2015-16 CHEMISTRY Curriculum Map

CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
IFC Standards
SC.912.P.8.1 SC.912.P.8.2
SC.912.P.10.10 (H only)
July 2015
SC.912.P.10.10 (H only)
SC.912.N.4.2 (H only)
Topic Covered
Number of Days
Lab Safety, Lab equipment, Lab skills, Measurements, What is Chemistry?, and Pre-Assessment
Practice of Science, credibility and validity of scientific claims, Matter, States of Matter, Physical and
Chemical Properties, and Physical and Chemical changes
Reliability and Validity of Scientific Claims, Science vs. Pseudoscience, Scientific Models,
Development of Theories in Science, Valence Electrons, Atomic Theory, Mole Concept, Fundamental
Bohr Model of the Atom, Electromagnetic Spectrum
Development of Theory, Chemical vs. Nuclear Reactions, Atomic Structure, Radioactive Decay, Energy
changes and Fundamental Forces (Honors)
Atomic Theory, Periodic Relationships, Structure of Atoms, Electron Configuration and Properties,
Chemical bonding, and Valence Electrons
Chemical Bonding and Valence Electrons, Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic Bonds, Electronegativity,
Intermolecular Forces
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
SC.912.N.3.3 (H only)
Naming Ionic and Covalent Compounds, Interpreting Formulas, Writing Chemical Formulas,
Predict Formulas of Ionic Bonds, Dimensional Analysis, Empirical and Molecular Formulas
Interpreting Formula Representations, Mole concept, Mass to Mole Stoichiometry, and Determining
Formula Mass,
Dimensional Analysis, Use Experimental Data to Calculate Empirical and Molecular Formulas, Mass to
Mass Stoichiometry, Theoretical vs. Actual Yield, and Percent Yield
Kinetic Molecular Theory, States of Mater, Temperature and Kinetic Energy, Atomic Structure and
Properties, Intra and Intermolecular Formula, Bonding Forces, and Phase Diagrams
Classification of solutions, Arrhenius theory, Neutralization Reactions, Calculating pH and pOH, and
Collision Theory, Activation Energy, Rates of Chemical Reactions
Reversible Reactions, Chemical Equilibrium, Organic Molecules
July 2015
SC.912.L.17.15 (H only)
SC.912.L.17.15 (H only)
SC.912.L.17.19 (H only)
SC.912.L.17.15 (H only)
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
Unit#: N/A
Unit Title: Introduction
Body of Knowledge:
Essential Questions
1. Why are lab protocols important to a safe laboratory experience?
Essential Content
Explain why knowledge of
chemistry is central to other
scientific endeavors.
Describe different areas of
Apply knowledge of laboratory
Diagram the room layout and
locate the safety equipment.
Name and explain the use of
basic lab equipment for
Review measurement skills
using lab equipment.
July 2015
Benchmarks (DOK):
Objectives and Skills
Based on 187 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Pacing: 4/150 (3%)
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
4 days
2 days
Standards Notes:
 Lab Skills and Safety are an essential part of the curriculum for chemistry
instruction but are not linked to NGSSS.
 The Nature of Science standards and benchmarks should be taught throughout the course.
Instructional Resources:
(select benchmark specific
Lab Safety Video, Song, or Poster
 Measuring Volume
 Triple Beam Balance
 Unit Conversions
Discovery Education (log-in
through BEEP)
 Lesson Activity - What Not To
 Lesson Activity – What Not To
Do AnswerKey
 Video - Lab Safety and
Compliance Video
 Video - Accident at Jefferson
 Lab Activity - Accuracy and
Precision Lab
 Lab Safety Memorial Lab
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Stations – Create stations
available where students can
practice taking measurements in
the science lab using Gizmo (one
laptop available per station). If
Gizmo access is not available
then teacher can project and
discuss how measurements are
taken and allow students to
perform a measurement lab in
class in rotations.
Problem Based Learning (PBL)
- Tell students that they work for
OSHA and have identified a
science lab with a huge number
of safety incidents. Their task is
to write a letter to the lab
manager citing violations and
their plan to improve the
conditions of the lab. Use rubric
to grade.
Science is characterized by empirical
observations, testable questions,
formation of hypotheses, and
experimentation that results in stable
and replicable results, logical
reasoning, and coherent theoretical
Read, interpret, and examine credibility
and validity of scientific claims in
different sources of information, such
as scientific articles, advertisements, or
media stories. Strict standards of
science included controlled variables,
sufficient sample size, and replication
of results, empirical and measurable
evidence, and the concept of
Recognize that contributions to science
can be made and have been made by
people from all over the world.
Collect data/evidence and use
tables/graphs to draw conclusions and
make inferences based on patterns or
trends in data.
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
Scavenger Hunt – students find
science laboratory equipment
strategically placed in the lab,
draw a picture and identify use.
Work through difficult problems using
creativity, and critical and analytical
thinking in problem solving (e.g.
convergent versus divergent thinking
and creativity in problem solving).
Complete a graph that depicts the
number of lab related deaths
since 1929 using information
found in the Lab Safety
Memorial link. Have students
draw conclusions and create
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
Science, reliability, investigations, empirical evidence, inference, observations, balance, beaker, Bunsen burner, burette, combustible, dispose, Erlenmeyer flask, eye wash, evaporation
dish, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, flammable, fume hood, graduated cylinder, pipette, ring and stand, safety goggles, safety shower, test tube, toxic, volumetric flask, accuracy,
precision, mass, metric system, volume, weight, funnel,
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
Unit#: I
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Standards: Matter
Essential Questions
1. How is the conceptual understanding of matter central to the understanding of
all scientific disciplines?
2. How do the following terms differ and how are they important to scientific
knowledge: observation, inference, creativity, and methods of questioning
and explaining?
3. How is scientific inquiry a multifaceted activity?
4. Do the processes of science correspond to the traditional portrayal of “the
scientific method”?
5. How is scientific argumentation a part of scientific inquiry, and what is its
role in the generation and validation of scientific knowledge?
Based on 187 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Pacing: 12/150(11%)
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
12 days
6 days
Standards Notes: Nature of Science Benchmarks should be taught ALL year.
Instructional Resources:
(select benchmark specific
 Develop conceptual
understanding of Matter.
 SC.912.P.8.1 (2) – Differentiate
 Lab: Mixture Separation
among the four states of matter.
 Contrast mixtures and pure
 SC.912.P.8.2 (2) – Differentiate
 Lab: Separation of Pen Inks
by Paper
 Distinguish between elements between physical and chemical
compounds and mixtures.
 Chromatography p. 432-433
chemical changes of matter.
 Classify mixtures as
 Demo: Water vs. glycerin
 SC.912.P.8.5 (2) – Relate properties
homogeneous or
of atoms and their position in the
 Demo: Electrical
periodic table to the arrangement of
 Describe properties of matter
Conductivity p.7
their electrons.
as extensive or intensive.
 Lab: Properties of Matter
 Distinguish between physical  SC.912.N.1.1 (3) – Define a problem
based on a specific body of
and chemical properties of
knowledge, for example: biology,  Scientific Notation and
chemistry, physics, and earth/space
o e.g. volume,
Significant Digits
science, and do the following
compressibility, density,
 Density by Displacement
 SC.912.N.1.2 (2) – Describe and
 Density Lab
malleability, reactivity,
explain what characterizes science
molecular composition,
Discovery Education (log-in
and its methods.
Essential Content
July 2015
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives and
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Graphic Organizers (Modified
Venn Diagram, Closed Compare
and Contrast
After Videos or Reading infuse
Discussion Strategies such as:
 Think-Pair-Share
 Three Minute Pause
 Read and Say Something
 Picture Notes
Enrichment Activities
Science Fair
Science Olympiad
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
SC.912.P.8.1 - Differentiate among the four
states of matter (solid, liquid, gas and
plasma) in terms of energy, particle motion,
and phase transitions. (Note: Currently five
states of matter have been identified)
SC.912.P.8.2 - Discuss volume,
compressibility, density, conductivity,
malleability, reactivity, molecular
composition, freezing, melting, and boiling
points. Describe simple laboratory
techniques that can be used to separate
homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures
(e.g. filtration, distillation, chromatography,
Various LAFS and MAFS standards
SC.912.P.8.5 - Use the periodic table and
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
freezing, melting and
boiling points
 Experimentally measure mass
and volume. Calculate and
discuss the densities of
regular and irregular shaped 
 Use the property of density to
identify substances
 Describe techniques used to
separate mixtures.
 Experimentally separate a
mixture based on the
properties of the substances in
the mixture.
through BEEP)
SC.912.N.1.7 (1) – Recognize the
 The Importance of
role of creativity in constructing
scientific questions, methods and
Chemical Properties of
SC.912.N.2.2 (3) - Identify which
 Chemical Properties of Nonquestions can be answered through
science and which questions are
outside the boundaries of scientific CPalms
Guided Reading - Behavior of
investigation, such as questions
addressed by other ways of knowing, Gases: Disaster at Lake Nyos
Modeling - Shake It Up
such as art, philosophy, and religion.
American Chemical Society
Lesson Plan - What is Density?
electron configuration to determine an
element number of valence electrons and its
chemical and physical properties. Explain
how chemical properties depend almost
entirely on the configuration of the outer
electron shell.
SC.912.N.1.2 - Science is characterized by
empirical observations, testable questions,
formation of hypotheses, and
experimentation that results in stable and
replicable results, logical reasoning, and
coherent theoretical constructs.
SC.912.N.1.7 - Work through difficult
problems using creativity, and critical and
analytical thinking in problem solving (e.g.
convergent versus divergent thinking and
creativity in problem solving).
SC.912.N.2.2 – Identify scientific questions
that can be disproved by
experimentation/testing. Recognize that
pseudoscience is a claim, belief, or practice
which is presented as scientific, but does not
adhere to strict standards of science (e.g.
controlled variables, sample size,
replicability, empirical and measurable
evidence and the concept of falsification).
MAFS.K12.MP.1 – Make sense of problems
and persevere in solving them.
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
Solid, liquid, gas, plasma, energy, motion, phase changes (transitions), volume, compressibility, density, conductivity, malleability, reactivity, molecular composition, freezing, melting
point, boiling points, filtration, distillation, chromatography, evaporation, homogeneous mixtures, heterogeneous mixtures, element, compound, pure substance, physical property,
chemical property, physical change, chemical change, subatomic particles, protons, neutrons, electrons, metal, nonmetal, metalloid (semi-metal), noble gas, hypothesis, scientific theory,
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
Unit#: II
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Standards: Matter and Energy
Based on 186 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Pacing: 14/150 (9%)
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
14 days
7 days
Standards Notes: Nature of Science Benchmarks should be taught ALL year.
Essential Questions
1. What physical and chemical interactions occur between molecules or atoms,
 Electron configurations (Chapter 4.3) may be taught as a supplemental concept to
and how can these interactions (properties) be used to classify and describe
reinforce the benchmarks associated with periodicity but are not linked to NGSSS.
 SC.912.P.10.10 (2) – Compare the magnitude and range of the four fundamental forces
2. How are atomic models used to explain atoms and help us understand the
(gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear). [Honors Only]
interactions of elements and compounds observed on a macroscopic scale?
Instructional Resources:
Instructional Strategies:
(select benchmark specific
(recommended activities and
Predict, Observe, Explain (POE)
Lab: Constructing a Model
with Atomic Models Lesson
 Describe the development  SC.912.N.1.4 (3) - Identify
and historical importance of sources of information and assess Lab: Conservation of Mass pp.64-65
Model Eliciting Activities (MEA)
atomic theory from Dalton
their reliability according to the
(atomic theory), Thomson
strict standards of scientific
Timeline – Research Activity
(the electron), Rutherford
Discovery Education (log-in
(the nucleus and “gold foil” investigation.
 SC.912.N.2.4 (3) - Explain that
through BEEP)
Atomic Model Foldable
experiment), and Bohr
Early Atomic Discoveries
scientific knowledge is both
(planetary model of atom).
Atomic Models by Thomson,
Enrichment Activities
 Describe the structure of
durable and robust and open to
Science Fair
atoms in terms of protons,
change. Scientific knowledge can
JJ Thomson discovers the Electron
Science Olympiad
neutrons and electrons, and
change because it is often
Niels Bohr Atomic Model
differentiate among these
examined and re-examined by new
particles in terms of mass,
investigations and scientific
electrical charges and
argumentation. Because of these Computer Stations Lab – Atomic
location within the atom.
frequent examinations, scientific Theory Stations - Eckert
 Determine the valence
Atomic Models
electrons of an atom using
knowledge becomes stronger,
Bohr’s model for elements 1 leading to its durability.
to 20.
 SC.912.N.3.2 (2) - Describe the
 Describe the relationship
role consensus plays in the
Videos – The 2,400-year search for
between valence electrons
historical development of a theory the atoms-Theresa Doud
Essential Content
July 2015
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
and Skills
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
SC.912.N.1.4 - Read, interpret, and examine
the credibility and validity of scientific
claims in different sources of information,
such as scientific articles, advertisements, or
media stories. Strict standards of science
include controlled variables, sufficient
sample size, replication of results, empirical
and measurable evidence, and the concept of
SC.912.N.2.4 - Recognize that ideas with the
most durable explanatory power become
established theories, but scientific
explanations are continually subjected to
change in the face of new evidence.
SC.912.N.3.2 - Recognize that scientific
argument, disagreement, discourse, and
discussion create a broader and more
accurate understanding of natural processes
and events.
SC.912.N.3.5 - Describe how models are
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
and the arrangement of the
in any one of the disciplines of
elements in the periodic
Interactive Animations – Models of
 SC.912.N.3.5 (2) – Describe the the Hydrogen Atom
 Explain how chemical
function of models in science, and
properties depend on
identify the wide range of models Evolution of the Atomic Model
valence electrons.
used in science.
 SC.912.P.8.3 (3) – Explore the
scientific theory of atoms (also
known as atomic theory) by
describing changes in the atomic
model over time and why those
changes were necessitated by
experimental evidence.
 SC.912.P.8.4 (3) – Explore the
scientific theory of atoms (also
known as atomic theory) by
describing the structure of atoms
in terms of protons, neutrons and
electrons, and differentiate among
these particles in terms of their
mass, electrical charges and
locations within the atom.
 SC.912.P.8.9 (3) – Apply the mole
concept and the law of
conservation of mass to calculate
quantities of chemicals
participating in reactions.
used by scientists to explain observations in
SC.912.P.8.3 - Describe the development
and historical importance of atomic theory
from Dalton (atomic theory), Thomson (the
electron), Rutherford (the nucleus and gold
foil experiment), and understand how each
discovery leads to modern atomic theory.
SC.912.P.8.4 - Explain that electrons,
protons and neutrons are parts of the atom
and that the nuclei of atoms are composed of
protons and neutrons, which experience
forces of attraction, repulsion consistent with
their charges and masses.
SC.912.P.8.9 - Recognize one mole equals
6.02 x 1023 particles (atoms or molecules).
Determine number of particles for elements
and compounds using the mole concept, in
terms of number of particles, mass, and the
volume of an ideal gas at specified
conditions of temperature and pressure. Use
experimental data to determine percent yield,
empirical formulas, molecular formulas, and
calculate the mass-to-mass stoichiometry for
a chemical reaction.
SC.912.P.10.10 - Recognize and discuss the
effect of each force on the structure of matter
and the evidence of it. (Honors ONLY)
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
Model, atomic theory, protons, neutrons, electrons, charges, mole, Law of Conservation of Mass, gravitational Force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force,
Essential Content
July 2015
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
and Skills
Instructional Resources:
(select benchmark specific
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
 Explain that when electrons  SC.912.N.3.5 (2) – Describe the Demonstrations p. 98
transition to higher energy
function of models in science, and Quick Lab: The Wave Nature of
levels they absorb energy,
identify the wide range of models Light: Interference (pg.106)
Lab: Flame Tests (pg.130-131)
and when they transition to
used in science.
lower energy levels they
emit energy.
 SC.912.P.10.9 (2) - Describe the Gizmos (subscription required)
 Bohr Model: Introduction
 Recognize that spectral lines
quantization of energy at the
are the result of transitions
atomic level.
 Star Spectra
of electrons between energy  SC.912.P.10.18 (3) - Explore the  Bohr Model of Hydrogen
levels that correspond to
theory of electromagnetism by
photons of light with an
comparing and contrasting the
Discovery Education (log-in
energy and frequency
different parts of the
through BEEP)
related to the energy spacing electromagnetic spectrum in terms  Louis de Broglie’s Theory on
between levels (Planck’s
of wavelength, frequency, and
Waves and Particles
relationship E = hʋ).
energy, and relate them to
 Icons of Science: Quantum
 Explore the theory of
phenomena and applications.
Theory (20:00)
electromagnetism by
o Classical Gas: Classical and
comparing and contrasting
Quantum Physics
the different parts of the
o Quantum Leap: Max Planck
electromagnetic spectrum in
and Black Body Radiation
terms of wavelength,
o Bohring the Atom: Niels
frequency, and energy, and
Bohr and the Structure of
relate them to phenomena
the Atom
and applications.
o Particles Waving: The
 Describe the electromagnetic
Dual Nature of Light and
spectrum (i.e., radio waves,
microwaves, infrared,
o Those Pesky Atoms:
visible light, ultraviolet, XHeisenberg and the
rays and gamma rays) in
Structure of the Atoms
terms of frequency,
o Certain of Uncertainty:
wavelength and energy.
Quantum Physics and
Solve problems involving
wavelength, frequency, and
energy (c = ƛʋ).
 Virtual Manipulative – Black
Body Spectrum
 Virtual Manipulative –
Molecules and Light
 Virtual Manipulative –
Photoelectric Effect
 Video/Demonstration – Light is
a Particle
 Text Resource – Noble Gas
July 2015
Picture Inquiry (Pg. 72 - Figure 4 SC.912.N.3.5 - Describe how models are
and 5)
used by scientists to explain observations in
Picture Inquiry (Pg. 74 - Figure 6 nature.
and 7)
SC.912.P.10.9 -Explain that when electrons
Predict, Observe, Explain during transition to higher energy levels they absorb
Flame Test Lab
energy, and when they transition to lower
energy levels they emit energy. Recognize
Paired Reading (pg. 111)
that spectral lines are the result of transitions
of electrons between energy levels that
After watching videos infuse one correspond to photons of light with an
of the following CRISS
energy and frequency related to the energy
Discussion Strategies:
spacing between levels (Planck’s
relationship E = hv).
 Read and Say
SC.912.P.10.18 - Describe the
 Three Minute Pause
electromagnetic spectrum (i.e., radio waves,
 Think-Pair-Share
microwaves, infrared, visible light,
ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays) in terms
Enrichment Activities
of frequency, wavelength and energy. Solve
Science Fair
problems involving wavelength, frequency,
Science Olympiad
and energy.
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
Molecule Discovered in Space
American Chemical Society
BrainPop – [username palmbeach
and password palmbeach]
Atomic Models
Rutherford Scattering
NBC Learn
o Electromagnetic Pulse
o How are Elements Broken
Down into Protons,
Neutrons, and Electrons?
o Irradiated Food: Is a
Mango Exposed to Gamma
Rays Safe to Eat?
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
Energy, ground state, excited state, emission spectra, transition, amplitude, atomic emission, spectrum, crest, electromagnetic spectrum, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave,
energy sublevel, frequency, light, orbital, photon, Planck’s constant, principal energy level, prism, quantum, trough, wavelength, energy levels, atomic orbital, electron configuration,
Aufbau Principle, Pauli Exclusion Principle, spin, Hund’s Rule, visible spectrum.
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
COURSE CODE: 2003340/2003350
Unit#: III
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Standards: Energy
Based on 187 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Pacing: 10/150 (7%)
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
10 days
5 days
Standards Notes: Nature of Science Benchmarks should be taught ALL year..
Essential Questions
1. How are matter and energy transformed and conserved even though their form
 SC.912.P.10.11 (3) - Explain and compare nuclear reactions (radioactive decay, fission and
and location undergo continual change?
fusion), the energy changes associated with them and their associated safety issues.
2. What is the general architecture of the atom, and what roles do the main
 SC.912.P.10.10 (2) - Compare the magnitude and range of the four fundamental forces
constituents of the atom play in determining the properties of materials?
(gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear). [Honors Only]
Instructional Resources:
(select benchmark specific
Lab: Simulation of Nuclear Decay
 Distinguish between nuclear  SC.912.N.3.2 (2) - Describe the
(pg. 708-709)
and chemical reactions.
role consensus plays in the
historical development of a theory Demonstration: Detecting and
 Recognize that nuclear
Measuring Beta Radiation (pg.693)
in any one of the disciplines of
chemistry focuses on the
Demonstration: Modeling A Chain
changes in the nucleus.
 Explain the changes that take  SC.912.P.10.12 (2) - Differentiate Reaction (pg. 697)
between chemical and nuclear
place in the nucleus, forces
Gizmos (Subscription Required)
holding the nucleus
Nuclear Decay
together, and the nucleus’ 
instability causing radiation
 Identify real-world examples
Discovery Education (log-in
where chemical and nuclear
through BEEP)
reactions occur every day.
o Marie Curie: Radioactivity and
the Discovery of Radium
o Irradiation of Food: Risk
Benefit Analysis
o Dating, Radioactive Decay Ray,
Half-Life, Elements of a
Nuclear Power Plant
o Radioactivity: Nuclear
Disintegration and Subatomic
o Chemistry Connections: Nuclear
changes (29:05)
Essential Content
July 2015
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
and Skills
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
SC.912.N.3.2 - Recognize that scientific
Picture Inquiry – (Pg. 698 Figure argument, disagreement, discourse, and
discussion create a broader and more
accurate understanding of natural processes
Read and select a content area
and events.
passage. Give students a text
coding bookmark and allow them SC.912.P.10.12 - Describe how chemical
to code the text. Teacher or
reactions involve the rearranging of atoms to
students create Text Dependent
form new substances, while nuclear
Questions and pass them around reactions involve the change of atomic
for students to answer in their
nuclei into entirely new atoms. Identify realnotebook using complete
world examples where chemical and nuclear
reactions occur every day.
Compare & Contrast Chart
Triangular Comparison Diagram
Concept Mapping
Predict Observe Explain (Virtual
Enrichment Activities
Science Fair
SC.912.P.10.11 - Identify the three main
types of radioactive decay (alpha, beta, and
gamma) and compare their properties
(composition, mass, charge, and penetrating
power). Explain the concept of half-life for
an isotope (e.g. C-14 is used to determine the
age of objects) and calculate the amount of a
radioactive substance remaining after an
integral number of half-lives have passed.
Recognize that the energy release per gram
of material is much larger in nuclear fusion
or fission reactions than in chemical
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
Program Overview
Science Olympiad
Comparing Nuclear
changes, Chemical
Changes, and Phase
Changes (4:47)
The Energy of Nuclear
Changes (12:01)
Harnessing Nuclear
Energy (9:24)
Lab – The Life of the Party
Reading in the Content - The New
Reading in the Content – Where Do
Chemical Elements Come From?
Virtual Manipulative – Alpha Decay
Virtual Manipulative – Beta Decay
Virtual Manipulative – Nuclear
Virtual Manipulative – Radioactive
Dating Games
reactions due to the large amount of energy
related to small amounts of mass by equation
E =mc2. Explore the theory of
electromagnetism by comparing and
contrasting the different parts of the
electromagnetic spectrum in terms of
wavelength, frequency, and energy, and
relate them to phenomena and applications.
SC.912.P.10.10 - Recognize and discuss the
effect of each force on the structure of matter
and the evidence of it. (Honors ONLY)
BrainPop – [username palmbeach
and password palmbeach]
Nuclear Energy
Marie Curie
American Chemical Society
NBC Learn
Scientist Closer to Reaching
Nuclear Fusion (1974)
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
Radiation, fusion, fission, chemical reactions, nuclear reactions, alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray, nuclear reaction, radiation, radioactive decay, radioisotope, renewable resource
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
COURSE CODE: 2003340/2003350
Unit#: IV
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Standards: Matter
Based on 187 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Pacing: 18/150 (12%)
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
18 days
9 days
Standards Notes: Nature of Science Benchmarks should be taught ALL year.
Essential Questions
 How is the Periodic Table used to identify the distinct properties among the elements?
 Review Periodic Table from Chapter
 How does the arrangement of the outer electrons in an atom determine how the atom
 This unit connects concepts introduced in Unit II and unit V.
bonds to others and forms materials?
Instructional Resources:
(select benchmark specific
Describe the structure of
Designing Your Own Periodic Table
atoms in terms of protons,  SC.912.P.8.3 (3) – Explore the
(pg. 137)
neutrons and electrons, and
scientific theory of atoms (also
Demonstration: Comparing
differentiate among these
known as atomic theory) by
particles in terms of mass,
describing changes in the atomic Reactivities of Alkaline-Earth
electrical charges and
model over time and why those Metals (pg. 142)
The Mendeleev Lab of 1869 (pg.
location within the atom.
changes were necessitated by
experimental evidence.
Determine the valence
Types of Bonding in Solids (pg. 216)
electrons of an atom using  SC.912.P.8.5 (2) – Relate
Bohr’s model for elements 1 properties of atoms and their
to 20.
position in the periodic table to
Electron Configuration
Describe the relationship
Element Builder
between valence electrons  SC.912.P.8.6 (2) – Distinguish
and the arrangement of the
between bonding forces holding
Discovery Education (log-in
elements in the periodic
compounds together and other
through BEEP)
attractive forces, including
The First Periodic Table
hydrogen bonding and van der
Explain how chemical
Exploring the Modern Periodic
Waals forces.
properties depend on
valence electrons.
Using the Modern Periodic Table
Apply basic rules of
Bonds and Molecular Structure
electron configuration to
determine the valence
Sticky: Attractive Forces (5:16)
electrons of an atom and
Physical Science Series: Chemical
their chemical and physical
Bonding (18:46)
Introduction to Chemical
Describe why atoms come
Bonding (1:15)
Essential Content
July 2015
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
and Skills
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Magnet Summaries (CRISS)
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
SC.912.P.8.3 - Describe the historical
importance of atomic theory from Dalton
Use content reading passages to
(atomic theory), Thomson (the electron),
complete the following, Main
Rutherford (the nucleus and gold foil
Idea – Detail Notes or Conclusion experiment), and Bohr (planetary model of
–Support Notes
atom), and understand how each discovery
leads to modern atomic theory.
Student Centered Activities such
as All In the Family card game
MAFS.K12.MP.4 – Model with
Enrichment Activities
VSEPR Theory
SC.912.P.8.5 - Use the periodic table and
Science Fair
electron configuration to determine an
Science Olympiad
element’s number of valence electrons and
its chemical and physical properties.
Explain how chemical properties depend
almost entirely on the configuration of the
outer electron shell.
SC.912.P.8.6 - Describe how atoms combine
to form molecules through ionic, covalent,
and hydrogen bonding. Compare and
contrast the characteristics of the interactions
between atoms in ionic and covalent
compounds and how these bonds form. Use
electronegativity to explain the difference
between polar and nonpolar covalent bonds.
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
together to form chemical
Atoms and Bonding (1:40)
Electrons and Energy
Levels (1:01)
Stability and Chemical
Bonds (1:37)
Common Types of Atomic
Bonds (7:22)
SC.912.P.8.7 - Write chemical formulas for
simple covalent (HCl, SO2, CO2, and CH4),
ionic (Na+ + Cl-  NaCl) and molecular (O2,
H2O) compounds. Predict the formulas of
ionic compounds based on the number of
valence electrons and the charges on the
Card Game – All In the Family
MEA – Rodent Infestation
BrainPop – [username palmbeach
and password palmbeach]
Periodic Table
American Chemical Society
Content Reading - Discovery of
Content Reading - The Discovery of
Content Reading - Smartphones:
Smart Chemistry
Lesson Plan -The Periodic Table
Lesson Plan - The Periodic Table
and Energy Models
Lesson Plan – Energy Levels,
Electrons, and Covalent Bonding
Lesson Plan – Energy Levels,
Electrons, and Ionic Bonding
Lesson Plan – Represent Bonding
with Lewis Dot Diagrams
Molecule Shapes: Basics
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
anion, cation, chemical bond, conductivity, covalent, bond, covalent bond, delocalized electrons, diatomic molecule, electrolyte, electron dot, electronegativity, formula unit,
intermolecular forces, intramolecular forces, ionic bond, Lewis dot structure, metallic bond, molecule, monatomic ion, oxidation number, polar covalent, polyatomic ion, solubility,
structural formula.
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
Essential Content
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
and Skills
 Describe why atoms come
together to form chemical  SC.912.P.8.6 (2) – Distinguish
between bonding forces holding
compounds together and other
 Distinguish between ionic,
attractive forces, including
covalent bonds and metallic
hydrogen bonding and van der
bonds and explain how they
Waals forces.
are formed.
 Determine experimentally  SC.912.P.8.7 (2) – Interpret
formula representations of
the properties of ionic,
molecules and compounds in
covalent, and metallic
terms of composition and
 Use electronegativity to
explain the difference
between polar and nonpolar
covalent bonds.
 Draw Lewis structures for
simple molecules and
molecules with multiple
 Distinguish between
bonding forces holding
compounds together and
other attractive forces,
including hydrogen bonding
and van der Waals forces.
 Determine experimentally
how different types of
intermolecular forces affect
the rate of evaporation.
Instructional Resources:
(select benchmark specific
Designing Your Own Periodic Table
(pg. 137)
Demonstration: Comparing
Reactivities of Alkaline-Earth
Metals (pg. 142)
The Mendeleev Lab of 1869 (pg.
Electron Configuration
Element Builder
Discovery Education (log-in
through BEEP)
The First Periodic Table
Exploring the Modern Periodic
Using the Modern Periodic Table
Bonds and Molecular Structure
Sticky: Attractive Forces (5:16)
Physical Science Series: Chemical
Bonding (18:46)
Introduction to Chemical
Bonding (1:15)
Atoms and Bonding (1:40)
Electrons and Energy
Levels (1:01)
Stability and Chemical
Bonds (1:37)
Common Types of Atomic
Bonds (7:22)
Card Game – All In the Family
MEA – Rodent Infestation
American Chemical Society
July 2015
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Magnet Summaries (CRISS)
Main Idea – Detail Notes
Use the Predict Observe Explain
strategy to Predict: Which
alkaline Earth metal is the most
reactive? [Demonstration]
Use RACE reading response
strategy to answer the following
question: How is the Periodic
Table Organized? [Restate,
Answer, Cite Evidence, and
Explain] use after note-taking or
reading pgs. 133-144. For lower
level readers jigsaw the passage
or share PowerPoint
Claims-Evidence Lab Report for
the Mendeleev Lab of 1869 use
rubric to grade.
Enrichment Activities
Science Fair
Science Olympiad
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
SC.912.P.8.3 - Describe the historical
importance of atomic theory from Dalton
(atomic theory), Thomson (the electron),
Rutherford (the nucleus and gold foil
experiment), and Bohr (planetary model of
atom), and understand how each discovery
leads to modern atomic theory.
SC.912.P.8.5 - Use the periodic table and
electron configuration to determine an
element’s number of valence electrons and
its chemical and physical properties.
Explain how chemical properties depend
almost entirely on the configuration of the
outer electron shell.
SC.912.P.8.6 - Describe how atoms combine
to form molecules through ionic, covalent,
and hydrogen bonding. Compare and
contrast the characteristics of the interactions
between atoms in ionic and covalent
compounds and how these bonds form. Use
electronegativity to explain the difference
between polar and nonpolar covalent bonds.
SC.912.P.8.7 - Write chemical formulas for
simple covalent (HCl, SO2, CO2, and CH4),
ionic (Na+ + Cl-  NaCl) and molecular (O2,
H2O) compounds. Predict the formulas of
ionic compounds based on the number of
valence electrons and the charges on the
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
Content Reading - Discovery of
Content Reading - The Discovery of
Content Reading - Smartphones:
Smart Chemistry
Lesson Plan -The Periodic Table
Lesson Plan - The Periodic Table
and Energy Models
Lesson Plan – Energy Levels,
Electrons, and Covalent Bonding
Lesson Plan – Energy Levels,
Electrons, and Ionic Bonding
Lesson Plan – Represent Bonding
with Lewis Dot Diagrams
NBC Learn
The Dirt of Ammonia as a Cleaning
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
anion, cation, chemical bond, conductivity, covalent, bond, covalent bond, delocalized electrons, diatomic molecule, electrolyte, electron dot, electronegativity, formula unit,
intermolecular forces, intramolecular forces, ionic bond, Lewis dot structure, metallic bond, molecule, monatomic ion, oxidation number, polar covalent, polyatomic ion, solubility,
structural formula.
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
COURSE CODE: 2003340/2003350
Unit#: V
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Standards: Matter, Energy
Based on 187 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Pacing: 18/150 (12%)
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
18 days
9 days
Standards Notes: Nature of Science Benchmarks should be taught ALL year.
Essential Questions
1. How does the configuration of the electrons in an atom determine (a.) what
 Review Periodic Table from Chapter
reactions can occur between atoms, (b.) how much energy is required to get the
 VSEPR Theory
reaction to happen, and (c.) how much energy is released in the reaction?
 In Ch. 18 students will learn about reversible reactions that lead to chemical equilibrium
2. How is “quantity”, measured based on chemical formulas?
3. How is a balanced chemical equation written and in what ways does it illustrate
the Law of Conservation of Mass?
Essential Content
 Describe why atoms come
together to form chemical
 Distinguish between ionic,
covalent bonds and metallic
bonds and explain how they
are formed.
 Determine experimentally
the properties of ionic,
covalent, and metallic
 Use electronegativity to
explain the difference
between polar and nonpolar
covalent bonds.
 Draw Lewis structures for
simple molecules and
molecules with multiple
 Distinguish between
bonding forces holding
compounds together and
other attractive forces,
July 2015
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
and Skills
 SC.912.P.8.7 (2) – Interpret
formula representations of
molecules and compounds in
terms of composition and
 SC.912.P.8.2 (2) – Differentiate
between physical and chemical
properties and physical and
chemical changes of matter.
 SC.912.P.8.8 (2) – Characterize
types of chemical reactions, for
example: redox, acid-base,
synthesis, and single and double
replacement reactions.
 SC.912.P.10.12 (2) – Differentiate
between chemical and nuclear
 SC.912.N.1.6 (2) - Describe how
scientific inferences are drawn
from scientific observations and
provide examples from the
content being studied.
 SC.912.N.4.1 (2) - Explain how
Instructional Resources:
(select benchmark specific
Lab: Testing Water for Ions (pg.
Demonstration: Evidence of a
Chemical Reaction (pg. 262)
Demonstration: Electrolysis of
Water (pg.270)
Demonstration: Synthesis of a Base
from a Metal Oxide (pg. 278)
Lab: Single-Displacement Reaction
Lab: Double-Displacement Reaction
(pg.282) [micro]
QuickLab – Balancing Equations
Using Models (pg.284)
Chemical Equations
Balancing Chemical Equations
Limiting Reactants
The Law of Conservation of Mass
Balancing Equations: Forming
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Create Ion on Flash Cards or
complete them digitally using
Study Blue (pg. 221)
Students debate whether a name,
formula, statement or diagram is
Ionic or not in “I-On-It or Not”.
Use a t-chart or other graphic
organizer to organize their
learning and conclude with
writing assignment.
Predict, Observe, Explain with
PHeT virtual lab simulation.
Model balancing equations using
candy, beads, beans or some
other type objects.
Enrichment Activities
Science Fair
Science Olympiad
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
SC.912.P.8.7 - Write chemical formulas for
simple covalent (HCl, SO2, CO2, and CH4),
ionic (Na+ + Cl-  NaCl) and molecular (O2,
H2O) compounds. Predict the formulas of
ionic compounds based on the number of
valence electrons and the charges on the
SC.912.P.8.2 - Discuss volume,
compressibility, density, conductivity,
malleability, reactivity, molecular
composition, freezing, melting, and boiling
points. Describe simple laboratory
techniques that can be used to separate
homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures
(e.g. filtration, distillation, chromatography,
SC.912.P.8.8 - Classify chemical reactions
as synthesis (combination), decomposition,
single displacement (replacement), double
displacement, and combustion.
SC.912.P.10.12 - Describe how chemical
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
including hydrogen bonding
and van der Waals forces.
Determine experimentally
how different types of
intermolecular forces affect
the rate of evaporation.
Explain the significance of a
chemical formula and the
meaning of symbols and
Determine the formula and
the name of an ionic
compound formed between
ions including binary,
transition metals and
polyatomic ions.
Write and name molecular
compounds using prefixes.
scientific knowledge and
reasoning provide an empirically- Discovery Education
based perspective to inform
Chemical Reactions
society's decision making.
Chemical Reaction Basics
Lesson Plan - Balancing Chemical
Equations Using a Visual Aid
Lesson Plan - Dancing Ionic
Lesson Plan - I-On-It (Ionic) or Not?
Reading in the Content Area –
Surprise: Ordinary Table Salt Turns
Into Forbidden’ Forms
American Chemical Society
reactions involve the rearranging of atoms to
form new substances, while nuclear
reactions involve the change of atomic
nuclei into entirely new atoms. Identify realworld examples where chemical and nuclear
reactions occur every day.
SC.912.N.1.6 - Collect data/evidence and
use tables/graphs to draw conclusions and
make inferences based on patterns or trends
in the data.
MAFS.K12.MP.1 – Make sense of problems
and persevere in solving them.
MAFS.K12.MP.2 – Reason abstractly and
NBC Learn
BrainPop – [username palmbeach
and password palmbeach]
Chemical Equations
PHeT Virtual Simulation –
Balancing Chemical Equations
Tutorial – Atoms and Bonding
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
anion, cation, chemical bond, conductivity, covalent, bond, covalent bond, delocalized electrons, diatomic molecule, electrolyte, electron dot, electronegativity, formula unit,
intermolecular forces, intramolecular forces, ionic bond, Lewis dot structure, metallic bond, molecule, monatomic ion, oxidation number, polar covalent, polyatomic ion, solubility,
structural formula, subscripts, prefix, diatomic molecules.
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
Unit#: VI
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Standards: Matter, Energy
Essential Questions
1. How are quantities determined in a chemical reaction?
2. How is the amount of product formed and the reactants used in a chemical reaction
Based on 187 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Pacing: 20/150 (13%)
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
20 days
10 days
Standards Notes: Nature of Science Benchmarks should be taught ALL year.
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
Instructional Resources:
and Skills
(select benchmark specific
(Review) Interpret formula  SC.912.N.1.5 (2) - Describe and Textbook
representations of molecules provide examples of how similar Demonstration: Mass Relationships
and compounds in terms of
investigations conducted in many in Chemical Reactions p.300
Lesson Starter p.304
composition and structure.
parts of the world result in the
Foldable for Calculations
same outcome.
(Review) Predict the
Demonstration p.312
formulas of ionic
 SC.912.N.2.5 (3) - Describe
Quick Lab: Limiting Reactants in a
compounds based on the
instances in which scientists'
Recipe p. 316
number of valence electrons varied backgrounds, talents,
and the charges of the ions.
interests, and goals influence the Lab: Stoichiometry and Gravimetric
Analysis p. 326-327
inferences and thus the
Develop the concept of
explanations that they make about
mole as a counting unit.
Use formulas of compounds observations of natural
to find the formula mass and phenomena and describe that
Limiting Reactants
competing interpretations
the molar mass.
(explanations) of scientists are a
Use dimensional analysis to
strength of science as they are a Discovery Education
determine number of
 The Mole and Conversion
source of new, testable ideas that
particles for elements and
compounds using the mole
What is Stoichiometry?
concept, in terms of number
of the explanations.
 Balancing Equations
of particles, mass, and the
 SC.912.P.8.9 (3) - Apply the mole  Molar conversions
volume of an ideal gas at
concept and the law of
specified conditions of
 Mass-Mass Conversions
conservation of mass to calculate
temperature and pressure.
 Mass Percent and Empirical
quantities of chemicals
Use experimental data to
participating in reactions.
determine, empirical
 Limiting Reactants
formulas, molecular
 Lewis Structures
Essential Content
COURSE CODE: 2003340/2003350
July 2015
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Hook/engage students using the
Making Menus lesson plan.
Student centered activity which
engages students in a little bit of
competition using Mole Relay
lesson plan.
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
SC.912.N.1.5 - Recognize that contributions
to science can be made and have been made
by people from all over the world.
SC.912.N.2.5 - Recognize that scientific
questions, observations, and conclusions
may be influenced by the existing state of
scientific knowledge, the social and cultural
Modeling bonding using students. context of the researcher, and the observer’s
experiences and expectations. Identify
Use Predict, Observe, Explain
possible bias in qualitative and quantitative
(POE) strategy to have students
data analysis.
conceptualize what happens when
you don’t have enough
SC.912.P.8.9 - Recognize one mole equals
ingredients to make a specific
6.02 x 1023 particles (atoms or molecules).
product in a recipe.
Determine number of particles for elements
and compounds using the mole concept, in
RACE – Have students answer
terms of number of particles, mass, and the
the following question using the volume of an ideal gas at specified
RACE method. How does
conditions of temperature and pressure. Use
stoichiometry relate to the Law of experimental data to determine percent yield,
Conservation of Mass?
empirical formulas, molecular formulas, and
calculate the mass-to-mass stoichiometry for
a chemical reaction.
Enrichment Activities
Science Fair
Science Olympiad
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
 Analyze balance chemical
equations in terms of mole
ratio of reactants and
 Identify and solve mass-tomass stoichiometry
 Differentiate theoretical
yield from actual yield.
 Determine the percent yield
of a given chemical
The Octet Rule ad Atomic
Covalent Bonds and
Intermolecular Forces
Chemical Bonding: Valence
Lesson Plan - Making Menus
Lesson Plan – Mass Mole
Relationships: A Statistical
Approach to Accuracy and Precision
Lesson Plan – Mole Relay
Virtual Manipulative –
American Chemical Society
Represent Bonding with Lewis Dot
Reactants, Products, and Leftovers
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
Atomic mass unit, Avogadro’s number, ionic compound (formula unit), molecule, atom, gas, particle, element, volume, temperature, pressure, ideal gas, empirical formula, molecular
formula, empirical formula, molar mass, mole, molecular formula, Mole ratio, stoichiometry, molar mass, mole, mole ratio, molecular formula, compound, molecule, atom, aqueous,
chemical equation, coefficient,, Law of Conservation of Matter (mass), Precipitate, product, theoretical yield, actual yield, percent yield.
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
COURSE CODE: 2003340/2003350
Unit#: VII
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Body of Knowledge: Life Science
Standards: Matter, Energy, Motion
Standards: Interdependence
Essential Questions
1. How does the kinetic molecular theory explain the behavior of gases?
Essential Content
 Describe molecular motion
and the effect of
 Develop the conceptual
understanding of the KMT.
(Describe why particles
move and what happens to
particles when they move).
 Analyze the structure of
matter in solid, liquid and
gas states based on the
kinetic molecular theory.
 Relate temperature to
average molecular kinetic
 Describe how structure and
properties of a solid are
 Differentiate among the four
states of matter in terms of
energy, particle motion and
phase transitions.
 Compare and contrast the
role of intra- and intermolecular forces in the
structure of matter.
July 2015
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
and Skills
 SC.912.P.8.1 (2) – Differentiate
among the four states of matter.
 SC.912.P.8.2 (2) - Differentiate
between physical and chemical
properties and physical and
chemical changes of matter.
 SC.912.P.12.11 (2) - Describe
phase transitions in terms of
kinetic molecular theory.
Based on 187 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Pacing: 12/150 (8%)
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
12 days
6 days
Standards Notes: Nature of Science Benchmarks should be taught ALL year.
 SC.912.P.10.5 (2) – Relate temperature to the average molecular kinetic energy. (Honors
Instructional Resources:
(select benchmark specific
Visual Concepts for Chap 10.1
States of Matter
Demonstrations as shown in figures
Demonstration: Dry Ice Sublimation
Lab: Heating Curve for Water
Lab: “Wet” Dry Ice p. 358-359
Freezing Point of Salt Water
Phases of Water
Temperature and Particle Motion
Discovery Education
States of Matter: Intermolecular
Lesson Plan – States of Matter
Lesson Plan – Heating Curve of
States of Matter
Gas Properties
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Laboratory explorations are
important for this unit. Ensure
that students are gaining
understanding of benchmarks
from completion of labs.
Picture Inquiry – Give students
images of phase diagrams with
labeled axes only. What do you
think is happening in the phase
diagram? Do you think that this
phase diagram would be the same
for any substance?
Enrichment Activities
Science Fair
Science Olympiad
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
SC.912.P.8.1 - Differentiate among the four
states of matter (solid, liquid, gas and
plasma) in terms of energy, particle motion,
and phase transitions. (Note: Currently five
states of matter have been identified.)
SC.912.P.8.2 - Discuss volume,
compressibility, density, conductivity,
malleability, reactivity, molecular
composition, freezing, melting and boiling
points. Describe simple laboratory
techniques that can be used to separate
homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures
(e.g. filtration, distillation, chromatography,
SC.912.P.12.11 - Explain, at the molecular
level, the behavior of matter as it undergoes
phase transitions.
SC.912.P.10.5 – Recognize that the internal
energy of an object includes the energy of
random motion of the object’s atoms and
molecules, often referred to as thermal
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
 Distinguish between
bonding forces holding
compounds together and
other attractive forces,
including hydrogen bonding
and van der Waals forces.
 Use electronegativity to
explain the difference
between polar and nonpolar
covalent bonds.
 Describe phase transitions in
terms of kinetic molecular
 Apply the concepts of
temperature, kinetic and
potential energy in
explaining phase changes.
 Draw and label a phase
change graphic.
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
Solid, boiling, change of state, condensation, conservation of energy, phases, dipole-dipole forces, (Van der Waals) forces, electrostatic forces, energy, hydrogen bonding, induced
dipole, intermolecular forces, intramolecular forces, liquid, melting, phases, polarity, solid, states of matter, vapor, freezing point, boiling point, vaporization, temperature, absolute zero,
phase diagram, volume, compressibility, reactivity, malleability.
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
COURSE CODE: 2003340/2003350
Unit#: VIII
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Body of Knowledge: Life Science
Standards: Matter
Standards: Interdependence
Based on 187 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Pacing: 14/150 (9%)
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
14 days
7 days
Standards Notes: Nature of Science Benchmarks should be taught ALL year.
Essential Questions
How are the properties of acids, bases, and salts different from one another and
 SC.912.N.4.2 (3) – Weigh the merits of alternative strategies for solving a specific societal
how do they behave?
problem by comparing a number of different costs and benefits, such as human, economic,
and environmental.[Honors Only]
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
Instructional Resources:
and Skills
(select benchmark specific
 Identify properties of acids  SC.912.L.18.12 (2) – Discuss the Textbooks
and bases.
special properties of water that
 Differentiated Instruction:
contribute to Earth's suitability as
Recommended Activities and
 Classify solutions as acidic,
an environment for life: cohesive
basic or neutral.
behavior, ability to moderate
 Quick Lab: Household Acids &
 Define acids and bases using
temperature, expansion upon
Bases p. 472
the Arrhenius theory.
freezing, and versatility as a
 Lab: Is It an Acid or a Base? P.
 Predict the products of
neutralization reactions.
 Lab: Testing pH of solutions
 Explain the strength of acids  SC.912.N.4.1 (2) – Explain how
scientific knowledge and
with pH paper
and bases from the
reasoning provide an empirically-  Demonstration: pH change in
perspective of ionization.
based perspective to inform
an Acid-Base Titration p. 517
 Recognize the product of an
society's decision making.
acid and a base as a salt and
 Lab: How Much Calcium
Carbonate Is in an Eggshell? P.
 Calculate the pH and pOH of MAFS.K12.MP.2]
aqueous solutions.
types of chemical reactions, for Gizmos
 Explain the process of
example: redox, acid-base,
pH Analysis
pH Analysis Quad Color Indicator
 Describe how an indicator
replacement reactions.
 SC.912.P.8.11 (2) - Relate acidity Discovery Education
and basicity to hydronium and
Properties of Acids and Bases
hydroxyl ion concentration and Acids and Bases
The pH Scale
Arrhenius’ Definition of Acids and
Essential Content
July 2015
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Graphic Organizer – Compare
and contrast the Arrhenius and
Lewis definitions of Acids and
2-column notes on the properties
of acids and bases.
POE - Have students sort various
household chemicals into groups:
acids, bases, or neutral
substances. In their notebook
create 3-columns. In the first
column name the substance,
second column write prediction
(acid, base, neutral) plus
qualitative observations of the
chemical (look, smell (waft)), use
litmus paper or Gizmo to observe
the pH using litmus paper. In
final column explain with
evidence whether the substance
was an acid, base, or neutral
substance and what properties
support that conclusion.
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
Benchmark Clarification
SC.912.18.12 – Students will explain the
properties of water at a conceptual level.
Students will explain how the properties
make water essential for life on Earth.
Content Limits
SC.912.L.18.12 – Items referring to the
properties of water are limited to hydrogen
bonding, polarity, cohesive behavior, ability
to moderate temperature, expansion upon
freezing, and versatility as a solvent.
Annually assessed on Biology EOC.
SC.912.N.4.1 - Recognize that no single
universal step-by-step scientific method
captures the complexity of doing science. A
number of shared values and perspectives
characterize a scientific approach.
SC.912.P.8.8 - Classify chemical reactions
as synthesis (combination), decomposition,
single displacement (replacement), double
displacement, and combustion.
SC.912.P.8.11 – Use experimental data to
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
Lab: Titration Lab (Hydrochloric illustrate and explain the pH scale to
Acid and Sodium Hydroxide)
characterize acid and base solutions.
Compare and contrast the strengths of
Lesson Plans – Acids, Bases, and pH Enrichment Activities
various common acids and bases.
Lesson Plans – Investigating the pH Science Fair
of Soils
Science Olympiad
SC.912.N.4.2 - Identify examples of
Teaching Idea – Zip-lock Bag
technologies, objects, and processes that
have been modified to advance society, and
explain why and how they were modified.
PhET Interactive Simulations –
Discuss ethics in scientific research to
Acid-Base Solutions
advance society (e.g. global climate change,
pH Scale
historical development of medicine and
medical practices).(Honors ONLY)
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit):
acid, base, amphoteric, Arrhenius model, Bronsted-Lowry model, conjugate acid, conjugate base, dissociation, end point, equivalence point, hydronium ion, indicator, ionization
constant, neutralization, pH, salt, strong acid, strong base, titration, weak acid, weak base, hydroxyl ion.
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
Unit#: IX
Based on 187 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Pacing: 14/150 (9%)
Standards: Energy
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
14 days
7 days
Standards Notes: Nature of Science Benchmarks should be taught ALL year.
Essential Questions
1. What factors affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
 Students may think that the first step is the slowest step in reaction mechanism.
2. How are matter and energy transformed and conserved even though their form
 SC.912.P.10.6 (3) – Create and interpret potential energy diagrams, for example:
and location undergo continual change?
chemical reactions, orbits around a central body, motion of a pendulum. (Honors
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
Instructional Resources:
and Skills
(select benchmark specific resource)
 Use collision theory and
 SC.912.P.10.1 (2) – Differentiate Textbook
Demonstration: Boiling water in a
activation energy to
among the various forms of
Paper cup p. 532
describe the mechanisms by energy and recognize that they
which chemical reaction
can be transformed from one form Demonstration: Hess’s Law p. 540
Lab: Calorimetry and Hess’s Law
takes place.
to others.
 Review the factors that
 SC.912.P.10.2 (3) – Explore the
influence the rate of a
Law of Conservation of Energy Demonstration p. 563
Demonstration: Decomposition and
chemical reaction.
by differentiating among open,
closed, and isolated systems and Catalysts p. 571
 Describe the rate based on
explain that the total energy in an Quick Lab: Factors Influencing
experimental data, and
Reaction Rate p. 578
isolated system is a conserved
relates the reaction rate to
Lab: Rate of a Chemical Reaction p.
the mechanism of the
 SC.912.P.10.5 (2) – Relate
temperature to the average
Laboratory Investigation
molecular kinetic energy.
Factors Affecting Reaction Rate
 SC.912.P.10.7 (2) – Distinguish
Potential/Kinetic Energy Simulation
between endothermic and
exothermic chemical processes.
 SC.912.P.12.12 (3) – Explain how
Gizmos (Need subscription)
various factors, such as
concentration, temperature, and Collision Theory
presence of a catalyst affect the
PHeT –
rate of a chemical reaction.
Energy Transformations
Essential Content
July 2015
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Graphic Organizer – Use PHeT
simulation to differentiate
various forms of energy.
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
SC.912.P.10.1 – Differentiate between
kinetic and potential energy. Recognize that
energy cannot be created or destroyed, only
transformed. Identify examples of
Brainstorm in collaborative
transformation of energy: Heat to light in
groups multiple transformations incandescent electric light bulbs, Light to
of energy in everyday life.
heat in laser drills, Electrical to sound in
radios, Sound to electrical in microphones,
POE – Which substance do you electrical to chemical in batter rechargers,
think will dissolve the fastest?
Chemical to electrical in dry cells,
Sugar Cubes, sugar granules or Mechanical to electrical in generators [power
you can use candies.
plants], Nuclear to heat in nuclear reactors,
Gravitational potential energy of a falling
Inquiry – Allow students to set object is converted to kinetic energy then to
up their own lab to test a factor heat and sound energy when the object hits
and its influence on reaction rate the ground.
or which factor influence the
most. Review rules of scientific SC.912.P.10.2 – Use calorimetry to illustrate
conservation of energy. Differentiate
between the different types of systems and
solve problems involving conservation of
Enrichment Activities
Science Fair
energy in simple systems (Physics). Explain
Science Olympiad
how conservation of energy is important in
chemical reactions with bond formation and
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
Discovery Education
NBC Learn
Producing Biofuels May Worsen, Not
Lessen, Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Black Carbon
bond breaking (Chemistry).
SC.912.P.10.5 – Recognize that the internal
energy of an object includes the energy of
random motion of the object’s atoms and
molecules, often referred to as thermal
SC.912.P.10.6 – Construct and interpret
energy diagrams for endothermic and
exothermic chemical reactions, and for
rising or falling objects. Describe the
transformation of energy as a pendulum
swings. (Honors ONLY)
SC.912.P.10.7 – Classify chemical reactions
and phase changes as exothermic (release
thermal energy) or endothermic (absorb
thermal energy).
SC.912.P.12.12 – Various factors could
include: temperature, pressure, solvent
and/or solute concentration, sterics, surface
area, and catalysts. The rate of reaction is
determined by the activation energy, and the
pathway of the reaction can be shorter in the
presence of enzymes or catalysts. Examples
may include: decomposition of hydrogen
peroxide using manganese (IV) oxide,
nitration of benzene using concentrated
sulfuric acid, hydrogenation of a C=C
double bond using nickel.
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit): Reaction mechanism, intermediates, collision theory, activation energy, activated complex,
homogeneous reactions, heterogeneous reactions, surface area, temperature, concentration, catalyst (homogeneous or heterogeneous), order, rate constant, rate-determining step, rate
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
CHEMISTRY 1 (Regular and Honors)
Unit#: X
Based on 187 Total Contact Days (1 Day equals approximately 1 class period)
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Body of Knowledge: Life Science
Pacing: 12/150 (8%)
Standard: Matter and Motion
Standard: Interdependence
Schedule Type
Pacing (Days)
12 days
6 days
Standards Notes: Nature of Science Benchmarks should be taught ALL year.
Essential Questions
1. What factors affect phase equilibrium on a molecular level?
 Students may need a review of the concepts of electron configurations (ch. 4),
2. How does chemistry connect with the concepts of evolution and Earth’s suitability
hybridization and covalent bonding (ch. 6) and intermolecular attraction with liquids
for life?
and solids (ch. 12)
 SC.912.P.8.12 (2) - Describe the properties of the carbon atom that make the diversity
of carbon compounds possible. (Honors ONLY)
 SC.912.L.17.15 (2) - Discuss the effects of technology on environmental quality.
(Honors ONLY)
 SC.912.L.17.19 (2) - Describe how different natural resources are produced and how
their rates of use and renewal limit availability. (Honors ONLY)
Essential Content
Benchmarks (DOK): Objectives
and Skills
Instructional Resources:
(select benchmark specific resource)
PowerPoint Presentation – Renewable
 Define reversible
vs. Nonrenewable Resources
reactions, the state of
PowerPoint Presentation – Energy
equilibrium, and K, the
equilibrium constant.
 SC.912.P.12.13 (3) - Explain the
 Describe how equilibria
concept of dynamic equilibrium in Gizmos (Need Subscription)
shifts in response to
terms of reversible processes
Energy Conversions
changes in concentration,
occurring at the same rates.
Dehydration Synthesis
pressure, and temperature
 SC.912.N.3.2 (2) - Describe the
and discuss the commonrole consensus plays in the
Discovery Education (Login through
ion effect.
historical development of a theory BEEP)
 Describe the equilibria of
in any one of the disciplines of
The Carbon Cycle: Fossil fuels acids, bases, and salts.
Addresses the effect that human use of
 Discuss solubility
fossil fuels has had and continues to
equilibria and explain
have on the planet. Fluctuation in
calculations involving the
global temperatures is a natural
solubility product.
process, part of the greenhouse effect,
 Describes carbon bonding
July 2015
Instructional Strategies:
(recommended activities and
Reading Interactive Resource –
Reading Comprehension
Graphic Organizer – Students
should read Section 2:
Hydrocarbons and organize the
information in a table titled
“Organic Compounds”.
Include information on
structural characteristics,
naming, properties, uses, and
Student Centered Instruction –
Benchmark Clarifications / Learning
goals (BC) & Content Limits (CL)
SC.912.P.12.13 - Identify and explain the
factors that affect the rate of dissolving (e.g.,
temperature, concentration, surface area,
pressure, mixing). Explain that equilibrium
is established when forward and reversereaction rates are equal.
SC.912.N.3.2 - Recognize that scientific
argument, disagreement, discourse, and
discussion create a broader and more
accurate understanding of natural processes
and events.
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
as the key to the diversity
of organic compounds,
and introduces structural
formulas and isomers.
Identify functional groups
and classes of organic
compounds. Determine
the properties of and uses
of each.
Discusses the properties
and functions of
carbohydrates and lipids.
Describe amino acids and
polypeptides and explains
how amino acid side
chains influence protein
structure and function.
Discuss how ATP is used
as an energy source for
making new molecules.
Describes the structure and
replication of DNA and
discusses how proteins are
but humans are burning fossil fuels too
quickly for the Earth to keep up. The
result is an increase in the output of
carbon dioxide, which is causing
global warming.
Elements of Chemistry: Carbon: The
Element of Life - All matter follows
the same scientific principles, but there
are significant differences in the
chemical make-up of organic and
inorganic substances. Life as we know
it could not exist without the element
carbon. It provides the backbone of
every living molecule. This program
focuses on the unusual properties of
carbon and shows how it is able to
combine with other elements to
produce the vast number of organic
compounds from hydrocarbons to the
molecules in human tissues.
Achievements in Biotechnology Part 1
- An overview of important advances
in biotechnology is given including the
use of DNA to solve criminal
investigations both new and old.
Achievements in Biotechnology Part 2
- An overview of important advances
in biotechnology including the future
this technology may have a bigger
impact than the Industrial Revolution.
Heal, Feed, Sustain: How
Biotechnology Can Help Save the
Virtual Manipulative – Chemical
Virtual Manipulative – The Meaning
of Equilibrium Constant
Virtual Manipulative – Reversible
July 2015
Carbon Cycle Game
Scientific Argumentation –
Assign half of the students to
be for and the other half against
the following statement:
“Should humans and
corporations be limited by
government in their use of
fossil fuels that release
greenhouse gases into our
atmosphere?” Students will
research to cite evidence of
their claim.
Enrichment Activities
Science Fair
Science Olympiad
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
Video –Climate Connections Global
Warming: All About Carbon
American Chemical Society
Reading in the Content Area –
Graphene: The Next Wonder Material
Reading in the Content Area – Do
Diamonds Really Come from Coal?
KEY TERMS (This list is not limited to all possible vocabulary within a specific unit): reversible reactions, equilibrium constant, chemical equilibrium expression, organic compounds,
catenation, hydrocarbons, alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkynes, isomers, petroleum resources (715), molecular clocks (762), environmental impact, nucleic acid, Deoxyribonucleic
Acid, Ribonucleic Acid, clone.
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
These standards from the course description should be placed at the end of the IFC-Curriculum Map
Florida Standards
Each unit will incorporate Florida Standards while covering the required content. The particular core standard implemented will depend on the instructional strategy
LAFS.1112.SL.1.1 – Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, teacher –led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts,
and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
LAFS.1112.SL.1.2 – Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each
LAFS.1112.SL.1.3 – Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.
LAFS.1112.SL.2.4 – Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization,
development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
LAFS.1112.SL.2.5 – Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning,
and evidence and to add interest.
MAFS.912.F-IF.2.4 –For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing
key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Key features include: intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative
maximums and minimums; symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity
MAFS.912.F-IF.3.7 – Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases.
ELD.K12.ELL.1.1 – English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.
ELD.K12.ELL.XX.1 – English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science.
MAFS.912.G-MG.1.2- Apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations (e.g., persons per square mile, BTUs per cubic foot). ★
LAFS.1112.RST.1.1 –
MAFS.912.S-ID.1.1 – Represent data with plots on the real number line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots).
MAFS.912.S-ID.1.2 – Use statistics appropriate to the shape of the data distribution to compare center (median, mean) and spread (interquartile range, standard deviation) of two or more
different data sets.
MAFS.912.S-ID.1.3 – Interpret differences in shape, center, and spread in the context of the data sets, accounting for possible effects of extreme data points (outliers).
MAFS.912.S-ID.1.4 – Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for
which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve.
MAFS.912.S-ID.2.5 – Summarize categorical data for two categories in two-way frequency tables. Interpret relative frequencies in the context of the data (including joint, marginal, and
conditional relative frequencies). Recognize possible associations and trends in the data.
MAFS.912.S-ID.2.6 – Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot, and describe how the variables are related.
MAFS.912.S-IC.2.6 - Evaluate reports based on data.
LAFS.1112.RST.1.2 – Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.
LAFS.1112.RST.1.3 – Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate
summary of the text.
LAFS.1112.RST.2.4 – Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to
grades 9–10 texts and topics.
LAFS.1112.RST.2.5 – Analyze the structure of the relationships among concepts in a text, including relationships among key terms (e.g., force, friction, reaction force, and energy).
July 2015
CHEMISTRY I: Curriculum Map – Instructional Focus Calendar
School Board of Broward County Florida – Department of Math, Science, and Gifted
LAFS.1112.RST.2.6 – Analyze the author’s purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text, defining the question the author seeks to
LAFS.1112.RST.3.7 – Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or
mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words.
LAFS.1112.RST.3.8 – Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the author’s claim or a recommendation for solving a scientific or technical problem.
LAFS.1112.RST.3.9 – Compare and contrast findings presented in a text to those from other sources (including their own experiments), noting when the findings support or contradict
previous explanations or accounts.
LAFS.1112.RST.4.10 – By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 9–10 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
LAFS.1112.WHST.1.1 – Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
LAFS.1112.WHST.1.2 – Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
LAFS.1112.WHST.2.4 – Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
LAFS.1112.WHST.2.5 – Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for
a specific purpose and audience.
LAFS.1112.WHST.2.6 – Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link
to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.
LAFS.1112.WHST.3.7 – Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the
inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
LAFS.1112.WHST.3.8 – Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in
answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
LAFS.1112.WHST.3.9 – Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
LAFS.1112.WHST.4.10 – Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of disciplinespecific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1 – Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and
interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays.
MAFS.912.N-Q.1.3 - Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.
July 2015