3/9/16 AP Bio Lab 3 Requirements (95 pts.) General Expectations It is expected that all graphs will be constructed according to the guidelines in the Appendix of the AP Biology Student Lab Manual. Graphs must be neat and drawn with a ruler if done by hand. If you are missing any of the required elements of a graph will lose an automatic 3 points for each missing element (title, key, label and/or unit on the axes, etc). All tables must be made with a ruler if done by hand. All tables must contain a title, labels for each column and units is necessary. All questions must be answered in complete sentences and must be HAND WRITTEN. If I can’t easily read your writing you will earn a zero for the section. Label the sections. Put them in the order in which they are given. Mitosis Questions (5 pts each) – 15 pts 1. Explain the activities and control points of interphase 2. Compare and contrast mitosis in plant and animal cells. 3. What is the role of centrioles and the centrosome in mitosis? Create Table 3.1 –3.1 pts Follow the instructions in the Student Lab Manual. You must count three fields of cells. Create the table with a ruler and make it as neat as possible. Onion Cell Extension Question—15 pts Assuming the onion roots you viewed were grown by submerging the roots in water, design an experiment that would test the effect of changing the growing conditions on the growth of the roots. You must include a control in your design, keep all factors constant except the tested variable, and discuss how you will quantitatively measure your data. Be sure that you also include a hypothesis for your proposed design with justification as to why that is the expected result. If you are missing the hypothesis with logical, scientific justification it is an automatic -10 points. Mitosis/Meiosis Question –5 pts. 1. Describe the differences between mitosis and meiosis and explain how these differences support the purpose of each. Table 3.2 – 6 pts. Follow the instructions in the Student Manual Meiosis Questions – 8 pts. 1. How do Meiosis I and Meiosis II differ? 2. Give two reasons why meiosis is an important process in reproduction. Table 3.3 – 10 pts. Follow the instructions in the Student Manual Map Units – 6 pts. 1. What is a map unit and how is it calculated? (4 pts.) 2. What purpose does a map unit serve? (2 pts.) Lab notebook Lab notebook check according to lab notebook rubric Stamped data collection – 5 pts. - Show me your focused spores for the sordaria lab.