Additional Oracle 8i Setup Guide

Additional Oracle 8i Setup Guide
IMPORTANT! This setup guide must be followed along side the IBM Redbook
“WebSphere Application Server v4.0 Handbook”. The user should follow the Redbook
instructions and consult this guide for corrections. Before completing each step in the
Redbook, consult this guide for corrections about that step.
Download the Redbook from
Begin with section 11.4.1 of the Redbook: Preinstallation Tasks
Comments about section 11.4.1
Create UNIX groups for Oracle 8i
In this section, the Redbook guides you through creating two groups: dba and oinstall. If
they already exist, you will see a message saying that they are “in use”. In this case, you
can skip the rest of this step.
Create a UNIX user account for Oracle 8i
In this section, the Redbook guides you through creating a user oracle. If you have
already created this user, then you will see a message saying that it is “in use”. In this
case, you can skip the rest of this step.
Before step 2 of this section, create the directory /export/home/oracle.
Set environment variables
At step 2, the Redbook provides a list of environment variables to set. You can copy
these lines from the file /oracle/.profile found in the supporting ZIP package for this
Comments about section 11.4.2
At step 5, the Redbook instructs you to run the Oracle 8i installer. Before completing this
step, issue the command
#xhost +
to avoid any possible display problems.
Comments about section 11.4.3
Update the oracle user .profile
Earlier, you copied /oracle/.profile from the supporting ZIP package, which means that
you can skip this section.
Net8 configuration
Open the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora found in the supporting zip.
Change the host IP’s to the IP of the computer you are installing Oracle on. Also change
all the to your companies domain name or just remove leaving
the database names intact.
Now copy the two edited files and the sqlclient.ora from the supporting zip to the
following directories:
#cp <supporting-zip>/Oracle/listener.ora
#cp <supporting-zip>/Oracle/tnsnames.ora
#cp <supporting-zip>/Oracle/sqlclient.ora
#cp <supporting-zip>/Oracle/listener.ora
#cp <supporting-zip>/Oracle/tnsnames.ora
#cp <supporting-zip>/Oracle/sqlclient.ora
It is very important the listener and tnsnames files are configured to your machine or
oracle will not run.
Comments on section 11.4.4
In this step instead of creating the was database create the sample database. Make sure
the Global Database Name and SID is sample instead of was.
Run all necessary scripts
Once the sample database is created and tested in the you will find and sql
script called schema.sql. Login as oracle and type the command sqplus
system/manager@sample @schema.sql. Making sure the that the schema.sql is in the
current directory. The script will create the necessary schema and table for the course.
After creating these steps, Oracle 8i should be successfully installed and up and running
with the sample database installed.