GASA Class Notes Spring Quarter 2008 EDU 198 P/NP UC Davis Campus Violence Prevention Program 2:10pm-4:00pm T/TR EOC, by CVPP, near TAPS Tuesday April 1, 2008 *Take roll Introductions o Basic Introductions - Name, House, Year, Major o Note card Icebreaker Confidentiality This is NOT an anti-fraternity class! Course Overview/ Syllabus *Distribute CRN *Change 1 unit to 4 units on Dormancy, youtube video o Reactions? Homework: Read Just Sex; Chapter 2 Familiarize yourself with Thursday April 3, 2008 *Take roll Discuss Just Sex; Chapter 2 o What does the author mean by the “perfect victim?” o Why is it difficult for survivors to talk about an assault? o Any other opinions or questions? Sexual Assault and the Greek Community o PowerPoint Part 1 - Why should Greeks care about sexual assault? High risk community - What is sexual assault? Any sexual contact without consent 1 out of 4 women will be sexually assaulted 1 out of 6 men will be sexually assaulted o Probably underreported (Does this make me gay?) Most under-reported crime o Only 16% are ever reported to police o CA Statute of Limitations No DNA-7 years DNA processed within a year-No statute If match is found, 1 year to take action - 4 laws that define consent 1. Force or Threat of Force o Only giving consent because fear of danger Only 6% of rapes use physical weapons 80% of the time it’s someone you know Grooming the victim Creating a friendly front so when attacked the victim uses previous judgments to justify action Trust already exists Attacker makes threats 2. Coercion of Trickery o Younger kids “If you tell someone we’ll both get in trouble” “Everyone’s doing it” Bribery o Examples: Shasta County (10 years ago)- Super Bowl bet The Accused- Jodie Foster - 3. Incapacitation o If under the influence of alcohol or another drug a person cannot give consent Drugs used to facilitate assault Alcohol o Kingsley has handout Roofies- legal in Mexico GHB- used at raves, overdoses, not legal anywhere-odorless, colorless, metallic taste Ketamine- found at vet’s offices; totally conscious, but no body functions o Person’s responsibility who is initiating sexual activity to know how intoxicated the other person is o People in comas cannot give consent 4. Incapable o People who are developmentally disabled o Anyone under the age of 18 Difference of 3 years or more Sexual Assault has nothing to do with sexual attraction All power and control o Men and women have the same sex drive Has to be other stuff too o Average # of victims: 12 Usually commonalities Meagan’s Law (website) Homework: Invite Greeks to GASA facebook group by April 4, 2008 Read ‘A Program on Preventing Sexual Assault Directed Toward Greek Leaders’ Read Just Sex; Chapter 9 Tuesday April 8, 2008 *Take roll Discuss Just Sex; Chapter 9 o Do you think creating a consent policy would work? o Why do you think the prevention activities at Antioch were so successful? (the ideas came from students) Discuss ‘A Program on Preventing Sexual Assault Directed Toward Greek Leaders’ How do you see this being applicable or effective here at Davis? Do you agree/disagree with their approach? Discuss Dartmouth article Movie: Socially Acceptable o Ask students if they have questions or comments Sexual Assault Continuum Activity o Break into groups and complete activity o As a group - What did you discuss within your group - Do the scenarios constitute sexual assault? Why/why not? Homework: Reaction Paper # 1 due April 15, 2008 Read My Sorority Pledge Read Life Lesson #2 Attend ‘Airing Out UC Davis’ Dirty Laundry’ tomorrow night from 5-8pm at the SAE house Thursday April 10, 2008 *Take roll Discuss My Sorority Pledge/ Life Lesson #2 o Reactions? o How do we prevent this from happening at Davis? o Is it fair for her to use her position at the NYT to slam the Greek community? Sexual Assault and the Greek Community o PowerPoint Part 2 - What feeds sexual assault in the Greek community? Statistics Real life examples o ‘Porn Star Accused of Sorority House Rape’ o ‘Sex Attacker Who Apologized is Released’ What can the Greek community do to combat sexual assault? o Hosting Safer Parties o How do our values match up with what is presented? Mike’s Values Activity Personal Values Worksheet Homework: Reaction Paper # 1 due April 15, 2008 Read Just Sex; Chapter 8 Tuesday April 15, 2008 Gender Socialization *Take roll Collect Reaction Paper #1 Introduction to group project Discuss Just Sex; Chapter 8 How do you think pornography relates to “Rape Culture?” Movie: Killing Us Softly o Do you agree with the movie Gender Boxing Activity Men having sex Men not having sex Pimps pussies Players gay Women having sex Sluts Ho’s Women not having sexy prude tease o How can women win? o How does this relate to the “Rape Culture” and even encourage men to rape? o How does this lead to homophobia Homework: Read Sexual Assault Response Plan Thursday April 17, 2008 Victim Services *Take roll Discuss Sexual Assault Response Plan Marisa Messier o Introduction to Victim Services - Rape Trauma Syndrome - Compassion Fatigue o How to help a friend Walking the Walk Activity o Each group discusses how the activity made them feel. Homework: Read How Men Can Stop Rape Tuesday April 22, 2008 *Take roll Gender Specific Programs o Men: Tough Guise and discussion o Women: Discussion Group o Questions for both groups: What are things that frustrate you in terms of gender stereotypes? Within the Greek community? What do you want the other gender to know? Discuss How Men Can Stop Rape Women – what is helpful from men? Men – what is your role in ending sexual assault? Homework: Talk to 2 friends assignment due April 29, 2008 Read America’s Next Top Model Blurb Thursday April 24, 2008 Media and the Greek Community *Take roll Discuss America’s Next Top Model article o Shauna bring pictures Brainstorm about Media and the Greek Community o How are college students portrayed? o How are members of the Greek community portrayed? Difference between men and women? o Beverly Hills 90210 o GREEK Discussion Points o So what? Homework: Talk to 2 friends assignment due April 29, 2008 Tuesday April 29, 2008 Healthy Relationships *Take roll Discuss Talk to 2 friends assignment Domestic Abuse/ Dating Violence o Any abuse between 2 people who are or were in an intimate relationship 2/3 of the kids that grow up in abusive homes become either an abuser or a victim People abuse to gain power and control over others Same as sexual assault Wheel of Abuse 1. Sexual: sexual assault, prostitute, cheating, fake pregnancy, withholding sex 2. Intimidation: almost doing something 3. Threats: progressively get bigger- built up 4. Isolation: cutting off all other ties- one of the biggest red flags 5. Physical: hitting, causing physical pain, etc…; abuser might make it seem like a joke 6. Using Kids: bribe kids, threatening against kids, abortion/pregnancy, kids become commonality 7. Economic: limiting money, isolation, dependence, borrowing 8. Emotional: cutting them down, yelling, criticizing, verbal abuse, inflicting guilt o Everything goes back to emotional abuse Homework: Group Project Ideas due May 8, 2008 Thursday May 1, 2008 Healthy Relationships *Take roll Finish Wheel of Abuse Cycle of Violence o See sheet in binder #1 reason for police death is domestic violence Immigration status cannot be taken into account with SA or DV cases in California In California a woman can charge her husband with spousal rape 5 things that don’t directly cause domestic violence: 1. Childhood history-risk factor, but not a cause 2. Drugs and alcohol-excuse 3. Anger problems-abuser has ALL the control 4. Health/mental illness 5. Stress Reasons for staying o Lack of resources o Feelings o Kids o Religion o Cultural beliefs o Communities o Stigma o Friends o Wheel of Abuse o Sex o Hope o Fear o Companionship o Low Self Esteem o Fear or distrust of law enforcement o Embarrassment o Drugs o Guilt Reasons for leaving o Kids o o o o o o o o o o o o o Friends Self esteem/respect Knowledge Resources Tired-worn out Hope Possibility of better life Family Support network Life threatening experience/personal safety Education Personal ambition Moment of clarity DV is SO COMPLICATED!! Average number of times a DV victim will leave and return before they leave for good: 7 times Most dangerous time for a person in an abusive relationship is the first 6 months after they leave o National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline o Seventeen Magazine article ‘Words That Hurt’ 1 out of 3 teens has a friend who has been in an abusive relationship Homework: Read Just Sex; Chapter 14 for May 8, 2008 Group Project Ideas due May 8, 2008 Reaction Paper #2 due May 13, 2008 Tuesday May 6, 2008 No Class-Women Take Back the Night Set-up on Quad Everyone must attend the event! Thursday May 8, 2008 Self Care *Take roll Discuss Women Take Back the Night Discuss Just Sex; Chapter 14 o What advantage is there to combining all forms of oppression? o What are the disadvantages? Collect Group Project Ideas CAPS Guest Speaker-Vicarious Trauma Homework: Read 10 Ways to Fight Hate, 1-5 Tuesday May 13, 2008 Just the Facts *Take roll Collect Reaction Paper #2 Return Group Project Ideas Discuss 10 Ways to Fight Hate; 1-5 o Have people volunteer to explain each one. o Are these realistic expectations? Do midterm in class Go over midterm Homework: Read 10 Ways to Fight Hate; 6-10 Thursday May 15, 2008 What a Night! *Take roll What a Night! Presentation Discuss 10 Ways to Fight Hate, 6-10 o Have people volunteer to explain each one. o Are these realistic expectations? Work on Group Projects Homework: Read Just Sex; Chapter 12 Tuesday May 20, 2008 Peer Counseling *Take roll Discuss Just Sex; Chapter 12 o What are the difficulties faced when doing peer education? o As an educator, do you identify as a feminist? why/ why not? Counseling Tips o Getting the victim comfortable Confidentiality Body language Setting (quiet space) o Following Skills Active listening Repeating back to contact Validating feelings Normalizing Asking open ended questions Letting them know it’s not their fault o Check in with yourself first o At the end of everything make a referral Mock Victims Activity o Students break into groups and work with volunteer victim As a group, discuss what mock victim experience was like o What are the challenges and strengths you might face when helping a friend/someone within your house? Homework: Read 10 Ways Not To Be An Asshole Thursday May 22, 2008 *Take roll Gender Specific Programs o Discuss 10 Ways Not To Be An Asshole Homework: Read HIV Peer Education Articles Read Public Speaking and Facilitation Tuesday May 27, 2008 Peer Education *Take roll Gender Specific Wrap Up Discuss HIV Peer Education reading o Why was the education successful? o How could this be used on our campus/ in the Greek community? Discuss Public Speaking and Facilitation handout Presenting on the Fly activity Work on Group Projects Homework: Read SMART Goal Setting Thursday May 29, 2008 *Take roll SMART Goal Setting What now? o GASA beyond Spring Quarter What responsibility do we have sitting in this room? What can we do as a group? Where do we want this to go? How do we want to get the houses involved? Work on Group Projects Evaluations Homework: Finish Final Project is needed Tuesday June 3, 2008 *Take roll Collect Final Projects/Discuss Final Projects Watch season finale of GREEK season 1 Thursday June 5, 2008 No class!