Terms from Julius Caesar POLITICAL TERMS Bondsman: a slave MILITARY TERMS Alarum: a trumpet or drum call to arms Commons: the common people Battle: a unit or part of the army Consul: the chief magistrate and highest official in the Roman republic (there were always two appointed at a time) Battles: the armed forces drawn up for fighting Charges: the troops Dictator: one person in total political and military control Patrician: a member of one of the ruling Roman families originally descended from the Etruscan kings Cohort: an army division Ensign: the flag or standard bearer The horse (or horse in general): the cavalry Plebeian: a common person Praetor: a Roman magistrate, one step below Consul Legion: 3000 – 6000 soldiers (from 10 cohorts) Rabblement / rout: the rabble or mob Parley: a conference between two opposing forces Senators: mainly patricians (wealthy noble citizens) who made the Republic’s laws Tributaries: captives who had to pay a tribute or ransom to Rome Tribune (of the Plebs/People): a magistrate who protected the rights of the common classes Triumvirate: a rule by three men. There were two separate triumvirates: 1) Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus; 2) Mark Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus.