly Fuel Drains – Sump/inspect. Fuel Quantities – Confirmed. Fuel Caps – Secured. Oil Level – Confirmed at 9 to 10 Qts. (Wash hands after handling fuel, oil, or LPS!) Loose Baggage – Secured. Baggage door – Locked shut. WALK AROUND – chocks, tiedowns fuel and oil caps, cowl plugs, towbars. TB20 TRINIDAD REGULAR MEMORY ITEMS REFERENCE CARD Revision 02-22-2013 PASSENGER BRIEFING – As needed 1. Seat belt operation. 2. Cabin Doors and Windows operation. 3. No smoking. 4. Moving Switches & Controls – Obtain Permission from PIC. 5. Passenger illness. a. Sick sack location. b. Informing crew early. c. Air vent function. 6. Forced landing. a. Seats back, glasses off. b. Brace position. c. Unlatch doors on PIC’s cue. d. Exit 45 degrees to rear after landing. 7. Unnecessary conversion Avoid during critical phases. 8. Passengers assist in locating traffic. DEPARTURE ENGINE OUT BRIEF *WITH RUNWAY – STOP. *NO RUNWAY OR ALTITUDE – GLIDE AHEAD & SECURE. *LOW ALTITUDE – TROUBLE SHOOT BEFORE SECURE. *FIRST CHANCE TO TRY TO TURN BACK – RUNWAY VISIBLE ON WINGTIP. WARM START (Normal Start Continued) 10. THROTTLE -Set open ¼ Inch. 11. FUEL PUMP– ON as prime with mixture, --then OFF. 12. MIXTURE– Short prime then idle cut off. 12. Prop Area – Visually/Verbally clear . 13. Magnetos – START. 15. Mixture – Smoothly enrich as engine catches. Go to AFTER START CHECK HOT / FLOODED START (Normal Continued) 10. THROTTLE –Half open if HOT, Full -----Open if FLOODED. 11. FUEL PUMP & MIXTURE– No Prime: ----Pump OFF & Mixture Idle cut off. 11. Prop Area – Visually/Verbally clear. 12. Magnetos – START. 13. MIXTURE – Enrich as engine catches. 14. THROTTLE – Retard as engine catches. Go to AFTER START CHECK AUTOPILOT CHECK 1. AP TRIM HORN - Test 2. AP MASTER – TEST to ON 3. GREEN RDY LIGHT ILLUMINATED – Self test Complete. 4. AP ON/OFF – ON. Shows “STB” Annunciation. Wing leveler engaged 5. BANK CONTROLLER – Check Operation 6. HDG MODE – Push in. Check Operation 7. ALT MODE – ON – Controls stiffen. 8. “HDG” & “ALT” - Annunciations 8. YOKE AP DISCONNECT – Depress-------- ------Controls Released. . GOVERNOR CHECK 1. PROPELLOR – Reduce for 1900RPM. 2. MANIFOLD PRESSURE +1” MP, RPM holds. -2” MP, RPM holds. 3. PROPELLOR - Full forward. 1WORLD AERO – SOCATA TB20 TRINIDAD CHECKLIST STARTER LIMITS 1. First Through Third Attempt - Crank up to 10 seconds. Wait & cool 1 minute between attempts. 2. Thereafter - Cool for 15 minutes. CRUISE POWER SCHEDULE Approx. Fuel Flow rounded + to nearest .25GPH DA in MP/RPM %BHP Best Best Feet Power Econ GPH/ GPH/ TAS TAS 2,500 23.8/2400 75 15.9 75F 154 kt ROP 4,500 23.2/2400 75 16 75F 157 kt ROP 6,500 22.3/2300 70 15.25 75F 155 kt ROP 8,500 20.7/2400 65 14.25 75F 148 kt ROP 10,500 19/2300 60 13.5 75F 151 kt ROP TOUCH AND GO - Prohibited GO AROUND 1. POWER – Full forward. 2. PITCH – Cruise climb 70 KT. 3. FLAPS - “Take off’ @ positive ROC. 4. PITCH – 75-85kts then flaps retracted. SECURING THE AIRPLANE 1. PUSH BACK - Push on prop root ONLY or wing lead edge, NOT on spinner or cowling. 2. TOWBAR – Stowed. 3. COWL PLUGS, CABIN & PITOT COVERS – Install. 4. TIEDOWNS – Secure. 5. TIRE CONDITION – Verify. 6. AIRCRAFT –Latch cabin & cargo doors. TB20 TRINIDAD TAXI CHECK OPERATING CHECKLIST 12. Mixture – Prime - Rich until flow indicates (3-5 sec), then idle cut off. 13. Prop Area – Visually/Verbally clear. 14. Magnetos – START. 15. Mixture – Smoothly enrich as engine catches. Revision 02-22-2013 PRESTART 1. Passenger & Emergency Briefings – As needed (See Regular Memory Items). 2. Departure & Noise Abatement – Review. 2. Doors, Seat belts, Harnesses – Secured. 3. Departure CLEARANCE, Weather, ---------Charts - Obtain/Review. 4. Radios and Navigation – Preset. 5. Squawk, Altimeter, HDG, OBS -Set. 6. Avionics Master – OFF. 7. Audio Panel – Configured. NORMAL START (Italicized/Underlined items required for Quick Start prior ground to ground repositioning.) 1. Ignition Key – Insert. 2. Parking Brake – Set as Desired. 3. Fuel Selector – Set to least full. 4. Trims – Elevator set to TAKE OFF. Rudder as needed. 5. Alternate Air – OFF. 6. Propellor – Forward. 7. Main Switch - ON . 8. Strobe – ON. 9. START UP TYPE: COOL, COLD? Continue. WARM, HOT? Use Reference card. 10. Throttle - Set open ¼ 11. Fuel Pump - ON & annunciator illuminates. 1. 2. 3. 4. LIGHTS – As needed. WINGTIPS – Monitor clearance. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS – Actuate. RPM – As needed. 1000 at a stand still. Max 2000 until oil temp green. AFTER START CHECK ENGINE RUNUP CHECK 1. 2. 3. 4. Throttle -1000 RPM (cold) 1200(hot). Mixture - Lean for taxi (1/2 travel?). Oil Pressure – Green within 30 seconds. Alternator Generation Warning Light – ON. 5. Alternator Switch – ON. Voltmeter Green, Generation Warning Light OFF. 5. Avionics Masters – ON. Headsets on. 6. Autopilot Master – Set to TEST. 7.--Transponder – Standby. 8. Fuel Pump - OFF.. Annunciator Out. 9. Turn Coordinator- ON. 10. Landing, Taxi Lights – Cycle & check voltage. 11. Flaps - Cycle Landing, Retracted. Set Take Off. 12. Flight Instruments – Check. 13. Fuel Selector – Switch to fullest. 14. Radios – Check. 15. GPS – Set as desired. 16. Autopilot Check – First Flight of the day. (See Regular Memory Items) 17. Timer – Start. 18. Parking Brake – OFF. Test Brakes. 19. Taxi Route – Cleared. 1WORLD AERO – SOCATA TB20 TRINIDAD CHECKLIST 1. Nosewheel – Straight. 2. Doors – Latched or secured. 3. Parking Brake – Set. (Press Toes to Set.) 4. Mixture - Rich. 5. Throttle – 2000 RPM. 6. Magneto Check – L/Both, R/Both. (Max - 175 RPM drop/50 between) 7. Voltmeter, Engine Instruments, & Annunciator Panel – All systems green. 8. Prop – Three Cycles. (#1 RPM/MP fluctuation, #2 Oil Pressure Varies, #3 No Spray.) 9. Governor Check: First Flight of the day. (See Regular Memory Items) 10. Alternate Air - ON/OFF, RPM falls/rises. 11. Throttle –Smoothly to idle. RPM steady. 12. Throttle – 1000 RPM. 13. Breakers – Still flush. 14. Flight Controls – Free. 15. Autopilot System - Check on first leg. 15. Parking Brake – Release. 16. Runway – Orientation confirmed. 17. Cabin Blower – OFF 18. PRETAKE OFF CHECK CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE PRETAKE OFF CHECK CRUISE CHECK 1. 500 AGL CHECK – complete. 2. RPM/MANIFOLD/MIXTURE – Set per AFM Section 5 schedules. 3. TRIM/Lights – Set as needed. 4. SYSTEM INSTRUMENTS - Monitor green. 5. FUEL TANKS – Switch every 30 minutes. Min. items for repeat full stops highlighted yellow. Red highlighted items have not yet occurred.in a previous check. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. FUEL SELECTOR – Fullest. TRIM – As needed. MIXTURE & PROP- Forward. FLAPS – Take Off. FUEL PUMP – ON. LIGHTS – Strobe/Taxi ON. Landing at night. TRANSPONDER - Altitude. AUTOPILOT – “RDY” NAVS & COMS – Set. ENGINE INSTRUMENTS – Green. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS -Altimeter, Hdg Bug,CDI, OBS. AFTERLANDING CHECK 1. MIXTURE – lean for taxi. 2. FLAPS – retract to take off. 3. Fuel Pump – OFF. 5. Landing & Taxi Light(s)- As needed. 6. Trim – Set for take off. 7. WINGTIPS - Monitor clearance. SHUT DOWN CHECK 12. MAGNETOS – Both. 13. DOORS, BELTS, & HARNESSES – Secure. FLOW CHECK PRE TAKE OFF CHECK – Repeat as visual memory item. INRANGE CHECK (+86kts) 1. AUTO WEATHER/RADIO – Check & Set. 2. ALTIMETER – Reset. 3. CDI, OBS – Selected and set. 4. Lights – ON as needed 5. System Instruments & Annunciators – All Green, No Red. 6. Magnetos – BOTH. 7. Circuit Breakers – In. 8. Seat belts, Harnesses, Loose Items – Secure. 9. Mixture – Enrich as needed. 10. FUEL SELECTOR – Fullest. APPROACH & DEPARTURE – Clear. ROLL CHECK (Memory Item) 1. MAX POWER CHECK – 2575 RPM. 2. BRAKES – Release. 3. VR @ 70 KT, Initial Pitch 80 KT 4. Obstacles Cleared, No Runway – Brakes ----applied & Gear Retracted, Transit Light Out DESCENT CHECK (Memory Item) 1. AUTOPILOT – OFF. 2. FUEL PUMP – On. 3. MIXTURE – Rich. 4. PROP - 2500 RPM 5. GEAR - Extended Below 129 KT. 6. 3 GREEN, NO RED - Checked. 500 AGL CHECK (Memory Item) 1. FLAPS – Retract. 2. FUEL PUMP – OFF & check Pressure. 3. PITCH - VY @ 95KT or Cruise Climb. (Max Climb Cruise climb set for shorter pilot.) PRELANDING CHECK (Memory Item) 1. PROPELLER – Full Forward. 2. APPROACH – 75 - 95 KT as needed. 3. FLAPS – As needed. 4. GEAR – Rechecked & Triple Checked 1WORLD AERO – SOCATA TB20 TRINIDAD CHECKLIST (Underlined items required for ground to ground repositioning.) 1. Landing & Taxi Lights - OFF 2. Parking Brake – Set if to be unchocked, surface not level, vehicle refueling anticipated. 3. Turn Coordinator – OFF. 4. ELT – 121.5 Quiet. 5. ALL Avionics Units – OFF. 6. Power – Idle. 7. Magnetos – Check grounding (last leg). 8. Power – 1200 RPM. 9. Mixture – Idle cut off. 10. Main & Alternator Switches – OFF. 11. Magnetos – OFF & key out. 12. Fuel Selector- OFF. 13. Cabin Panel & Overhead lights – OFF. 14. Hobbs, & Tachometer times – Record. 15. Squawks – Record. 16. Control Lock – installed. 17. Flight Plan – CLOSED. SECURE THE AIRPLANE (See Memory Items Reference Card) TB20 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Revision 11-05-2012 ENGINE PROBLEMS__________ ENGINE FAILURE ON THE ROLL 1. BRAKES – Max. 2. 3. 4. 5. MIXTURE – Idle cut OFF. MAGNETOS- OFF. MAIN SWITCH – OFF. FUEL SELECTOR –OFF. ENGINE FAILURE JUST AFTER TAKE OFF 1. SPEED – 70/76 kts, gentle banks only. 2. MIXTURE- Rich. 3. FUEL SELECTOR – Switch tank. 4. FUEL PUMP – ON. If engine does not start: 5. MIX - Idle Cut OFF. 6. FUEL SELECTOR & PUMP – OFF. 7. MAGNETOS & MAIN SWITCH – OFF. 8. Land – Ahead. Landing Gear as needed. ENGINE FAILURE IN FLIGHT 1. SPEED – 92 kts. 2. Troubleshoot a. MIXTURE – Rich. b. FUEL PUMP – ON. c. FUEL GAGES – Check. d. FUEL SELECTOR – Switch tank. e. Alternate Air – On if in icing conditions. f. MAGNETOS – Both. 3. If engine does not start a. MIXTURE – Idle cut off. b. THROTTLE – Open. c. STARTER – Engage. d. MIXTURE – Enrich if engine catches. 4. If engine does not start go to Forced Landing, Engine Out procedure. LOW FUEL FLOW (Verify fuel gage quantities) 1. FUEL PUMP – ON. 2. FUEL SELECTOR - Switch Tank. FORCED LANDING, ENGINE OUT 1. SPEED – 92 kts. 2. LANDING FIELD- Identify. Land into wind ------if none available. 3. RADIO- 121.5 Make Mayday call. 4. TRANSPONDER -7700. 5. SECURE a. FUEL SELECTOR – OFF. b. MIXTURE –Idle cut OFF. c. FUEL PUMP – OFF. d. MAGNETOS – OFF. e. FLAPS - As needed. f. LANDING GEAR – As needed g. MAIN SWITCH – OFF. h. DOORS- Unlatch in flare. 6. LAND - At minimum speed, nose high AOA. PRECAUTIONARY LANDING 1. Radio - Distress Call 121.5 or ATC. 2. Speed – 70/76 kts. 3. Field – Fly over prior to approach. 4. Seats, Belts, Harnesses – Secured. 5. Landing Gear – As required. 6. Main Switch – OFF. 7. Landing - Full Flaps. Nose high. 8. Mixture OFF during flare. 9. Mags, Fuel Selector - OFF after landing. 10. Brakes – Apply. DITCHING 1. RADIO - Distress Call 121.5 or ATC. 2. Seats, Belts, Harnesses, Loose Items – Secured. 3. FLAPS – Landing. 4. LANDING GEAR - Up 5. SPEED – 70/76 kts. 6. SECURE – Main Switch, Mixture, & Fuel ------------------Selector- OFF. 7. TOUCH DOWN – Nose high. Parallel swells. LOW OIL PRESSURE ANNUNCIATOR ON Oil Pressure – If in Low Red Sector and Oil Temp in High Yellow or Red: 1. MANIFOLD PRESSURE – Reduce. 2. FORCED LANDING - Plan. 1WORLD AERO – SOCATA TB20 TRINIDAD CHECKLIST JAMMED DOORS - Kick out aft windows. FIRES_____________________ ENGINE FIRE DURING START 1. MIXTURE- Idle Cut-Off. 2. MAGNETOS – “Start.” 3. THROTTLE - Full forward. 4. FUEL SELECTOR – OFF. 5. FIRE CONTINUES a. MAIN & MAGS – OFF. b. EVACUATE & EXTINGUISH. AIRBORNE ENGINE FIRE 1. Smoke/flames Visually Detected - Dive ---------Temporarily to-Suffocate Fire. (Altitude -------------Permitting) 2. SECUREa. FUEL SELECTOR – OFF. b. MIXTURE – OFF. c. THROTTLE – Full Open. d. FUEL PUMP – OFF. e. MAGNETOS – OFF. 3. AIR - Fire Cut OFF. 4. Emergency – Declare. 5. SWITCHES - Main & Alt SB – OFF. 6. FORCED LANDING – Execute. AIRBORNE ELECTRICAL FIRE p3.10 1. FIRE IN ENGINE COMPARTMENT – a. MAIN SWITCH – OFF. b. AIR– Fire Cut OFF. 2. FIRE IN CABIN a. MAIN – OFF. b. ALT SB & APPLIANCES - OFF. c. AIR - Fire Cut OFF. d. EXTINGUISHER- Activate. 3. If Fire Out-. a. Main Switch – ON. b. Faulty CB – Do not reset if popped. c. Electrical units – ON one at a time at intervals. d. Cabin Air – As needed. CABIN FIRE 1. MAIN – OFF. 2. CABIN AIR/DEMIST – Fire Cut Off. 3. EXTINGUISHER- Activate. 4. VENTILATE - Cabin Air partially open as needed. 5. EMERGENCY – Declare. Divert/land. SINGLE BRAKE FAILURE - LANDING (Aircraft pulling to side at application, not decellerating) 1. RUDDER – Heavy opposite to yaw. 2. BRAKES – Pump. 3. WING FLAPS – Retract. 4. STABILATOR – Full back. WING FIRE 1. PITOT HEAT – OFF. 2. NAVS, TAXI & LANDING LIGHT- OFF. 3. SLIP- Keep flames off fuel tank and tail. 4. Temporary DIVE (Altitude Permitting) – To -------extinguish flames. 5. EMERGENCY – Declare, Divert/Land. FLAT MAIN TIRE – LANDING (Aircraft pulling to side without brakes applied) 1. AILERON & RUDDER - Opposite yaw. 2. BRAKES - Gradual increase opposite yaw. INVOLUNTARY SPIN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ------------------------- THROTTLE – Idle. RUDDER – Full & opposite rotation. STABILATOR – Briskly forward. AILERONS – Nuetral. FLAPS – Retracted. SYSTEM FAILURES_______________ STABILATOR FAILURE 1. TRIM – 80 kts. 2. FLAPS – Landing. 3. PROP – High. 4. POWER – a. For 500 FPM descent. b. Carry into the landing flare. 5. FLARE – With trim. AILERON FAILURE 1. RUDDER – Lateral control. 2. FLAPS – Retracted. 3. APPROACH SPEED – Greater than 70 kts. 4. LANDING SPEED – 80 kts. Flaps Retracted. NO FLAP LANDING 80 kt final. Expect 60% increased landing roll. DOOR OPENING IN FLIGHT WHILE ALONE 1. If possible CATCH & HOLD UNDERSIDE OF DOOR OR HANDLE before door levitates far. 2. CONTROL WHEEL– Operate with free hand. 3. POWER & TRIM – Operate with free hand as needed at intervals, using rudder to steady or counter roll. 4. AIRSPEED - Lower cruise. Normal approach. 5. FLARE – Land with both hands . GOVERNOR FAILURE/PROP OVERSPEED 1. MANIFOLD PRESSURE – Decrease. 2. ANGLE OF ATTACK - Increase. (Max 2700 RPM) 3. PROP – Reduce, re-establish below redline. 4. POWER/PROP - Required increases must be ----------gradual. AIRSPEED INDICATOR FAILURE 1. PITOT HEAT – ON. 2. ALTERNATE STATIC – Pull. 3. Cabin Air – Open. 4. IAS still Erratic? Approach 15” & propeller full increase. 5. GPS Ground Speed – Crosscheck. STATIC FAILURE 1. Alternate Air – Pull 2. GPS – Altitude, Ground speed, VS info – Cross check. 1WORLD AERO – SOCATA TB20 TRINIDAD CHECKLIST VACUUM PUMP FAILURE GPS – Cross check for track readout. ELECTRICAL __________________ RADIO MASTER SWITCH FAILURE Radio Master Circuit Breaker – Pull Open. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FAILURE Circuit Breaker Popped - Reset ONCE, and only if urgently needed. ALTERNATOR FAILURE (Annunciator on, voltmeter yellow or red) 1. Alt. Switch and Circuit Breaker – OFF/Pull. 2. Alt. Switch and Circuit Breaker – ON/Engage. 3. If Annunciator light constant, a. Alt Switch & Circuit Breaker –OFF/ Pulled. b. Electrical load – reduce to minimum. c. Divert. WEATHER________________________ INADVERTANT ICING 1. DIVERT - Change altitude. Change 180 degree --------heading change. 2. ALT AIR – ON. 3. PITOT HEAT – ON. 4. DEMISTING & HEATING – Max. 5. RPM – High. a. Maintain high cruise power. b. Cycle RPM to max @ intervals. 6. Expect stall speed increase. HIGH CROSSWIND 1. Take off a. Static Runup. b. Forward Stab pressure to 65 kts. 2. Landing – Maximum flaps. LANDING GEAR ISSUES____________ LANDING GEAR FAILS TO RETRACT [Green Light(s) Out, or Red In Transit Light On] 1. Main Switch – ON 2. Landing Gear – Up 3. Circuit Breakers – LDG Gear & LG WARNING Breakers – Check in. 4. Emergency Landing Gear Control – Pushed in 5. Landing Gear Lever – Down 6. Landing Gear Lights – 3 Green, No Red 7. Speed – 130 KT 8. Landing Gear – Recycle Up 9. If Gear does not retract, set gear down. LANDING GEAR FAILS TO EXTEND [Green Light(s) Out] 1. Main Switch – ON 2. Landing Gear – Down 3. Circuit Breakers – LDG Gear & LG WARNING Breakers – Check in. 4. Landing Gear Lights – Test Lit 5. Flaps – TAKE OFF 6. Speed – 97 KT 7. Landing Gear Lever – UP if Gear does not extend and lock down. 8. LDG Gear CB – Trip 9. Landing Gear Lever – Down 10. Emergency Gear Control –Pull 11. Gear Lights – 3 Green, no red 12. Landing – normal IF GEAR STILL SUSPECTED UNSAFE 13. Airplane - Yaw/slip 14. Gear in Transit Light - No Red / Off 15. Gear in Transit Light - Lit Red if push Test (BULB LIKELY BURNT OUT) 16. Low Pass – Perform & have ground observer confirm gear down. LANDING GEAR APPEARS LOCKED 17. Landing Gear CB – In 18. Landing Gear Lever – Down 19. Emergency Landing Gear Control – Pushed 20. Precautionary Landing – perform NOSE LANDING GEAR UP OR PARTIALLY EXTENDED (p3.12) 1. Flaps – Landing 2. Speed – 65 -70 KT 3. Seats, Belts, Harnesses – Secure SHORT FINAL 4. Main SB – Off 5. Mixture – Idle Cut-off AFTER TOUCH DOWN 6. Elevator back pressure – Maintain full aft 7. Braking – Minimize MAIN LANDING GEAR UP OR PARTIALLY EXTENDED 1. Landing Gear – Retract. Set UP. 2. Emergency Gear Control – Pushed in. 3. Flaps – Landing 4. Speed – 65 -70 KT 5. Seats, Belts, Harnesses – Secure SHORT FINAL 6. Main SB – Off 7. Mixture – Idle Cut-off 8. Landing – Grass surface preferred. ALL EMERGENCIES – DECLARE. DIVERT. 1WORLD AERO – SOCATA TB20 TRINIDAD CHECKLIST