THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM The female organs of reproduction include: the ovaries, which produce ova (eggs); the uterine or fallopian tubes (also called the oviducts), which transport the ova to the uterus (womb); the vagina and the external organs that constitute the vulva or pudendum. The mammary glands or breasts are also considered part of the female reproductive system. Word root Gynaec Combining form Gynaec/o Meaning woman Gynaecology – study of women (diseases peculiar to the female reproductive tract). Ovaries The ovaries or female gonads are paired glands resembling unshelled almonds in size and shape. They are positioned in the upper pelvis cavity, one each side of the uterus. The ovaries produce and discharge ova (ovulation) and secrete the female sex hormones progesterone and oestrogens. Word root Oo Oophor Ovari Combining form Oo/o Oophor/o Ovari/o Meaning Egg Ovary, the egg bearing gland ovary Activity 1 write the meaning of 1. oocyte _______________________________________________________ 2. oogenesis ____________________________________________________ build words which mean 3. removal of an ovary _____________________________________________ 4. surgical puncture of an ovary ______________________________________ Uterine Tubes The female body contains two uterine or fallopian tubes (also known as oviducts) which transport the ova from the ovaries to the uterus. Each measures about 10cm long. The funnel-shaped open end of each tube, called the infundibulum, lies close to the ovary but is not attached to it and is surrounded by a fringe of fingerlike projections called fimbriae. Approximately once a month an ovum erupts from the surface of the ovary and is released into the uterine tube, a process called ovulation. If the ovum is fertilised by a sperm cell, it usually occurs in the upper third of the uterine tubes. Word root Salping Combining form Salping/o Meaning Trumpet shaped Activity 2 write the meaning of 1. salpingo-oophorectomy _____________________________________________ 2. salpingo-oophoritis ________________________________________________ Uterus FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE 1 The uterus is the site of menstruation, implantation of fertilised ovum, development of the foetus during pregnancy and labour. Situated between the urinary bladder and the rectum, the uterus is shaped like an upside-down pear. The dome-shaped portion above the fallopian tubes is called the fundus, the major tapering centre is called the body and the inferior, narrow portion opening into the vagina is called the cervix. The uterus is composed of three layers: the outer layer is referred to as the serous layer or the serosa; the middle layer of the uterus, the myometrium is composed of smooth muscle fibres and during childbirth its co-coordinated contractions help expel the foetus; the inner layer is called the endometrium - the inner layer of which is shed during menstruation. The menstrual cycle is a series of changes in the endometrium of a nonpregnant female. Each month the endometrium is prepared to receive a fertilised ovum. If implanted, the fertilised ovum eventually develops into an embryo and then a foetus, which normally remains in the uterus until delivery. If no fertilisation occurs the inner portion of the endometrium is shed. The ovarian cycle is a monthly series of events associated with the maturation of an ovum. Word root Uter Hyster Metr Combining form Uter/o Hyster/o Metr/a, metr/o Meaning Womb or uterus Womb or uterus Womb or uterus Activity 3 build words which mean 1. hardening of the uterus ___________________________________________ 2. removal of the womb _____________________________________________ 3. instrument to view the womb _______________________________________ write the meaning of 4. metrostaxis _____________________________________________________ 5. endometritis _____________________________________________________ 6. endometriosis ___________________________________________________ Word root Men Combining form Men/o Meaning menstruation Activity 4 write the meaning of 1. menopause _________________________________________________ 2. menarche ___________________________________________________ 3. dysmenorrhoea ______________________________________________ 4. premenstrual ________________________________________________ Curettage of the lining of the uterus is a surgical procedure in which the uterus is scraped with a curette. Word root Cervic Combining form Cervic/o Meaning cervix Pap test – a sample of cells (smear) is taken from the cervix and subjected to cytological examination. FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE 2 Vagina The vagina serves as a passageway for the menstrual flow. It is also a receptacle for the penis during coitus or sexual intercourse and the lower portion of the birth canal. It is a muscular, tubular organ lined with mucous membrane. At the lower end of the vaginal opening is a thin fold of mucous membrane called the hymen, which forms a border around the orifice, partially closing it. Word root Colp Vagin Combining form Colp/o Vagin/o Meaning Vagina vagina Activity 5 write the meaning of 1. colposcopy _________________________________________________________ 2. metrocolpocele ______________________________________________________ 3. vaginitis ____________________________________________________________ 4. vaginovesical ______________________________________________________ Investigation of disorders of the vagina and cervix usually require the use of a vaginal speculum to hold the walls of the vagina apart. Vulva The term vulva, or pudendum, is a collective designation for the external genitalia of the female. The labia majora are the outer lips of the vulva and are covered with pubic hair on their outer surface. Medial to the labia majora are two folds of skin called the labia minora. The clitoris is a small mass of erectile tissue and nerves. It is located at the anterior junction of the labia minora. A layer of skin called the prepuce or foreskin covers the body of the clitoris. The clitoris is the female equivalent of the penis in that it assumes a role in sexual excitement in the female. The cleft between the labia minora is called vestibule. Within the vestibule are the hymen, vaginal orifice, urethral orifice and the openings of several ducts. These ducts secrete mucous produced by the Bartholin’s glands. These secretions supplement lubrication during sexual intercourse. Word root Vulv Culd Combining form Vulv/o Culd/o Meaning Vulva, pudendum femina or external genitalia Rectouterine pouch/Douglas cavity Perineum The perineum is the diamond-shaped area at the inferior end of the trunk, between the thighs and buttocks of both the males and females. In the female it is from the vagina to the anus. The perineum should not be confused with the peritoneum, which refers to the abdominal cavity. Abbreviations D&C -Dilate and curettage PV Per vaginal PID Pelvic inflammatory disease LMP Last menstrual period THBSO Total hysterectomy and bi-lateral salpingo-oophorectomy IUCD Interuterine contraceptive device FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE 3