P6 Justice and Peace long version

This Is Our Faith Planning Exemplars
Suggested Theme:
Suggested Timescale:
Justice and Peace
3 weeks
TIOF Core Learning :
RERC 2‐01a
I can hear, read and recall the story of the naming of animals (Genesis 2:18‐20).
RERC 2‐01a
Since Jews traditionally understood that the man, by naming the animals, swore to live in harmony with
those he had named, I recognize the interdependence of all creatures, including myself, and our role in caring for
RERC 2‐20a
I know that God’s call to grow in justice and peace challenges me to use the resources of the earth fairly.
RERC 2‐03a
I have investigated the role and mission of the prophets as mediators of the Word of God.
RERC 2‐06a
I can recognise that most people in Palestine were very poor–especially widows and orphans, and those
who had to beg because of a disability.
RERC 2‐06a
I can investigate and identify who are ‘the poor’ in the world today and respond to their needs with justice,
compassion and care.
RERC 2‐20a
I can identify factors which cause economic poverty and have focused specifically on unjust trading.
RERC 2‐09b
I know that the Holy Eucharist is the sacrament in which Jesus Christ nourishes us with his Body and Blood
so that we might give ourselves to him and to others in love.
I understand that the Holy Eucharist is the special sacrament of union with Christ and communion with his
Body, the Church.
I can recall from P5 that the Eucharist is called “the source and the summit” of the Christian life.
RERC 2‐09b
I know that Eucharist is called “the summit” of Christian life because it is the memorial of the mystery of his
death and resurrection and the sacrament in which we receive the body and blood of Jesus so that we can be
nourished for our Christian lives as members of Christ’s Church.
RERC 2‐09b
I know that the word ‘Mass’ comes from the Latin word for ‘sent’ (ite missa est) and so, at the end of Mass,
we are sent on a mission to live the values of the Gospel.
RERC 2‐09b
I can recognise that the priest invokes the Holy Spirit on the bread and wine to change them into the Body
and Blood of Christ.
RERC 2‐09b
I can recognise that the priest also asks God to fill the people with the Holy Spirit so that they can grow in
the fullness of charity and become one body.
RERC 2‐09b
I understand that, nourished by the Eucharist and filled with the Holy Spirit, I can live the Gospel values of
charity/love, unity, peace, service, holiness and justice.
RERC 2-20a
In re‐calling my learning about in P5 (RERC 2‐20a) I understand that justice is closely linked to peace.
RERC 2‐10a
I can identify some of the ways in which the Church works for justice and peace, by investigating the work
of a missionary religious order/congregation, a project my school is twinned with, or the work of a Catholic aid
RERC 2‐20a
I can identify the practical implications of God’s call to live a life of justice and peace, having studied this
scripture passage: First Letter of John 3: 17‐18 ‐ real and active love.
RERC 2‐21a
I know that Jesus gives us many examples of service and that, in the Last Judgement (Matthew 25: 31‐40)
all Christians are called to be of service to the world and not just to be members of the Christian Community.
RERC 2‐23a
I know that God commands me, out of love, to be truthful at all times in deeds and words. I know that
faithfulness to this commandment will bring peace in my relationships with myself and others (Eighth
Commandment: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour).
RERC 2‐23a
I can recognise that the Pope and the Bishops have teaching authority in the Church and that we look to
them for guidance in our faith and direction in our moral life.
RERC 2‐24a
I have researched the founders of a religious order, such as the Franciscans, Dominicans, Daughters of St
Paul, Carmelites, Redemptorists, Jesuits, Salesians or Sisters of Mercy and I can identify the charisms of these
religious orders.
RERC 2‐24a
I have used my research to inspire and challenge my response to God’s call to care for the poor.
RERC 2‐24a
I know that SCIAF and MISSIO Scotland are Catholic organisations which respond to the needs of the world
and I have been given opportunities to support the work of MISSIO Scotland.
RERC 2‐24a
I recognise that, in our Catholic school, we are called to demonstrate our care for the world by engaging in
activities such as justice and peace groups, Eco committees, twinning projects with developing countries etc.
RERC 2‐24a
With the help of my teacher, parish and local learning community, I have identified ways in which I can
participate in these activities.
Experiences and Outcomes:
I examine God's precious gift of life and can reflect and act upon my God‐given role.
I know that I have been called by God to grow in love, justice and peace in my relationships with others.
I can examine God's relationship with myself and others. I have reflected on how the gift of faith can permeate my
whole being.
I have examined some political, social, historical and religious elements in first‐century Palestine and gained an
understanding of Jesus' life on earth.
I can understand that the Eucharist is 'the source and summit of the Christian life'.
I can reflect on the Holy Spirit's prophetic influence.
I can recognise how my relationship with God and others can be shaped by the values of Jesus' Kingdom.
I know that God has given me the freedom to make choices about the way I live my life. I have reflected on how
the decisions of my conscience affect my relationship with God and others.
I have considered ways in which the Catholic Christian community works together to show care for the world and
for the needs of all people. I have reflected on the implications of this for my life and that of others.
Other curricular areas:
Suggested learning intentions (can be modified in light of other E&Os above):
I am learning about God’s precious gift of life and my God-given role
I am learning about love, justice and peace
I am learning about my relationship with God and the gift of faith
I am learning about first century Palestine and Jesus’ life on earth
I am learning about the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian life
I am learning about the Holy Spirit’s prophetic influence
I am learning about Jesus’ Kingdom and how it can shape my relationships
I am learning about choices and conscience
I am learning about the care shown by the Catholic Christian community
Key Vocabulary from TIOF:
RERC 2-01a naming, interdependence
RERC 2-20a economic poverty, unjust trading, resources of the earth
RERC 2-03a
RERC 2-06a poverty, justice, compassion and care
RERC 2-09b Eucharist, source, Mass, ite missa est, sent on a mission, Gospel Values, One Body
RERC 2-10a Justice and Peace, missionary work, religious order/congregation
RERC 2-21a service to the world, Christian Community
RERC 2-23a Pope, Bishops, Commandments, Tenth Commandment
RERC 2-24a SCIAF, MISSIO Scotland, needs of the world, Religious Orders, Religious Congregations
Planning Outline (including worship and celebration):
Evaluation of Learning & Teaching:
Exemplar Narratives:
Cross-curricular possibilities:
The way in which R.E. is taught will determine whether many E&Os are employed: Literacy, Technology, Expressive
Arts etc. However, the following list outlines some obvious connections between TIOF and the E&Os from other
subject areas:
I can discuss the environmental impact of human activity and suggest ways in which we can live in a more
environmentally-responsible way.
SOC 2-08a
Having analysed how lifestyle can impact on the environment and Earth’s resources, I can make suggestions about
how to live in a more sustainable way.
TCH 2-02a
Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a part in bringing about positive change in my school and
wider community.
HWB 2-13a
I can compare and contrast a society in the past with my own and contribute to a discussion of the similarities and
SOC 2-04a
Throughout all my learning, I can use search facilities of electronic sources to access and retrieve information,
recognising the importance this has in my place of learning, at home and in the workplace.
TCH 2-03b
Through exploring ethical trading, I can understand how people’s basic needs are the same around the world,
discussing why some societies are more able to meet these needs than others.
SOC 2-20a
Please add any resources you find useful to one of the categories below
Teacher background study:
Suggested Hymns:
This is Our Faith section 2: Mystery of God p. 2325; Revealed Truth of God p. 31-33; Son of God
p. 35-37; Signs of God p. 39-41; Reign of God p.
Justice, peace, prophecy and service:
186 Brother, sister, let me serve you
297 God’s Spirit is in my heart
439 Longing for light
505 O comfort my people
525 O let all who thirst
571 Peace I leave with you
573 Peace is the gift
658 The Lord hears the cry of the poor
726 Whatsoever you do
730 When I needed a neighbour
TIOF Podcasts: Naming in Genesis TIOF P6 RERC
2-01a; Eucharist as source and summit of
Christian life TIOF P6 RERC 2-09b; ‘Ite missa est’
TIOF P6 RERC 2-09b
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 2415
(Respect for the integrity of creation); CCC 24262442 (Economic activity and social justice); CCC
2443-2449 (Love for the Poor); CCC 1324-1327
(Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian
life); CCC 1397 (the Eucharist commits us to the
YouCat (Youth Catechism of the Catholic
Church) questions 436 (respect for the
environment); qu. 448-451 (Christians and the
Eucharist, unity and mission:
263 Forth in the peace of Christ we go (tune: All people
that on earth)
303 Go, the Mass is ended
368 Into one we all are gathered
538 One bread, one body
630 Spirit of the living God
(Add your own:
Compendium of Catholic Social teaching, see
Suggested web resources:
ychildren.htm Missio Scotland Missionary
Children page
http://www.sciaf.org.uk/ SCIAF website
ng_issues/trade Exploring the issue of
ethical trading with young people
.aspx Fun fairtrade game
Religious orders:
Salesians of Don Bosco: www.salesians.org.uk
P6 scriptural Powerpoints available from
frsreillyredept@rcdom.org.uk which contain all the
scripture for TIOF P6 in the order in which it appears.
(Add your own:
Redemptorists http://www.cssr.com/english/
Sisters of Mercy http://www.sistersofmercy.org.uk/
Daughters of St Paul http://dsp.pauline.org/
Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception:
(Add your own: