File - Heather Thomson

Heather Thomson
TE 408
Field Teach 3 Lesson Plan
Topic: Pronunciation of vowels and important consonant sounds in Spanish
Date of Lesson: Tuesday, April 14 and Wednesday, April 15 and Wednesday, April 22
Level of students: Level 1
Content Objectives:
o To practice proper pronunciation in Spanish
o To improve abilities in conversational speaking and reading aloud
Language Objectives:
o Listening- students will listen to examples of pronunciation in Spanish
o Reading- students will read sections of a fairy tale in Spanish and look for
examples of unique vowel and consonant sounds in Spanish
o Speaking- students will read their section of the story aloud to the class
o Writing- student will fill in close ended notes and a worksheet
Materials Needed:
o Close ended notes for students to fill in while we are discussing pronunciation in
Spanish (30 copies)
o A work sheet for students to fill out while they are reading their section of the
story (30 copies)
 Will ask students to find examples of different vowel sounds, the silent h,
the two different sounds a c can have etc.
o A Spanish version of the fairy tale “Goldilocks and the 3 bears”
 Students will be divided into 10 groups of 3, and each group will receive a
copy of one page of the story
o The original illustrated story so that I can put the illustrations up on the ELMO
while each group reads their section
o A warm-up to put on the overhead
Lesson Procedure:
Day 1: (65 minutes)
o I will begin the lesson by discussing various vowel sounds in English (5-10 min)
 I will write an “A” on the board and ask students to give me all the
different sounds an A can makes
 I will repeat this with the other vowels as well
 I will discuss with the students how the English language has many
different sounds that can go with each actual vowel letter
o Next we will discuss how vowels work in Spanish ( 15 min)
 I will erase all the English vowel sounds that we discussed and write up
the 5 vowel sounds in Spanish
 I will discuss with the students how these sounds never change and ask
them to practice saying the vowels with me as a class
 I will ask the students to be conscious of the shape their mouth makes as
they are saying each vowel (vowel sounds in Spanish go from wide, ah, to
narrow, oo)
 We will discuss what happens when there are two vowels together
 I will give the students some examples to practice
o Then we will discuss some important consonant sounds in Spanish (15 min)
 We will discuss the sounds of h, j, c, g and z
 I will give them examples of each of these letter sounds to practice
 Students will be filling in their guided notes as we discuss
o After completing the discussion about pronunciation in Spanish, the students will
do an activity to help them practice (25 minutes)
 I will divide the students into 10 groups with 3 people in each
 Each group will get one page of the story “Ricitios de oro y los tres ositos”
 Each group will get a work sheet to help them practice reading their story
 It will ask them to look for examples of different vowel/consonant
sounds which we have discussed
 Students will have some time to complete their worksheet, read through
their page of the story and decide who is going to read which part
Day 2: (40 minutes)
o Students will get back into their groups from the previous day and I will ask them
to get out their pronunciation notes, their story page and their worksheets. (2 min)
o As a class we will do a quick review of the pronunciation rules and I will ask
volunteers to demonstrate the sounds we learned, to refresh the students’ memory.
(3 min)
o I will ask the students to practice reading their part of the story out loud to their
other group members, keeping in mind the pronunciation rules we discussed the
day before. (15 minutes)
 I will let the students know they have about 15 minutes to finish up their
worksheets if needed and to practice reading their parts
o When everyone is ready, the groups will come up one at a time to read their page
of the story (15 minutes)
 I will be turning the pages of the original story on the ELMO so that the
students can see the illustrations that go with each group’s reading
o After we have read the whole story I will have a brief discussion with the students
about what the story said and the examples of pronunciation they heard. I will
also collect their worksheets. (5 min)
Day 3: (40 minutes)
o Due to unforeseen time constraints during Day 2, I was unable to complete
my planned activity, therefore I will be continuing with the story reading
activity from Day 2:
o I will begin the class period with a warm-up activity on pronunciation (5 min)
 On the overhead I will put a list of key words from the story that I noticed
students were having trouble pronouncing last week
 I will ask students to get out their pronunciation notes from last week to
help them practice pronouncing the words
 I will ask volunteers to say each word, then we will say the words together
as a whole class to practice
 We will also discuss what the words mean to help the students understand
the story better
o Next we will do a brief review of the pronunciation rules that we learned last
week (5 minutes)
I will ask the students to tell me what the 5 vowels are in Spanish and we
will say them together as a class
 Then I will ask for volunteers to tell me what sounds each of the
consonants we studied make
o After reviewing I will ask students to get back into their story groups from last
week and to practice reading their story out loud (15 min)
 I will walk around the class and monitor student progress and give help
where needed
o Lastly, we will start the story over from the beginning (because only two groups
had the opportunity to read last week) and each group will read their section of
the story aloud to the rest of the class (15 min)
 I will be turning the pages of the story on the ELMO so that the whole
class can see the illustrations
 After the last group presents, if time permits I will ask students for some
feedback about what they learned about pronunciation, what words are
hard to say, and what they learned from the story
o I have decided to do a lesson on pronunciation because I have noticed this to be a
particular problem during the first hour class
o I have decided to give the students close ended notes so that the students must pay
attention to fill in the notes, but they don’t have to scrabble to write everything
o I am giving the students a work sheet to accompany their page of the story to
force them to really analyze the writing and think about how particular words are
o I am using the story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” because it is 10 pages long,
it has lots of examples of different pronunciations, and it involves some food
words which students will be learning that week in class
o I am giving students lots of time to practice reading the story aloud so that I can
walk around and help them and try to really improve their pronunciation
English Use:
o Because I really want to make the rules for pronunciation clear, I will do much of
the discussion in English
o I will also write most of the guided notes and the worksheet in English
o However, I will do all the examples in Spanish and the story will of course be
written in Spanish
o I will put pictures of mouths pronouncing the 5 Spanish vowels on the notes for
the students to see
o I will put up a set of the notes on the overhead for the students to follow along
with while we discuss. I will fill in the blanks as we come to them.
o I will put the illustrations that accompany the story on the ELMO to help students
understand the story
 Communicative
 Interpersonal- students will all be working together to fill out their
worksheet and to practice reading
Presentational- students will present their page of the story to the
rest of the class
 I will help students make comparisons between vowel sounds in
English and vowel sounds in Spanish
 I will help students make comparisons between English
pronunciation and Spanish pronunciation
o MiWL
 Presentational Communication- 1.3.N.S.a- Present songs, poems or stories
in the target language
 Students will present a story in groups
 Comparisons (Comparing Language)- 4.1.N.d - Identify basic differences
and similarities in phonological features (such as pronunciation,
intonation, and tone) between one’s own language and the target language
 We will be discussing similarities and differences in pronunciation
La pronunciación
Los vocales:
In Spanish there are only _____________ vowel sounds.
In Spanish, when you have two vowels next to each other you should
Los consonantes:
 In Spanish, the letter /h / is ________________________________,
even in the middle of a word.
o Ejemplos:
 The
o Ejemplos:
 In Spanish, the letter /c/ can have two different sounds. The letter /c/
makes a k (kuh) sound when placed before the letters________________.
It makes an s (es) sound when placed before the letters ______________.
o Ejemplos:
 The letter /g/ follows the same pattern. It makes a g (guh) sound when
placed before the letters ______________________. It makes an English
h (huh) sound when placed before the letters ____________________.
o Ejemplos:
 Lastly, in Spanish the letter /z/ is pronounced like ___________________.
o Ejemplos:
Actividad de pronunciación
Complete the following worksheet as you read your story.
1) Find 5 examples of two vowels placed next to each other:
2) Find 2 examples of the silent /h/:
3) Find 2 examples of the /j/ sound:
4) Find 1 example of a /c/ that makes a k sound, and 1 example of a /c/ that
makes an s sound:
5) Find 1 example of a /g/ that makes a g sound, and 1 example of a /g/ that
makes an English h sound:
6) Find 1 example of the /z/ sound:
7) Write 3 new words that you learned. Write the Spanish word and its English
translation next to it:
Practica la pronunciación de las palabras siguientes:
1) Había una vez
2) Ricitos de Oro
3) Avena
4) Pequeñito
5) Silla
6) Dijo
7) Vocecita
8) Alguien