Tentative Agenda for L.S. Oct. 5

Tentative Agenda For life Science
Oct. 5-9
SOL L.S. 1, 2, 7
The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning.
The student will investigate and understand that all living things are composed of cells. (
use of the compound light microscope).
The student will investigate and understand that interactions exist among members of a
Proper use of Compound Light Microscope
Drill and practice
Descriptive writing
Monday Oct. 5:
1. Turn in the Brine Shrimp Lab Report.
2. The Compound Light Microscope:
Text page: 847.
Handout: Identify and define the function of each labeled part on the compound
light microscope.
3. Classwork/ Homework: Ch. 24. Define on note cards: competition, limiting
factor, carrying capacity, biotic potential, and exponential growth.
If time allows, work with a partner to study all vocabulary on note cards for Ch. 24.
Assignment: Ch. 24 Sections 1 and 2 Review handout. Bring note cards to class.
Tuesday Oct. 6:
Discuss assignment: Ch. 24 p. 687# 1-5 From Sept. 30th.
Discuss H.W. Ch 24 Sec. 1 and 2 review
Class participation quiz: All vocabulary for Ch. 24.
Define on note cards: producer, consumer, symbiosis, mutualism, commensalisms,
parasitism, and niche.
Wednesday Oct. 7: Thursday Oct 8
Sixth period split class. ½ in Lab, ½ assignment
Lab: Proper Use of the Compound Light Microscope
Your lab grade will depend on your willingness to LISTEN and FOLLOW
verbal directions.
Assignment: Handout: Calculating Total Magnification.
Thursday Oct. 8:
1. 10 min. practice Ch. 24 vocabulary to date.
2. Class participation/ drill and practice/ white boards!!!!!!!!!!!
Class work
3. p. 695, section 2 review, # 1-4. Copy the question. Write complete sentence
answers. Due Friday!
Friday Oct. 9:
Discuss homework.
1. Film: Populations
2. Following the film: Write three paragraphs consisting of 5 sentences each that describe
what you have learned about populations.
3. There will be a quiz on the compound light microscope on Tuesday. Study the
identification and function of all parts of the microscope. Make sure you can calculate
total magnification.