2.1.8.A.1-4 Standard: 2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Strand: A. Personal Growth and Development By the end of Grade 8 Essential Questions 1) Why is it important to understand the influences on your health? 2) How do media and technology influence your health? Enduring Understandings Understanding how heredity, environment, and other factors affect your health can help you make healthy decisions. Content Statements Cumulative Progress Indicators Developing and maintaining wellness requires ongoing evaluation of factors impacting health and modifying lifestyle behaviors accordingly. 2.1.8. A.1 Assess and apply health data to enhance each dimension of personal wellness. 2.1.8. A.2 Compare and contrast the impact of genetics, family history, personal health practices, and environment on personal growth and development in each life stage. 2.1.8. A.3 Relate advances in technology to maintaining and improving personal health. 2.1.8. A.4 Determine the impact of marketing techniques on the use of personal hygiene products, practices, and services. Activities and Student Experiences HEALTH SKILLS PRACTICE- (Glencoe Health, 2009, Chapter 1, Page 19) Have students keep a journal for one week noting times they successfully avoided, or abstained from, a health risk. Ask students to note how they participate in promoting their own health. Have students follow up writing a short paragraph explaining the health benefits of abstinence from risk behaviors. EXPOSITORY WRITING- (Glencoe Health, 2009, Chapter 2, Page 49) Students will find three ads in a teen magazine. They will then write a short essay explaining the advertising techniques used in each ad. 2.1.8.A.1-4 Desired Results Students will be able to identify factors positively or negatively affecting their health. Students will be able to analyze the impact genetics; family history, personal health practices, media, and environment affect their overall development. Assessment Expository writing rubric: http://www.state.nj.us/education/njpep/assessment/TestS pecs/LangArts/Scoring/RubricsNJwritingHolistic.html To show evidence of meeting this standard, students may: By completing the weekly journal and showing evidence of what they learned through the expository writing, the students will be able to determine what affects their overall health. Equipment Needed Computer/Internet access Paper Writing utensils Magazines Journals and Composition Notebooks Teacher Resources www.thesiswritingservice.com www.teenagepregnancyinformation.org Glencoe Health – www.glencoe.com * PE Central- www.pecentral.com KIDS Health- www.kidshealth.org www.teenrelationships.org www.webmd.com www.teenwire.com www.sexetc.org www.life.familyeducation.com RubiStar4teachers- www.rubistar4teachers.org * www.rubrician.com/physical * www.discovereducation.com www.girlshealth.gov www.boyshealth.gov www.teencentral.net www.howstuffworks.com www.rcampus.com/rubrics www.stayteen.org/relationships (Princeton Center for Leadership, HiTOPS. www.teenpep.org ) www.advocatesforyouth.org 2.1.8.A.1-4 http://teachers.teach-nology.com/cgi-bin/classpar.cgi www.abovetheinfluence.org