2nd 9 weeks benchmark review 09-10

2nd 9 weeks benchmark review 2012
Georgia Performance Standard
SS8H3 a.Explain the immediate
and long-term causes of the
American Revolution and their
impact on Georgia – include the
French and Indian War (7 Years’
War), Proclamation of 1763, Stamp
Act, Intolerable Acts, and the
Declaration of Independence
1. How did the French and Indian War lead to the American
Revolutionary War?
Great Britain had developed a lot of debt after the F&I War
and taxed the colonies. The colonies didn’t like the taxes
and eventually revolted.
2. How did the French and Indian War affect Georgia’s growth
and development?
Georgia’s southern boundary became the St. Marys River.
3. Why did many Georgians remain loyal to Great Britain?
Georgia was younger than the other colonies and still
depended on Britain.
4. Who were Georgia’s signers of the Declaration of
Independence? Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton
1. What did Austin Dabney do during the Revolution?
He was a mulatto (mixed) slave who fought for his owner
during the Revolution.
SS8H3b. Analyze the significance
of people and events in Georgia on
the Revolutionary War, including
Loyalists, patriots, Elijah Clarke,
Austin Dabney, Nancy Hart, Battle 2. What did Nancy Hart do during the Revolution?
of Kettle Creek, siege of Savannah. She killed a number of British soldiers at her home. Hart
County is named after her.
SS8H4a: Analyze the strengths
and weaknesses of both the GA
constitution of 1777 and the
Articles of Confederation and
explain how the weaknesses in the
Articles of Confederation led to a
need to revise the Articles.
1.What was the main weakness of the Georgia Constitution of
It established a unicameral legislature with strong powers
such as appointing the governor
2.Why did the authors of the Articles of Confederation want a
federal government with little power?
They had just freed themselves from the domination of a
strong central gov’t in Great Britain.
SS8H4b: Describe the role of
Georgia at the Constitutional
Convention of 1787; include the
role of Abraham Baldwin and
William Few, and reasons why
Georgia ratified the new
establishment of the University of
Georgia, Louisville and the spread
of the Baptist and Methodist
1. What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention?
To revise the Articles of Confederation
2. Who represented Georgia at the Constitutional Convention?
William Few and Abraham Baldwin
1.The University of Georgia is the nation’s first land grant
university. What is a land grant university?
A university in which the land is donated by the government.
2.What were the 2 largest religious groups in Georgia in the late
1700s? Baptists and Methodists
SSH5b: Evaluate the impact of
land policies pursued by Georgia,
including the headright system and
land lotteries and the Yazoo land
SS8H5c: Explain how
technological developments,
including the cotton gin and
railroads, had an impact on
Georgia’s growth.
SS8H5d.: Analyze the events that
led to the removal of the Creeks
and Cherokees; include the roles of
Alexander McGillivray, William
McIntosh, Sequoyah, John Ross,
Dahlonega Gold Rush, Worcester
v. Georgia, Andrew Jackson, John
Marshall, and the Trail of Tears
SS8H6a.: Explain the importance
of key issues and events that led to
the Civil War – include slavery,
states’ rights, nullification, Missouri
Compromise, Compromise of 1850
and the Georgia Platform, KansasNebraska Act, Dred Scott case,
election of 1860, the debate over
secession in Georgia and the role
of Alexander Stephens.
1. What was the purpose of the headright system? To distribute
land to new settlers.
2.What land was given away by the land lottery? Land west of
the Oconee River
3. Explain the Yazoo Land Fraud. GA’s worst political scandal
in which the governor and legislators were bribed to sell
public land to private developers
1. What was the most important mechanical invention to
Georgia’s economy in the early 1800s? cotton gin
2. How were items shipped long distances before railroads?
River boats and wagon trains
3. What became GA’s most important railroad?
Western and Atlantic (W&A)
1.Who was Alexander McGillivray and what treaty did he sign?
He was a Creek chief in Georgia who signed the Treaty of
New York
2.Who was William McIntosh and what treaty did he sign?
The last Creek chief in Georgia who signed the Treaty of
Indian Springs
3. Who was Sequoyah? The Cherokee who developed the
syllabary making the Cherokee the first Native Americans to
have their language in written form
4. What discovery led to the forced removal of the Cherokee?
5. Who used the Indians to fight in the War of 1812 and then
oversaw the passage of the Indian Removal Act when he
became president? Andrew Jackson
6. What was the forced removal of the Cherokee called?
Trail of Tears
7. Explain the significance of the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
It allowed Georgia to push the Creek and Cherokee out of Ga
and seize their lands.
1. What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Legislation that created 2 new territories to practice popular
sovereignty and challenged the Missouri Compromise
2. Describe the major components of the Compromise of
1850. California was admitted as a free state.
Slave trading became illegal.
Utah and New Mexico could choose slavery or not.
The fugitive slave act started.
3. What role did Alexander Stephens play in the government
of the Confederate States of America? Vice-president of
the Confederacy
4. What was the significance of the Dred Scott Case?
The Supreme Court ruled that slaves could not use
b/c they were not citizens.
SS8H6b. State the importance of
key events of the Civil War –
include Antietam, Emancipation
Proclamation, Gettysburg,
Chickamauga, the Union blockade
of Georgia’s coast, Sherman’s
Atlanta Campaign, Sherman’s
March to the Sea, and
SS8CG1.: Explain the basic
structure of the Georgia state
Explain the concepts of separation of
powers and checks and balances.
Describe the rights and
responsibilities of citizens.
Explain voting qualifications and
elections in Georgia.
Explain the role of political parties in
1.What is the bloodiest one-day of the Civil War? Antietam
2. Why did southern port cities, such as Savannah, have to
remain open during the Civil War? To ship cotton to Great
Britain and France in exchange for supplies and arms.
3. Why did Gen. Sherman decide not to burn Savannah when
he reached the city at the end of his March to the Sea?
He wanted to protect the $28 million worth of cotton stored
in Savannah.
4. What was Sherman’s purpose is destroying civilian targets
on the march to the sea?
To end civilian support for the war effort and shorten the
5. What was Andersonville? A prisoner of war camp where
thousands of Union soldiers died. Located in Georgia.
6. What was the Emancipation Proclamation? Document that
freed more than 4 million slaves in the south.
1. Define checks and balances. The element of
government that gives each branch of gov’t the power
to check the other branches’ powers so that one
branch won’t become too powerful.
2. What are the qualifications to vote in Georgia?
Must be 18 years old
Must be a resident of Georgia
Cannot be a convicted felon
Cannot be deemed mentally incompetent.