Mark E. Law, Ph.D. - Portland State University

Professor Mark E. Law
2003 - present
1997 - 2003
1993 - 1997
1988 - 1993
Ph.D. (EE)
M.S. (EE)
B.S. (CprE)
Professor and Department Chair
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Research Associate
Research Assistant
One Year on Campus Student
Stanford University
Stanford University
Iowa State University
University of Florida
University of Florida
University of Florida
University of Florida
Stanford University
Stanford University
Hewlett Packard
Stanford, CA
Stanford, CA
Ames, IA
2007 Professional Achievement Citation in Engineering, Iowa State University
2006 Semiconductor Research Corporation Aristotle Award
2004 SRC Faculty Recognition Award for Student Recruiting
1998 Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers
1997/8 University of Florida Research Foundation Faculty Award
1996/7 University of Florida College of Engineering Teacher of the Year
1995 University of Florida Teaching Improvement Program Award
1994 Iowa State University College of Engineering Professional Progress Award
1994 Outstanding Young Alumni of Iowa State University
1993 Semiconductor Research Corporation Technical Excellence Award
1992 National Science Foundation Presidential Faculty Fellow
1988 IBM Young Faculty Development Award
1986 Co-Author of SUPREM-IV, a SRC silver bullet project
1981 Top Graduating Senior in Computer Engineering, Iowa State University
Professional Memberships
Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers
Member of The Bohmische Physical Society, Materials Research Society, Electrochemical
Society, American Physical Society, American Society for Engineering Education
Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi
Current Research Contracts and Grants
Principal Investigator
Contact Formation and Transport Models
GaN Device Reliability
Radiation Effects on Devices
Editorial Activities
Associate Editor, IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, 2002-2006
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, 1998-2008
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Journal of Technology Computer Aided Design, 1996-2001
Editor, IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, 1995-1998
Editor, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 1995-1997
Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing-Special Issue on Process
Simulation and Modeling, 1995
Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, Special Issue on the Numerical
Analysis of Processes and Devices-III Conference, Sept. - Oct., 1991
Graduate Student Advising
17 Ph.D. Students, Committee Chair or Co-chair*
University Service
Chair, ECE Undergraduate Curriculum Reform Committee, 2008-9
Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, 2003Chair, ECE Faculty Search Committee, 2003
Chair, College of Engineering Nano-Bio Faculty Search, 2002-3
Chair, Department Strategic Planning Committee, 2002-2003
Co-Director of the Nanoscience and Technology Institute 2001-2002
Member, Academic Personnel Board, 2001-2003
Chair, Ad-hoc Committee to Review College Core, 1999
Director of Undergraduate Programs 1998-2000
Chair, Departmental Curriculum Committee, 1995-2000
Member, College Curriculum Committee, 1998-2001
Member, College Petitions Committee, 1996-98
Member, College Committee to Examine the Undergraduate Core, 1995
Member, Departmental Faculty Development Committee, 1995, 1998
Chair, Ad-hoc Committee on Curriculum Reform, 1993-4
Member, Departmental Student Awards Committee, 1991-4
Member, Departmental Graduate Committee, 1989-93
Member, Numerous Search Committees
Invited Presentations at International Conferences
“Process Modeling for Advanced Devices”, Materials Research Society Symposium on
Front-End Processing, San Francisco, 2004.
“Electrical Engineering Preparation for Semiconductor Industry”, American Physical Society,
Austin, Texas, 2003.
“Modeling for Shallow Junction Formation”, Challenges in Predictive Process Simulation,
Prague, Check Republic, October, 2002.
“Modeling of Dopant Diffusion and Activation”, Materials Research Symposium on Front
End Processing, San Francisco, April, 2001.
“Dopants, Defects, and Clusters: A Process Modeling Taxonomy”, European Solid State
Device Research Conference, September, 1999.
“Experimental Verification of Process Modeling”, Second International Conference on
Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, Semiconductors, Sensors and Actuators,
April, 1999.
“Modeling of Extended Defects in Silicon”, 1997 Gordon Research Conference on Materials
far from Equilibrium, August, 1997.
“Point and Extended Defect Interactions in Silicon”, Defect and Diffusion Symposium of the
Materials Research Society Meeting, April, 1997.
“Modeling of Extended Defects in Silicon”, Ion Beam Modification of Materials Symposium
of the Materials Research Society Meeting, Nov., 1996.
“Computational Issues in Process Modeling”, International Symposium on Process Physics
and Modeling, Electrochemical Society Meeting, May, 1996.
“Rapid Thermal Processing Issues for Semiconductor Junction Formation”, The Materials
Society Symposium on Rapid Thermal Processing, Feb., 1996.
“Three-Dimensional Simulation of Thermal Processes”, Simulation of Semiconductor
Devices and Processes, September, 1995.
“Technology Computer Aided Design Characterization Needs and Requirements”, Third
International Workshop on Ultra Shallow Junction Profiles in Semiconductors,
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, March 1995.
Keynote Speaker, “Challenges for Accurate Three-Dimensional Process Simulation”, Fifth
International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes,
Vienna, Austria, September, 1993.
“Point Defects in Process Modeling”, 1992 Gordon Research Conference on Point Defects,
Line Defects and Interfaces.
Panelist, IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, "The Future of Technology Computer
Aided Design", Dec., 1991.
“Point Defect Modeling of Dopant Diffusion in Silicon”, Ultra-Large Scale Integrated Circuit
Symposium of the Electrochemical Society, May, 1991.
Conference Activities
Co-Organizer, MRS Symposium on Front-End Processing, 2008.
Co-Organizer, AVS Ultra-Shallow Junctions Workshop, 2005.
Lead Organizer, MRS Symposium on Front-End Processing, 2002.
General Chair, International Electron Devices Meeting, 2000.
Technical Program Chair, International Electron Devices Meeting, 1999.
Co-Organizer, MRS Symposium on Front-End Processing, 1999.
Technical Program Vice Chair, International Electron Devices Meeting, 1998.
General Chair, Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 1997.
Member, Executive Committee of Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 1994
- 2001.
Publicity Chair, International Electron Devices Meeting, 1997.
Publicity Vice Chair, International Electron Devices Meeting, 1996.
Chair, Ion-Solid Interactions Subcommittee of the Ion Implantation Technology Committee,
Chair, Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee of the International Electron Devices
Meeting Technical Committee, 1995.
Technical Program Chair, Numerical Analysis of Processes and Devices-V, 1994.
Chair, Device Physics Subcommittee, Bipolar Circuits and Technology Meeting, 1991-3.
Member, Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes Technical Committee, 1996.
Member, Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee of the International Electron Devices
Meeting Technical Committee, 1993-4.
Member, Numerical Analysis of Processes and Devices Workshop Technical Committee,
1990, 1992, 1994.
Member, Bipolar and BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting Technical Committee,
Member, Bipolar and BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting Organizing Committee,
Other Professional Activities
President, Southeast ECE Department Heads Organization, 2007
Vice-President, Southeast ECE Department Heads Organization, 2006
Secretary, Southeast ECE Department Heads Organization, 2005
Vice President, Electron Device Society Technical Activities, 2003-2006
Chairman, Electron Device Society TCAD Technical Advisory Board, 2000-2004
Member, Electron Device Society VLSI Circuits Technical Advisory Board, 2001-2004
Member, SIA Undergraduate Program Oversight Board, 1999-2004
Member, SRC University Advisory Council, 1999-2003
Member, SRC Student Relations Technical Advisory Board, 1999-2003
IEEE Electron Device Society Distinguished Lecturer, 1998Member, Department of Energy Panel on the Future of Ion Beam Processing in
Semiconductors, 1995.
Vice Chair for Grid of the Technical Advisory Board to the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Technology Computer Aided Design Program, 1994-1996.
Semiconductor Industrial Association Technical Roadmap committee member, 1994, 1997,
Refereed Journal Publications
I.G. Batyrev, D. Hughart, R. Durand, M. Bounasser, B.R. Tuttle, D.M. Fleetwood, R.D.
Schrimpf, S.N. Rashkeev, G.W. Dunham, M. Law, S.T. Pantelides, “Effects of Hydrogen
on the Radiation Response of Bipolar Transistors: Experiment and Modeling,” IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science, 55(6), December, 2008, pp. 3039-45.
Morarka, S., N.G. Rudawski, and M.E. Law, “Level set modeling of the orientation
dependence of solid phase epitaxial regrowth”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology
B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 26(1), January, 2008, pp. 357–361.
R.T. Crosby, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, L. Radic, P.E. Thompson, and J. Liu, “Interaction of
ion-implantation-induced interstitials in B-doped SiGe,” Materials Science in
Semiconductor Processing, 10(1), February 2007, Pages 1-5.
Camillo-Castillo, R. A., M. E. Law, K.S. Jones, L.J. Radic, R. Lindsay, S. McCoy,
"Kinetics of the End-of-Range Damage Dissolution in Flash-Assist Rapid Thermal
Processing." Applied Physics Letters, 88(23), June 5 2006, 232104, 3 pages.
Camillo-Castillo, R. A., M. E. Law, K.S. Jones, R. Lindsay, K. Maex, B.J. Pawlak, S.
McCoy, "Application of flash-assist rapid thermal processing subsequent to lowtemperature furnace anneals." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 24(1), 2006,
Radic, L., A. F. Saavedra, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, "Modelling of B diffusion in the presence
of Ga." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 24(1), 2006, 478-481.
R.T. Crosby, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, L. Radic, P.E. Thompson, J. Liu, “Dislocation loops in
Silicon-Germanium Alloys: The Source of Interstitials,” Applied Physics Letters, 87(19),
Nov. 7, 2005, 192911, 3 pages.
A. El Kouche, J. Lin, M.E. Law, S. Kim, B.S. Kim, F. Ren, and S. Pearton, “Remote
Sensing System for Hydrogen using GaN Schottky Diodes,” Sensors and Actuators B,
105(2), 2005, p. 329-333.
R.A. Camillio-Castillo, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, “Impact of the End-of-Range Daage from
Low Energy Ge Preamorphizing Implants on the Thermal Stability of Shallow Boron
Profiles,”,Journal of Applied Physics, 96(9), November 1, 2004, p. 4939-4944.
P.J. Simpson, Z. Jenei, P. Asoka-Kumar, R. Robison, M.E. Law, “Observation of FluorineVacancy Clusters in Silicon”, Applied Physics Letters, 85(9), August 30, 2004, p. 15381540.
A.F. Saavedra, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, K.K. Chan, and E.C. Jones, "Electrical Activation in
Silicon-on-Insulator after Low-Energy Boron Implantation," Journal of Applied Physics.
96(4), August 15, 2004, p. 1891-98.
A.F. Saavedra, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, and K.K. Chan, "Comparison of {311} Defect
Evolution in SIMOX and Bonded SOI Materials," J. Electrochem. Soc. 151(4), 2004, p.
I. Avci, M.E. Law, E. Kuryliw, A.F. Saavedra, K.S. Jones, “Modeling Extended Defect
({311} and Dislocation) Nucleation and Evolution in Silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics,
95(5), p. 2452-2460, March 1, 2004.
A.F. Saavedra, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, and K.K. Chan, "Kinetics of {311} Defect
Dissolution in Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI)," Mat. Sci. and Eng. B 107(2) 2004 p. 198-203.
R.A. Camillo-Castillo, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones and L.M. Rubin, “Influence of low
temperature preanneals on dopant and defect behavior for low energy Ge preamorphized
silicon,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 22(1) 2004 p. 312-316.
A.F. Saavedra, A.C. King, K.S. Jones, and E.C. Jones, "Secondary Defect Formation in
Bonded Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) after Boron Implantation," J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 22(1),
2004 p. 459-462.
R. Crosby, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, A.N. Larsen, and J.L. Hansen, "{311} Defect Evolution
in Ion-implanted, Relaxed SiGe," J. Vac. Sci. Tech B 22(1) 2004 p. 468-470.
Robert T. Crosby, Kevin S. Jones, Mark E. Law, A. Nylandsted Larsen and J. Lundsgaard
Hansen, “{311} Defect evolution in Si-implanted Si1-xGex alloys,” Materials Science in
Semiconductor Processing, 6(4) Pages 205-208, August 2003.
J.E. Sanchez, G. Bosman, M.E. Law, “Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Device
Simulation of Trap-Assisted Generation-Recombination Noise under Periodic Large-Signal
Conditions and Its Use for Developing Cyclostationary Circuit Simulation Models”, IEEE
Transactions on Electron Devices, 50(5), p. 1353-62, May, 2003.
F.C. Hou, G. Bosman, M.E. Law, “Simulation of Oxide Trapping Noise in Submicron NChannel MOSFET’s”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 50(3), p. 846-852, March,
L.S. Adam, C. Bowen, M.E. Law, “On implant-based multiple gate oxide schemes for
system-on-chip integration,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 50(3), p. 589-600,
March, 2003.
J. M. Jacques, L. S. Robertson, K. S. Jones, M. E. Law, Mike Rendon, and Joe Bennett,
“Fluorine-Enhanced Boron Diffusion in Amorphous Silicon,” Applied Physics Letters,
82(20), p. 3469-71, May 19, 2003.
F.C. Hou, G. Bosman, M.E. Law, “Maximum Allowable Bulk Defect Density for
Generation-Recombination Noise-Free Device Operation”, IEEE Transactions on Electron
Devices, 49(11), p. 2080-2, November, 2002.
A.F. Saavedra, J. Frazier, K.S. Jones, I.Avci, S.K. Earles, M.E. Law, E.C. Jones,
“Influence of the Surface Si/Buried Oxide on Extended Defect Evolution in Silicon-OnInsulator Scaled to 300Å”, J. Vacuum Science Technology, B20(6), p. 1-5, Nov/Dec 2002.
A.D. Lilak, M.E. Law, L. Radic, K.S. Jones, M. Clark, “Kinetics of Boron Reactivation in
Doped Silicon from Hall Effect and Spreading Resistance Techniques”, Applied Physics
Letters, 81(12), p. 2244-6, Sept. 16, 2002.
L. Radic, A.D. Lilak, M.E. Law, “Dependence of Boron Cluster Dissolution on the
Annealing Ambient,”Applied Physics Letters, 81(5), p. 826-8, July 29, 2002.
S.K. Earles, M.E. Law, R. Brindos, K.S. Jones, S. Talwar, S. Corcoran, “Nonmelt Laser
Annealing of 5-keV and 1-keV Boron-Implanted Silicon,”IEEE Transactions on Electron
Devices, 49(7), p. 1118-1123, July, 2002.
M.E. Law, “Process Modeling for Future Technologies,” IBM Journal of Research and
Development, 46(2/3), 339-346, April/May 2002.
L.S. Adam, M.E. Law, O. Dokumaci, S. Hegde, “Physical Integrated Diffusion-Oxidation
Model for Implanted Nitrogen in Silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics, 91(4), p. 18941900, Feb. 15, 2002.
L.S. Adam, M.E. Law, S. Szpala, P.J. Simpson, D. Lawther, O. Dokumaci, S. Hegde,
“Experimental Identification of Nitrogen-Vacancy Complexes in Nitrogen Implanted
Silicon”, Applied Physics Letters, 79(5), p. 623-5, July 2001.
M. Griglione, T.J. Anderson, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, A. van den Bogaard, M. PugaLambers, “Diffusion of Single Quantum Well Si1-xGex/Si Layers Under Vacancy
Supersaturation”, Journal of Applied Physics, 89(5), p. 2904-6, March 1, 2001.
F.C. Hou, G. Bosman, M.E. Law, “Characterization of Generation-Recombination Noise
Using a Physics Based Device Noise Simulator”, Microelectronics Reliabilty, 40(11), p.
1883-6, Nov. 2000.
Y. Haddara, B.T. Folmer, M.E. Law, T. Buyuklimanli, “Accurate Measurements of the
Intrinsic Diffusivities of Boron and Phosphorus in Silicon”, Applied Physics Letters,
77(13), p.1976-8, September 25, 2000.
M. Griglione, T. Anderson, Y. Haddara, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, A. van den Bogaard,
“Diffusion of Ge in Si1-xGex/Si Single Quantum Wells in Inert and Oxidizing Ambients”,
Journal of Applied Physics, 88(3), p. 1366-72, August 1, 2000.
H. Saleh, M.E. Law, S. Bharatan, K.S. Jones, W. Krishnamoorthy, T. Buyuklimanli,
“Energy Dependence of Transient Enhanced Diffusion and Defect Kinetics”, Applied
Physics Letters, 77(1), p. 112-4, July 3, 2000.
M.E. Law, G.H. Gilmer, and M. Jaraíz, “Simulation of Defects and Diffusion Phenomena
in Silicon,” MRS Bulletin, 25(6), p. 45-50, June, 2000.
Lahir Shaik Adam, Mark E. Law, Kevin S. Jones, Omer Dokumaci, C. S. Murthy, and Suri
Hegde, “Diffusion of implanted nitrogen in silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics, 87(5), p.
2282-4, March 1, 2000.
L. S. Robertson, M. E. Law, K. S. Jones, L. M. Rubin, J. Jackson, P. Chi and D. S. Simons,
“Correlation of end-of-range damage evolution and transient enhanced diffusion of boron
in regrown silicon”, Applied Physics Letters, 75(24), p. 3844-3847, December 13, 1999.
R. Brindos, P. Keys, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, “Effect of Arsenic Doping on {311} Defect
Dissolution in Silicon”, Applied Physics Letters, 75(3), p. 229-31, July 12, 1999.
A.D. Lilak, S.K. Earles, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, “Evolution of {311} Type Defects in Boron
Doped Structures: Experimental Evidence of Boron-Interstitial Cluster Formation”,
Applied Physics Letters, 74(14), p. 2038-40, April 5, 1999.
R. Raman, M.E. Law, V. Krishnamoorthy, K.S. Jones, S.B. Herner, “Effect of Surface
Proximity on End-Of-Range Loop Dissolution in Silicon”, Applied Physics Letters, 74(11),
p. 1591-3, March 15, 1999.
R. Raman, M.E. Law, V. Krishnamoorthy, K.S. Jones, “Effect of the End-of-Range Loop
Layer on Depth on the Evolution of {311} Defects”, Applied Physics Letters, 74(5), p. 7002, Feb. 1, 1999.
M.E. Law, Y.M. Haddara, and K.S. Jones, “Effect of the Silicon/Oxide Interface on
Interstitials: Di-Interstitial Recombination”, Journal of Applied Physics, 84(7), p. 3555-60,
October 1, 1998.
J.-H. Li, M.E. Law, C. Jasper, K.S. Jones, “The Effect of TEM Sample Thickness on
Nucleation, Growth, and Dissolution of {311} Defects in Si+ Implanted Si”, Materials
Science in Semiconductor Processing, 1(2), p.99-106, September, 1998.
Mark E. Law and Stephen Cea, “Continuum Based Modeling of Silicon Integrated Circuit
Processing: An Object Oriented Approach,” Computational Materials Science, 12(1), p.
289-308, August, 1998.
Ming-Yeh Chuang, K.K. O, and M.E. Law, “Three-Dimensional Base Distributed Effects
of Long Stripe BJT’s Base Resistance at A.C.”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
September, 1998, p.1993-2001.
K. Moller, M.E. Law, and K.S. Jones, “Cross-Sectional Transmission Electron Microscopy
Analysis of {311} Defects from Silicon Implantation Into Silicon”, Applied Physics
Letters, 72(20), p. 2547-9, May 18, 1998.
Ming-Yeh Chuang, K.K. O, and M.E. Law, “Three-Dimensional Base Distributed Effects
of Long Stripe BJT’s Base Resistance at D.C.”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
45(2), p. 439-446, February, 1998.
L.S. Roberston, A. Lilak, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, P.S. Kringhoj, L.M. Rubin, J. Jackson,
D.S. Simons, P. Chi, “The Effect of Dose Rate on Interstitial Release from the End-OfRange Implant Damage Region in Silicon”, Applied Physics Letters, 71(21), p. 3105-7,
Nov. 24, 1997.
Ming-Yeh Chuang and M.E. Law, “A New Algorithm for Faster Full-Thermodynamic
Device Simulations”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 44(9), p. 1567-1570,
September, 1997.
S. Chaudhry and M.E. Law, “The Stress Assisted Evolution of Point and Extended Defects
in Silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics, 82(3), p. 1138-1146, Aug. 15, 1997.
E. Chason, S.T. Picraux, J.M. Poate, J.O. Borland, M.I. Current, T. Diaz De La Rubia, D.J.
Eaglesham, O.W. Holland, M.E. Law, C.W. Magee, J.W. Mayer, J. Melngailis, A.F. Tasch,
“Ion Beams in Silicon Processing and Characterization”, Journal of Applied Physics,
81(10), p. 6513-6561, May 15, 1997.
J. Liu, V. Krishnamoorthy, H.-J. Gossman, L. Rubin, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, “The Effect of
Boron Implant Energy on Transient Enhanced Diffusion in Silicon”, Journal of Applied
Physics, 81(4), p. 1656-1660, Feb. 15, 1997.
Jingwei Xu, V. Krishnamoorthy, Kevin S. Jones, and Mark E. Law, “A Comparison of
Boron and Phosphorus Diffusion and Dislocation Loop Growth from Silicon Implants into
Silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics, 81(1), p. 107-11, Jan. 1, 1997.
K.S. Jones, L.H. Zhang, V. Krishnamoorthy, M. Law, D.S. Simons, P. Chi, L. Rubin, R.G.
Elliman, “Diffusion of Ion Implanted Boron in Preamorphized Silicon”, Applied Physics
Letters, 68(19), p. 2672-4, May 6, 1996.
C.-C. Lin and M.E. Law “2-D Mesh Adaption and Flux Discretization for Dopant
Diffusion Modeling, IEEE Transactions on CAD, 15(2), p. 194-207, February, 1996.
M.E. Law, “Technology Computer Aided Design Characterization Needs and
Requirements”, J. Vacuum Science Technology B, 14(1), p. 213-217, Jan/Feb. 1996.
M.E. Law, “Grid Adaption Near Moving Boundaries in Two-Dimensions for IC Process
Simulation”, IEEE Transactions on CAD, 14(10), p. 1223-30, October, 1995.
Heemyong Park, K.S. Jones, J. Slinkmann, and M.E. Law, “The Effect of Hydrostatic
Pressure on Dopant Diffusion in Silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics, 78(6)p. 3664-70,
Sept. 15, 1995.
J.K. Listabarger, H.G. Robinson, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, D. Sieloff, J. Slinkmann, T.O.
Sedgewick, “Study of End of Range Loop Interactions with B+ Implant Damage using a
Boron Doped Layer”, Journal of Applied Physics, 78(4), p. 2298-2302, August 15, 1995.
H. Omer Dokumaci, P.M. Rousseau, S. Luning, M. Shaffer, V. Krishnamoorthy, K.S.
Jones, M.E. Law, “Transmission Electron Microscopy Analysis of Heavily Arsenic-Doped,
Laser and Thermally Annealed Layers in Silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics, 78(2), p.
828-31, July 15, 1995.
J. Liu, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, “Evolution in Dislocation Loops in Silicon in an Inert
Ambient - Part I”, Solid State Electronics, 38(7), p. 1305-12, July, 1995.
S. Chaudhry, J. Liu, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, “Evolution in Dislocation Loops in Silicon in
an Inert Ambient - Part II”, Solid State Electronics, 38(7), p. 1313-20, July, 1995.
M.E. Law, “The Virtual Integrated Circuit Factory - Can it be Achieved?”, IEEE Circuits
and Devices, 11(2), p. 25-31, March, 1995.
K.S. Jones, H.G. Robinson, J.K. Listabarger, J. Chen, J. Liu, B. Herner, H. Park, M.E.
Law, D. Sieloff, J. Slinkmann, “Studies of Point Defect / Dislocation Loop Interaction
Processes in Silicon”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, 96(1/2), p. 196-201, Jan/Feb,
M. Liang and M.E. Law, “Influence of Lattice Self-Heating and Hot-Carrier Transport on
Device Performance”, IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 41(12), p. 2391-2398,
December, 1994.
S. Chaudhry and M.E. Law, "Effects of Low-Dose Silicon, Carbon, and Oxygen
Implantation Damage on the Diffusion of Phosphorus in Silicon", Journal of the
Electrochemical Society, 141(12), p. 3516-3521, December, 1994.
M.Liang and M.E. Law, "An Object Oriented Approach to Device Simulation", IEEE
Transactions on CAD, 13(10), p. 1235-1240, October, 1994.
H. Park, H.G. Robinson, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, “Diffusion-Limited Interaction of
Dislocation Loops and Interstitials during Dry Oxidation in Silicon”, Applied Physics
Letters, 65(4), p. 436-8, July 25, 1994.
H. Park, K.S. Jones, and Mark E. Law, "A Point Defect Based Two Dimensional Model of
the Evolution of Dislocation Loops in Silicon During Oxidation", Journal of the
Electrochemical Society, 141(3), p.759-765, March, 1994.
C. Frank and M.E. Law, “A Two-Dimensional Study on the Effects of Nonamorphizing
Silicon Implantation Damage on Phosphorus Diffusion”, Applied Physics Letters, 64(10), p
1254-5, March 7, 1994.
M.D. Giles, D.S. Boning, G.R. Chin, W.C. Dietrich, M.S. Karasick, M.E. Law, P.K.
Mozumder, L.R. Nackman, V.T. Rajan, D.M.H. Walker, R.H. Wang, and A.S. Wong,
"Semiconductor Wafer Representation for TCAD," IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided
Design., 13(1), p. 82-95, January, 1994.
C.C. Lin, M.E. Law, and R.E. Lowther, "Automatic Grid Refinement and Higher Order
Flux Discretizations for Diffusion Modeling," IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided
Design, 12(8), p. 1209-16, August, 1993.
J.P. John and M.E. Law, "Oxidation Enhanced Diffusion of Phosphorus in Heavily Doped
Background Concentrations," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 140(5), p. 1489-91,
May, 1993.
J.P. John and M.E. Law, "Phosphorus Diffusion in Isoconcentration Backgrounds under
Inert Conditions in Silicon", Applied Physics Letters, 62(12), p. 1388-9, March 22, 1993.
H.L. Meng, S. Prussin, M.E. Law, and K.S. Jones, "A Study of Point Defect Detectors of
Created by Si and Ge Implantation", Journal of Applied Physics, 73(2). p. 955-60, January
15, 1993.
H. Park and M.E. Law, "Point Defect Based Modeling of Low Dose Silicon Implant
Damage and Oxidation Effects on Phosphorus and Boron Diffusion in Silicon," Journal of
Applied Physics, 72(8), October 15, 1992, p. 3431-40.
M. Liang and M.E. Law, "The Effect of Selectively Ion-Implanted Collectors on Bipolar
Electrical Characteristics," Solid State Electronics, 35(7), p. 1017-8, July, 1992.
D.R. Apte and M.E. Law, "Comparison of Iterative Methods for AC Analysis in PISCESIIB," IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, 11(5), p. 671-3, May, 1992.
M.E. Law, H. Park and P. Novell, "Theory of Dopant Diffusion Assuming Nondilute
Concentrations of Dopant-Defect Pairs," Applied Physics Letters, 59(26), p. 3488-9, Dec.
23, 1991.
M.E. Law, "Parameters for Point Defect Diffusion and Recombination," IEEE
Transactions on Computer Aided Design, 10(9), p. 1124-1131, 1991.
M.E. Law, E. Solley, M. Liang and D. Burk, "Self-Consistent Modeling of Minority
Carrier Lifetime and Mobility," IEEE Electron Device Letters, 12(8), p. 401-403, Aug.,
H. Park and M.E. Law, "The Effects of Low-Dose Silicon Implantation Damage on
Diffusion of Phosphorus and Arsenic in Silicon," Applied Physics Letters, 58(7), p. 732734, 1991.
M.E. Law and J.R. Pfiester, "The Effect of Implantation Damage on Arsenic/Phosphorus
Co-Diffusion," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 38(2), p. 278-284, 1991.
J.R. Pfiester, M.E. Law and R.W. Dutton, "Improved MOSFET Short Channel Device
Using Germanium Implantation," IEEE Electron Device Letters, 9(7), p. 343-346, 1988.
M.E. Law and R.W. Dutton, "Verification of Analytic Point Defect Models using
SUPREM-IV," IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, 7(2), p. 181-190, 1988.
Refereed Conference Publications
Renata Camillo-Castillo, Mark E Law, Kevin S Jones, “An Alternative Approach to
Analyzing the Interstitial Decay from the End of Range Damage During Millisecond
Annealing”, Materials Research Society Proceedings, Doping Engineering for Front-End
Processing, April, 2008 1070-E06-09.
Robert Robison and Mark Law, “Simulation of Fluorine Diffusion and Boron-Fluorine
Cointeraction”, Materials Research Society Proceedings, Sub-Second Rapid Thermal
Processing for Device Fabrication, April 2006, C1.8.
Jeannette M. Jacques, Kevin S. Jones, Mark E. Law, Lance S. Robertson, Leonard M.
Rubin and Enrico Napolitani, “Room Temperature Boron Diffusion in Amorphous
Silicon,” Materials Research Society Proceedings, Sub-Second Rapid Thermal Processing
for Device Fabrication, April 2006, C2.1.
R.A. Camillo-Castillo, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, R. Lindsay, K. Maex, B.J. Pawlak, S.
McCoy, “Effect of Varying the Initial Conditions Prior to Flash-Assist Rapid Thermal
Processing on Dopant Activation, Diffusion, and Defect Populations”, Ultra Shallow
Junctions Workshop, June, 2005, p. 155-164.
M.S. Phen, R.T. Crosby, V. Craciun, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, J.L. Hansen, A.N. Larsen,
“Solid-Phase Recrystallization and Strain Relaxation in Strained Si on SiGe
Heterostructures”, Ultra Shallow Junctions Workshop, June, 2005, p. 176-180.
L. Radic, A.F. Saavedara, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, “Modeling of B in the Presence of Ge”,
Ultra Shallow Junctions Workshop, June, 2005, p. 189-190.
R.T. Crosby, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, L. Radic, P.E. Thompson, J. Liu, “Correlation between
B diffusion and Clustering in Si0.77Ge0.23”, Ultra Shallow Junctions Workshop, June, 2005,
p. 219-229.
J.M. Jacques, S.D. Maslov, E. Kuryliw, M.S. Phen, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, L.S. Robertson,
L.M. Rubin, “Structural Relaxation Effects Upon Boron Diffusion During SPER”, Ultra
Shallow Junctions Workshop, June, 2005, p. 251-257.
R.R. Robison, M.E. Law, “Simulation of Boron-Fluorine Co-diffusion Behavior”, Ultra
Shallow Junctions Workshop, June, 2005, p. 301-306.
A. El Kouche, J. Lin, M.E. Law, S. Kim, B.S. Kim, F. Ren, and S. Pearton, “Remote
Sensing System for Hydrogen using GaN Schottky Diodes,” Annual Wireless and
Microwave Technology Conference, April 2004.
Mark E. Law, Kevin S. Jones, Ljubo Radic, Robert Crosby, Mark Clark, Kevin Gable, and
Carrie Ross, “Process Modeling for Advanced Devices”, in Silicon Front-End Junction
Formation—Physics and Technology, edited by Peter Pichler, Alain Claverie, Richard
Lindsay, Marius Orlowski, and Wolfgang Windl (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 810,
Warrendale, PA , 2004), C3.1.
.T. Crosby, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, A.F. Saavedra, J.L. Hansen, A.N. Larsen, and J. Liu,
“Strain Relaxation of Ion-Implanted Strained Silicon on Relaxed SiGe,” in Silicon FrontEnd Junction Formation—Physics and Technology, edited by Peter Pichler, Alain Claverie,
Richard Lindsay, Marius Orlowski, and Wolfgang Windl (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.
810, Warrendale, PA , 2004), C4.12.
R.T. Crosby, L. Radic, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, P.E. Thompson, J. Liu, M. Klimov, V.
Craciun, “BIC Formation and Boron Diffusion in Relaxed Si0.8Ge0.2,” in Silicon Front-End
Junction Formation—Physics and Technology, edited by Peter Pichler, Alain Claverie,
Richard Lindsay, Marius Orlowski, and Wolfgang Windl (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.
810, Warrendale, PA , 2004), C7.4.
A.F. Saavedra, K.S. Jones, L. Radic, M.E. Law, and K.K. Chan, “Concentration
Dependence of Boron-Interstitial Cluster (BIC) Formation in Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI),”
in Silicon Front-End Junction Formation—Physics and Technology, edited by Peter
Pichler, Alain Claverie, Richard Lindsay, Marius Orlowski, and Wolfgang Windl (Mater.
Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 810, Warrendale, PA , 2004, C8.11.
Robert R. Robison, Antonio F. Saavedra, and Mark E. Law, “Diffusion of Fluorine at High
Concentration in Silicon: Experiments and Models,” in Silicon Front-End Junction
Formation—Physics and Technology, edited by Peter Pichler, Alain Claverie, Richard
Lindsay, Marius Orlowski, and Wolfgang Windl (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 810,
Warrendale, PA , 2004, C8.13.
Ljubo Radic, A.D. Lilak, M.E. Law, “Modeling B Clustering in Si and SiGe, “in Silicon
Front-End Junction Formation—Physics and Technology, edited by Peter Pichler, Alain
Claverie, Richard Lindsay, Marius Orlowski, and Wolfgang Windl (Mater. Res. Soc.
Symp. Proc. 810, Warrendale, PA , 2004, C8.14.
J.M. Jacques, N. Burbure, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, L.S. Robertson, D.E. Downey, L.M.
Rubin, J. Bennett, M. Beebe, and M. Klimov, “Enhanced Boron Diffusion in Amorphous
Silicon,” in Silicon Front-End Junction Formation—Physics and Technology, edited by
Peter Pichler, Alain Claverie, Richard Lindsay, Marius Orlowski, and Wolfgang Windl
(Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 810, Warrendale, PA , 2004, C10.3.
R.A. Camillo-Castillo, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, L.M. Rubin, “Influence of Low Temperature
Pre-Anneals on the Behavior of Dopants and Defects After a RTA and Furnace Anneal, “
Ultrashallow Junctions Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA, April 2003.
K.A. Gable, L.S. Robertson, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, “The Effect of Pre-Amorphization
Implant Energy on Boron Ultra-Shallow Junction Formation Following Laser Thermal
Processing,“ Ultrashallow Junctions Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA, April 2003.
K.A. Gable, L.S. Robertson, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, “Strain Compensation for Boron UltraShallow Junction Formation Following Laser Thermal Processing, “Ultrashallow
Junctions Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA, April 2003.
J.M. Jacques, K.A. Gable, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, L. S. Robertson, M.J. Rendon, J.
Bennett, M. Beebe , “Fluorine-Enhanced Low Temperature Boron Diffusion in Amorphous
Silicon,“ Ultrashallow Junctions Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA, April 2003.
R. Crosby, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, A. Nylandsted Larsen, J. Lundsgaard Hansen, “{311}
Defect Evolution in Ion-Implanted, Relaxed Si 1-xGex,“ Ultrashallow Junctions Workshop,
Santa Cruz, CA, April 2003.
R. Robison, M.E. Law, “Fluorine Diffusion: Models and Experiments”, International
Electron Devices Meeting, San Francisco, December, 2002, p. 883-6.
Renata A. Camillo-Castillo, Kevin. S. Jones, Mark E. Law, and Leonard M. Rubin “Study
of the Effects of a Two-Step Anneal on the End of Range Defects in Silicon”, Materials
Research Society Symposium on Si Front End Processing, San Francisco, April 2002, v.
717, C1.4.1-6.
Robert Crosby, Jackie Frazer, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, A. Nylandsted Larsen, and J.
Lundsgaard Hansen, “The Effect of Ge Content in MBE Si(1-x)Ge(x) on the Evolution of
{311} Defects,” Materials Research Society Symposium on Si Front End Processing, San
Francisco, April 2002, v. 717, C1.6.1-6.
K.A. Gable, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, L.S. Robertson, and S. Talwar, “Electrical and
Structural Characterization of Boron Implanted Silicon Following Laser Thermal
Processing” Materials Research Society Symposium on Si Front End Processing, San
Francisco, April 2002, v. 717, C1.10.1-6.
Ibrahim Avci and Mark E. Law, “Modeling Dislocation Loop Nucleation and Evolution in
Germanium, Arsenic and Boron Implanted Silicon”, Materials Research Society
Symposium on Si Front End Processing, San Francisco, April 2002, v. 717, C5.9.1-6.
J.E. Sanchez, G. Bosman, M.E. Law, “Device Simulation of generation-Recombination
Noise Under Periodic Large-Signal Conditions,” International Electron Device Meeting,
Washington, D.C., December, 2001, p.477-80.
I. Avci, M.E. Law, E. Kuryliw, K.S. Jones, “Modeling the Nucleation and Evolution of
End of Range Dislocation Loops in Silicon,” International Electron Device Meeting,
Washington, D.C., December, 2001, p. 835-9.
L.S. Adam, M.E. Law, S. Hegde, O. Dokumaci, “Comprehensive Model for Nitrogen
Diffusion in Silicon,” International Electron Device Meeting, Washington, D.C.,
December, 2001, p.847-50.
F.-C. Hou, G. Bosman, M.E. Law, “1/f-like Oxide Trapping Noise Simulation Using a
PDE-based Device Simulator”, Proc. 16th Intl. Conf. Noise in Phys. Syst. And 1/f
Fluctuations, G. Bosman, Editor, Singapore, World Scientific, 2001, p. 641-4.
Lahir Shaik Adam, Lance Robertson, Mark E. Law, Suri Hegde, Omer Dokumaci,
“Diffusion of Nitrogen Implanted into Silicon at Amorphizing Doses” Materials Research
Symposium on Front End Processing, San Francisco, April, 2001, v. 639, p. J3.10.1-6.
Susan Earles, Mark Law, Kevin Jones, Somit Talwar, Sean Corcoran, “Effects of Multiple
Non-melt Laser Pulses on Boron Implanted in Silicon”, Materials Research Symposium on
Front End Processing, San Francisco, April, 2001, v. 639, p. J4.1.1-5.
I. Avci , M.E. Law, C. Jasper, H.A. Rueda, R. Thoma, “Modeling of Threading Dislocation
Loop Nucleation and Evolution in MeV Boron Implanted Silicon”, Materials Research
Symposium on Front End Processing, San Francisco, April, 2001, v. 639, p. J4.4.1-6.
R. Brindos, P.H. Keys, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, “Effect of Arsenic on Extended Defect
Evolution in Silicon”, Materials Research Symposium on Front End Processing, San
Francisco, April, 2001, v. 639, p J5.2.1-6.
C. Camarce, L. Radic, M.E. Law, Patrick Keys, Rich Brindos, Kevin S. Jones, “Modeling
of Dopant Diffusion and Activation”, Materials Research Symposium on Front End
Processing, San Francisco, April, 2001, v. 639, p J9.1-9.
Omer Dokumaci, R. Kaplan, M. Khare, P. Ronsheim, A. Domenicucci, R. Fleming, L.S.
Adam and M.E. Law, “Diffusion and Defect Structure in Nitrogen Implant Silicon”,
Materials Research Symposium on Front End Processing, San Francisco, April, 2001 v.
639, J6.4.1-6.
K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, R. Brindos, P. Keys, “TEM Studies of Ion Implantation Damage in
ULSI Technology,” Intl. Phys. Conf. Series 109, Oxford, England, IOP Publishing, p. 349356.
L. Adam, M.E. Law, O. Dokumaci, S. Hegde, “A Physical Model for Implanted Nitrogen
Diffusion and Its Effect on Oxide Growth”, International Electron Device Meeting, San
Francisco, December, 2000, p.507-10.
M.E. Law and K.S. Jones, “A New Model for {311} Defects Based on In-Situ
Measurements”, International Electron Device Meeting, San Francisco, December, 2000,
L.S. Roberston, Nell Warnes , Kevin S. Jones , S.K. Earles, M.E. Law, Dan F. Downey,
Jinning Liu, Scott Falk , “Junction Depth Reduction Through Flourine Implantation and
Diffusion in Silicon”, Materials Research Symposium on Front End-Processing of Silicon,
San Francisco, April, 2000, v. 610, p. B4.2.1-6.
Aaron D. Lilak, Viswanath Krishnamoorthy, Dave Vieira, Mark Law and Kevin Jones, “A
Study of Boron Clustering Processes utilizing X-Ray Diffraction Technique”, Materials
Research Symposium on Front End-Processing of Silicon, San Francisco, April, 2000, v.
610, p.B5.4.1-4.
L.S. Robertson, R. Brindos, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, Dan F. Downey, Jinning Liu, Scott
Falk, “The Effect of Impurities on the Diffusion and Activation of Ion Implanted Boron in
Silicon”, Materials Research Symposium on Front End-Processing of Silicon, San
Francisco, April, 2000, v.610, p.B5.8.1-6.
O. Dokumaci, P. Ronsheim, S. Hegde, D. Chidambarrao, L.S. Adam, M.E. Law, “Effect of
Nitrogen Implants on Boron Transient Enhanced Diffusion”, Materials Research
Symposium on Front End-Processing of Silicon, San Francisco, April, 2000, v.610,
P.H. Keys, R. Brindos, V. Krishnamoorthy, M. Puga-Lambers, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law,
“Phosphorus / Silicon Interstitial Annealing after Ion Implantation”, Materials Research
Symposium on Front End-Processing of Silicon, San Francisco, April, 2000, v. 610, p.
Hugo Saleh, Mark E. Law, S. Bharatan, Kevin S. Jones, V. Krishnamoorthy, Temel
Buyuklimanli, “Energy Dependence of Transient Enhanced Diffusion and Defect
Kinetics”, Materials Research Symposium on Front End-Processing of Silicon, San
Francisco, April, 2000, v. 610, pB6.7.1-5.
M.E. Law, Michelle Griglione and Misty Northridge, “Boron Diffusion in Silicon in the
Presence of High Carbon Concentration”, Materials Research Symposium on Front EndProcessing of Silicon, San Francisco, April, 2000, v. 610, p.B7.4.1-5.
Richard Brindos, Patrick Keys, M. Griglione, K.S. Jones, Mark Law, A. Agarwal, E.
Andideh, “Reactions of Excess Silicon Interstitials in the Prescence of Arsenic and
Germanium,” Materials Research Symposium on Front End-Processing of Silicon, San
Francisco, April, 2000, v. 610, p. B8.4.1-6.
C.D. Lindfors, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, D.F. Downey, R.W. Murto, “Boron Activation
During Solid Phase Epitaxial Regrowth”, Materials Research Symposium on Front EndProcessing of Silicon, San Francisco, April, 2000, v. 610, p. B10.2.1-6.
Susan Earles, Mark E. Law, Kevin S. Jones, R. Brindos, S. Talwar, “Effects of Nonmelt
Excimer Laser Annealing on 5KeV Boron Implanted Silicon”, Materials Research
Symposium on Front End-Processing of Silicon, San Francisco, April, 2000, v. 610, p.
G. Subramanian, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, M.J. Caturla, S. Theiss and T. Diaz de la Rubia,
“Relative Stability of Silicon Self-Interstitial Defects” Materials Research Symposium on
Front End-Processing of Silicon, San Francisco, April, 2000. v. 610, p. B11.10.1-6.
G. Bosman, F.-C. Hou, J.E. Sanchez, M.E. Law, “A Noise Simulation Post Processor: A
New Tool for Low Noise Device Design,” Seventh van der Ziel Symposium on Quantum
1/f Noise and Other Low Frequency Fluctuations in Electronic Devices, Handel and
Chung, Editors, American Institute of Physics, 1999, p. 169-176.
M.E. Law, H. Saleh, K.S. Jones, “Dopants, Defects, and Clusters: A Process Modeling
Taxonomy”, European Solid State Device Research Conference, Leuven, Belgium,
September, 1999, p.135-140.
Fan-Chi Hou, Gijs Bosman, and Mark E. Law, “Characterization of GenerationRecombination Noise using a Physics Based Device Noise Simulator,” Proceedings of the
International Conference on Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations, Hong Kong,
pp. 35-8, August, 1999.
R.E. Brindos, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, and E. Andideh, “Arsenic Trapping and its Effect on
Enhanced Diffusion”, Materials Research Symposium, San Francisco, April, 1999, V. 568,
p. 169-174.
J.H. Li, P.H. Keys, J. Chen, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, C. Jasper, “Transient Enhanced
Diffusion of Phosphorus and Defect Evolution in P+ Implanted Silicon”, Materials
Research Symposium, San Francisco, April, 1999, V. 568, p. 175-180.
P.H. Keys, J.H. Li, E. Heitman, P.A. Packan, M.E. Law, and K.S. Jones, “Effect of
Extended Defects on the Enhanced Diffusion of Phosphorus Implanted Silicon”, Materials
Research Symposium, San Francisco, April, 1999, V. 568, p. 199-204.
H. Reuda, J. Slinkmann, D. Chidambarrao, L. Mosskowicz, P. Kaszuba, and M.E. Law,
“Mechanical Stress Characterization of Shallow Trench Isolation by Kelvin Probe Force
Microscopy”, Materials Research Symposium, San Francisco, April, 1999, V. 568, p. 245250.
L.S. Adam, M.E. Law, H. O. Dokumaci, Y. Haddara, C. Murthy, H. Park, S. Hegde, D.
Chidambarrao, S. Mollis, T. Domenicucci, C. Dziobkowski, K. Jones, P. Wong, R. Young,
R. Srinivasen, “Nitrogen Implantation and Diffusion in Silicon”, Materials Research
Symposium, San Francisco, April, 1999, V. 568, p. 277-281.
Kevin S. Jones, Daniel F. Downey, H. Miller, Mark E. Law, J. Chen, “Transient Enhanced
Diffusion in Ultra Low Energy (ULE) Arsenic Implant Si”, International Workshop on
Measurement, Characterization and Modeling of Ultra Shallow Junctions, Raleigh, NC,
March, 1999, p. 76
A.D. Lilak, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, M.D. Giles, E. Andideh, M.-J. Curturla, T. D. de la
Rubia, J. Zhu, and S. Thiess, “Predictive Simulation of Transient Activation Processes in
Boron-Doped Silicon Structures”, International Electron Device Meeting, San Francisco.,
December, 1998, p.493-6.
K.S. Jones, D. Downey, H. Miller, J. Chow, J. Chen, M.Puga-Lambers, K. Moller, M.
Wright, E. Heitman, J. Glassberg, M.E. Law, L. Robertson, and R. Brindos, “Transient
Enhanced Diffusion in Low Energy Arsenic Implanted Silicon”, Ion Implant Technology
Conference, July, 1998, p. 841-844.
M.J. Caturla, A. Lilak, M.D. Johnson, M. Giles, T. Diaz de la Rubia. M.E. Law, and M.
Foad, Atomic Scale Modeling of Boron Transient Diffusion in Silicon”, Ion Implant
Technology Conference, July, 1998, p. 1022-1025.
R.P. Raman, M.E. Law, V. Krishnamoorthy, and K.S. Jones, “Effect of the End of Range
Dislocation Loops on the Evolution of 311 Defects”, Materials Research Symposium, San
Francisco, April, 1998, V. 532, p. 61-66.
S. Bharatan, Y. Haddara, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, “Determining the Enthalpy of Formation
of a Si Interstitial in Silicon Using Quantitative TEM and SIMS”, Materials Research
Symposium, San Francisco, April, 1998, V. 532, p. 111-118.
M.D. Griglione, T.J. Anderson, Y. Haddara, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, “Interdiffusion
Behavior of Si/Si1-xGex Layers in Inert and Oxidizing Ambients”, Materials Research
Symposium, San Francisco, April, 1998, V. 532, p. 119-124.
H.A. Rueda and M.E. Law, “Modeling of Strain in Boron-Doped Silicon Cantilevers”,
First International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems,
Semiconductors, Sensors and Actuators, Santa Clara, CA, 1998, p. 94-99.
A.D. Lilak, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, M.D. Giles, and S.K. Earles, “A Physics-Based
Modeling Approach for the Simulation of Anomalous Boron Diffusion and Clustering
Behaviors”, International Electron Device Meeting, Washington, D.C., December, 1997,
M.E. Law and M. Cerrato, “Improved Local Refinement Algorithms for Adaptive Meshing
of Process Simulation Problems”, Simulation of Semiconductor Process and Devices ‘97,
Boston, September, 1997, p. 233-236.
H.A. Rueda, S.Cea, and M.E. Law, “Mechanical Stress Modeling for Silicon Fabrication
Processes”, Simulation of Semiconductor Process and Devices ‘97, Boston, September,
1997, p. 53-56.
M.E. Law and S.K. Earles, “Point and Extended Defect Interactions in Silicon”, Dopant
and Defect Diffusion Spring 1997 Proceedings, San Francisco, April, 1997, p. 379-386.
Lahir S. Adam and M.E. Law, “Experimental Investigation of Transient Enhanced
Diffusion (TED) of Phosphorus Implants in Silicon in the MeV Range”, Dopant and
Defect Diffusion Spring 1997 Proceedings, Materials Research Society, San Francisco,
April, 1997, p. 309-314.
M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, S.K. Earles, A.D. Lilak, J.W. Xu, “Modeling of Extended Defects
in Silicon”, Microstructure Evolution During Irradiation, Eds. I.M. Robertson, G.S. Was,
L.W. Hobbs, T. Diaz de la Rubia, Materials Research Society, 1997, p. 3-10.
M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, S.K. Earles, A.D. Lilak, J.W. Xu, “Modeling of Extended Defects
in Silicon”, Materials Modeling and Synthesis by Ion Beam Processing Fall 1996
Proceedings, Eds. D.E. Alexander, N.W. Cheung, B. Park, W. Skorupa, Materials
Research Society, 1997, p. 45-52.
H.O. Dokumaci, H.-J. Gossman, K.S. Jones, and M.E. Law, "An Investigation of Vacancy
Population during Arsenic Activation in Silicon", Defects in Electronic Materials Fall
1996 Proceedings, Materials Research Society, p. 151-156.
S. Cea and M.E. Law, “Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Viscoelastic Oxidation Modeling”,
Simulation of Semiconductor Process and Devices ‘96, Tokyo, Sept. 1996, p. 97-98.
H.O. Dokumaci and M.E. Law, “An Interpolation Technique for the Numerical Solution of
the Rate Equations in Extended Defect Simulation”, Simulation of Semiconductor Process
and Devices ‘96, Tokyo, Sept. 1996, p. 37-38.
K.S. Jones, K. Moller, J. Chen, M. Puga-Lambers, M. Law, D.S. Simons, P. Chi, B. Freer,
J. Bernstein, L. Rubin, R. Simonton, R.G. Elliman, M. Petravic, P. Kringhoj, “The Effect
of End of Range Loops on Transient Enhanced Diffusion in Si”, Ion Implantation
Technology, Austin, Texas, June 1996, p. 618-621.
J. Liu, V. Krishnamoorthy, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, J. Shi, J. Bennett, “Transient
Enhanced Diffusion and Defect Studies in B Implanted Si,” Ion Implantation Technology
Proceedings,96, 626-29,1997.
J. Xu and M.E. Law, “Simultaneous Study of Transient Enhanced Diffusion (TED) of
Boron and Phosphorus in Si+ Implanted Silicon”, Ion Implantation Technology, Austin,
Texas, June 1996, p. 630-633.
S. Morris, D. Lim, S.-H. Yang, S.Tian, K. Parab, A. Tasch, M.E. Law, “A TwoDimensional, Accurate and Computationally Efficient Model for Boron Implantation
through Oxide Layers into Silicon”, Extended Abstracts of the 1996 Spring
Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May, 1996, p. 483-4.
S. Morris, D. Lim, S.-H. Yang, S.Tian, K. Parab, A. Tasch, M.E. Law, “A TwoDimensional, Accurate and Computationally Efficient Model for Boron Implantation
through Oxide Layers into Silicon”, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium
on Process Physics and Modeling in Semiconductor Technology, Los Angeles, May, 1996,
S. Chaudhry and M.E. Law, “Effect of Stress on Point and Extended Defects in Silicon”,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Process Physics and Modeling in
Semiconductor Technology, Los Angeles, May, 1996, p. 407-416.
S. Chaudhry and M.E. Law, “Effect of Stress on Point and Extended Defects in Silicon”,
Extended Abstracts of the 1996 Spring Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May, 1996,
p. 476.
H. Omer Dokumaci and M.E. Law, “Modeling of Arsenic Precipitation Including the
Interaction of the Precipitate”, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on
Process Physics and Modeling in Semiconductor Technology, Los Angeles, May, 1996, p.
H. Omer Dokumaci and M.E. Law, “Modeling of Arsenic Precipitation Including the
Interaction of the Precipitate”, Extended Abstracts of the 1996 Spring Electrochemical
Society, Los Angeles, May, 1996, p. 422.
M.E. Law, “Computational Issues in Process Modeling”, Proceedings of the Fourth
International Symposium on Process Physics and Modeling in Semiconductor Technology,
Los Angeles, May, 1996, p. 18-26.
M.E. Law, “Computation Issues in Process Modeling”, Extended Abstracts of the 1996
Spring Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May, 1996, p. 420.
M.E. Law and K.S. Jones, “{311} Defect Formation and Evolution for Si and B Implants”,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Process Physics and Modeling in
Semiconductor Technology, Los Angeles, May, 1996, p. 374-78.
M.E. Law and K.S. Jones, “{311} Defect Formation and Evolution for Si and B Implants”,
Extended Abstracts of the 1996 Spring Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, May, 1996,
p. 470.
H.O. Dokumaci, M. Law, V. Krishnamoorthy, and K.S. Jones, “Effects of Arsenic
Deactivation on Arsenic Implant Enhanced Diffusion”, Ion-Solid Interactions for Materials
Modification and Processing Symposium - Fall 1995 Proceedings, Eds. D. Poker, D. Iia, Y.
Cheng, L. Harriott, T. Sigmon, Materials Research Society, 1996, p. 167-172.
S.T. Picraux, E. Chason, J.M. Poate, J.O. Borland, M.I. Current, T. Diaz De La Rubia, D.J.
Eaglesham, O.W. Holland, M.E. Law, C.W. Magee, J.W. Mayer, J. Melngailis, A.F. Tasch,
“Energitic Ion Beams in Semiconductor Processing: Summary of a DOE Panel Study”, Ion
Solid Interactions for Materials Modification and Processing Symposium - Fall 1995
Proceedings, Eds. D. Poker, D. Iia, Y. Cheng, L. Harriott, T. Sigmon, Materials Research
Society, 1996, p.859-868.
Hernan Rueda and Mark Law, “Algorithms for the Reduction of Surface Evolution
Discretization Error”, Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes Conference, 6,
Eds. H. Ryssel and P. Pichler, Springer-Verlag, Sept. 1995, p.46-49.
Stephen Cea and Mark Law, “Multi-Dimensional Nonlinear Viscoelastic Oxidation
Modeling”, Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes Conference, 6, Eds. H.
Ryssel and P. Pichler, Springer-Verlag, Sept. 1995, p.135-8.
Chih-Chuan Lin and Mark Law, “2-D Adaptive Simulation of Dopant Implantation and
Diffusion”, Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes Conference, 6, Eds. H.
Ryssel and P. Pichler, Springer-Verlag, Sept. 1995, p.282-5.
Stephen Cea and Mark Law, “Viscoelastic Modeling of Titanium Silicidation”, Simulation
of Semiconductor Devices and Processes Conference, 6, Eds. H. Ryssel and P. Pichler,
Springer-Verlag, Sept. 1995, p.138-41.
Mark Law and Stephen Cea, “Three-Dimensional Simulation of Thermal Processes”,
Three-Dimensionsal Process Simulation Workshop, Ed. J. Lorenz, Springer-Verlag, Sept.
1995, p.77-94.
S. Chuadhry, R. Thompson, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, “A Two-Dimensional Model for Strain
from Dislocation Loops in Ion-Implanted Silicon”, Fifth ULSI Symposium, Electrochemical
Society, Spring Meeting, p. 32-42, July, 1995.
S. Chuadhry, R. Thompson, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, “A Two-Dimensional Model for Strain
from Dislocation Loops in Ion-Implanted Silicon”, Extended Abstracts of the Spring
Electrochemical Society Meeting, p. 448-9, May, 1995.
100. Minchang Liang and M.E. Law, “The Importance of Including Lattice Self-Heating and
Hot-Carrier Transport in BJT Simulation”, Bipolar Circuits and Technology Meeting,
Minneapolis, p. 187-190, October, 1994.
101. Stephen Cea and M.E. Law, "Two Dimensional Simulation of Silicide Growth and Flow",
International Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Processes and Devices for Integrated
Circuits (NUPAD-V), Honolulu, HA, p. 113-6, June, 1994.
102. Chih-Chuan Lin and M.E. Law, "Mesh Adaption and Flux Discretizations for Dopant
Diffusion Modeling", International Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Processes and
Devices for Integrated Circuits (NUPAD-V), Honolulu, HA, p. 151-4, June, 1994.
103. Samir Chaudhry and Mark Law, "Effects of Low-Dose Silicon, Carbon, and Oxygen
Implantation Damage on Diffusion of Phosphorus in Silicon", Semiconductor Silicon 1994,
94(10)San Francisco, p. 1041-1049, May, 1994.
104. Samir Chaudhry and Mark Law, "Effects of Low-Dose Silicon, Carbon, and Oxygen
Implantation Damage on Diffusion of Phosphorus in Silicon", Extended Abstracts of the
Spring Electrochemical Society Meeting, 94(1) San Francisco, p. 789, May, 1994.
105. Heemyong Park, K.S. Jones, J.A. Slinkmann, M.E. Law, "The Effect of Strain on Dopant
Diffusion in Silicon", International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, D.C., p. 303-6,
106. Stephen Cea and Mark Law, "Two Dimensional General Purpose Growth Code for the
Simulation of Oxidation and Silicidation", SRC Techcon, p. 467, Sept., 1993.
107. Samir Chaudhry and Mark Law, "Effects of Low-Dose Silicon, Carbon, and Oxygen
Implantation Damage on Diffusion of Phosphorus in Silicon", p. 465, SRC Techcon, Sept.,
108. Omer H. Dokumaci and Mark Law, "Computer simulation of Precipitation in Silicon",
SRC Techcon, p. 466, 1993.
109. Heemyong Park and Mark Law, "A Point Defect Based Two Dimensional Model of
Dislocation Loops and Their Effects on Oxidation Enhnaced Diffusion of Boron in
Silicon", SRC Techcon, p. 56-58, Sept., 1993.
110. Chih-Chuan Lin and Mark Law, "Mesh Adaptation and Flux Discretizations for Diffusion
Modeling", SRC Techcon, p. 167-169, Sept., 1993.
111. M.E. Law, "Challenges for Accurate Three-Dimensional Process Simulation", Simulation
of Semiconductor Devices and Processes, Vienna, ed. Selberherr, Stippel, Strasser, p. 1-8,
112. H. Park and M.E. Law, "A Two Dimensional Modeling of Dislocation Loops in Silicon,"
Third International Symposium on Process Physics and Modeling, Honolulu, ed.
Srinavasen, Taniguchi and Murthy, p. 228-235, 1993.
113. H. Park and M.E. Law, "A Two Dimensional Modeling of Dislocation Loops in Silicon,"
Extended Abstracts of the Spring Electrochemical Society Meeting, Honolulu, p. 1041-2,
May, 1993.
114. K.S. Jones, J. Listabarger, J. Liu, H.L. Meng, M. Law and J.A. Slinkmann, "Developing
Dislocation Loops as Point Defect Detectors in Silicon," Third International Symposium on
Process Physics and Modeling, Honolulu, ed. Srinavasen, Taniguchi and Murthy, p. 236242, 1993.
115. K.S. Jones, J. Listabarger, J. Liu, M. Meng, M. Law, J.A. Slinkmann, "Developing
Dislocation Loops as Point Defect Detectors in Silicon," Extended Abstracts of the Spring
Electrochemical Society Meeting, Honolulu, p. 1043, May, 1993.
116. K.S. Jones, H.L. Meng, B. Zhu, H.G. Robinson, M.E. Law and S. Prussin, "Using
Implantation Induced Dislocation Loops as Detectors of Interstitial Injection During
Oxidation of Silicon," International Conference on Beam Processing of Advanced
Materials, Materials Park, OH, ed. Singh, Singh and Copley, p. 697-704, 1993.
117. C.C. Lin, M.E. Law, and R.E. Lowther, "Automatic Grid Refinement and Higher Order
Flux Discretizations for Diffusion Modeling," Proceedings of the Numerical Analysis of
Processes and Devices Workshop-IV, Seattle, p. 191-6, May, 1992.
118. P. Novell and M.E. Law, "The Effect of Nondilute Dopant-Defect Pair Concentrations on
Arsenic Diffusion," Proceedings of the Numerical Analysis of Processes and Devices
Workshop-IV, Seattle, p. 41-4, May, 1992.
119. M. Giles, G. Chin, M.E. Law, and L. Nackman, "Representing and Manipulating Fields for
TCAD," Proceedings of the Numerical Analysis of Processes and Devices Workshop-IV,
Seattle, p. 207-12, May, 1992.
120. D. Boning, G. Chin, R. Cottle, W. Dietrich, S. Duvall, M. Giles, R. Harris, M. Karasick, N.
Khalil, M. Law, L. Nackman, S. Nassif, V. Rajan, D. Shroeder, R. Tremain, H. Walker, R.
Wang, and A. Wong, "Developing and Integrating TCAD Applications with the
Semiconductor Wafer Representation," Proceedings of the Numerical Analysis of
Processes and Devices Workshop-IV, Seattle, p. 199-204, May, 1992.
121. G. Chin and M.E. Law, "Use of Simulation for Rapid Design Prototyping,"
Electrochemical Society Meeting Extended Abstracts, Washington, D.C., p. 496, 1991.
122. M.E. Law, "Point Defect Modeling of Dopant Diffusion in Silicon," Electrochemical
Society Meeting Extended Abstracts, Washington, D.C., p. 489, 1991.
123. G. Chin and M.E. Law, "Use of Simulation for Rapid Design Prototyping," Proceedings of
the Electrochemical Society ULSI Symposium, Washington, D.C., p. 78-87, 1991.
124. M.E. Law, "Point Defect Modeling of Dopant Diffusion in Silicon," Proceedings of the
Electrochemical Society ULSI Symposium, Washington, D.C., p. 34-42, 1991.
125. W.R. Eisenstadt, R.M. Fox, M.E. Law and S. Abbas, "A Coordinated Approach to
Teaching Digital and Analog VLSI, and IC Fabrication and Packaging," Proceedings of the
VLSI Education Conference, Santa Clara, CA, p. 105-111, 1990.
126. M.E. Law, E. Solley, M. Liang, D.R. Apte and D. Burk, "Improved Simulation of
Advanced Bipolar Structures," Proceedings of the SRC Techcon, San Jose, CA, p. 65-68,
127. M.E. Law, "Parameters for Oxidation Enhanced Diffusion," Proceedings of the Numerical
Analysis of Processes and Devices Workshop-III, Honolulu, HA, p. 9-10, 1990.
128. M.E. Law, J.R. Pfiester and R.W. Dutton, "The Effect of Implantation Damage on Arsenic
Phosphorus Codiffusion," International Electron Devices Meeting Technical Digest, San
Francisco, p. 640-643, 1988.
129. P.B. Griffin, M.E. Law, S.T. Ahn and J.D. Plummer, "Process Physics for 2D Dopant
Diffusion in SUPREM IV," Proceedings of the SRC Techcon, Dallas, p. 637-640, 1988.
130. M.E. Law, C.S. Rafferty and R.W. Dutton, "New N-Well Fabrication Techniques Based on
2D Process Simulation," International Electron Devices Meeting Technical Digest, Los
Angeles, p. 518-521, 1986.
131. M.E. Law and R.W. Dutton, "Quasi Steady State Approximation of Interstitial Diffusion
During Oxidation of Silicon," Proceedings of the Numerical Analysis of Processes and
Devices Workshop-II, Santa Clara, CA, p. 37-8, 1986.
132. C.S. Rafferty, M.E. Law, P.B. Griffin, J.D. Shott, R.W. Dutton and J.D. Plummer,
"Modeling Locos Effects on Diffusion," Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium
on Silicon Materials Science and Technology, Boston, p. 426-436, 1986.
Edited Books
Doping Engineering for Front-End Processing, Materials Research Society, Volume 1070,
Editors: B.J. Pawlak, M.L. Pelaz, M. Law, K. Suguro, 2008.
Silicon Front-End Junction Formation Technologies, Materials Research Society, Volume
717, Editors: D.F. Downey, Mark E. Law, A.P., Claverie, M.J. Rendon, 2002.
Si Front-End Processing – Physics and Technology of Dopant-Defect Interactions,
Materials Research Society, Volume 568, eds. H.-J. Gossmann, Tony E. Haynes, Mark E.
Law, Arne Larsen, Shinji Odanaka.
Books and Book Chapters
ME Law, R Camillo-Castillo, L Robertson, KS Jones, "Defects in Ultra-Shallow
Junctions," Defects in Microelectronic Materials and Devices, Fleetwood, Pantolides,
Schrimpf ed., 2008, CRC Press.
M.E. Law, “Process Simulation: Continuum”, Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and
Technology, Elsevier Science, 2001.
M.E. Law, FLOODS / FLOOPS User's Manual, 1993.
M.E. Law, C.S. Rafferty, G. Chin and R.W. Dutton, SUPREM-IVA.9130 User's Manual,
M.E. Law, C.S. Rafferty and R.W. Dutton, "Simulation of Silicon Processing,"
Semiconductor Technology, Härbeke and Schulz ed., 1990, Springer-Verlag, Munich.