NORTON ASTRONOMICAL EPHEMERIS PROGRAM PACKAGE WARREN A. LEACH OMSI Community Research Center Portland,Oregon ABSTRACT ________ NORTON is a RSTS BASIC-Plus package which gives planet and asteroid positions for any date from JANUARY 1, 1900. It has run under RSTS Versions 4 thru 6 (8K Job Max). I _N _T _R _O _D _U _C _T _I _O _N _ from the computer's clock. Two dates can be typed with 'to' in between to indicate Computers and linear programming are a time period: ideally suited to many of the calculations encountered in Astronomy. E.G. 'WHERE IS VENUS FROM JAN 1,1976 The author collected and developed many TO JAN 31,1976?' of the formulae involved in Solar System motions while a computer intern from The Requests are stored as indicators in file Evergreen State College working for the 'SAM.DAT' and the necessary program is Kendall Planetarium at the Oregon Museum chained. Information requests answered of Science and Industry (OMSI). without chaining are SIDEREAL TIME and JULIAN DATE since these are figured Earlier versions performed individual internally. steps in the procedure necessary to numerically represent a dynamic model of Specific possible operations include: the Solar System. One program calculated the slight variations in planetary orbits Julian Date Constellation due to perturbations, some others located Sidereal Time Elongation a planet from orbital elements and time, Geocentric Distance many interpreted local circumstances, and Ascension a few were graphics programs. Angle Velocity Orbital Longitude Right Solar Distance Hour Declination Altitude and Azimuth As a Spring, 1974 lab project, the author Obliquity of Ecliptic linked most of the functions of ephemeride generation programs with a contains the equations to word processor and a common data base. using the An inquiry is made with a loosely generated by MNEPCH.BAS formatted sentence or question: The Mean, Orbital Elements E _P _H _E _M _1 _ represent a solar system orbital elements and stored in SAM.DAT. Eccentric and True Anomalies are derived using Epoch Longitude references. This WHERE WILL MARS BE TOMORROW? coordinates (Solar will result in polar distance and orbital angle) needed to VELOCITY AND ORBITAL LONGITUDE OF MERCURY in the orbital uniquely define position plane. converted to ORBITAL ELEMENTS OF JUPITER (X,Y,Z) and then ON THE LINEPRINTER. inclination to These are rectangular coordinates rotated through orbital the same reference, the Earth's orbital plane or Ecliptic. This is changed to a S _Y _S _T _E _M _ O _U _T _L _I _N _E _ coordinate system centered on the Earth and its Equator: Right Ascension and Three programs comprise the basic Declination. Other calculations are package. Each performs a specific Velocity as a function of Solar distance, function described below. All are the angle from the Sun as seen from Earth accessed by typing 'RUN NORTON'. (Elongation) and the localized coordinate systems, Hour Angle, Altitude and Azimuth. N _O _R _T _O _N _ is the program to accept and read the input sentence. It is scanned for M _N _E _P _C _H _ has the equations for the annual three particulars: Planet name, desired variations in the shape of orbits. The output and date. If no planet name is program is chained only if the data file found, all planets are assumed. If no 'SAM.DAT' contains orbital elements for a date is input, the current date is read different year than requested. The formulae for the inner planet Because values of the orbital elements elements are from the work of Simon vary over extended periods of time, they Newcomb, the productive author of are kept updated to within a year of the numerous volumes of T _h _e _ A _s _t _r _o _n _o _m _i _c _a _l _ request date. A job request far into the P _a _p _e _r _s _ P _r _e _p _a _r _e _d _ f _o _r _ t _h _e _ U _s _e _ o _f _ t _h _e _ past will therefore cause MNEPCH to be A _m _e _r _i _c _a _n _ E _p _h _e _m _e _r _i _s _ a _n _d _ N _a _u _t _i _c _a _l _ A _l _m _a _n _a _c _ , chained. This process is indicated by which contain standards and techniques the message: for the U.S.Naval Observatory. The outer 'Calculating New Epoch' planet elements are read as program data C _A _L _C _U _L _A _T _I _O _N _ O _F _ P _O _S _I _T _I _O _N _ for a 1975 epoch. Besides planets, orbital elements for four asteroids are Position in orbit is determined for a included. Additional space for more date from Orbital Elements and Epoch elliptical orbits is provided for users references. This is done as follows: to insert their favorites. The mean angle traveled per day (Mean U _S _E _R _ P _A _R _T _I _C _U _L _A _R _S _ Motion) is defined: N=360/P degrees In the course of operation it is =2*PI/P radians necessary to know the user's place in P is the Period of one revolution space and time: in Mean Solar days Viewer's planet (usually Earth) the task, but Local Longitude and Latitude connects period and Hours from GMT RSTS account number all planets) These are easily inserted in the 'User Option' area in MNEPCH. This is sufficient for Kepler's Third Law the mean distance: A^3/P^2=C (constant for For our Solar System: C=K^2*(M0+M) K is Gauss Gravitation Constant O _R _B _I _T _A _L _ D _E _F _I _N _I _T _I _O _N _ (.017202 is close enough) M0 is one Solar mass An orbit in space can be specified using in solar units the following orbital elements. The first two define shape, three define orientation and one is an epoch reference. M is planetary mass The complete form is: A^3/P^2=K^2*(M0+M) In units of Solar Mass, M0+M is quite A The mean distance is that between the center and the furthest edge on nearly one, so: A^(3/2)/P*2*PI=K*2*PI Taking the square root and an ellipse (semi-major axis). by 2*PI E The measure of the oblateness or Motion per day as a out-of-round of an ellipse is Major Axis 'A', defined with B, the semi-minor axis: (1) B=A*SQR(1-E^2) T _O _ T _R _U _E _ A _N _O _M _A _L _Y _ E=SQR((B^2-A^2)/A^2) multiplying both sides This gives the Mean function of the SemiN=K*2*PI/A^(3/2) M _E _A _N _ An approximate or Mean Anomaly (angle I The angle between the plane of orbit date can be found and the Ecliptic is Inclination. Longitude (L) for any from Perihelion) for a by taking the Mean epoch (T1) and adding Mean Motion per day U The angle between zero degrees and Epoch (J-T1): the Ascending Node is the Longitude (2) of the Ascending Node. A planet is which position is on or crossing the Ecliptic when at to be found. the Ascending or Descending Node. of L. (N) times the days from M=N*(J-T1)+L-U-W J is the date for T1 is the Epoch date L-U-W converts longitude to an W The Argument of Perihelion is the anomaly angle between the Ascending Node and Perihelion. It is different from defined in an the Longitude of Perihelion, which the solar focus is measured from the First Point of circle with a An Eccentric Anomaly is intermediate step with (the eccentric) and a Aries by the relation: major axis of LONG.PERIH.=W+U to the Mean radius equal to the semithe orbit. Its relation Anomaly is defined by Kepler's Equation: L The Mean Longitude at Epoch is the (3) reality reference for calculation of Anomaly. position in orbit. It is used in EPHEM1 as an annual location from from the which true position is calculated. presents no problem. M=E1-E*SIN(E1) Where E1 is the Eccentric Finding the Mean Anomaly Eccentric Anomaly In practice, the opposite is required and of Solar Distance and the True Anomaly the formula is not directly solveable for for julian date J follows: E1. A non-algebraic technique is X6=ATN(SQR(8*D^3)/3/K/(J-T9)) therefore needed. A table can be built E2=2*ATN((TAN(S/2))^(1/3)) of the values from which interpolation F=2*ATN(2/TAN(E2)) !TRUE ANOMALY can resolve the answer. Isaac Newton R=2*D/(1+COS(F)) !POLAR EQUATION designed an interesting circular 'slide ! OF ORBIT YIELDS R rule' to solve for E1. The most convenient solution for computer use is T _R _A _N _S _I _T _I _O _N _S _ T _O _ U _S _A _B _L _E _ F _O _R _M _ arrived at with methods derived by numerical analysis. Conversion to rectangular coordinates in units of A.U. with the Sun at (0,0,0) S _O _L _U _T _I _O _N _ T _O _ K _E _P _L _E _R _' _S _ E _Q _U _A _T _I _O _N _ and referenced to the Ecliptic is done with orientational elements. The reverse function can be located in X3=R*(COS(U)*COS(W+F)) this method credited to E.W.Brown. Y3=R*(SIN(U)*COS(W+F)) Z3=R*SIN(W+F)*SIN(I) For small E: DEF FNS(Q)=ATN(Q/SQR(1-Q^2)) ! ARCSINE Rotating through the Obliquity of the X0=ATN(E*SIN(M)/(1-E*COS(M))) Ecliptic (E9) gives X,Y,Z in terms of the X2=SQR(1-2*E*COS(M)+E^2) Earth's Equatorial Plane: X3=FNS(-SIN(X0)^3/6/X2) X5=X3 E1=M+X0+X3 !ECCENTRIC ANOMALY Y5=Y3*COS(E9)Z3*SIN(E9) Z5=Y3*SIN(E9)+Z3*COS(E9) If E>.1 or great accuracy is desired: X4=-(E*SIN(M+X0+X3))^3/6/X2 planets thus reduced, X5=(E*SIN(M+X9))^5/120/X2 on the viewer's E1=M+X0+FNS(X4+X5) !ECCENTRIC ANOMALY convenient is The position of the a coordinate system based planet is needed. Most Right Ascension and Declination, measured A more concise technique from W.M.Smart and degrees used in NORTON: referenced to the in 'Hours' (15 degrees) respectively, and E1=M+(E-E^3/8)*SIN(M)+E^2*SIN(2*M)/2 First Point of +3/8*E^3*SIN(3*M) Right Ascension is Celestial Equator and the Aries. To calculate, the slope of the Equatorial X and Y The Eccentric Anomaly yields the True measured from the Anomaly F: X9,Y9,Z9: E0=SQR((1+E)/(1-E)) F=2*ATN(E0*TAN(E1/2)) altitude up the Z Or, also from W.M Smart: X9)^2/(Y5-Y9)^2)) F=E1+(E+E^3/4)*SIN(E1)+E^2/4*SIN(2*E1) +E^3/12*SIN(3*E1) from Earth is coordinates of a body viewer's planet at R8=ATN((Y5-Y9)/(X5-X9)) Declination is the axis: D8=ATN((Z5-Z9)/SQR((X5The distance to a planet found from the rectangular coordinates: Orbital Longitude adds the angle from Y9)^2+(Z5-Z9)^2) zero degrees to the true anomaly: O=F+(U+W) between the Sun R3=SQR((X5-X9)^2+(Y5Elongation is measured and a body from Earth using the Law of The Distance from the Sun as a function of angle is found from the Polar Equation Q^2)/Q) !ARCCOS for an ellipse: R1^2)/(2*R*R3) R=A*(1-E^2)/(1+E*COS(F)) distance Or, more directly, from the Eccentric distance Anomaly: R=A*(1-E*COS(E1)) (4) the Solar The position in space of a body then defined in terms of orbital coordinates Gravitation Constant R,F, the orbital elements and date. Cosines: DEF FNC(Q)=ATN(SQR(1E6=FNC(R^2+R3^2R is Sun-Earth R1 is Body-Sun Velocity is a function of Distance: V=SQR(K*(2/R-1/A)) K is Gauss L _O _C _A _L _ C _O _O _R _D _I _N _A _T _E _ S _Y _S _T _E _M _S _ P _A _R _A _B _O _L _I _C _ O _R _B _I _T _S _ H _o _u _r _ A _n _g _l _e _ is the time before a body is The orbits of many comets are defined in Zenith (straight up). The hour angle with a slightly different set of Orbital of the Noon Sun is zero. It is figured Elements: Time S9 from the D Perihelion distance, from focus by subtracting Sidereal Right Ascension R9: R9-S9=HOUR ANGLE to vertex T9 Perihelion Date and Epoch is the angle above the horizon A _l _t _i _t _u _d _e _ of a body. measured from I,U,W Orientational Elements compass directions Azimuth is North corresponding to (90 degrees is East). They are found from The process of finding position in terms with the Hour Spherical Trigonometry Angle: and unified graphic interpretation is to K4=FNS(-COS(D9)*SIN(S9-R9)/COS(K3)) be included in further extensions. L1 is local longitude D9 is Declination A _C _K _N _O _W _L _E _D _G _E _M _E _N _T _S _ FNS is Arcsine function Guidance and advice were received from G _R _A _P _H _I _C _ I _N _T _E _R _P _R _E _T _A _T _I _O _N _ Peter Langston, Evergreen Programmer; Garry Stasiuk, Director of the Kendall Plots of the curves defined by the Planetarium; Rusty Whitney, project functions in this paper can be useful for sponsor at OMSI; and the Evergreen State graphic output. A display of Right College Library in Olympia, Washington. Ascension and Declination shows the Earth's sky and with a background of REFERENCES stars results in a true planisphere. The C _E _L _E _S _T _I _A _L _ M _E _C _H _A _N _I _C _S _, W.M.Smart, equations of orbit can be used to create Cambridge Press a scaled Solar System model or orrery, S _P _H _E _R _I _C _A _L _ A _S _T _R _O _N _O _M _Y _, W.M.Smart, and plots using Altitude and Azimuth can Cambridge Press (1971) be useful to show a local view in S _U _P _P _L _E _M _E _N _T _ T _O _ T _H _E _ A _S _T _R _O _N _O _M _I _C _A _L _ E _P _H _E _M _E _R _I _S _ A _N _D _ A _E _N _A _, H.M.Nautical relation to the horizon. Almanac Office, London (1961) M _E _A _S _U _R _E _M _E _N _T _ U _N _I _T _S _ G _L _O _S _S _A _R _Y _ _O _F _ _T _E _R _M _S _ Care must be taked to keep all unit types Perihelion to a consistent throughout all calculations. Eccentric For these programs, the Astronomical Unit and second is used for length and radians is the True anomaly. angular measure. Conversion factors are used to alter to desirable output type: the angle ANOMALY is the angle from planet. The Mean and anomalies are first approximations to the ARGUMENT OF PERIHELION is 12/PI HOURS=180/PI DEGREES=RADIANS Node and 1 A.U.=92,957,000 Mi=149,600,000 KM Similarly, all dates used must be in terms of the same Epoch. The particular angle from zero choice of dates is a secondary celestial sphere (also consequence, but all must be consistent Point of Aries) to to the others for meaningful Ecliptic measured calculations. The Epoch base of NORTON is January 0,1900. between the Ascending Perihelion. ASCENDING NODE is the degrees on the called the First the plane of the along the orbit. ASTRONOMICAL UNIT or A.U. is the unit of S _U _M _M _A _R _Y _ measurement convenient for Solar System measurements. It is the Computation of astronomical ephemerides Earth to the Sun. and their interpretation of results is proving feasible with the precision projection on available on most timeshared computers. of the Earth's Yet much work remains to design more forms of output and better computation techniques. measure in degrees of distance from the CELESTIAL EQUATOR is the the celestial sphere Equator. DECLINATION is the a position above the Celestial Work completed at OMSI includes an from Earth animation of Comet Kohoutek and planets coordinate). with the graphics terminal coupled to a 16mm time lapse movie camera, predicting of the orbital local events for the Portland area, as circular orbit has well as providing convenient access to zero. The celestial circumstances over an extended that figured Equator, as viewed (Geocentric ECCENTRICITY is a measure out-of-round. A an eccentricity of Eccentric Anomaly is from a focus of the ellipse. time period. Another possibility still to be considered is computer guidance for the Earth's planet, comet or satellite projectors in the Planetarium. ECLIPTIC is the plane of Orbit EPHEMERIS a table of data (usually It has been the intent of the author to the position of put accurate astronomical data in easily accessible form. With the addition of other programs to generate other types of specifications defining output, the system will be made more of an orbit in useful. Past work with parabolic orbits is being used for comet ephemerides similar to current planetary and asteroid distance between stuff. Current work with local eclipse object in Earth's circumstances, rising and setting times, numeric) concerning celestial bodies. ELEMENTS are shape and orientation space. ELONGATION the angular the Sun and another Sky. EPOCH An Epoch is a reference point in time and space needed to allow a open ended path geometric model to represent a comet. phenomena in Nature. In NORTON, it is comprised of a Mean Longitude and orbital point to a date. PARABOLIC ORBIT is an often defined by a PERIHELION The closest the Sun. INCLINATION is the angle from the angle to the Ecliptic to the planet's orbit. from zero degrees. ORBITAL LONGITUDE is the JULIAN DATE is a convenient means of geocentric handling dates over a long period. measured East along Dates are counted from an agreed upon divided into 24 starting date. Astronomical Julian Date (capital 'J') is referred to a particular date, at noon, January Right Ascension of 1,4173 BC. (straight up). RIGHT ASCENSION is a position in orbit coordinate system the Celestial Equator Hours. SIDEREAL TIME is the the observer's Zenith