chapter 1: three old worlds create a new, 1492-1600




57 terms


Know: Old World, New World

Are the terms old world and new world biased?

Old World :

Europeans fleeing poverty & religious persecution.

New World:

North America

1. What conditions existed in what is today the United States that made it "fertile ground" for a great nation?

Abundant natural resources

Prior inhabitance & cultivation of the land by the Native Americans

The Shaping of North America


Great Basin:

Lake Bonneville covering most of Idaho & Utah today-it drained into the Pacific- drained the west through the Snake River & Columbia River system. Lake Bonneville’s beaches are visible 1,000 ft. up of the floor of the Great Basin. Salt Lake lost its outlet and evaporation caused it to become saline.

Appalachian Mountains:

Formed before continental separation. 350 million yrs. Ago.

Tidewater Region:

Caused by many river valleys. Slope upward to the Appalachians.

Rocky Mountains:

135-25 million yrs. ago after continental separation.

Great Lakes: weight of the ice caused depressions in the Canadian Shield. This scoured away the topsoil

Missouri Mississippi-Ohio River System: Drained the level of the Great Lakes.

2. Speculate how at least one geographic feature affected the development of the United States.

Select a geographic region, explain how the geographic feature affected the development of the

United States in each of the following time periods:




The First Discoverers of America


Land Bridge:

35,000 yrs ago the oceans congealed causing the sea level to drop, and exposing the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska. Nomad crossed the land bridge. About 10,000 years ago, as the Ice

Age ended, sea levels began to rise and the land bridge was covered with water once again.

3. "Before the arrival of Europeans, the settlement of the Americas was insignificant." Assess this statement.

Insignificant infers that lower population levels were inferior to the larger population levels in other parts of the world. Also, new research suggests that the native populations of North America were actually much higher than previously thought.

The Earliest Americans


Maize: corn- transformed groups into agricultural societies as it spread throughout the Americas.

Aztecs: Nation-state in present day Mexico

Incas: Nation-state in present-day Mexico

Pueblo: maize reached the American southwest around 1200 bc. Rio Grande Valley established irrigation systems for their corn. Multistoried terraced buildings (pueblo means “village” in Spanish)

Mound Builders: Chaokia: 40,000 in 1100 A.D. around 1300 population began to decline. (Monk’s Mound)

Creek, Choctoaw, & Cherokee were among the highest populations.

Three-sister Farming: corn, squash, & beans. Beans grew up corn stalk and squash retained moisture in soil.


Iroquois : Northeastern woodlands, democratic political system

4. Describe some of the common features of North American Indian culture.

Agricultural- yet impermanent settlements.

Did not attempt to dominate nature

Use quotes from pages 9-10 in textbook. “They were so thinly spread across the continent that vast areas were virtually untouched by a human presence.” 4 million…….

Indirect Discoverers of the New World


Vinland: From Scandanavia 1,000 AD, Newfoundland (covered in wild grapes- hence the name vinland)

Crusaders: 1300’s crusaders seeking to free holy land from Muslim control. This gave Europe a taste for foreign goods i.e: ilk, spices, drugs, perfumes- ***sugar

Merchants ought cheaper means for the transportation of goods.

Venice: Italian trading city

Genoa: Italian trading city

Describ e the impact of sugar and the development of Europe’s “sweet tooth” on the colonization of

the Americas.

5. What caused Europeans to begin exploring?

Europeans were in search of cheaper trade routes from the East to the West.

Europeans Enter Africa


Marco Polo: 1295 AD he returned from China. Increased European desires for goods.

Caravel: Before its invention Europeans would not sail around the coast of Africa. 1450 invented by

Portuguese allowed them to sail more directly into the wind.

Bartholomew Diaz: Rounded the tip of Africa in 1488 (Portuguese) Portugal had control of the African coast

Vasco da Gama: Reached India in 1498

Ferdinand and Isabella: rid Spain of the “infidels” (the Moors) Wanted to rival Portugal for power.

Moors: Muslims who fought the Christians in Spain

6. What were the results of the Portuguese explorations of Africa?

Exposure to slave trade by Africans and Arabs led to their own establishment of slave trade networks

Slaves used to work on sugar plantations.

Set up gold trading posts on the west coast

Columbus Comes upon a New World


Columbus: 1492

7. What developments set the stage for “a cataclysmic shift in the course of history”?

Europeans desired cheaper products from foreign lands

Africa was a cheap labor source

Long-range navigation was possible

Spain was rising in power as a nation-state

Renaissance & the spread of knowledge

When Worlds Collide




Sugar: Columbus brought over seedl ings of sugar cane


Smallpox: - Hispaniola population dropped from 1 million to 200 in 50 years.

8. Explain the positive and negative effects of the Atlantic Exchange.

Positive & negative effects can be argues for almost everything:




Maize, mantioc, sweet potatoes to Africa

The Spanish Conquistadors

Know: Only a small minority were actually nobility. Most were professional soldiers & sailors. The rest were peasants ans artisans.

Treaty of Tordesillas: 1494 Treaty to discovery of Columbus dividing land b/t Spain and Portugal. Most of the land went to Spain, but Portugal got more land in Africa.

Vasco Nunez Balboa: Spanish discoverer of Pacific Ocean of Pananma 1513 & claimed washed by that sea.

Ferdinand Magellan: Sailed around the world

Juan Ponce de Leon: Sailed to FL

Francisco Coronado: From Mexico east through AZ & NM. He encountered the Pueblos

Hernando de Soto: From the East crossed the Mississippi. Particularly brutal to Native Am.

Francisco Pizarro: Destroyed the Incas in 1532.

Encomienda: Basically enslavement of the natives in return for conversion to Christianity

9. Were the conquistadors great men? Explain.

They were great at destroying the existence of native societies of the Americas

Makers of America: The Spanish Conquistadors


Granada: Moorish stronghold in Spain (city) 1492 it fell to the Spanish after a 10 year siege. For 500 years the Christian kingdoms of Spain had been attempting to rid the area of the North African Muslims

Moors: North African Muslims

"Reconquista": Ended as a result of Moorish defeat……. The religious zealotry & intolerance of the

Spanish was now focuses on the “New World” frontier.

10. Were the conquistadors' motives successfully fulfilled? Explain.

Their individual dreams of glory were not attained. Most had to give booty to their commanders and later the Spanish crown tightened control of the loot.

The Conquest of Mexico


Hernan Cortez: Conquerer of the Aztecs

Tenochtitlan: Aztec capital city

Montezuma : Leader of the Aztecs

Mestizos: mix race of Aztecs & Spanish

11. Why was Cortez able to defeat the powerful Aztecs?

Guns & disease

The Spread of Spanish America


John Cabot:

Giovanni da Verazano:

Jacques Cartier:

St. Augustine:

New Mexico: Don Juan De Onate led Spansih into the Rio Grande Valley in 1598. In the Battle of Acoma,

1599, the Spanish severed the foot of each survivor. The called this area New Mexico and in 1609 founded its capital in Santa Fe.

Pope's Rebellion: 1680, the native Americans destroyed all Catholic Churches and killed preiests and

Spanish settlers. The Indians built “kivas” ceremonial religious chamber on the ruins on the Spanish plaza at Santa Fe.

Mission Indians: In CA, San Deigo…attempt of Spaniards to convert Indians. These Indians not only lost contact with native culture but were also very susceptible to disease.

Black Legend: That Spanish had butchered the natives, stole their gold, and infected them with smallpox.

The Spanish actually did a better job of incorporating native cultures into their own than the English did.

12.What is the “Black Legend,” and to what extent does our text agree with it?

The textbook rejects this legend overall. I’m skeptical of the textbook’s treatment of this topic.



England's Imperial Stirrings


Henry VIII:

Queen Elizabeth:

Catholic Ireland:

13. Why was England slow to establish New World colonies?

Elizabeth Energizes England


Francis Drake:

Sir Walter Raleigh:


Spanish Armada:

14.What steps from 1575-1600 brought England closer to colonizing the New World?

England on the Eve of Empire


Enclosure Movement:


Joint-stock company:

15.Explain how conditions in England around 1600 made the country "ripe" to colonize North America.

England Plants the Jamestown Seedling


Virginia Company:


John Smith:



Starving Time:

Lord De La Warr:

16.Give at least three reasons that so many of the Jamestown settlers died.

Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake


Powhatan's Confederacy:

Anglo-Powhatan Wars:

17. What factors led to the poor relations between Europeans and Native Americans in Virginia?

Virginia: Child of Tobacco


John Rolfe:


House of Burgesses:

18."By 1620 Virginia had already developed many of the features that were important to it two centuries later." Explain.

Maryland: Catholic Haven


Lord Baltimore:

Indentured Servants:

Act of Toleration:

19.In what ways was Maryland different than Virginia?

The West Indies: Way Station to Mainland America


West Indies:


Barbados Slave Code:

20.What historical consequences resulted from the cultivation of sugar instead of tobacco in the British colonies in the West Indies?

Colonizing the Carolinas


Oliver Cromwell:

Charles II:


21.Why did Carolina become a place for aristocratic whites and many black slaves?

The Emergence of North Carolina


T uscarora:

22.North Carolina was called "a vale of humility between two mountains of conceit." Explain.

Late-Coming Georgia: The Buffer Colony


James Oglethorpe:

23.In what ways was Georgia unique among the Southern colonies?

Makers of America: The Iroquois


The Iroquois Confederacy:



Five Nations:

Handsome Lake:

24.How did the political structure of the Iroquois prove to be strength and ultimately a weakness?

The Plantation Colonies

25.Which Southern colony was the most different from the others? Explain.



The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

Know: John Calvin, Conversion Experience, Visible Saints, Church of England, Puritans, Separatists

26.How did John Calvin's teachings result in some Englishmen wanting to leave England?

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

Know: Mayflower, Myles Standish, Mayflower Compact, Plymouth, William Bradford

27.Explain the factors that contributed to the success of the Plymouth colony.

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth

Know: Puritans, Charles I, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Great Migration, John Winthrop

28.Why did the Puritans come to America?

Building the Bay Colony

Know: Freemen, Bible Commonwealth, John Cotton, Protestant Ethic

29. How democratic was the Massachusetts Bay Colony? Explain.

Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

Know: Anne Hutchinson, Antinomianism, Roger Williams

30.What happened to people whose religious beliefs differed from others in Massachusetts Bay Colony?

The Rhode Island "Sewer"

Know: Freedom of Religion

31.How was Rhode Island different than Massachusetts?

Makers of America: The English

32.In what ways did the British North American colonies reflect their mother country?

New England Spreads Out

Know: Thomas Hooker, Fundamental Orders

33.Describe how Connecticut, Maine and New Hampshire were settled.

Puritans versus Indians

Know: Squanto, Massasoit, Pequot War, Praying Towns, Metacom, King Philip's War

34.Why did hostilities arise between Puritans and Native Americans? What was the result?

Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence

Know: New England Confederation, Charles II

35.Assess the following statement, "The British colonies were beginning to grow closer to each other by


Andros Promotes the First American Revolution

Know: Dominion of New England, Navigation Laws, Edmund Andros, Glorious Revolution, William and

Mary, Salutary Neglect

36. How did events in England affect the New England colonies' development?

Old Netherlanders at New Netherlands

Know: Dutch East India Company, Henry Hudson, New Amsterdam, Patroonships

37.Explain how settlement by the Dutch led to the type of city that New York is today.

Friction with English and Swedish Neighbors

Know: Wall Street, New Sweden, Peter Stuyvesant, Log Cabins

38."Vexations beset the Dutch company-colony from the beginning." Explain.

Dutch Residues in New York

Know: Duke of York

39.Do the Dutch have an important legacy in the United States? Explain.

Penn's Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

Know: Quakers, William Penn

40.What had William Penn and other Quakers experienced that would make them want a colony in


Quaker Pennsylvania and Its Neighbors

Know: East New Jersey, West New Jersey, Delaware

41. Why was Pennsylvania attractive to so many Europeans and Native Americans?

The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

Know: Middle Colonies, Benjamin Franklin

42.What do the authors mean when the say that the middle colonies were the most American?

Varying Viewpoints: Europeanizing America or Americanizing Europe?

43.“The picture of colonial America that is emerging from all this new scholarship is of a society unique— and diverse

—from its inception.” Explain



The Unhealthy Chesapeake

44."Life in the American wilderness was nasty, brutish, and short for the earliest Chesapeake settlers."


The Tobacco Economy

Know: Tobacco, Indentured Servants, Freedom Dues, Headright System

45.What conditions in Virginia made the colony right for the importation of indentured servants?

Frustrated Freemen and Bacon's Rebellion

Know: William Berkeley, Nathaniel Bacon

46.Who is most to blame for Bacon's rebellion, the upper class or the lower class? Explain.

Colonial Slavery

Know: Royal African Company, Middle Passage, Slave Codes, Chattel Slavery

47. Describe the slave trade.

Africans in America

Know: Gullah, Stono Rebellion

48. Describe slave culture and contributions.

Makers of America: From African to African-American

49."And precisely because of the diversity of African peoples represented in America, the culture that emerged was a uniquely New World creation." Explain.

Southern Society

Know: Plantations, Yeoman Farmers

50.Describe southern culture in the colonial period, noting social classes.

The New England Family

Know: The Scarlet Letter

51.What was it like to be a woman in New England?

Life in the New England Towns

Know: Harvard, Town Meetings

52.Explain the significance of New England towns to the culture there.

The Half-Way Covenant and the Salem Witch Trial

Know: Jeremiad, Conversions, Half-Way Covenant

53.What evidence shows that New England was becoming more diverse as the 17th century wore on?

The New England Way of Life

Know: Yankee Ingenuity

54.How did the environment shape the culture of New England?

The Early Settlers' Days and Ways

Know: Leisler's Rebellion

55.How much equality was evident in the colonies?



Conquest by the Cradle

Know: Thirteen Original Colonies

56.What was the significance of the tremendous growth of population in Britain's North American colonies?

A Mingling of Races

Know: Pennsylvania Dutch, Scots-Irish, Paxton Boys, Regulator Movement

57.What was the significance of large numbers of immigrants from places other than England?

The Structure of Colonial Society

Know: Social Mobility

58.Assess the degree of social mobility in the colonies.

Makers of America: The Scots-Irish

Know: The Session

59.How had the history of the Scots-Irish affected their characteristics?

Clerics, Physicians, and Jurists

Know: Smallpox, Diphtheria

60.Why has the relative prestige of the professions changed from colonial times to today?

Workaday America

Know: Triangular Trade, Naval Stores, Molasses Act

61.Describe some of the more important occupations in the colonies.

Horsepower and Sailpower

Know: Taverns

62.What was it like to travel in early America?

Dominant Denominations

Know: Established Church, Anglicans, Congregationalists, Presbyterians

63.How did the denominations in America affect relations with Great Britain?

The Great Awakening

Know: Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Old Lights, New Lights, Baptists

64.How was the religion encompassed in the Great Awakening different from traditional religion?

What was important about the difference?

Schools and Colleges

Know: Latin and Greek

65.What kind of education could a young person expect in colonial times?

Culture in the Backwoods

Know: John Trumbull, Charles Wilson Peale, Benjamin West, John Singleton Copley, Benjamin


66.Did Americans distinguish themselves in the arts during the colonial period? Explain.

Pioneer Presses

Know: John Peter Zenger

67.Why was the jury verdict in the Zenger case important?

The Great Game of Politics

Know: Royal Colonies, Proprietary Colonies, Self-governing Colonies, Colonial Assemblies, Power of the Purse, Town Meetings, Property Qualifications

68.How democratic was colonial America?

Colonial Folkways

69.What were the advantages and disadvantages of living in America during the colonial period?

Colonial America: Communities of Conflict or Consensus?

Know: Nash's Urban Crucible Theory

70.Were the colonies marked more by internal consensus or internal conflict? Explain.



France Finds a Foothold in Canada

Know: Huguenots, Samuel de Champlain, New France

71.How was the colony of New France different from the British North American colonies?

New France Fans Out

Know: Beaver, Coureurs de Bois, Voyageurs, Robert de La Salle

72.What factors led to the French settlement of New France?

The Clash of Empires

Know: Treaty of Utrecht, War of Jenkins's Ear, James Oglethorpe, Louisbourg

73.Describe the early wars between France and Britain.

George Washington Inaugurates War with France

Know: Fort Duquesne, George Washington, Fort Necessity, Acadians

74.How did George Washington spark the French and Indian War?

Global War and Colonial Disunity

Know: Benjamin Franklin, Albany Plan of Union, "Join or Die"

75.What was meant by the statement, “America was conquered in Germany?

Braddock's Blundering and Its Aftermath

Know: Edward Braddock

76.What setbacks did the British suffer in the early years of the French and Indian War?

Pitt's Palms of Victory

Know: William Pitt, James Wolfe, Battle of Quebec

77.What was the significance of the British victory in the French and Indian War?

Restless Colonials

78.How did the French and Indian War affect the relationship between the colonies and the mother country?

Makers of America: The French

Know: Louis XIV, The Great Displacement

79.What contributions to American culture were made by the French?

Americans: A People of Destiny

Know: Treaty of Paris, Pontiac, Daniel Boone, Proclamation of 1763

80.How did French defeat lead to westward expansion and tension with Native Americans and the




The Deep Roots of Revolution

81.Why does the author say that the American Revolution began when the first settlers stepped ashore?

The Mercantile Theory

Know: Mercantilism

82.Explain the economic theory of mercantilism and the role of colonies.

Mercantilist Trammels on Trade

Know: Navigation Laws, Royal Veto

83.How did Parliament enact the theory of mercantilism into policy?

The Merits of Mercantilism

Know: Salutary Neglect, John Hancock, Bounties

84. In what ways did the mercantilist theory benefit the colonies?

The Menace of Mercantilism

85.What economic factors were involved in leading colonists to be displeased with the British government?

The Stamp Tax Uproar

Know: George Grenville, Sugar Act, Quartering Act of 1765, Stamp Act, Admiralty Courts, Virtual


86.Why were the colonists so upset over relatively mild taxes and policies?

Parliament Forced to Repeal the Stamp Act

Know: Stamp Act Congress, Nonimportation Agreements, Homespun, Sons of Liberty, Declaratory Act

87.In what ways did colonists resist the Stamp Act?

The Townshend Tea Tax and the Boston "Massacre"

Know: Townshend Acts, Indirect Tax, Boston Massacre, John Adams

88.How did the Townshend Acts lead to more difficulties?

The Seditious Committees of Correspondence

Know: George III, Lord North, Samuel Adams, Committees of Correspondence

89.How did Committees of Correspondence work?

Tea Parties at Boston and Elsewhere

Know: British East India Company, Boston Tea Party

90.What was the cause of the Boston Tea Party, and what was its significance?

Parliament Passes the "Intolerable Acts"

Know: Boston Port Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, Quartering Act of 1774, Quebec Act

91. What was so intolerable about the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts?

The Continental Congress and Bloodshed

Know: First Continental Congress, Declaration of Rights, The Association, Tar and Feathers, Minute

Men, Lexington and Concord

92.What was the goal of the First Continental Congress?

Imperial Strength and Weakness

Know: Hessians, Tories

93.What were British strengths and weaknesses at the outset of the war?

American Pluses and Minuses

Know: George Washington, Ben Franklin, Marquis de Lafayette, Continentals

94.What were the American strengths and weaknesses at the outset of the war?

A Thin Line of Heroes

Know: Valley Forge, Baron von Steuben, Continental Army

95.What role was played by African-Americans in the Revolution?

Whose Revolution?

96. Which of the four interpretations of the Revolution seems most true to you? Which seems least true? Explain.



Congress Drafts George Washington

Know: Second Continental Congress, George Washington

97. Why was George Washington chosen as general of the American army?

Bunker Hill and Hessian Hirelings

Know: Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold, Fort Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill, Redcoats, Olive Branch Petition,


98. How and why did George III "slam the door on all hope of reconciliation"?

The Abortive Conquest of Canada

Know: Richard Montgomery

99. Did the fighting go well for Americans before July of 1776? Explain.

Thomas Paine Preaches Common Sense

100. Why was Common Sense important?

Paine and the Idea of "Republicanism"

Know: Republic, Natural Aristocracy

101. Why did Paine want a democratic republic?

Jefferson's "Explanation" of Independence

Know: Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, Natural Rights

102. What does the Declaration of Independence say?

Patriots and Loyalists

Know: Patrick Henry

103. What kinds of people were Loyalists?

Makers of America: The Loyalists

104. What happened to Loyalists after the war?

The Loyalist Exodus

105. What happened to Loyalists during the war?

General Washington at Bay

Know: William Howe, Trenton, Princeton,

106. What were some of the flaws of General William Howe?

Burgoyne's Blundering Invasion

Know: John Burgoyne, Benedict Arnold, Saratoga, Horatio Gates

107. Why did the Americans win the battle of Saratoga? Why was it significant?

Strange French Bedfellows

108. Why did the French help America win independence?

The Colonial War Becomes a World War

Know: Armed Neutrality

109. Why was foreign aid so important to the American cause?

Blow and Counterblow

Know: Nathaniel Greene, Charles Cornwallis

110. Would an American Patriot, reading news of the war in 1780, have been happy about the way the war was going? Explain.

The Land Frontier and Sea Frontier

Know: Iroquois Confederacy, Fort Stanwix, George Rogers Clarke, John Paul Jones, Privateers

111. Was frontier fighting important in the outcome of the war?

Yorktown and the Final Curtain

Know: Charles Cornwallis, Yorktown

112. If the war did not end at Yorktown, then why was it important?

Peace at Paris

Know: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay, Treaty of Paris

113. What did America gain and what did it concede in the Treaty of Paris?

A New Nation Legitimized

Know: Whigs

114. Did Americans get favorable terms in the Treaty of Paris? Explain.





Paragraph 1= Give your introduction and thesis statement

Paragraph 2-34= Supportive evidence using documents and “outside knowledge” based on your text and other sources

Paragraph 5= Conclusion
