1. Characteristics of early colonial life in North America included a native population that
2. The system of temporary servitude in the New World included a labor force that never
3. Roughly one-fourth of indentures in the Chesapeake were of what ethnic descent?
4. During the late 1600s, the system of indentured servitude became less popular because the English
birthrate ________________________.
5. In the late 1600s, the element of society in the English colonies that caused the greatest social unrest
was _______________________________________________.
6. In the late 1600s, life expectancy was greater in the northern colonies than in the southern colonies for
all of the following 4 reasons:
*the northern colonies had a more balanced ratio of men to women
*the northern colonies had better water
*the northern colonies had a relatively cool climate
*the northern colonies had fewer life-threatening diseases
7. Medical care in early colonial America revealed that there was little use of the
8. In the 1600s, the high sex ratio of men to women in the Chesapeake meant that females
9. In the 1600s, Puritan New England family structure was more stable than that of
10. All of the following 4 groups were active in the slave trade in large numbers:
*Portuguese seamen
*Dutch navigators
*African chieftains
*English seamen
11. During the entire time of the Atlantic slave trade, European and colonial slavers transported from
Africa to the Americas about how many Africans?
12. All of the following 4 items are true about the transport of African slaves:
*African chieftains sometimes sold their enemies into slavery
*female slaves were often victims of rape and other sexual abuse
*the horrors of the “middle passage” included dark, dirty ships
*the deaths of slaves were seen by some captains as inevitable
13. By the early eighteenth century, Africans in North America began more commonly to be seen as
inferior to ________________________.
14. The groups that began to immigrate to the Americas in large numbers during the late 1600s and early
1700s were the:
*French Huguenots
*English Quakers
*German Protestants
*Scottish Presbyterians
15. The following 4 pairs match historians who wrote on slavery with the themes that they discussed:
*Oscar and Mary Handlin—showed how the transition from servant to slave was a legal process for
increasing the labor force
*George Fredrickson—contended that racism was a product of slavery
*Winthrop Jordan—argued that Europeans had long viewed people of color as inferior
*Peter Wood—maintained that legislation reflected white fears of black resistance
16. The Making of New World Slavery, by Robin Blackburn stressed a theme of
17. In American Slavery, American Freedom, Edmund S. Morgan suggested that the colonists did not
intend to originally create ________________________________________________.
18. During the 1600s and 1700s, the southern economy was characterized by all of the following 4
*boom-and-bust economic cycles
*the dominance of cash crop agriculture
*expansion of planters’ landholdings
*a reliance on tobacco in the Chesapeake region
19. In South Carolina during the early 1740s, a new staple crop was _________________________.
20. The economy of the northern colonies exhibited all of the following characteristics:
*they had a more diverse agriculture than that of the southern colonies
*they had a wide range of industrial activities of modest scale
*they had several thriving extractive industries
*they often engaged in a certain amount of industry at home
21. One problem with early American industries was there was no commonly accepted
22. The rise of commerce in the English colonies was aided by
23. All of the following were exports from the colonies either to Europe or Africa:
*sugar molasses
In general, plantations in the American South can be described as
25. The southern agrarian economy was dominated by _____________________________________.
26. In the 1750s, the relationship between the British Empire and the American colonies was
characterized by most Americans believing
27. In the mid 1770s, the relationship between the British Empire and the American colonies was
characterized by most Americans becoming __________________________________________.
28. In the immediate years after the Glorious Revolution of 1688, the British government did what?
29. During the reigns of George I and George II, the prime minister and the cabinet became
30. Appointments to the position of royal governor, customs collector, or naval officer were usually made
as a result of ________________________________________________.
31. In spite of the differences among the colonies, all of these 4 factors encouraged them to work
*a continuous line of settlements along the seacoast
*the construction of roads and the development of trade
*the creation of the colonial postal service
*a belief that trade with England was beneficial
32. The three groups who fought in the Seven Years’ War were:
33. During the late 1600s and early 1700s, French settlement in North America was characterized by the
toleration of __________________________________________.
34. During the 1700s, the most powerful group of Native Americans in North America was the
35. One of the developments that led to the French and Indian War was continued expansion of
36. The effects of Queen Anne’s War in the colonies included the outbreak of border conflicts with
37. The leader of the American militia at Fort Necessity was ___________________________.
38. During his years as chancellor of the exchequer, Charles Townshend persuaded Parliament to pass all
of the following 4 measures:
*disbanding the New York assembly
*imposing a series of new external taxes
*creating an effective antismuggling board
*addressing the challenge of enforcing the Mutiny Act
39. The Mutiny (Quartering) Act of 1765 was resented by the colonists because colonial contributions of
lodging and supplies for British troops were made ________________________________________.
40. Prime Minister Charles Townshend established a board of customs commissioners in America that
did what?
41. Following the “Boston Massacre” of 1770, Samuel Adams stirred up public outrage and then helped
to create a committee of _________________________________.
42. Americans of the 1770s based their opposition to the British on all of the following 4 ideas:
*government should be distributed among several elements of society, not concentrated in a single
*taxes should be levied on people only if they participated in the process
*people should resist the government if it oppressed them, and they had the right to overthrow the
government if necessary
*a belief that people needed safeguards against abusive power
43. One result of the Boston massacre was the incident became a symbol of
44. Protests of the Tea Act differed from earlier responses to British laws in that the tea boycott
45. In response to Boston’s opposition to the Tea Act of 1773, the British Parliament decided to do what?
46. In response to the Coercive Acts, the colonists took all of the following 4 actions:
*organizing bands of vigilantes to make sure colonists cooperated with the resistance to the British
*gathering delegates from most of the colonies in an assembly to consider common action against the
*preparing for military defense against possible British attack
*women’s groups extending their organized boycotts
47. In response to the suspension of their colonial legislatures, many colonies convened new assemblies,
and a collective assembly met in September 1774, under the name of the
48. The first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired in Massachusetts at _______________________.
49. After the first day of fighting in the American Revolution, Britain had lost
50. Alcohol and its consumption in the American colonies in 1770 was