Telcordia™ TPM™ DATA SOURCE Data Set / File Specifications 10-15-03 This document contains data set / file specifications for the Telcordia™ TPM™ Data Source as provided on CD ROM, magnetic tape, and transmitted via electronic data transfer, as of the date indicated above. File layouts are those associated with the fixed formatted data files provided in the TPM. For further information, call the Telcordia ™ Routing Administration (TRA) Customer Service Center on 732-699-6700. This document may also be downloaded at (documents). Telcordia and TPM Data Source are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. Copyright© 1994-2003 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Issue date: 06/15/03 TPM – Flat File Information - History The following identifies previous issues of these specifications in this format and identifies pertinent changes associated with each issuance of this document. Note that the “issue date” need not be the same as the “effective date”. Since specifications often need to be issued with sufficient lead-time to permit review, cosmetic changes, error corrections, and/or possible pertinent changes may occur before a “final” version can be solidified. If you are concerned as to whether you have the latest version of this document, please call TRA on (732) 699-6700 or check, where you can also download copies of these specifications. Effective Date 07/01/95 12/15/95 03/15/96 10/15/97 04/15/98 01/15/99 07/15/99 07/15/00 01/15/03 10/15/03 Changes Initial specs in this format - Inclusion of "activity" and "master" files into a single TPM product - Updates to Glossary (CO TYPE, NXXTYPE) and various clarifications. - Introduction of SCAN as a viewer for diskette data. - Revisions to naming of supporting diskette files (e.g. "read me"). - COUNTREC.EXE added to diskette. - No structural file changes - supports the incorporation of the VHCD and TPM (previously separate outputs) - The VHCD BCR MASTER .NPANXX tape dataset becomes BCR.TPM.MASTER - The VHCD NXXMSTR.DAT diskette file becomes TPM.DAT - The VHCD BCR.ACTVTY.NPANXX tape dataset becomes BCR.TPM.ACTVTY - The VHCD NXXACTVY.DAT diskette file becomes TPMACT.DAT - Glossary/specs files added to disk and tape - OCN file updated to include CO TYPE, Bill to RAO, Send to RAO - TPMEND file added to note the product date and to provide a listing of file record counts for reconciliation purposes - Inclusion of Portability Indicator on TPM, TPMACT, and MINORVH files - Addition of PLNAME file - Inclusion of files associated with CD ROM version - Inclusion of RAO file - Inclusion of Pooling Indicator on TPM, TPMACT, and MINORVH files - Addition of TBP file - Removal of Special Rating Indicator and “Actual NPA for Non-Mexican "Other Place"” NPA fields from TPM and MINORVH files - Expansion of fields in TBP file to those in TPM.DAT; addition of Rate Center name information and RC file; addition of AOCN data field in TBP file - Removal of diskette media notations to support earlier discontinuance - Addition of TBPACT.DAT - Addition of TPMAPP02.MDB (CD only) TPM™ Data Source Dataset and File Record Layouts – 10/15/03 Product Description: Telcordia Routing Administration (TRA) ((732) 699-6700) provides The Telcordia™ TPM™ Data Source in support of systems used in rating telephone calls and other processes that involve the NPA NXX data it contains. The TPM is provided monthly as data files in a magnetic tape format and on CD ROM. The CD ROM version contains an additional Microsoft Access® version of the data. Electronic transmission of data files via Network Data Mover (NDM) (aka Connect:Direct®) is also available under certain conditions. File Descriptions: This document provides detailed record layouts of the files provided on the TPM data file products. Tape and CD ROM data file versions are essentially identical in terms of data content and file layout. Brief field descriptions and a listing of coded values used in certain fields are provided in Appendix A-1 (GLOSSARY file). The definitions and values are subject to clarification and other changes on an ongoing basis. The sequence of file layouts in this document follows the sequence of files on the TPM tape. The Last Change dates in the file description headers in this document refer to when the file was last structurally changed, or alternatively, first appeared. Dates of 1990 are used as defaults since tracking did not occur prior to that date. Structural changes would include the addition or removal of fields either physically, or though redefinition of filler space as well as the redefinition of a field. Wording changes done to clarify existing fields will not, of and by themselves, generate a "Last Change" date. Please note the following: Appendix A-1 to this document (GLOSSARY file), available at (documents) provides a brief description of most fields, as well as a listing of specific field values (or other qualifiers) when reasonable and applicable. The TPM contains both "primary" (master) files of NPA NXX data (TPM.DAT and TBP.DAT) as well as a subset of the primary file, called an "activity" file (TPMACT.DAT and TBPACT.DAT) of NPA NXX data. The primary and respective activity files are structured identically. All data records found in the "activity" file are also found in the "primary" file. The TBP files contain the same basic information as the TPM files plus some additional data fields and a more detailed level of data (Thousands Blocks within an NXX). Note that Special Calling Card (SCC) (NXXTYPE = 14) records appear only in the TPM files (SCC data however is also provided in the SCC.DAT file). In the TBP files, the equivalent TPM.DAT records are identified with BLOCK ID = A. In addition, where an NPA NXX is further broken down into Thousands Blocks, the TBP files contain information for records identified with BLOCK ID = 0-9 (note that not all 10 blocks may be assigned and thus a record for each of the potential 10 blocks under an NPA NXX may not be provided). Dataset BCR.MINOR.VH (file MINORVH.DAT) is structured identical to the TPM.DAT "master" file with the exception that the "minor" V&H fields have been appended to the end of the record. Only those records containing nonzero minor V&H data are included in this dataset / file. This file should be considered as an “extension” of the data in the “master”, not as different records from the “master”. Note that unless the change has to do directly with minor V&Hs, the change code in this file should be the same as that in the “master” file. Note: Products are shipped (and should be received) approximately 2-3 weeks before the "product" date. Issue Date: 6/15/03 TPM Data Source - Data Set / File Specifications Effective Product Date: 10/15/03 Page 1 of 9 General Information: Tape CD ROM Standard IBM Label 9 Track, 1600bpi EBCDIC recording Volser = TPmmyy (mmyy is the product date) External label shows the volser and product date matching the internal HDR and VOL label. DOS formatted CD ROM ASCII / Access Tape Dataset Name (in sequence order) Tape BLKSIZE Data LRECL CD ROM Filename General Description BCR.COPY.RIGHT BCR.TPM.MASTER BCR.TPM.ACTVTY BCR.NUMBER.SCC BCR.NUMBER.OCN BCR.NUMBER.CIID BCR.MINOR.VH BCR.PLNAME.DAT BCR.NUMBER.RAO BCR.TBP.DAT 4000 4000 4000 3000 4200 3840 4500 6208 6000 6050 80 80 80 30 42 256 90 64 500 110 COPYRGHT.DAT TPM.DAT TPMACT.DAT SCC.DAT OCN.DAT CIID.DAT MINORVH.DAT PLNAME.DAT RAO.DAT TBP.DAT BCR.TBPACT.DAT 6050 110 TBPACT.DAT BCR.RCNAME.DAT BCR.GLOSSARY.TXT BCR.SPECSTP.TXT BCR.TPMEND.TXT The following are only on the CD ROM: – – – – – – 6208 4000 4000 4000 64 80 80 80 RCNAME.DAT GLOSSARY.TXT SPECSTP.TXT TPMEND.TXT Copyright Notice Complete NPA NXX data NPA NXX Activity data Special Calling Cards Operating Company Numbers Card Issuer IDentifier data Minor V&H data Place Name 10/50 mapping RAO Directory Complete Thousands Block Pooling data Thousands Block Pooling Activity data RC Name 10/50 mapping Glossary of field definitions File layout information Prod date w/file record counts – – – – – – – – – – – – READMETP.TXT READ_ME.EXE COUNTREC.EXE GLOSSARY.DOC SPECSTP.DOC TPMAPP02.MDB – – – TPMAPP00.MDB – – – TPMAPP97.MDB – – – TPMDATA.MDB – – – INSTALL.DOC Issue Date: 6/15/03 High level information A means to view "read me(s)" Counts lines in a file WORD version of Glossary WORD version of SPECSTP CD – Microsoft Access User Interface (V.2002) CD – Microsoft Access User Interface (V.2000) CD – Microsoft Access User Interface (V.97) CD – Tables with indexed TPM Data Source (V.97) CD- Instructions / Overview of Microsoft Access version of data TPM Data Source - Data Set / File Specifications Effective Product Date: 10/15/03 Page 2 of 9 File Layouts: (Note: the following are DATA file layouts, TXT files are not listed below) Tape Dataset: CD ROM Filename: 1. BCR.COPY.RIGHT COPYRGHT.DAT File Sequence: 1 FIELD DESCRIPTION Copyright and Notice Tape Dataset: CD ROM Filename: BCR.TPM.MASTER TPM.DAT Description: Last Change: LENGTH 80 File Sequence: 2 Description: Last Change: Copyright Notice 1990 POSITION 1-80 All NXX records 1/15/03 This dataset / file has all NPA NXX data (including all activity records). This “complete” dataset is considered the main component of the TPM product for most users. The “activity” dataset / file usually contains a few thousand records, but can theoretically contain up to the total number in the main dataset. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. FIELD DESCRIPTION Major Vertical Coordinate Major Horizontal Coordinate filler Rate Center LATA Subzone Rate Center LATA Thousands Block Pooling Indicator IDDD Indicator (0=N, 1=Y) Dialable Indicator (DIND) (0=N, 1=Y) Company Code filler filler NPA NXX NXXTYPE Portability Indicator (0=N, 1=Y) Send to RAO filler Other Line Rate Step Operating Company Number (OCN) Bill to RAO filler Time Zone Daylight Savings Observed Indicator (0=N, 1=Y) Place Name (or Service Name) State, Province, or Country Abbreviation Effdate of Last Change (mmddyy) Change Code Company Type Point Identification Issue Date: 6/15/03 LENGTH 5 5 7 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 4 2 4 3 1 1 1 10 2 6 1 1 1 TPM Data Source - Data Set / File Specifications Effective Product Date: 10/15/03 POSITION 1-5 6-10 11-17 18-19 20-22 23 24 25 26-27 28-30 31 32-34 35-37 38-39 40 41-43 44-47 48-49 50-53 54-56 57 58 59 60-69 70-71 72-77 78 79 80 Page 3 of 9 Tape Dataset: CD ROM Filename: BCR.TPM.ACTVTY TPMACT.DAT File Sequence: 3 Description: Last Change: NXX Activity records 1/15/99 This dataset / file is structured identical to the master (BCR.TPM.MASTER / TPM.DAT). The activity dataset usually contains a few thousand records, but can theoretically contain up to the total number in the complete dataset. With the exception of records containing a change code of "A", this file simply identifies the records in the TPM.DAT file that have a change code. Change codes indicate that there is some "activity" associated with the record since the previous month's product. Tape Dataset: CD ROM Filename: BCR.NUMBER.SCC SCC.DAT File Sequence: 4 Description: Last Change: FIELD DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bill to RAO 0/1XX (SCC Code within RAO) Send to RAO NPA Change Code Effdate of Last Change (mmddyy) Operating Company Number (OCN) filler Tape Dataset: CD ROM Filename: 1. 2. 3. 4. LENGTH BCR.NUMBER.OCN OCN.DAT File Sequence: FIELD DESCRIPTION Operating Company Number (OCN) Company Name Change Code filler Issue Date: 6/15/03 Special Calling Cards 1990 POSITION 3 3 3 3 1 6 4 7 5 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13 14-19 20-23 24-30 Description: Last Change: LENGTH 4 30 1 7 TPM Data Source - Data Set / File Specifications Effective Product Date: 10/15/03 OCN Listing 7/15/00 POSITION 1-4 5-34 35 36-42 Page 4 of 9 Tape Dataset: CD ROM Filename: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. BCR.NUMBER.CIID CIID.DAT File Sequence: FIELD DESCRIPTION Beginning of CIID Assigned Range Ending of CIID Assigned Range Card Issuer's Name Card Issuer's Address (Line 1) Card Issuer's Address (Line 2) Card Issuer's Address (Line 3) Card Issuer's City Card Issuer's State Card Issuer's Zip Code Card Issuer's Billing Code Carrier Identification Code (CIC) or Alternate Billing Entity Code (ABEC) ABEC Indicator 0 = Previous field not an ABEC 1 = Previous field is an ABEC Access Customer Name Abbreviation (ACNA) Validation Database Operator Name Billing Agent or Host Name filler Billing Agent/Host RAO Code filler Effdate of Last Change (mmddyy) Change Code Issue Date: 6/15/03 6 Description: Last Change: LENGTH 6 6 25 25 25 25 25 2 10 5 CIID Codes 1990 POSITION 1-6 7-12 13-37 38-62 63-87 88-112 113-137 138-139 140-149 150-154 1 155 3 25 25 3 3 35 6 1 156-158 159-183 184-208 209-211 212-214 215-249 250-255 256 TPM Data Source - Data Set / File Specifications Effective Product Date: 10/15/03 Page 5 of 9 Tape Dataset: CD ROM Filename: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. BCR.MINOR.VH MINORVH.DAT 7 Description: Last Change: FIELD DESCRIPTION Major Vertical Coordinate Major Horizontal Coordinate filler Rate Center LATA Subzone Rate Center LATA Thousands Block Pooling Indicator IDDD Indicator (0=N, 1=Y) Dialable Indicator (DIND) (0=N, 1=Y) Company Code filler filler NPA NXX NXXTYPE Portability Indicator (0=N, 1=Y) Send to RAO filler Other Line Rate Step Operating Company Number (OCN) Bill to RAO filler Time Zone Daylight Savings Observed Indicator (0=N, 1=Y) Place Name (or Service Name) State, Province, or Country Abbreviation Effdate of Last Change (mmddyy) Change Code Company Type Point Identification Minor Vertical Coordinate Minor Horizontal Coordinate Tape Dataset: BCR.PLNAME.DAT CD ROM Filename: PLNAME.DAT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. File Sequence: File Sequence: FIELD DESCRIPTION Place Name State (Territory, Province, Country) filler Place Name – Abbreviated 10 Characters filler Place Name – Extended 50 Characters Issue Date: 6/15/03 LENGTH 5 5 7 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 4 2 4 3 1 1 1 10 2 6 1 1 1 5 5 8 Description: Last Change: LENGTH 2 1 10 1 50 TPM Data Source - Data Set / File Specifications Effective Product Date: 10/15/03 Minor V&H Data 1/15/03 POSITION 1-5 6-10 11-17 18-19 20-22 23 24 25 26-27 28-30 31 32-34 35-37 38-39 40 41-43 44-47 48-49 50-53 54-56 57 58 59 60-69 70-71 72-77 78 79 80 81-85 86-90 Place Name 10/50 Char. Mapping 1/15/99 POSITION 1-2 3 4-13 14 15-64 Page 6 of 9 Tape Dataset: CD ROM Filename: BCR.NUMBER.RAO RAO.DAT File Sequence: FIELD DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. RAO Code filler Send to RAO RAO User Operating Company Number (OCN) Company Name RAO Contact Information Contact Name - Field 1 Contact Name - Field 2 Number, Street, Room P.O. Box City State Zip Change of Address Indicator (0=N, 1=Y) Service Contact Information Accounting Toll Phone Number MIC Bureau Phone Number Calling Card Phone Number Collect Ticket Phone Number MIC Fraud Phone Number Miscellaneous Service Heading 1 Miscellaneous Service 1 Phone Number Miscellaneous Service Heading 2 Miscellaneous Service 2 Phone Number Notes RAO Code Type Indicator Direct CMDS Participant / Hosting OCN filler Issue Date: 6/15/03 9 Description: Last Change: LENGTH RAO Directory 7/15/99 POSITION 3 1 3 4 30 1-3 4 5-7 8-11 12-41 25 25 25 9 25 2 9 1 42-66 67-91 92-116 117-125 126-150 151-153 153-161 162 10 10 10 10 10 25 10 25 10 200 1 4 13 163-172 173-182 183-192 193-202 203-212 213-237 238-247 248-272 273-282 283-482 483 484-487 488-500 TPM Data Source - Data Set / File Specifications Effective Product Date: 10/15/03 Page 7 of 9 Tape Dataset: CD ROM Filename: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. BCR.TBP.DAT TBP.DAT File Sequence: 10 FIELD DESCRIPTION NPA NXX BLOCK ID filler Range NXXTYPE filler Effdate of Last Change (mmddyy) Change Code filler Operating Company Number (OCN) Administrative Operating Company Number (AOCN) Company Code Company Type Bill to RAO Send to RAO filler Major Vertical Coordinate Major Horizontal Coordinate Rate Center LATA Rate Center LATA Subzone Rate Center Name Abbreviation Rate Center Type Place Name (or Service Name) State, Province, or Country Abbreviation filler Time Zone Daylight Savings Observed Indicator (0=N, 1=Y) Portability Indicator (0=N, 1=Y) Thousands Block Pooling Indicator IDDD Indicator (0=N, 1=Y) Dialable Indicator (DIND) (0=N, 1=Y) Other Line Rate Step Point Identification Effective Date of Assignment filler Tape Dataset: CD ROM Filename: BCR.TBPACT.DAT TBPACT.DAT File Sequence: 11 Description: Last Change: LENGTH 3 3 1 1 8 2 1 6 1 1 4 4 2 1 3 3 1 5 5 3 2 10 1 10 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 11 Description: Last Change: NPA NXX BLOCK ID 1/15/03 POSITION 1-3 4-6 7 8 9-16 17-18 19 20-25 26 27 28-31 32-35 36-37 38 39-41 42-44 45 46-50 51-55 56-58 59-60 61-70 71 72-81 82-83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91-92 93 94-99 100-110 NPA NXX BLOCK ID 10/15/03 This dataset / file is structured identical to the master (BCR.TBP.DAT / TBPACT.DAT). The activity dataset usually contains a few thousand records, but can theoretically contain up to the total number in the complete dataset. With the exception of records containing a change code of "A", this file simply identifies the records in the TBP.DAT file that have a change code. Change codes indicate that there is some "activity" associated with the record since the previous month's product. Issue Date: 6/15/03 TPM Data Source - Data Set / File Specifications Effective Product Date: 10/15/03 Page 8 of 9 Tape Dataset: BCR.RCNAME.DAT CD ROM Filename: RCNAME.DAT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. File Sequence: 12 FIELD DESCRIPTION RC Name State (Territory, Province, Country) filler RC Name – Abbreviated 10 Characters filler Rate Center (RC) Name – Extended 50 Characters Issue Date: 6/15/03 Description: Last Change: LENGTH 2 1 10 1 50 TPM Data Source - Data Set / File Specifications Effective Product Date: 10/15/03 Rate Center 10/50 Char. Mapping 1/15/03 POSITION 1-2 3 4-13 14 15-64 Page 9 of 9