June 21st - Workforce Resource

Friday, June 21, 2013
Dunn County Job Center
Eau Claire, WI
Meeting Minutes
WDB Members Present: Maltee McMahon, Jeanne Carr, Lisa Fiore, Timm Boettcher, Buck
Malick, Alison Page, Betty Laskowski, James Hanke, Tom Huffcutt, Bob Meyer, Chris
Smith, Rich Vande Loo, Peter Kilde, Randy Sommerfeld, Susan Andreo
County Boards’ Consortium Members Present: Jess Miller, Paul Michels, Joe Waichulis,
Steve Rasmussen, Colleen Bates, Pete Adler
Youth Council Members Present: Sue Lohmeier, Barbara Landstrom, Maltee McMahon
WRI Board Members Present: Buck Malick, Chris Smith, Maltee McMahon, Colleen Bates,
Pete Adler, Steve Rasmussen
Others Present: James Lindbo, Kris Pawlowski, Deb Leslie, Jon Menz, Cindy Knutson, Jody
Conner, Paul Moe, Bruce Siebold, Scott Hodek, Corey French, Merry Lienau, Bambi
1. Call to Order - The joint meeting of the WDB, County Boards’ Consortium, WRI Board,
and Youth Council was called to order.
2. Action on Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the April 19, 2013, meeting were reviewed.
WDB Action:
Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2013, meeting. Motion
Consortium Action:
Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2013, meeting. Motion
WRI Action:
No action.
3. Leadership Team Report
a. Update/Action on any Workforce Board or Youth Council Nominations and
The Consortium considered the nominations of Dave Dobosenski, CEO/President of St.
Croix Regional Medical Center and Kevin Larson, Chief Executive Officer of Spring
Valley Senior Living and Health Care Campus.
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Consortium Action:
Motion by Rasmussen, second by Miller, to appoint Dave Dobosenski and Kevin Larson to
the WDB. Motion passed.
WDB Action:
Motion by Hanke, second by Malick, to endorse the appointment of Dave Dobosenski and
Kevin Larson to the WDB. Motion passed.
b. Discussion/Action on Summer Youth Recognition Event
The Board discussed utilizing the UW Stout campus/facilities to host the Summer Youth
Recognition Event. The Board would meet at UW-Stout in the morning and then join the
Youth for lunch and a program at Noon.
Consortium Action:
Motion by Miller, second by Waichulis, to host the August 16th Board meeting and
Summer Youth Recognition Event at UW Stout. Motion passed.
WDB Action:
Motion by Laskowski, second by Malick, to host the August 16th Board meeting and
Summer Youth Recognition Event at UW Stout. Motion passed.
4. Strategic Direction – Sector Challenge
The Boards reviewed the results of the survey sent out to the WDB business members.
Those members that did not respond will be sent a follow-up survey. Boettcher reviewed
the sector challenge idea. He noted that recent focus has been in healthcare and
manufacturing sectors but that all sector employment needs throughout the region should
be identified. The Boards discussed identifying sectors, Board involvement, sector
models, and sector goals. After extensive discussion, the Boards agreed to: 1) WDB
Business members that have not completed the survey will be asked to do so, 2) Results of
the survey will be provided to all members, 3) Focus on a method of better alignment, 4)
Develop a model for discussion, and 5) Successes will be recognized at the Annual
Meeting Gala.
5. Committee Breakouts to address Sector Engagement Strategies
No breakouts.
6. Committee Reports
i. Finance and Activity Reports
The Boards reviewed the May 2013 Grant Performance Report.
ii. Action to approve proposed budget
The proposed 2013-2014 budget was presented by Lindbo, Laskowski and Malick.
Malick reported that cash flow is positive. Lindbo reported that the budget is significantly
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larger than past years primarily due to the new W-2 contract that was awarded beginning
January 2013 and that there will be a positive cash balance for the new program year.
Members discussed W-2 enrollments, the Workforce Innovation grant and the Polaris
WDB Action:
Motion by Meyer, second by Page, to approve the proposed 2013-2014 budget. Motion
Consortium Action:
Motion by Waichulis, second by Michels, to approve the proposed 2013-2014 budget.
Motion passed.
WRI Action:
Motion by Rasmussen, second by Bates, to approve the proposed 2013-2014 budget.
Motion passed.
7. Job Center Presentation – St. Croix Valley – St. Croix and Pierce Counties
Paul Moe, Business Service Manager/Training Coordinator- gave a presentation on the
St. Croix Valley Job Center. He highlighted Job Center traffic flow, WIA activities,
employer service activities, labor market information, and partner engagement.
8. Program Activity Updates
a. Role of WDB as W-2 Steering Committee
Jody Conner, W-2 Program Manager, reviewed the WDB’s role as the W-2 Steering
Committee for the region. Documents outlining the Committee’s function/role which
were distributed in advance of the meeting were reviewed and discussed.
b. Business Service Update – Polk County Manufacturing Training Center Initiative – Jon
Menz and Corey French, Plant Manager – Engineered Plastic Components, provided an
overview of the Training Center and the partnerships that made it a reality. The Boards
discussed current funding and future funding of the Center.
Farm Technology Days are July 9-11, 2013, in Barron County at Breezy Hill Dairy
c. Other Activity Updates
DWD submitted a new statewide NEG application that will focus on On-The-Job
Training for longer term unemployed.
d. Grant Status and Grant Development Opportunities - No report.
i. WRI Action – Special Response First Quarter PY 13 Application
The WRI no longer had a quorum so no action was taken.
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ii. USDA Rural Development Grant Application
Pawlowski reported on a new project currently being developed by WRI. The project
focuses on creating a sewing skills training center to be located at the site of the
refugee services office in Barron. A $10,000 grant was awarded by the Canadian
Northern Railroad Foundation; The Madison Wisconsin-based Sewing Machine
Projected donated domestic sewing machines. Currently, WRI is working on a grant
submission to the USDA Rural Development Community Facilities for other
equipment and industrial sewing machines.
iii. DOL IT TAA Grant Application
CVTC along with 16 other technical colleges are partnering on a grant that would
expand the current IT program. The grant would serve 300 students over a 3 year
timeframe. It would focus on TAA and Veterans First and then WIA eligible
9 . Adjourn
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.