Whatever is true,

Whatever is true,
“Believe the truth not the devil’s lies.”
Story- Jeremiah is called- Jeremiah 1
Main Point- Jeremiah thinks he is too young to do what God called him to do. He
believed the things that the devil wanted him to believe. We should believe the things that
god says about us in his work and not be tricked into believing the things that the devil
wants us to believe.
How early did God know Jeremiah and have a plan for him?
- Before he was even born
What was God’s plan for Jeremiah?
- He wanted him to be a prophet
If God has a plan for you do you think that you will be able to do what God asks you to
- yes, god will only ask you to do things that he has given you the ability to
Why did Jeremiah think that he was not the right person for the job?
- He did not know how to speak
- He was only a child or he was very young
What was God’s response to Jeremiah thinking that he could not do What God wanted
him to do?
- God said "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to
and say whatever I command you. 8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you
and will rescue you,"
The truth about Jeremiah was that God asked him to be a prophet and God was going to
give Jeremiah the ability to do all the things that he needed to do to accomplish God’s
plan for him.
Why do you think that Jeremiah was still afraid to do what God asked him to do?
Sometimes we can believe other people, or we can believe our own feelings, but they can
be wrong. If we want to know the truth we have to believe what God says to us.
Jeremiah’s friends may have thought that he could not be a prophet, He may have thought
that he could not be a prophet, but all that matters is what God said about him.
It is important that we always believe what God says about us. How can we know what
God thinks about us?
- We read the Bible
Close in prayer
Whatever is noble,
“Honorable” Being noble is doing what is right even if nobody ever notices
Story- David in the cave with Saul- 1 Samuel 24
Main Point- David made the right decision even when nobody would have know if he
Why sis Saul go into the cave?
- to relieve himself
What did David friends want him to do?
- kill Saul
Why would David want to kill Saul?
- Saul was trying to kill David and he was always hiding from him.
What did David do instead?
- snuck up on Saul and cut off a piece of his robe
Why did David do this?
- he wanted Saul to know that he could have killed him, but he did not.
Other than David’s friends would anyone have found out what happened in the cave?
- no, David probably would not have even got in trouble
If David would not have gotten in trouble why do you think that he did not kill Saul?
- He knew it was wrong and that God would not want him to do it.
Being Noble is doing the right thing even when nobody is looking.
What are some ways that you can be noble?
How can you think about things that are noble?
Close in prayer
Whatever is right,
“Obeying the rules”
Story- Adam and Eve- Genesis 3
Main Point- Doing what is right is obeying the rules that God and our parents have for us.
We should have make our thoughts obedient to what God and our parents want.
What was the one rule in the Garden of Eden?
- don’t eat the fruit on the one tree
Do you think that that was a hard rule to follow?
Who tricked Eve into eating the fruit?
- the serpent/ Devil
What did the serpent say to Eve?
- "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
God’s rule was that they could eat from any tree but one.
What did the serpent say would happen if she ate the fruit?
- She would become like God
Was the serpent telling the truth?
- no, he tried to trick her into disobeying God
Eve decided to eat the fruit, but what did she do after that?
- she gave some to Adam
what did Adam do with the fruit?
- ate it
What did they do after they ate the fruit?
- they ran and hid from God because they felt guilty
What was the serpents punishment?
- You will crawl on your belly, and you will eat dust, all the days of your life.
What was Adam’s punishment?
- he would have to work extra hard to grow crops
Many times we know what the right thing to do it. We know what God wants us to do.
Why do we still decide to do things that are wrong?
God wants us to follow his rules, but when we do not we often get punished.
Not only should we do the right things, but we should also think about the right things.
Whatever is pure,
“Unmixed, - only the things that God wants in you”
Story- Pharisees- Matthew 15:1-20
Main Point- Jesus teaches about inner purity. The Pharisees did everything right on the
outside, but inside they were proud, jealous, and angry toward others. We cannot be pure
if we are obeying on one area and disobeying in the other. Being pure is being un-mixed.
Being pure is doing only the things that God wants your to do. The Pharisees seemed to
do everything right on the outside, but what did they do wrong?
- they had a bad attitude, they were very proud and angry toward other people.
What did Jesus say that the Pharisees honored God with?
- lips
What did Jesus say was far from God?
- the Pharisees hearts
When Jesus said that the Pharisees honored God with their lips but their hearts were far
from God, what did he mean?
- They said all the things that they were supposed to say, but their attitude was
Can we be pure if our thoughts do not honor God?
- No, on the outside the Pharisees did everything right, but they had bad thoughts
and bad attitudes. They were not pure. Just like pure water mixed with dirty water
is not pure. It is dirty. When we mix purity with impurity we get impurity.
If I have brand new bottle of water that has never been opened, and I open it and add a
few drops of toilet water to it, how many of you would drink it? Nobody would want to
drink that! Something can’t be pure if you mix bad things with it.
God wants us to be pure in every area of our lives. He does not want us to only try to be
pure in some areas.
What are some areas of your life that are hard to be pure in?
What can you do to stay pure in those areas?
Close in prayer
Whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—
“Why do people look up to you?”
Story- Job- The book of Job
Main Point- God admired Job. He was blameless, and god noticed it. What are the things
that will make God admire us?
The Bible says that Job was blameless, What does blameless mean?
- nobody could blame him for doing anything wrong.
The Bible also says that Job was a man of complete integrity.
- He feared God and stayed away from evil.
Job had seven sons and three daughters. He owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 teams
of oxen, and 500 female donkeys. He also had many servants. He was, in fact, the richest
person in that entire area.
God was very pleased with Job. He admired Job for his complete obedience. One day
Satan came to God. What did God say to Satan?
- “Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth. He is
blameless—a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil.”
God was proud of Job. What did Satan say was the reason that Job was obedient to God?
- You have made him prosper in everything he does. Look how rich he is! 11 But
reach out and take away everything he has, and he will stop following you.
After Satan said that, God allowed Satan to take Jobs things away as a test. What did God
tell Satan?
- “Do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but don’t harm him
Job lost all his cows, sheep, camels, donkeys, and his house.
After all those bad things happened to Job, what did he do? He still worshipped God.
Satan again went to God and said that Job would turn away from God if he did not have
his health, and God allowed Satan to take Job’s health as a test. What was Satan not
allowed to do?
- take his life
Job always remained faithful to God. He stayed blameless and never did anything to
dishonor God. God admired the way that he behaved. He always told Satan- Look at my
servant Job, no matter what happens, he follows me.
What was it about Job that God admired?
What is it about you that God admires?
God wants us to always think about things that are admirable. Our thoughts should
always be pure and pleasing to God.
Close in prayer.
If anything is excellent
“of great worth”
Story- Joseph in prison- Genesis 39:19-23
Main Point- Joseph did everything with excellence. He did well at everything he did. No
matter what he was doing in life he did it with excellence. It is easy to try to take
shortcuts, but if we always choose to do things with excellence God will honor us.
Why was Joseph put in prison?
- someone lied about him doing something wrong?
Did Joseph do anything wrong?
- no
When Joseph was in prison, what did he do?
- he worked hard and always tried to help out.
Did Joseph have to work hard and help out like he did?
- no, but he always had a good attitude and no matter what he was doing he always
did his best
who noticed how hard Joseph was working?
- the prison warden, or the guy who was in charge of the whole prison
The Warden was so pleased with Joseph what did he do?
- he put him in charge of all the prisoners and everything that happened in the
Why did Joseph work so hard and always do his best?
Joseph didn’t do anything wrong and he was thrown in prison, what that fair?
- No, but he still had a good attitude and he always did every job he was given with
Sometimes it is easy for us to get lazy and try to cut corners. Is that doing everything with
God wants us to have an attitude and to think the same way that Joseph did. He wants us
to always make a decision to do our best no matter what we are doing.
What are some things that you need to do your best in?
Close in prayer
Or praiseworthy—think about such things.
“Worth being praised”
Story- The Faith of the Centurion- Matthew 8:5-13
Main Point- Jesus was very please with the Centurion. He praised him. He recognized
that he had great faith and he said how pleased he was with him. Jesus gave praise to him
for his faith. What can you do or think about that Jesus would praise?
Why did the Roman office come to Jesus?
- He had a servant that was at home and very sick, and he wanted Jesus to heal him.
What did Jesus say that he would do?
- go to his house and heal him
What was the Roman officer’s response?
- “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come into my home. Just say the word from
where you are, and my servant will be healed.
The Roman officer knew that Jesus could do anything. He did not need to go to the house
to heal the man, he could do it from where they were. What did Jesus say about the
Roman officer?
- Jesus was amazed and he said “I tell you the truth, I haven’t seen faith like this in
all Israel!”
Jesus was so impressed with the roman officer that he praised him. He say how pleased
that he was with the faith that he had.
God wants us to think about things that are praise worthy. What things can we think
about that Jesus would be proud of?
What are some things that we can do that would make Jesus proud?
After Jesus praised the Roman officer, what did he do?
- he said that his servant was healed and he could go home.
Close in prayer.