the 16 presidents - Nashua School District

The First Sixteen
Presidents Booklet
March 8th, 2012
Period 4
Valerie Peters
George Washington 1st
George Washington was the first U.S.A.
president. He was born in Virginia; his parents
were rich plantation owners and he followed in
their footsteps. He was married to Martha and
helped raise her children but never had children
of his own. Washington attended the first and
second Continental Congress. George
Washington was unanimously elected twice. He
set the standard for presidents; he never shook
hand with anyone, but was still loved by all the
people. George Washington set high standards
for the next president.
John Adams 2nd
John Adams had big shoes to fill coming
after George Washington. He went to Harvard
then became a Massachusetts lawyer. He was
married to Abigail and had four children with her.
He signed the Declaration of Independence and
then he became the first vice president. John
Adams had a rather unpleasant presidency. He
wanted to have a peace with France so he sent
three officials to France this was known as the
X, Y, Z Affairs. John Adams ran in the next
election, but was not elected.
Thomas Jefferson 3rd
Thomas Jefferson was known as the “man
of the people”. His parents were wealthy
plantation owners and got a good education with
private tutors. Thomas Jefferson wrote the
Declaration of Independence. He was an
ambassador to France. Jefferson made the
Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and then sent Louis
and Clark to explore west. He did not enjoy his
second term. He left his presidency off of his
grave stone.
James Madison 4th
James Madison was the father of the
constitution. He was raised by Virginia
plantation owners. As a boy he was often sick;
he thought he was too sick to ever hold an
important career. Madison was a veteran of the
Revolutionary War. His wife Dolly was the first
wife; she was well known by the public. They
never had children. In 1812 James Madison sent
us to war during the war the White House was
burned down. Madison served two terms.
James Monroe 5th
James Monroe served for Washington’s
army was a war hero. He had two children with
his wife Elizabeth. In 1819 Spain gave the U.S.A.
Florida. Monroe made the Missouri Compromise
in 1820, this stated that Maine would be a nonslave state and Missouri would be a slave state.
Monroe sent some slaves back to Africa and
they named a city Monrovia after him. He served
for two terms. James Monroe didn’t micro
manage and was well liked by the public.
John Quincy Adams 6th
John Quincy Adams was John Adams son.
He followed in his father’s footsteps and became
president. John Quincy Adams had many friends
in congress. His election was dirty there was
lots of slandering between the two candidates.
John Quincy Adams term was considered the
worst term ever. He was the first president to
have his picture taken. John Quincy Adams had
many lofty goals but didn’t follow through with
Andrew Jackson 7th
The people thought that Andrew Jackson
was “their president”. He was the first president
to be born in a log cabin. He didn’t have much
formal schooling because his dad died before he
was born and his mom died when he was only
fourteen. During the war of 1812 he led his men
to victory against the British in New Orleans.
Andrew Jackson got more votes than John
Quincy Adams but John Quincy Adams got more
electoral college votes. Jackson thought
government should be simple and straight
forward. He served two terms and was liked by
many but some thought he was too strong.
Martin Van Buren 8th
Martin Van Buren was the father of the
democratic party. His family owned a tavern in
New York so he heard a lot about politics as a
kid. Van Buren was widowed and had four
children. He was not a good decision maker.
During his presidency America was stuck in an
economic depression and as the price of cotton
fell so did the economy. When he ran for
reelection he lost. Many people blamed him for
the banks failing.
William Henry Harrison 9th
April 1841
William Henry Harrison was the last
president born as a British subject. He studied
medicine. Harrison was lived in Ohio then
became a state senator. William Henry Harrison
was married to Anna and had ten kids. He was
very popular with voters because he was a war
hero. Harrison served the shortest presidency it
lasted only thirty-one days. He was the first
president to die in office.
John Tyler 10th
Thrown out of party (Whig)
John Tyler didn’t have a party because he
was kicked out of his party, which was the whig
party. He was a congressman, governor, and U.S.
senator from Virginia. Tyler’s first wife was
Letecia then Julia between them he had fifteen
kids. Congress made it hard for him to become
president, but he was ready to take over as
president. John Tyler was a confederate. Tyler
claimed Texas then made it easier for settlers to
travel west. Some people think that John Tyler
only acted like a president.
James k. Polk 11th
James k. Polk came into office John Tyler he
wanted to finish what Tyler started. He was born
in North Carolina then moved to Tennessee and
became a lawyer. He had a wife named Sara and
he didn’t have any children. James k. Polk’s
goals were to claim California, settle Oregon
with Britain, set up an independent treasury and
lower taxes. Polk expanded the United States.
He started war with Mexico over the border. Polk
was a very popular president, but never made a
decision if the new states should have slavery or
Zachary Taylor 12th
Zachary Taylor was known as “Old rough
and ready”. Taylor was born in a log cabin in
Virginia then became a slave owner. He never
voted and wasn’t interested in politics. He had
four children with his wife Margaret. Zachary
Taylor fought in the War of 1812. Wanted peace
between the north and south, but southerners
turned against him after the compromise of
1850. Zachary Taylor only served in office for a
year because he died in 1850.
Millard Fillmore 13th
Millard Fillmore became president on
accident; he took office after Taylor died. He had
a wife, Abigail and two kids. Even though
Fillmore was vice president he never met Taylor.
Millard Fillmore fired hi entire cabinet. He
wanted to please everyone. Fillmore thought if
slavery was gone the economy would go too.
Millard Fillmore is the most forgettable
Franklin Pierce 14th
Franklin Pierce thought being president
was an impossible task. He was born and raised
in New Hampshire then served for the states
government. Pierce and his wife Jane had three
children. His eleven year old son died in a train
accident only a few weeks before he started his
presidency and his other two sons died of
disease. War broke out after the Kansas
Compromise. He was an alcoholic, but kept
sober during his presidency, then went back to
drinking after presidency. After his presidency
the divided nation became closer than ever to
the Civil War.
James Buchanan 15th
James Buchanan was seeking a consensus
in a divided nation. He was born in Pennsylvania.
Buchanan was the first and only bachelor
president. His niece filled the spot of the First
Lady. Buchanan was proslavery. When entered
office a slave sued for his freedom, but the
courts final decision was that he was still a
slave and James Buchanan agreed. Then he
bought several slaves and sent them free. James
Buchanan was not liked by the northern and this
split the nation even more.
Abraham Lincoln 16th
Abraham Lincoln was known as “Honest
Abe” and “Rail Splitter”. Abraham Lincoln was
born in a log cabin in Kentucky. He was married
to Mary and had three children with her. All of
his children died at a young age. Lincoln was
antislavery; he thought that all men should be
treated equally. His presidency was defined by
the Civil War. Lincoln was very interested in
military strategy. Shortly after he was reelected
he was assassinated at Ford’s theater. Abraham
Lincoln was a great president who stood up for
what he believed in.