Unit Plan Template Note: Type in the gray areas. Unit Author First and Last Name Amy Zimmerman Author's E-mail Address Amyzimmerman@my.unt.edu Course Name(s) LTEC computers in the classroom Course Number(s) 4100 Course Section(s) .003 School City, State, Zip Denton, TX, 76205 Instructor Name(s): Dr. Knezek Unit Overview Unit Plan Title Volcanoes Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question Are Volcanoes harmful or helpful to the environment? What effects do volcanic eruptions have on the environment? Unit Questions What are the different types of volcanoes? What are the parts of a volcano? What is the erupting process? What are the stages of volcanic activity? Unit Summary The volcano unit plan covers all parts of the volcano. It will go over the types of volcanoes, parts of a volcano, what causes eruptions and what the eruption process is like. The Students will have hands on activity, where they get to see the eruption process. Subject Area(s): (List all subjects that apply) Science, technology applications Grade Level (Click boxes of all grade levels that apply) K-2 6-8 ESL Gifted and Talented 3-5 9-12 Resource Other: Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes I N T E L ® T E A C H T O © 2001 Intel. All rights reserved. T H E F U T U R E 1 Students will be able explain the process of an erupting volcano. They will know all the parts and different types of volcanoes. They will also have an understanding of what can cause a volcano eruption. Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks §112.14. Science, Grade 3 (7) Earth and space. The student knows that Earth consists of natural resources and its surface is constantly changing. The student is expected to: B) investigate rapid changes in Earth's surface such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides; Procedures Erupting volcano activity: 1. Make volcano structure out of paper plates, paper cup, and foil. 2. Place 2 tablespoons of water and on tablespoon of baking soda into the volcano. Stir till dissolved. 3. Pour vinegar into volcano and watch the eruption. Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) One week Prerequisite Skills Basic reading skills, Basic internet skills, team work, Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Laser Disk Computer(s) Printer Digital Camera Projection System DVD Player Scanner Internet Connection Television VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Printed Materials I N T E L ® T E A C H Work sheets and evaluation forms T O © 2001 Intel. All rights reserved. T H E F U T U R E 2 Supplies Large paper plate Bathroom disposable cup Aluminum foil Scotch tape Scissors Water Baking soda Vinegar Tablespoon http://crafts.kaboose.com/erupting-volcano.html Internet Resources http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/volcano/ Others Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction Resource Student Assist students with hands on activity by demonstrating first. Gifted Student The student will go further into learning about volcanoes. Student Assessment Students have identified the characteristics of volcanoes: magma chamber, vent, crater, cindercones, composite, and shield. As well as: Definition of active, dormant, and extinct Models that demonstrate how volcanoes work, lava above and magma underground Page 3 of 3