Pilot Scale Treatment of Wastes from the Iron and Steel Industry Antonio E. C. Peresa*, Helio C. Pereirab, Dinalva C. Fonsecac and Fernando L. Krügerd a UFMG Federal University of Minas Gerais Rua Espirito Santo, 35/206, 30160-030 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil b Samarco Mineração S.A. Caixa Postal 720004, 29230-000 Anchieta, ES, Brazil c Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional Mina de Casa de Pedra 36415-000 Congonhas, MG d UFOP Federal University of Ouro Preto Campus Morro do Cruzeiro, 35400-000 Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil Abstract The topic of treating wastes produced in the iron and steel industry, at pilot plant scale, is addressed. Two case studies are presented and discussed. Both investigations yielded products adequate for further utilization in steelworks, the wastes being processed by means of low cost techniques. The innovative character of the investigation was the development of routes for the full economical re-use of the wastes, produced at large scale. The first case study refers to the testwork performed with two kinds of residues generated by a wire drawing company: cake from the acidulated effluents plant, and wire drawing scale. The technological solution proposed was pelletising the two residues mixed with iron ore. The recommended ratio of materials was defined at 8:1:1 (ore:cake:scale). The mechanical characteristics of the product met the market specifications for blast furnace pellets. Pellet screenings represents the undersize generated in the operation of screening the final product of pelletising plants. Compared with natural sinter feed, pellet screenings presents the advantages of extremely low loss on ignition and high content of fluxing elements. Pellet screenings can not be re-utilised in the pelletising process. The objective of the present investigation was evaluating, at pilot plant scale, the substitution (50% and 100%) of natural sinter feed by pellet screenings in the sintering machine feed cake. No major differences were observed in the chemical, physical, and metallurgical characteristics of sinters. Keywords: acidulated effluents cake, wire drawing scale, pellet screenings, sinter feed, ferrous wastes 1. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to communicate results of two case studies concerning the recycling of wastes from the Brazilian iron and steel industry. Iron and steelmaking represent a relevant economical activity in Brazil. The industries generate solid waste material, atmospheric emissions and liquid effluents that require treatment under different conditions to mitigate the environmental impact of the activities. A statistical analysis of the distribution of waste material from this industrial segment indicated: blast furnace slags 38.7%; steelmaking slags 21.7%; dust and sludges 13.7%; scarfing sludges 4.7%; scale 4.4%; oil and grease 3.6% and other residues 13.2% (Chehebe, J.R. et al., 1987). Priority was first given to blast furnace slags, due to the large amounts produced. The treatment includes magnetic concentration and size separation. Some uses of the processed slags are (Assis, R.M, 1997): raw material in the cement industry, aggregates for soil and land stabilisation, aggregates used to pave the way for asphalt surfaces and surface drainage. aggregates for the construction of damns and banks, source of metals, soil corrective especially for eucalyptus cultures. The disposal of sludges and powders represents a serious challenge and deserves especial attention. According to the International Iron and Steel Institute (1987), the destination of powders and sludges produced by the Japanese metallurgical and iron and steelmaking industries is: 42% sintering plants, 13% blast furnaces, 25% cement industry, 12% briquetting and pelletising plants, 8% final disposal. Residues from the raw materials yard are recycled in sintering and pelletising, after mixture with other powders and, if necessary, moisture content adjustment. Residues from cupola furnaces represent a source of carbon and are fully re-utilised in iron and steel plants. Tar residues may be recycled in cupola foundry, mixed with charcoal, or burned in incinerators, together with oil residues. Sinters represent a blast furnace charge with physical, chemical, and metallurgical characteristics adequate for enhanced performance and also contribute to the mitigation of the environmental impact of steelworks activities by incorporating wastes such as fines, powders, dusts, and sludges. Ametrano et al. (1999) described the process for utilisation of residues at Siderar, that utilises a sintering machine with area of 72.5 m2, and production capacity of 3,000 t/day. The production of residues reaches 280,000 t/year, consisting of: fines of pellets, sinter fines, steelmaking slag and sludge, scrap, dust from blast furnace gas, blast furnace dust, and rolling scale. Minor benefits in productivity, (CaO/SiO2) ratio, shatter test index were achieved. The major benefits came from RDI (reduction degradation index) increasing from 20% to 25%, and the coke consumption being reduced from 49 kg/t to 32 g/t. The production cost reduction reached 7%. Brazilian CVRD and BHP-Billiton hold each 50% of the shares of Samarco Mineração S/A, a company that produces pellets, pellet feed (iron ore concentrate) and pellet screenings for the international iron ores market, being the second transoceanic exporter of pellets for steel production, representing 17% of this market. The products are sold to China (37%), other countries in Asia (19%), Middle East and Africa (19%), Europe (16%) e Americas (9%). Pellet screenings is the undersize resulting from screening the product of the pelletising plant after full processing. Compared with natural sinter feed, the pellet screenings presents the advantages of very low loss on ignition and of containing fluxes. Due to the unfeasibility of re-utilisation of the pellet screenings in the pelletising plant, it is sold to sinter makers. Samarco’s challenges are reducing the amount of pellet screenings produced in the pelletising plant and searching for applications for this material. The current evolution stages of sintering operations and blast furnaces all over the world stress the need of utilising raw materials meeting strict standards of quality, costs, supply, and environment preservation. This investigation contributes to bring more knowledge to the field of iron ores sintering 2. Recycling of cake from acidulated effluents plant and wire drawing scale This case study addresses the processing of wastes produced by a wire drawing company in Brazil. The cake is the residue produced in the processing station of acidulated effluents from the surface treatment of wire rods and wires. The effluents processing consists of neutralisation with lime followed by aeration/oxigenation with compressed air and the flocculation, decantation and pressing. The liquid effluent from the pressing stage is recycled to the tank of effluents to be treated and the pressed residue constitutes the cake. The production of cake reaches 245 t/month. This residue was classified according to the Brazilian standard as: class II – non inert. The chemical analysis of the cake indicated the presence of Fe 37.30%, SiO2 4.92%, CaO 15.95%, MgO 1.03%, loss on ignition 1.91% as major species. The only phase detected by X-Ray diffraction was Fe2O3. Size analysis showed 97.5% passing 44 m. The production of wire drawing scale reaches 725 t/month. This residue was classified according to the Brazilian standard as: class II – non inert. The results of chemical analysis are: Fe 75%, SiO2 2.5%, Al2O3 0.25%. X-Ray diffraction detected the presence of wustite (~80%) and magnetite (~20%), hematite being a minor component 2.1 Experimental procedure and results The samples of cake and scale were homogenised and mixed with iron ore fines in proportions adequate to meet the desired moisture content for the pelletising process. Details on the operation of the pelletising disk are presented in Table I. Exploratory experiments aimed at establishing the process control parameters and the proportion of components in the mixture. The proportion of components in the mixture was defined as a function of the initial moisture and the final desired moisture for the pellet or micro pellet. Ball et al. (1973) suggest an optimum range of moisture content in the pelletising process between 8% and 15%. The pellets and micro pellets produced with 11% moisture content were stored in trays under dry room conditions for 24 hours, before being fired in electrical kilns. The firing cycle (temperature x time curve) was defined as a function of the destination of the product. Pellets are fed to a blast furnace and micropellets to a sintering plant. Blast furnace pellets must present a larger diameter (10 to 12.5 mm) and higher compression and abrasion resistance (tumbling test). The micro pellets, employed in the sintering process, are smaller and require only a minimum resistance to be handled and fed to the sintering machine. The maximum firing temperature was 1300 °C for pellets and 800 °C for micro pellets. Table I. Operation of the pelletising disk. Parameters disk slope disk velocity disk diameter water flow rate pelletising time moisture (mixture) moisture (final product) mixture weight weight % iron in the mixture weight % scale in the mixture weight % cake in the mixture weight % bentonite weight % sodium silicate Pellets 10 to 12.5 mm 45° 21 rpm 600 mm 50 mL/min 10 min 7% 11% 3,100 g 79.5% 9.75% 9.75% 1% - Micro pellets 5 to 6 mm 45° 18 rpm 600 mm 50 mL/min 5 min 7% 11% 3,100 g 77.0% 9.70% 9.70% 1% 2.5% The quality of the pellets was checked with the use blast furnace pellet standard tests: tumbling and abrasion (ISO 3271/1985), compression resistance (ISO 4700/1983), and reducibility (ISO 4695/1984). Results of tumbling and abrasion tests indicated figures lower than the desirable values for blast furnace pellets, but still acceptable considering the composition of the feed of the pelletising disk. Compression resistance and reducibility values for the pellets were compatible with levels for ordinary pellets made of pellet feed fines. 3. Pellet screenings substituting for sinter feed This case study addresses the evaluation, at pilot plant scale, of the influence of replacing sinter feed by pellet screenings, at proportions of 50% and 100%, in the sintering machine feed cake, without impairing the chemical, physical and metallurgical characteristics of the product. The following parameters were determined and compared: granulation index, sintering time, < 5mm return, total return, coke rate, shatter and tumble tests results, RDI (reduction degradation index), and reducibility. 3.1 Experimental procedure and results The raw materials utilised in the investigation were homogenised and then sampled for chemical and size distribution characterisations. Results of the chemical characterisation are presented in Table II. TableII. Chemical composition of the raw materials. pellet screenings ore A ore B ore C ore D limestone quartz dunite manganese hydrated lime coke Fe(t) 66.30 65.40 65.90 67.54 67.45 0.30 0.46 4.95 34.40 0.08 0.66 FeO 0.52 0.27 0.24 0.41 0.18 2.80 0.31 0.14 0.22 CaO 1.52 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 54.55 0.03 2.17 0.14 75.40 0.37 SiO2 2.13 3.95 4.55 0.69 1.32 0.92 99.08 38.50 6.51 1.22 6.35 Al2O3 0.46 1.50 0.59 .84 0.57 0.34 0.07 3.83 1.42 0.35 3.08 MgO 0.21 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.49 0.02 34.20 0.34 0.42 0.10 P2O5 0.105 0.076 0.050 0.085 0.062 0.114 0.014 0.240 0.200 0.110 The evaluation of the performance of the products regarding sinterability was performed. A feed blend consisting of four different iron ore types was taken as reference. The choice of this blend was based on preliminary comparative tests, performed at the sintering pilot plant. The quality of the sinter and productivity of the tests with this blend were equivalent to the levels achieved with the standard ores blend industrially utilised at Usiminas. The product pellet screenings was tested replacing partially (50%) and totally (100%) one of the iron ore types of the blend that presents low SiO 2 content. This option was selected due to the low SiO2 of the pellet screenings. The test conditions are described next: (i) condition 1 – standard blend of iron ores (reference); (ii) condition 2 – pellet screenings replacing 50% ore D; (iii) condition 3 – pellet screenings replacing 100% ore D. The target chemical composition of the sinter was: SiO2 = 4.70%, MgO = 1.40%, Al2O3 = 100%, (CaO/SiO2) ratio = 1.65 Table III shows the compositions of the blends utilised under different test conditions. The methodology for simulating, in pilot scale, the industrial sintering process was defined aiming at approaching the industrial conditions concerning the aspects: chemical and metallurgical characteristics, productivity indexes, and overall process trends. In the sinterability tests two burning stages (for obtaining return fines) and three regular burning stages are performed for each condition investigated. The control parameters are: (i) all sinter cakes of a certain test condition should produce, after degradation, the same percentage of return fines, (ii) the differences between the sintering times of each individual burning stage should be lower than 1.5 min, (iii) the differences between the weights of each individual feed blend, for the same test condition should be lower than 1.5 kg. Table III. Composition of blends utilised under different test conditions. Component pellet screenings ore A ore B ore C ore D limestone quartz hydrated lime dunite manganese coke reference blend (%) - pellet screenings pellet screenings replacing replacing 50% D ore (%) 100% D ore (%) 12.12 24.28 26.28 17.53 13.02 24.22 12.87 0.61 1.00 26.32 17.55 13.03 12.12 12.56 0.51 1.00 26.36 17.58 13.05 12.24 0.41 1.00 3.64 0.83 3.40 3.60 1.17 3.40 3.55 1.52 3.40 The return fines percentage corresponds to 25% of the blend, the size distribution being 25% in the size range 5 to 10 mm and 75% in the size range 0 to 5 mm, same figures as those in Usiminas plant practice. The amount of added fuel is that required to balance the return fines (“return fines produced” = “return fines introduced” in the corresponding blend), the tolerance value being 10% with respect to the < 5.0 mm fraction. The optimum moisture content of each blend is previously determined by means of a specific methodology. The basic parameters of the pilot sintering machine tests are: i. pot average diameter = 300 mm; ii. layer height = 530 mm (blend + bedding), bedding = 20 mm; iii. suction pressure during burning = 1600 mm H 2O; during ignition 600 mm H2O; iv. ignition time = 1 min; v. ignition intensity = 25,000 kcal/m2/min (COG); vi. target moisture in blends = optimum moisture previously determined; vii. air/gas ratio in ignition = 5/1. Aiming at simulating handling and transportation effects on the size stabilisation degree of the industrial sinter, the pilot sinter is submitted to mechanical treatments of tumbler and shatter tests. The following procedures were utilised for the physical and metallurgical characterisation of the sinters: i. shatter test: JIS M 8711 > 10 mm material; ii. tumbler test: ASTM E-279-92 > 6mm material; iii. RDI: based on procedures of Nippon Steel Corp.: temperature 550°C; < 2,83 mm material; iv. reducibility: JIS M 8713 temperature: 900°C, composition of the reducing gas: 30% CO e 70% N2. The chemical compositions of sinters produced with different blends are presented in Table IV. Table IV. Chemical compositions of sinters produced with different blends. component FeT FeO SiO2 Al2O3 CaO MgO P CaO/SiO2 Zn S Cu K2O Na2O Mn TiO reference blend (%) 59.52 4.61 4.71 0.95 7.62 1.40 0.047 1.62 0.015 0.005 0.006 0.027 0.013 0.321 0.050 pellet screenings replacing pellet screenings replacing 50% D ore (%) 100% D ore (%) 59.90 59.21 4.87 4.64 4.71 4.68 0.97 1.00 7.66 7.61 1.42 1.40 0.048 0.056 1.63 1.63 0.017 0.030 0.005 0.005 0.007 0.006 0.031 0.030 0.019 0.020 0.321 0.330 0.053 0.051 Sinterability and sinter quality parameters for different blends are presented in Table V. The granulation indexes of the blends, together with the sinterability parameters, the chemical composition and the metallurgical characteristics of the sinter are the tools for evaluating the sinter quality and predicting its performance in the blast furnace. High granulation indexes are an indication of the ability of the blend components for cold agglomeration. The average size of the primary particles of the blend is a direct function of the size distribution of the components. The addition of fine particles decreases the average size of the primary particles. The quasi particles represent the micro pellets, formed after mixing the blend, that will be fed to the sintering pot. The average diameter of the quasi-particles (micro pellets) was approximately 3.5 mm for the three blends. 4. Conclusions 4.1 Cake from acidulated effluents and wire drawing scale The pelletising of the residues cake from acidulated liquid effluents treatment and wire drawing scale is technically viable utilising a blend of these materials with iron ore, at a ratio 8:1:1 (iron ore:cake:scale), yielding pellets presenting final moisture content of 11%. Blast furnace pellets (diameter 10 to 12.5 mm), made with bentonite as binding agent, reached mechanical resistance levels, determined in compression and tumbling tests, within the market specifications for commercial pellets. Despite the lack of specifications for sintering pellets, the micro pellets (diameter 4 to 6 mm), produced with bentonite and sodium silicate as binding agents, present visual characteristics similar to other materials fed to the sintering machine. 4.2 Pellet screenings The higher degree of porosity of the pellet screenings in comparison with iron ores causes a slight reduction in the density of the sintering feed blend. On the other hand it enhances the bed permeability, contributing to a decrease in the sintering time, increasing the productivity. Sinters produced with pellet screenings present slightly lower tumble and shatter indexes in comparison with those produced with the reference blend. No major differences were observed in the metallurgical characteristics, reducibility and.RDI, of sinters produced with pellet screenings and with the reference blend. Table V. Comparison among parameters of sinters produced with different blends. parameter reference blend (%) dry weight (kg) 79.58 coke rate (kg/t) 51.04 time (min) 27.50 2 productivity (t/h/m ) 1.585 shatter index (%) 81.23 reducibility (%) 74.47 tumbler index (%) 68.19 RDI (%) 23.64 mean size quasi-particle (mm) 3.61 mean size primary particle (mm) 2.08 granulation index 96.99 pellet screenings replacing 50% D ore (%) 75.96 50.66 26.30 1.592 77.55 73.60 66.55 24.54 3.43 2.09 98.17 pellet screenings replacing 100% D ore (%) 74.99 51.02 26.20 1.566 79.13 75.08 65.09 23.33 3.26 2.09 95.70 References Ametramo, R. et al., 1989, Utilization of wsate materials at Siderar’s Sinter plant, Ironmaking Conference, 577-588. Assis, R.M. et al. 1997, Some aspects concerning environmental control in the iron ans steel industry and its solution, Proceedings of the Seminar on Recycling of Residues, 15-26 (in Portuguese). Ball, D.F. et al., 1973, Agglomeration of iron ores. Heineman. London. Chehebe, J.R. et al., 1987, Generation and destination of slags from the Brazilian iron and steel industry, Proceedings of the Seminar on Recycling of Residues, B3-B38 (in Portuguese). International Iron and Steel Institute Committee on Environmental Affairs, 1987, The management of steel industry by-products and waste, Brussels, 4/41-53, 5/55-59.