FORM E ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY REV. 06/2015 DIST CAT UCRC REQUEST FOR ADDING, CHANGING, SUSPENDING OR DROPPING AN UNDERGRADUATE CONCENTRATION TABLE HIST ESP Effective: _______________ Department College Date Name of Concentration Name of Curriculum/Major Type of Degree Has this change been discussed with and approved by all departments/colleges affected? Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A ( ) ATTACH JUSTIFICATION for all actions: Use separate sheet. ATTACH RESPONSE from any departments affected [i.e. any department whose course(s) are to be added.] ATTACH FORM D ADDENDUM for all new concentration or changes involving General Education courses. ACTION (check appropriate box): ( ) ADDING: The entire new concentration, by semester, must be typed on plain sheets and attached to Form E. (See sample layout attached.) ( ) CHANGING: Regardless if all semesters of a concentration are to be changed or only parts, the present and proposed (eight-semester) recommended path should be attached on separate pages. On the Present recommended path, use strikeout and on the Proposed recommended path, highlight areas to identify deletions and additions. Do not use boldface to designate changes as boldface is reserved for critical requirements within the recommended path. Explain all changes adequately on attachment. ( ) SUSPENDING: Provide an adequate explanation for suspending the concentration on plain sheets and attach. ( ) DROPPING: Provide an adequate explanation for dropping the concentration on plain sheets and attach. CONCENTRATION PRESENT PROPOSED Total semester hours in current concentration: Total semester hours in proposed concentration: APPROVALS: Department Faculty Approval Date College Faculty Approval Date Department Chair's Signature (Date) College Dean's Signature (Date) Chair, FS C & C Committee (Date) Academic Affairs Approval (Date) College/Division/Department Contact: Contact E-mail: FORM E ADDENDUM GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS When a department adds a new curriculum or makes changes in an existing one, a Form D Addendum must also be submitted. This form is simply a list of those courses in the curriculum that satisfy the General Education requirement. Include course rubric, number, and credit hours when curricula differ from the default values. Indicate the curriculum semester for all General Education courses. General Education Requirement Course(s) English Composition (6 hrs.) ENGL 1001 or 1004 ENGL 2000 Analytical Reasoning (6 hrs.) General Education analytical reasoning course (from mathematics department) Credit Hours 3 3 3 (At least 3 hours credit must be from a MATH course.) General Education analytical reasoning course 3 Arts (3 hrs.) General Education arts course 3 Humanities (9 hrs.) General Education humanities course 3 General Education humanities course 3 General Education humanities course 3 General Education natural science course sequence 6 General Education natural science course 3 General Education social science course 3 General Education social science course (2000-level) 3 Natural Sciences (9 hrs.) (If 2 course sequence is taken in the physical sciences, the additional 3 hour course must be from the life sciences, and vice versa.) Social Sciences (6 hrs.) (At least three hours at the 2000-level.) Curriculum Semester ( x ) 1st ( ( ) 2nd ( ( ) 3rd ( ( ) 4th ( ( ) 1st ( (x) 2nd ( ( ) 3rd ( ( ) 4th ( ( ) 1st ( ( ) 2nd ( ( ) 3rd ( ( ) 4th ( ( ) 1st ( ( ) 2nd ( ( ) 3rd ( ( ) 4th ( ( ) 1st ( ( ) 2nd ( ( ) 3rd ( ( ) 4th ( ( ) 1st ( ( ) 2nd ( ( ) 3rd ( ( ) 4th ( ( ) 1st ( ( ) 2nd ( ( ) 3rd ( ( ) 4th ( ( ) 1st ( ( ) 2nd ( ( ) 3rd ( ( ) 4th ( ( ) 1st ( ( ) 2nd ( ( ) 3rd ( ( ) 4th ( ( ) 1st ( ( ) 2nd ( ( ) 3rd ( ( ) 4th ( ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 1st ) 2nd ) 3rd ) 4th ) 1st ) 2nd ) 3rd ) 4th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ) 5th ) 6th ) 7th ) 8th ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( RECOMMENDED WORDING FOR GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Departments and programs should employ the following wording where possible to ensure consistency across curricula in the description of General Education requirements. * If 2 course natural science sequence is taken in the physical sciences, the additional 3 hour natural science course must be from the life sciences, and vice versa. English Composition English 1001 or 1004...............................................................................................3 English 2000.............................................................................................................3 Natural Sciences General education natural science course sequence...............................................6 General education natural science course*..............................................................3 Social Sciences General education social science course ................................................................3 General education social science course (2000-level)..............................................3 Analytical Reasoning General education analytical reasoning course (from mathematics department)....3 General education analytical reasoning course........................................................3 Humanities General education humanities course .....................................................................3 General education humanities course .....................................................................3 General education humanities course .....................................................................3 Arts General education arts course .................................................................................3 Instructions for Form E · Adding, Changing, Suspending or Dropping a Concentration One original copy of each request must be submitted. All questions must be answered. The proposal will be delayed until the form is filled out completely and accurately. The department should consider the length of time necessary to obtain final approval. Substantive changes can require as long as 18 months before official implementation. Thus, requests should be submitted early enough to obtain final approval before the desired effective date. Changes to concentrations generally take effect with the publication of the next General Catalog. Dates of departmental and college approval of the proposal must be recorded. The Faculty Senate Courses and Curricula Committee will not consider proposals that have not been approved by college/departmental courses and curricula committees. In addition, any other division of the University that might be affected by the concentration change must be consulted. The affected unit must be invited to submit a written response; such response will be weighed by the Faculty Senate Courses and Curricula Committee in its deliberations. a. Adding a New Concentration A concentration is an intensive study of a subject within the major field (usually 30 percent of the major requirements). The entire (eight-semester) recommended path, by semester, must be typed on plain sheets and attached to Form E. A brief justification for adding the concentration must be attached to Form E. b. Changing an Existing Concentration Regardless if all semesters of a concentration are to be changed or only parts, the present and proposed (eight-semester) recommended path should be attached on separate pages. On the Present recommended path, use strikeout and on the Proposed recommended path, highlight areas to identify deletions and additions. Do not use boldface to designate changes as boldface is reserved for critical requirements within the recommended path. Indicate the present and proposed total semester hours. Departments must give an adequate explanation for the requested changes on a separate sheet attached to Form E. (Changes in the curriculum must be submitted on Form D.) c. Suspending a Concentration A brief explanation for the suspension must be attached to Form E. When a concentration is suspended, students already in the concentration are allowed to finish. No new students, however, will be admitted. Requests to reactivate suspended concentrations must be made by submitting a Form E to the Faculty Senate Courses and Curricula Committee. Indicate on Form E that a suspended concentration is to be reactivated rather than a new concentration added. If a significant amount of time has passed since the suspension, departments must check the current General Catalog carefully to ensure that the program meets all current requirements and that no required courses have been dropped. [Instructions for Form E continue on next page] [Instructions for Form E continued from previous page] d. Dropping a Concentration A brief explanation for the drop must be attached to Form E. When a concentration is dropped, students already in the concentration are allowed to finish. No new students, however, will be admitted. Form D Addendum · General Education Requirement When a department adds a new concentration or makes changes in an existing one, a Form D Addendum must also be submitted. This form is simply a list of those courses in the concentration that satisfy the general education requirement. SAMPLE 8-SEMESTER RECOMMENDED PATH (CONCENTRATION) LAYOUT PRESENT ADMISSION to the B.A. in XXXXXX curriculum requires that a student be admissible to the College of XXXXX earned at least 24 semester hours; have a Cumulative and LSU GPA of at least 2.0; completed ENGL 1001 with a “C” or better; and completed three hours of general education analytical reasoning coursework. BASIC SCHOLASTIC EXPECTATIONS. * Maintain a minimum 2.0 Cumulative and LSU GPA. * Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA in the major field. *At least 30 of the hours required for this degree must be taken at the 3000/4000-level. See the LSU General Catalog for information on University, College, major, and minor residency requirements. Students majoring in XXXXX in the College of XXXXXX are required to take Economics 2000, 2010, 2035, 4720, and 4710. Other XXXXXX courses must be chosen with the advice and approval of the XXXXXX advisor in the Department of XXXXXXX. If graduate study in economics is anticipated, it is strongly recommended that the calculus sequence consisting of MATH 1550, 1552, and 2085 be taken. CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS Sem 1: "C" or better in ENGL 1001. Sem 2: ECON 2000; MATH 1021. Sem 3: ECON 2010; Admission to the College. Sem 4: ECON 2035; MATH 1431. Sem 5: ECON 4710; ENGL 2000. Semester 1 Critical: “C” or better in ENGL 1001. ENGL 1001 ENGL COMPOSITION FIRST COURSE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE SEQUENCE ECON 2000 PRIN MICROECONOMICS MATH 1021 COLLEGE ALGEBRA GEN. ED. LIFE OR PHYSICAL SCIENCES COURSE1 GEN. ED. LIFE OR PHYSICAL SCIENCES LAB1 3 Total Semester Hours: 16-18 4-5 3 3 3 0-1 Semester 2 Critical: ECON 2000; MATH 1021. ECON 2010 PRIN MACROECONOMICS [ECON 2000] SECOND COURSE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE SEQUENCE GEN. ED. LIFE OR PHYSICAL SCIENCES COURSE1 GEN. ED. LIFE OR PHYSICAL SCIENCES LAB1 APPROVED HISTORY ELECTIVE 3 Total Semester Hours: 15 4-3 Total Semester Hours: 17-16 3 3 3 4 Semester 5 Critical: ECON 4710; ENGL 2000. ECON 4710 AGGREGATE ECON ANALYSIS [ECON 2035] APPROVED ECONOMICS ELECTIVE GEN. ED. COURSE - ARTS GEN. ED. COURSE - SOCIAL SCIENCES APPROVED ELECTIVE 3 3 3 3 3 Total Semester Hours: 15 ECON 4720 INT MICROECON THEORY [ECON 2000, 2010/2030] GEN. ED. HUMANITIES COURSE (OTHER THAN ENGLISH OR FOREIGN LANGUAGE) APPROVED SOCIAL SCIENCES COURSE (NOT FROM HIST OR ECON)2 APPROVED ELECTIVES Total Semester Hours: 3 3 3 5 14 Semester 7 GEN. ED. COURSE – HUMANITIES APPROVED SOCIAL SCIENCES COURSE (NOT FROM HIST OR ECON)2 APPROVED ECONOMICS ELECTIVE APPROVED ELECTIVES 3 Total Semester Hours: 13 3 3 4 Semester 8 4-5 3 2-1 3 Semester 3 Critical: ECON 2010; Admission to the College. Total Semester Hours: FOURTH COURSE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE SEQUENCE GEN. ED. LIFE OR PHYSICAL SCIENCES (ONE SEMESTER LECTURE IN ALTERNATE SCIENCE)1 ENGL 2000 ENGLISH COMP [ENGL 1001] APPROVED LITERATURE COURSE EXST 2201 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS [MATH 1021] Semester 6 RECOMMENDED PATH ECON 2035 MONEY/BANK/MACRO ACT [ECON 2000/2001, 2010/2011/2030] APPROVED HISTORY ELECTIVE THIRD COURSE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE SEQUENCE MATH 1431 CAL-BUS & ECO APLCAT [MATH 1021] APPROVED LITERATURE COURSE Semester 4 Critical: ECON 2035; MATH 1431. 3 3 4-3 3 3 16-15 APPROVED ECONOMICS ELECTIVES APPROVED SOCIAL SCIENCES COURSE (NOT FROM HIST OR ECON)2 APPROVED ELECTIVES 6 Total Semester Hours: 14 3 5 1 - For Gen. Ed. Natural Sciences, both physical and life sciences must be taken: 6 hours in a physical/life sciences sequence and 2 hours lab credit associated with the sequence chosen; 3 hours in an area (physical/life) not previously selected. 2 - Select 9 hrs. of Social Sciences electives in two fields from the following: AAAS****, ANTH****, COMD****, GEOG****, INTL****, POLI****, PSYC**** and SOCL****. Not from: COMD 2050, GEOG 2050 or GEOG 2051. PROPOSED ADMISSION to the B.A. in XXXXXX curriculum requires that a student be admissible to the College of XXXXX earned at least 24 semester hours; have a Cumulative and LSU GPA of at least 2.0; completed ENGL 1001 with a “C” or better; and completed three hours of general education analytical reasoning coursework. BASIC SCHOLASTIC EXPECTATIONS. * Maintain a minimum 2.0 Cumulative and LSU GPA. * Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA in the major field. *At least 30 of the hours required for this degree must be taken at the 3000/4000-level. See the LSU General Catalog for information on University, College, major, and minor residency requirements. Students majoring in XXXXX in the College of XXXXXX are required to take Economics 2000, 2010, 2035, 4720, and 4710. Other XXXXXX courses must be chosen with the advice and approval of the XXXXXX advisor in the Department of XXXXXXX. If graduate study in economics is anticipated, it is strongly recommended that the calculus sequence consisting of MATH 1550, 1552, and 2085 be taken. CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS Sem 1: "C" or better in ENGL 1001. Sem 2: ECON 2000; MATH 1021. Sem 3: ECON 2010; Admission to the College. Sem 4: ECON 2035; MATH 1431. Sem 5: ECON 4710; ENGL 2000. Semester 4 Critical: ECON 2035; MATH 1431. FOURTH COURSE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE SEQUENCE GEN. ED. LIFE OR PHYSICAL SCIENCES (ONE SEMESTER LECTURE IN ALTERNATE SCIENCE)1 ENGL 2000 ENGLISH COMP [ENGL 1001] APPROVED LITERATURE COURSE EXST 2201 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS [MATH 1021] 4-3 Total Semester Hours: 17-16 3 3 3 4 Semester 5 Critical: ECON 4710; ENGL 2000. ECON 4710 AGGREGATE ECON ANALYSIS [ECON 2035] APPROVED ECONOMICS ELECTIVE GEN. ED. COURSE - ARTS GEN. ED. COURSE - SOCIAL SCIENCES APPROVED ELECTIVE 3 3 3 3 3 Total Semester Hours: 15 Semester 6 ECON 4720 INT MICROECON THEORY [ECON 2000, 2010/2030] GEN. ED. HUMANITIES COURSE (OTHER THAN ENGLISH OR FOREIGN LANGUAGE) APPROVED SOCIAL SCIENCES COURSE (NOT FROM HIST OR ECON)2 APPROVED ELECTIVES RECOMMENDED PATH Semester 1 Critical: “C” or better in ENGL 1001. ENGL 1001 ENGL COMPOSITION FIRST COURSE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE SEQUENCE ECON 2000 PRIN MICROECONOMICS MATH 1021 COLLEGE ALGEBRA GEN. ED. LIFE OR PHYSICAL SCIENCES COURSE1 GEN. ED. LIFE OR PHYSICAL SCIENCES LAB1 3 Total Semester Hours: 16-17 4 3 3 3 0-1 Semester 2 Critical: ECON 2000; MATH 1021. Total Semester Hours: 3 3 3 5 14 Semester 7 GEN. ED. COURSE – HUMANITIES APPROVED SOCIAL SCIENCES COURSE (NOT FROM HIST OR ECON)2 APPROVED ECONOMICS ELECTIVE APPROVED ELECTIVES 3 Total Semester Hours: 13 3 3 4 ECON 2010 PRIN MACROECONOMICS [ECON 2000] SECOND COURSE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE SEQUENCE GEN. ED. LIFE OR PHYSICAL SCIENCES COURSE1 GEN. ED. LIFE OR PHYSICAL SCIENCES LAB1 APPROVED HISTORY ELECTIVE 3 Semester 8 4-5 3 2-1 3 APPROVED ECONOMICS ELECTIVES APPROVED SOCIAL SCIENCES COURSE (NOT FROM HIST OR ECON)2 APPROVED ELECTIVES 6 Total Semester Hours: 15 Total Semester Hours: 14 1 - For Gen. Ed. Natural Sciences, both physical and life sciences must be taken: 6 hours in a physical/life sciences sequence and 2 hours lab credit associated with the sequence chosen; 3 hours in an area (physical/life) not previously selected. Semester 3 Critical: ECON 2010; Admission to the College. ECON 2035 MONEY/BANK/MACRO ACT [ECON 2000/2001, 2010/2011/2030] APPROVED HISTORY ELECTIVE THIRD COURSE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE SEQUENCE MATH 1431 CAL-BUS & ECO APLCAT [MATH 1021] APPROVED LITERATURE COURSE Total Semester Hours: 3 5 3 3 4-3 3 3 16-15 2 - Select 9 hrs. of Social Sciences electives in two fields from the following: AAAS****, ANTH****, COMD****, GEOG****, INTL****, POLI****, PSYC**** and SOCL****. Not from: COMD 2050, GEOG 2050 or GEOG 2051.