Social Studies Notes- Unit 4 history

Social Studies Notes
Grade 2
Mrs. Carnavos
Unit 4
1. History--the story of the past.
2. How can we learn about history?
1. We can read books about the past.
2. We can visit museums and examine artifacts.
3. We can talk to older people in our families and community.
4. We can visit a restoration (example: Williamsburg, Virginia)
5. We can look at old newspapers, letter, paintings, and diaries.
3. Tradition--a special way of doing something that is passed down from
one generation to the next over time. An example is holiday traditions
such as special songs, recipes, the practice of decorating a Christmas
tree, and giving presents.
4. Who were the first people to live in North America?
The Native Americans were the first people to live in North America.
5. Tell some facts we learned about the Native Americans. (ON TEST!)
1. They had their own traditions and religious beliefs.
2. They had their own language, leaders, and rules.
3. They used what they found in their environment for food, clothing,
medicine, and shelter.
4. They had a great respect for nature and only took those things that
they needed. They didn’t believe in wasting anything.
6. Explorer--A person who travels to a new place to learn about it.
7. Where did the early explorers to North America come from?
The early explorers to North America came from Europe. Some of the
countries were: Spain, Portugal, France, and England.
8. Who was Christopher Columbus?
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who sailed for Spain in
order to find a shorter route to Asia. He believed that the world was round.
He thought he could sail straight across the Atlantic Ocean and reach India.
He discovered America in 1492.
9. Who welcomed Christopher Columbus?
The Taino Native American tribe welcomed Columbus.
10. Who came to America after Columbus?
The Spanish explorers came to live in America. They came to explore
new land for their king and to find gold. Many priests came with the
Spanish to teach the Native Americans about God.
11. Missions--A church or a place where a group of church members work.
The Spanish built many missions which later became towns and cities.
12. Name some famous Spanish missions.
1. San Diego, California
2. San Augustine, Florida
3. Los Angeles, California
13. How were the Native Americans treated by the Spanish?
They were forced to work long hours building the missions. Many
became sick and died.
14. Why did the Pilgrims come to America?
The Pilgrims left England to come to America to have a better life and
be able to worship God in their own way without fear of going to
15. Colony--A place that is ruled by another country.
The first permanent English colony was Jamestown, Virginia.
16. Colonist--A person who lives in a colony.
17. Plymouth Colony--This is the place where the Pilgrims settled in
1620. It was ruled by England and later became part of Massachusetts
18. Squanto--This is the Native American who helped the Pilgrims survive
the first year in Plymouth Colony. He showed them how to hunt, fish,
and grow food.
19. How many colonies in North America belonged to England?
There were 13 colonies. They were:
1. New Hampshire
8. Virginia
2. New York
9. North Carolina
3. Rhode Island
10. South Carolina
4. Massachusetts
11. Georgia
5. Connecticut
12. Delaware
6. New Jersey
13. Maryland
7. Pennsylvania
All the colonies bordered the ATLANTIC OCEAN.
20. How did England treat the colonists in the 13 colonies?
The colonists had to follow England’s laws and pay taxes to the king.
They could not vote on any laws in England the way other Englishmen
could. The colonists did not think this was fair.
21. American Revolution--This is the war that the 13 colonies fought in
order to gain their freedom from England. George Washington was
general of the army.
22. Declaration of Independence--This is the document signed by the
leaders of the colonies stating that the colonies were free from England.
The date that this was signed was July 4, 1776 .
It was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
23. What did the Declaration of Independence state?
It stated that each colony was now a state and that together the states
formed ONE country: the United States of America.
24. What happened after the American Revolution?
1. The United States of America was a free country.
2. George Washington became our first president.
3. The Constitution became the law of our country.
25. What are some of our rights listed in our Constitution?
1. freedom of speech
2. freedom of religion
26. freedom--the right of people to make their own choices
27. independence--the freedom of people to choose their own government
28. heritage--the traditions and values passed on by the people who lived
before us.
29. landmark-- a feature that makes a location special.
Ex. Independence Hall--(Philadelphia)Place where Declaration
of Independence was signed in 1776.
30. memorial--something that people create to remember a person
or event.
Ex. The Washington Monument--honors George Washington
Lincoln Memorial--honors Abraham Lincoln
Jefferson Memorial--honors Thomas Jefferson