Lesson planning guide D4 Populations Learning objectives i ii iii A population is the number of individuals of a species living in a habitat. Competition for resources such as food water and space, predation and disease all affect the size of a population. Feeding relationships within a habitat are interconnected. Scientific enquiry iv Use ICT to model population changes. (Framework YTO Sc1 8d) Suggested alternative starter activities (5–10 minutes) Recap last lesson Share learning objectives Brainstorming Word game Capture interest Pupils link a food chain to a pyramid of numbers, by identifying different trophic levels. Find out how competition affects the populations in a habitat. Find out how feeding relationships are interconnected. Be able to use ICT to model population changes. (Sc1) Show graph of world population. Brainstorm why it just keeps on going up. Check progress using a wordsearch of words used in this unit. Show picture of lion eating a zebra. Ask pupils why there are not more zebras. Catalyst Interactive Presentations 2 Suggested alternative main activities Activity Learning objective see above Description Approx. timing Target group C H E S Textbook D4 i, ii and iii 20 min R/G G R S i Teacher-led explanation and questioning OR pupils work individually, in pairs or in small groups through the in-text questions and then onto the end-of-spread questions if time allows. Squirrel competition How red and grey squirrels compete. Activity D4a Paper Activity D4b Paper Activity D4c Catalyst Interactive Presentations 2 i Population cycles Graph of cycling population to interpret. 10 min i and iv Population change Foxes and rabbits ICT simulation of population changes. 10 min 10 min Suggested alternative plenary activities (5–10 minutes) Review learning Sharing responses Group feedback Word game Looking ahead Pupils play ‘true or false’ game about the interdependence of populations. Pupils share ideas about why the graph for the human population keeps on going up. In groups, pupils discuss their answers for Activity D4b. Pupils play ‘Hang the rabbit’ to reinforce vocabulary and spelling of key words. Pupils revise and consolidate knowledge from the unit. Learning outcomes Most pupils will … Some pupils, making less progress will … Some pupils, making more progress will … relate the abundance and distribution of organisms to the resources available within a habitat predict how changing the size of one population will affect the number of other species present data from simulations and make predictions from patterns in these. state the factors that affect the abundance of different organisms in habitat predict how changing the size of one population will affect the number of other species present data from simulations and make predictions from patterns in these. draw and interpret a graph to show how a population changes. Key words population, competition, interdependent, red only: predation Out-of-lesson learning Homework D4 Textbook D4 end-of-spread questions Activity D4a, b Visit different habitats/sanctuaries/nature reserves © Harcourt Education Ltd 2004 Catalyst 2 This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM. Sheet 1 of 1