Lecture (5) (III)-Alkenes (Olefins) 1. Introduction: Alkenes are hydrocarbons that contain a carbon – carbon double bond, C = C. Historically called olefins. Alkenes occur abundantly in nature, and many have important biological roles, they have the general formula CnH2n, and the double bond is known as ethylinic bond, the C=C is made up of a strong σ bond and a weak П bond. 2. Nomenclature: a- Common Method: Rules for common names are the same as alkanes except that the ending (ylene) is used instead of (ane): Ethane CH3 – CH3 → ethylene CH2 = CH2 Propane CH3 – CH2 – CH3 → propylene CH2 = CH – CH3 The name of univalent groups derived from alkenes have the ending –enyl, and the carbon atom with the free valence is number (1). Ex.1: CH2=CH- ethenyl(vinyl) CH3CH=CH- 1-Propenyl CH2=CHCH2- 2-Propenyl Ex.2: Ex.3: b- IUPAC: 1. It is similar to alkane but the ending (ane) is replaced by (ene), also alkyl groups ending (yl) is replaced by (enyl). 2. Choose the longest continuous chain contains the double bond and number the chain to give the double bond the lowest possible number. 3. Substituents are ordered alphabetically. 4. Multiple double bonds indicated by diene, triene…….. at the end. Ex.1: CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2 29 1-butene Ex.2: CH3 3 CH3─2C = 1CH2 2-methyl-1-propene Ex.3: CH3 1 CH3─ 2CH= 3C ─4CH25CH3 3-methyl-2-pentene Ex.4: CH3 1 CH2= 2C─3CH2=4CH2 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene c- Geometric Isomers: 1- Due to restricted rotation around double bond, Alkenes exist in two forms (cis) & (trans); cis means that both substituents on the same side, and if substituents on opposite sides it shows transform. Ex.1: H CH3 CH3 CH3 C C H CH3 H H C ≠ C (b) trans - 2 butene (a) cis - 2 - butene Ex.2: Cl ≠ C H H Cl C C Cl H Cl C H (a) cis 1,2 dichloroethene 2- Cis and trans are geometrical 30 (b) trans 1,2 dichloroethene isomers; have the same molecular formula and different arrangement, such isomers have different physical and chemical properties. 3- If one of the double bond carbons is attached to two identical groups; cis – trans isomers is not possible. Ex.: A B D C B D = C C D C D A 4- If three or four different groups attached to the carbon atoms of the double bond; E,Z system of nomenclature is applied; (Z) means together or groups with higher priority on the same side while (E) means across or the groups with higher priority on opposite sides. Priority depends on the atomic number of the attached atoms. Ex.: lower higher C C lower higher (E) 31 higher higher C C lower lower (Z) Atomic No.: 35 Br 17 Cl › 8 O › › 7 N 6 C › › 1 H Ex.: (35) (53) Br (9) F C C I Cl (17) Z - 1 bromo - 2 - chloro - 2 - floro - 1 - iodoethene (35) (53) Br Cl C C I F (17) (9) E - 1 bromo - 2 - chloro - 2 - floro - 1 - iodoethene 32 3.Preparation of alkenes (Olefins): (a)-Thermal cracking(pyrolysis): When long chain hydrocarbons from petroleum refining are submitted to the cracked process significant amounts of propene and ethylene are produced. nC6H14 700-900°C. CH4 + CH2=CH2+CH3CH=CH2+others P,cat. (15%) (40%) (20%) (25%) (b)Dehydration of alcohols: 1. By passing the alcohol vapor over heated alumina (aluminum oxide): CH3 - CH - CH3 Al2O3 OH isopropylalcohol CH2 = CH – CH3 + H2O Heat propene The hydrogen required to combine with OH is taken from the adjacent carbon atom carrying the fewer number of hydrogen atoms. 2. By heating alcohol with conc. Sulphuric acid: 95% H2SO4 + CH3CH2CH2CH2OH + H CH3CH2CH = CH2 + H2O ∆ 170°C n-butylalcohol 1-butene (c)Removal of halogen acid from alkyl halide by heating with suitable reagent(dehydrohalogenation): The alkenes is prepared by simply heating together the alkyl halides and a solution of potassium hydroxide in alcohol. ─C─ C─ H KOH (alcoholic) ─C=C─ + KX + H2O X Ease of dehydrogenation of alkyl halides 3°>2°>1° hydrogen CH3CH2Br KOH (alcoholic) CH2=CH2 33 Ethyl bromide ethene CH3CH2CH2CL KOH (alcoholic) CH3CH=CH2 KOH (alcoholic) CH3CHCLCH3 n-Propyl chloride Propylene iso-propyl chloride CH3CH2CH2CH2Cl n-butyl chloride KOH (alcoholic) CH3CH2CH=CH2 1-butene CH3CH2CHCLCH3 KOH(alcoholic) CH3CH=CHCH3 + CH3CH2CH=CH2 Sec-butyl chloride 2-butene(80%) 1-butene(20%) in case where a mixture of isomeric alkene can be formed, the preferred product is the alkene that has the greater number of alkyl groups attached to the doubly-bonded carbon atoms.the stability of alkenes follows exactly the same sequence of ease of formation of alkenes. R2C=CR2 > R2C=CRH > R2C=CH2, RCH=CHR > RCH=CH2 > CH2=CH2 (d)Hydrogenation of alkynes: CH3CH2C≡CH 2H 1-butyne Ni CH3CH2CH = CH2 1-butene 4-Physical properties of alkenes: The melting and boiling points and their densities are rising with increasing of the molecular weight of un branched alkenes. Lecture (6) 5-Reactions of alkenes: (chemical properties): there are four particulary broad types of organic reactions:addittions,eliminations, substitution and rearrengemnts . Examples: (1)-Addition reactions: H H C=C + HCL H H H CL H─C─C─H H H 34 Ethylene chloro ethane (2)-Elimination reactions: H CL H H H─C─C─H + NaOH C=C + HCL H H H H Chloro ethane ethylene (3)-Subistitution reactions: H H H─C ─ H+CL─CL UV H H─C ─ CL + HCL H Reactions of C=C : in alkenes the functional group is the C=C. The bond is consists of a stonge σ bond and a weak П bond which is broken undergo addition reactions. The C=C acts as a source of electrons, that is acts as a base. The compounds with which it reacts are those that are deficient in electrons, called ELECTROPHILIC REAGENT. The typical reaction of an alkenes is electrophilic addition. H Cl H─C=C─H + HCl H─C─C─H H H H H The CARBONIUM ION, is a group of atoms that contains a carbon atom bearing only six electrons, carries a positive charge. Carbonium ions are classified as primary, secondry or tertiary after the carbon bearing the positive charge. CH3+ Methyl Cation CH3CH2+ Ethyl Cation (primary) CH3─ CH+ Isopropyl Cation(secondry) CH3 CH3 35 CH3─ C+ Tert-Butyl Cation(tertiary) CH3 CH3 CH3 H─CH2─C+ H+ CH2=C CH3 CH3 Mechanism of electrophilic addition: Addition of acidic reagent HCl is belived to proceed by two step: 1-Two electrons from the ethylene П bond move to form a new σ bond between the H+ and one of the ethylene carbon atoms. The other ethylene carbon atom, having last its share of the П electrons, is now left with a vacant P orbital and only six valence electrons. This carbon atom carries a positive charge and is called a carbon cation or carbocation. : C H C + H + C + C 2-Nucleophilic Chlorine ion donates an electron pair to form a new σ bond with the carbocation. H ¨ :C l : ¨ + C+ Cl C H C (a)-Addition of hydrogen (hydrogenation): Ex.: H2 CH3CH2CH=CH2 1-butene CH3CH2CH2CH3 Pt / Cat. n-butane The step can be controlled by the amount of H2 36 C (b)Addition of halogens (halogenation): Br Br CH3CH=CHCH3 + Br2 2-butene CCl4 (solvent) Room temp. CH3 - CH - CHCH3 (in dark) 2,3-dibromobutane 1) The step can be controlled by the amount of halogen used. 2) Br2 & Cl2 are often used, F2 is too reactive & I2 is not reactive. (C)Addition │ │ C=C │ │ + of halogen acid (hydrohalogenation): │ │ ─C=C ─ │ │ HX H Olefin X alkylhalide Note that: (1) -The addition of HX, X2 and HOH to the double bond is electrophilic addition reaction. The reaction must start with positively attacking species & forming carbonium ion. ─ C=C─ + (H+) ─C ─ C+ H (Electrophilic center) ─ C ─ C─ and XH X carbonium ion intermediate (2)-Electrophilic addition of HX to double bond is oriented according to Markovnikov's rule. It stated that: In addition of HX to alkene, the hydrogen goes to the carbon with the most number of hydrogen atoms i.e. less alkyl 37 (d)Addition of water (hydration): (using dil. Sulphuric acid): H H CH3─CH=CH2 cold H2SO4 CH3─C─CH3 hydrolysis H+/-OSO3H OSO3H H2O/heat CH3─C─CH3 + H2SO4 OH Iso propyl alchohol (e)Oxidation of alkenes: Most olefins are readily attacked by permangannate, dichromate, and ozone. (1)-Oxidation of olefins with permanganate: when oxidation of alkene is carried out with KMNO4 in acidic rather than basic solutions, cleavage of the double bond occurs and carbonyl-containing products are obtained. If the double bond is tetrasubstituted,the two carbonyl- contaning products are ketons; if a hydrogen is present on the double bond,one of the carbonyl-containing products is carboxylic acids; and if two hydrogens are present on one carbon, CO2 is formed. CH3 – CH = CH2 KMnO4 CH3COOH + CO2 + H2O 1-propene acetic acid CH3 =C CH3 KMnO4 = O + O=C CH3 Cyclohexanone 38 CH3 acetone (2)-Oxidation of olefins with ozone: RCH = CHR1 + O3 Zn dil . acid RCOH + R1COH (or ketone or mixture of both) aldehydes (f)Polymerization: Under certain conditions olefins molecules can be polymerized i-e they are large molecules that made up of many repeating units. The units that are used to synthesize polymers are called monomers, ex., ethylene molecules is a monomer for preparin polyethylene polymer. mH2C = CH2 Ethylene monomer catalyst Heat / P. CH3CH2 ( - CH2 – CH2 - )n CH2CH3 polyethylene 39