Learning Outcomes of the Course ÇAĞ UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Code Course Name Credit ECTS IRE 204 The History of Political Thought 3 (3-0-3) 6 Prerequisites None Language of Instruction Mode of Delivery English Face to face Type and Level of Course Compulsory, first cycle, 1st year, spring semester Lecturers Name(s) Lecture Hours Office Hours Contacts Course Coordinator Esat Arslan Course Objective Course aims to equip the students with the knowledge and understanding of the history of political thought. Through close readings of selected, primary texts, students will become familiar with major figures of the political theory canon. Through this process, students will gain the ability to read and engage with political philosophy. The objective of the course is therefore two-fold: to introduce political science students to the sub-field of political thought within the discipline of political science, and to increase students’ reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Relationship Students who have completed the course successfully should be able to Prog. Output Net Effect 1Be utilize information about the origins of our present ideas about politics 7 5 2Ga gain an insight on different assumptions and ideas concerning the nature 7 5 of politics 3 transform the social and political context presented by the writings of 7,8,10 5,4,5 philosophers to today’s politics 4 explore the historical context in which prevalent theories of political 7,8 5,4 thought emerged 5 analyze the responses and challenges to the prevalent modes of thinking 7,9 5,5 throughout history 6 recognize and clarify different views on the nature of politics 7,9,10 5,5,5 7 demonstrate critical thinking, analysis, writing and argumentative skills 7,9 5,5 8 gain skills of articulating the issues in the foundations of political thought 7,9 5,5 Course Description: The main purpose of this course is to examine the origins and development of contemporary political concepts such as power, state, freedom, justice, equality, representation, legitimacy and so forth. In reviewing these concepts, this course introduces students to major political thinkers, including Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustinus, Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Marx and Rawls. Course Contents: (Weekly Lecture Plan) Weeks Topics Preparation Teaching Methods 1 Discussing the content Political Thought in Antiquity None and aims of the course 2 Texbook, ch.4, Aiskhulos, The Philosophy in Ancient Greece and the Birth of Lecture and Discussion Myth of Prometheus Political Thought 3 Texbook, ch. 4, Plato’s Apology, Political Theory of Plato Lecture and Discussion , Crito, Republic Book 1, 2 4 Texbook, ch. 4, Aristotle, Politics: Aristotle and Politics as science; Political Book I, chapters 1-6; Book V, Lecture and Discussion constitution as community-building chapters 1-3 5 The Political Teachings of Thomas Aquinas Texbook, ch. 8 Lecture and Discussion, 6 Texbook, ch. 12, Machiavelli, the Machiavelli’s View of the World and of the Lecture and Discussion, Prince Individual’s Role in Society 7 Hobbes: Man as mechanism, state as artifact Texbook, ch. 16, Hobbes, Lecture and Discussion, Leviathan ; The law of nature and the role of consent 8 Texbook, ch. 17, John Locke, Beginnings of Socialist and Liberal Doctrines: Second Treatise of Government, Lecture and Discussion, John Locke Ch.2-19 9 Texbook, ch. 19, Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Republicanism: J. J. Rousseau Lecture and Discussion, Inequality (pp. 517-532) 10 Texbook, ch. 19, Rousseau, Social Republicanism: J. J. Rousseau Lecture and Discussion, Contract (Book I-IV) 11 The Political Teachings of Immanuel Kant Texbook, ch. 21 Lecture and Discussion, 12 The Doctrine of State: G.W.F. Hegel Texbook, ch. 24 Lecture and Discussion, 13 Principles of Marxist Theory: K. Marx Texbook, ch. 27 Lecture and Discussion, 14 General Discussion ---Lecture and Discussion, REFERENCES Textbook A History of Western Political Thought, J.S.McClelland, Routledge (2005) Related links http://www.academicroom.com/course-lecture/introduction-political-philosophy Recommended Reading Siyasi Düşünce Tarihi Plato’dan Rawls’a, Larry Arnhart, Ankara: Adres Yayınları (2003) Material Sharing Assigned selected readings by philosophers Activities Midterm Exam Homework Effect of The Activities Effect of The Final Exam Contents Hours in Classroom Hours out Classroom Homeworks Midterm Exam Final Exam Number 1 10 ASSESSMENT METHODS Effect 20% 20% 40% 60% ECTS TABLE Number 14 14 10 1 1 Notes Hours 3 3 5 15 20 Total Total / 30 ECTS Credit RECENT PERFORMANCE Total 42 42 50 15 20 169 169/30= 5.63 6