Computer Science - Continuing Education | Weber State University

WSU Department Name
Computer Science
WSU Course Number & Listing
CS 1030: Foundations of Computer Science (4 Credit Hrs.)
High School: [High School Name]
WSU Concurrent Adjunct Instructor: [Name]
High School Course Name: [Concurrent High School Course]
[School Year]
(Attention: Contact the College or University you wish to attend to make sure that
these Concurrent Enrollment courses will meet your goals for fulfilling General
Education requirements or will count toward your chosen major).
Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s Office Hours
[Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s office hours]
Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s phone and email
[Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s phone and email]
Prerequisite High School Courses if any
[Prerequisite High School Courses if any]
WSU Course Description:
This course will give students an overview of computer science and allow them to learn
the facilities available in the CS department. This course is intended to give students a
solid foundation in Computer Science. It is taught at an introductory level and covers the
core body of knowledge specified by the ACM.
Warning: this class is not TBE 1700. This class is geared towards those continuing on
to a degree in computer science.
The course includes topics such as: History; Tools; Architecture; Data Representation;
Operating System; Networks; Internet; Database; Data Structures; File Structures;
Programming; Software Engineering; Security & Ethics; and Emerging Technology.
WSU Course Objectives:
Class will consist of lecture and discussion on topics assigned. The students are expected
to have read the covered chapters prior to classroom instruction. We will have both
individual and group projects during supervised class and outside class times.
All students are requested to obtain an e-mail account. If you have any questions about
the course or need assistance, please contact me during office hours or bye-mail at any
Please send any email using "CS-1030, name, subject matter" in the subject line. This
helps me sort the email properly and increases the likelihood that your email will not get
"lost in the mail.”
Homework problems are to be submitted for grading on the date specified in the
schedule. It is HIGHLY recommended that you complete the assigned homework
problems since the quizzes, tests, and projects are based on the materia11earned within
the assigned chapter. You may submit the end of chapter case project assignments in
class on the due date or bye-mail with a date stamp of 5:00 P.M. on the due date. E-mail
submissions should be as an attachment in Microsoft Word format. Make sure you use
the spelling and grammar tools before turning the paper in.
WSU Required Textbook & Materials:
Connecting with Computer Science, Greg Anderson, David Ferro, Robert Hilton.
Thomson Course Technology, 2nd Edition, ISBN 1439080356
WSU Course Requirements:
You should anticipate spending two to three hours of study per week for each credit hour
of a university course. Computer and programming classes typically require time in the
upper range.
WSU Grading:
Total >= 94% ...A
90% <= Total < 94% ...A87% <= Total < 90% ... B+
84% <= Total < 87% ... B
80% <= Total < 84% ... B77% <= Total < 80% ... C+
74% <= Total < 77% ... C
70% <= Total < 74% ... C67% <= Total < 70% ...D+
64% <= Total < 67% ... D
60% <= Total < 64% ... DTotal < 60% ... E
The quizzes will consist of multiple choice, TIP and essay questions. See Course
Schedule. Quizzes will be announced in class at least one day prior to quiz. AB long as
you read, do your homework problems and follow your group discussions you should
have no problem receiving a good score for quizzes.
Calendar of Course Content:
[Calendar of Course Content]
WSU Course Evaluation:
As a concurrent student, you are given the privilege of evaluating this course. This is an
anonymous evaluation which allows you an opportunity to express your opinions of the
course and the instructor.
WSU Student Code of Conduct
Download the WSU Student Code of Conduct at: