team rage coaching discussion 3/14/20 10am central

[9:57:09 AM] Mike Nowak: TEAM RAGE Coaches!! HAPPY SATURDAY!!
So this is a Group IM chat for the TEAM RAGE coaches, downline and coach prospects... I will be available here on Skype during the
scheduled office hours that will appear next to my name under your contacts. This is time works best for me and many of the coach
TEAM, so I apologize if this time does not work well with your schedule. Just stop in when time permits.
The purpose is to make myself available to you to help answer any questions, share stories, and help sort / sell the coaching
opportunity! The stories from each one of you is invaluable as we grow this business... thank you in advance!
SO...TAKE ADVANTAGE of these office hours if possible!! This is a great way to let the TEAM help with your coach prospects. Please
invite your downline coaches to this discussion as well. I have received excellent feedback from the sessions, in particular from the
transcript summary. I know a lot of you have similar questions, but I need YOUR participation here to help me focus the discussion in
order to provide YOU value. Thanks!!
OKAY... I HIGHLY recommend that all coaches go to your online backoffice at Team Beachbody and click "New and Training" then
“Resources” and then “Meeting Resource Center” for some great ideas and customizable tools. Also, "News and Training" then
“Events” then "Webinars and Conference Calls" then the "Webinar and Conference Call Archive" tab then click on the archived
national coach calls. These are AWESOME... whether you are a new coach or veteran, you WILL get something out of these calls
including motivation. I usually listen to the calls while I do coaching work online. Calls are usually about 45 minutes. BRING IT!!
CONGRATS on a great week... several new coaches to the Team, welcome, and momentum is significant.
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Check out these incredible training sessions from Beachbody consultant Craig Holiday:
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[9:59:51 AM] Valarie Emich: Me
[10:00:03 AM] Mike Nowak: Okay TEAM RAGE! Who do we have here today?
[10:00:05 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Val!!!
[10:00:24 AM] Mike Nowak: How are you today Val?
[10:01:23 AM] Mike Nowak: Kelly, you there?
[10:02:15 AM] Valarie Emich: Good you Mike?
[10:02:52 AM] Mike Nowak: Okay Val thanks so much. Congrats on the Challenge Group!! How is it going this early in the game?
[10:03:43 AM] Mike Nowak: You there Greg?
[10:04:25 AM] Valarie Emich: Not bad I have at least five people posting and two club memberships this week. Now trying to explain
the benefits of shakeology to everyone.
[10:04:29 AM] Victoria Barclay: Hello?
[10:04:55 AM] Mike Nowak: Excellent Val. What program(s) are they doing?
[10:05:28 AM] Valarie Emich: P90X mostly and insanity. One person is found power 90 too.
[10:05:58 AM] Mike Nowak: Cool Val. So how is the interaction in the group thus far?
[10:06:06 AM] Victoria Barclay: Ok in thanks Mike
[10:06:15 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Vic! I will add Jesse back.
[10:06:23 AM] Victoria Barclay: Cool
[10:06:52 AM] Brad Hall: Morning
[10:07:01 AM] Victoria Barclay: Good morning
[10:07:07 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Brad!
[10:07:09 AM] Jesse Mezano: Good morning Team!
[10:07:10 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Jesse!
[10:07:18 AM] Mike Nowak: Just trying to get Greg into the chat..
[10:07:25 AM] Brad Hall: Day 11 of the Ultimate Reset. I'm down 11.2 pounds. 169 to 157.8 this morning.
[10:07:31 AM] Tom Hordin: Hello?
[10:07:41 AM] Victoria Barclay: Nice I am in Day 20 and down 7.5lbs
[10:07:43 AM] Valarie Emich: I have for our five active participants who post their workouts daily. Our at least the last two days:) .
They seem excited about it although I haven't had much luck in getting them products as they already had the programs when they
joined the challenge.
[10:07:44 AM] Brad Hall: I really hope my body isn't eating muscle.
[10:07:57 AM] Greg Franklin: got it
[10:08:06 AM] Victoria Barclay: I doubt it Brad you aren't working out to break it down
[10:08:13 AM] Brad Hall: I know.
[10:08:14 AM] Mike Nowak: Holy cow Brad nice work. Have you noticed a difference in muscle mass?
[10:08:23 AM] Brad Hall: Just one of those fears in the back of my mind.
[10:08:38 AM] Greg Franklin: how's everyone doing?
[10:08:40 AM] Brad Hall: I've seen a HUGE increase in definition Mike. :)
[10:08:48 AM] Victoria Barclay: I hear ya...Mike I don't notice any muscle wasting...I look more define..
[10:09:06 AM] Brad Hall: No longer have to flex my abs to see all 8
[10:09:06 AM] Tom Hordin: Hello
[10:09:16 AM] Victoria Barclay: Nice Brad...
[10:09:19 AM] Brad Hall: My "wheat belly" is gone as well.
[10:09:25 AM] Victoria Barclay: hahaa
[10:09:31 AM] Brad Hall: lol
[10:09:39 AM] Mike Nowak: That is okay Val that is where the Shakeology makes sense and then potential coach prospects if they
are successful. The best way to get the Shakeology discussion going is to have them track their nutrition at myfitnesspal or otherwise
and point out the recommendation.
[10:09:48 AM] Victoria Barclay: Any bad side affects Brad?
[10:10:03 AM] Greg Franklin: can you see me now?
[10:10:11 AM] Victoria Barclay: Yes Greg
[10:10:17 AM] Greg Franklin: k
[10:10:18 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Greg!!!!
[10:10:22 AM] Valarie Emich: That's awesome...from ultimate reset...maybe I'll try after P90X only 30 more days and I have become
a graduate!
[10:10:27 AM] Greg Franklin: Hey Mike
[10:10:32 AM] Brad Hall: None yet Vic. No headaches or anything like that. Feel awesome!
[10:10:57 AM] Victoria Barclay: I know I felt a bit weird the first two days...tired and cloudy but from then on...GREAT
[10:10:58 AM] Mike Nowak: I am thinking about the Ultimate Reset but trying to coordinate around Body Beast.
[10:11:06 AM] Brad Hall: I'm drinking 150 ounces of water a day too.
[10:11:10 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Team so how is the business?
[10:11:29 AM] Valarie Emich: That makes sense Mike I will try it. I explained the cost if it compared to eddying breakfast and a
coffee every day.
[10:11:30 AM] Victoria Barclay: Mike my best advice is to do it at the end of summer...when all the fresh produce is really eat a lot
[10:11:36 AM] Tom Hordin: Jill and I are doing UR together in July
[10:11:43 AM] Mike Nowak: Thanks Vic.
[10:12:04 AM] Victoria Barclay: My fridge could barely hold my food and I have a big one
[10:12:05 AM] Brad Hall: I'm going to do Body beast for sure Mike. Body fat percentage is getting to the 5% or less range. Really
want some muscle mass.
[10:12:25 AM] Brad Hall: Same here Victoria. My fridge has been packed!
[10:12:28 AM] Mike Nowak: Yeah Val I think the benefits of Shakeology are amazing but people are hesitant until they try and see
the results. I even send out sample packets to get the ball rolling in some cases or sell packets individually.
[10:12:29 AM] Victoria Barclay: I think I will too...but I will look at the supplement end to see about that
[10:12:45 AM] Mike Nowak: Tom - How is the business man? Still studying Dani Johnson?
[10:13:11 AM] Valarie Emich: Great idea on the individual packets!!
[10:13:25 AM] Victoria Barclay: Yes val...sell them 3 for 15$
[10:13:26 AM] Tom Hordin: Yes, I am still waiting for my book. I almost thought I was invisible.
[10:13:27 AM] Brad Hall: Business is going OK for me this week. My promotion at work has kept me slammed for 9-9.5 hours each
day with little access/time for prospecting.
[10:13:38 AM] Mike Nowak: Brad I remember I got to 5-6% range and was super ripped but not happy with the mass loss. On the
other end I have bulked and not been happy with too much mass or some loss of definition. It is a balancing act:)
[10:13:45 AM] Valarie Emich: Ok
[10:13:46 AM] Greg Franklin: Brad, you're at 5% bf? that is incredible
[10:14:10 AM] Brad Hall: Greg, I'm pretty darn close. Last measure was 6%
[10:14:15 AM] Victoria Barclay: Wow I'm still fat compared to you
[10:14:26 AM] Tom Hordin: Mike , I need practice on the phone , I had a great chance to get another coach the other day and I think
I botched it bad, but she was still a bit interested. Not quite sure how to recover it.
[10:14:39 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Brad did you achieve diamond? I know you were close but I have been out of the loop.
[10:14:43 AM] Greg Franklin: I can't imagine that, I was hoping to get to 11 or 12
[10:14:57 AM] Brad Hall: My wife signed a coach this week.
[10:15:08 AM] Brad Hall: I did not reach diamond yet.
[10:15:18 AM] Mike Nowak: Tom - YOU CAN'T SAY THE WRONG THING TO THE RIGHT PERSON. Follow-up is key and get Vic on the
line to help.
[10:15:37 AM] Victoria Barclay: Tom did you ever find that post about...the Beachbody leads and how they become leads?
[10:15:44 AM] Mike Nowak: So close brad keep it up. Any success leveraging the P90X cert lately?
[10:15:59 AM] Brad Hall: one coach went inactive on my left leg. Trying to refocus my efforts on recruiting coaches that want to do
the business.
CHALLENGE Yourself! (feat. Andi McKinley/Jeffery Armbruster)
National Coach Call | Monday, June 4th
9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET | 1 (832) 225-5055
Team Beachbody® Coaches LOVE a good challenge. Literally.
This week's National Coach Call features TWO Coaches who've rocked Challenge Groups like nobody's business: Emerald Coach,
Andi McKinley, and 5 Star Diamond Coach, Jeffrey Armbruster. Jeffrey will give you the lowdown about how his Ultimate Reset
Challenge Group of almost 70 people is not only generating BIG results—it's creating repeat customers and new leaders.
And when it comes to Challenge Packs, Andi's putting up some serious numbers—an impressive 40 Packs sold in just 2 months!
She'll explain how to best promote the Beachbody Challenge™ and why building trust and credibility are keys to getting results
So whether you're a new Coach or seasoned veteran, get on this call and learn how you can duplicate Andi and Jeffrey's success.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIAL-IN DEETS
Call 1 (832) 225-5055 five minutes to 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET to join the call and participate in the pre-call Twitter® contest.
Tweet us @TBBCoach411 to win!
Hear the call all week long, on your watch! Simply dial 1 (832) 225-5065 any time after the call and through to next Monday's call.
Simply text in "CoachCall" to 96000 to be included in the weekly call reminders—15 minutes before every National Coach Call!
All trademarks, products, and service names are the property of their respective owners.
[10:16:16 AM] Greg Franklin: I’ve been on cruise lately, planning to pick it up more after summit
[10:16:42 AM] Mike Nowak: Now is the time Greg. I tell you what, Summit will light a fire, it ALWAYS does.
[10:16:47 AM] Tom Hordin: yes, I listened to the whole thing twice. Like I told you , I did try to follow the script but I lost my place
like 5 time and sounded like an idiot. ((sweat))
[10:16:56 AM] Mike Nowak: Try to gain momentum going into Summit.
[10:17:01 AM] Victoria Barclay: this was a post..
[10:17:11 AM] Jesse Mezano: I need 12 more PV to get active again and get my Emerald Status
[10:17:16 AM] Brad Hall: I'm so looking forward to Summit
[10:17:21 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Jesse so how is life with the new baby? How is business?
[10:17:31 AM] Tom Hordin: I heard the audio of the leads program , I thought that’s what you meant
[10:17:38 AM] Greg Franklin: I’m trying to tie up some loose ends in my other bus so I can concentrate on one thing
[10:17:41 AM] Mike Nowak: Brad by Summit you will be 2% body fat, ha.
[10:17:50 AM] Brad Hall: No joke Mike
[10:17:52 AM] Brad Hall: LOL
[10:17:52 AM] Valarie Emich: I am just having a problem finding people interested in doing the program and getting on track with
the products. Most give me the time and money excuses. How do you guys overcome that?
[10:18:08 AM] Jesse Mezano: This morning the baby kicked in the face, I was lying on the wife’s belly and I guess the baby did not
like it.
[10:18:08 AM] Jesse Mezano: lol
[10:18:30 AM] Victoria Barclay: Ok....for anyone who doesn't know. When we get Beachbody leads, these people spend an average
of 20 minutes on the phone with someone from Beachbody. That is a long time...they are vomited information for the whole time
and at the end they are asked if they want to be contacted about the opportunity.
[10:18:37 AM] Brad Hall: The thing is though I've learned how to eat healthy and cut. I figure if I keep the healthy nutrition and just
triple or quadruple the amount I should be able to put on some lean muscle.
[10:18:56 AM] Mike Nowak: Val - It is a process. I always try to find out their WHY and that keep following up with the WHY as we
discuss how to achieve the WHY with Beachbody solutions. If they decide, commit, succeed you will have a long-term relationship
with this business.
[10:19:05 AM] Jesse Mezano: Business is going how can I say it, I lost my Emerald status. but I need 12 pv to get my status back.
[10:19:07 AM] Victoria Barclay: Most people say YEs, to get off the phone or really don't even know what they said yes oo..
[10:19:26 AM] Tom Hordin: Vicky that was on the audio as well as a sample of what a customer hears and has to go through.
[10:20:06 AM] Victoria Barclay: This is why when we approach these leads to 'sell" or sign them...they don't respond. We need to
make the first contact all about them and their needs..
[10:20:07 AM] Mike Nowak: And Val don't get frustrated because this is what we do and just keep sharing the opportunities and
following up with those that show some interest based on their WHY. If they say NO just move on to the next many times they come
back when THEY are ready.
[10:20:24 AM] Greg Franklin: you have to get sc points to get leads?
[10:20:42 AM] Tom Hordin: Val you never know who might be interested. try not to judge what you think they may or may not want.
You would be surprised who might just say yes.
[10:20:58 AM] Tom Hordin: Val not va sorry
[10:21:00 AM] Mike Nowak: Brad - yes and no. You will have to lift super HEAVY!
[10:21:01 AM] Victoria Barclay: Ok Tom I know that...but why ask someone to become a coach on the first contact then..
[10:21:13 AM] Valarie Emich: I haven't even tried phone calls yet...mostly Facebook friends and associates.
[10:21:32 AM] Valarie Emich: Thanks tom you are right I shouldn't assume.
[10:21:45 AM] Jesse Mezano: Val if you get frustrated you doing it right. Is hard at times but keep your head up and keep on
planting the seed. Taking from someone that has lost his Emerald status,
[10:22:09 AM] Victoria Barclay: Consistency Jesse..
[10:22:36 AM] Tom Hordin: I don’t normally do that Val, but try to find those who are excited about the product and have used it
already , those are the best ones.
[10:22:41 AM] Mike Nowak: Greg the leads come from the SC program and sometimes even customers that express interest in the
income opportunity selling the products they just bought.
[10:22:47 AM] Jesse Mezano: I have learned from my mistakes. what I can tell you from experience is whatever happens, don't get
easily discouraged
[10:23:01 AM] Victoria Barclay: Good progress Jess
[10:23:12 AM] Mike Nowak: Val you are AWESOME on the phone. Get on the phone and share your enthusiasm with others!
[10:23:52 AM] Victoria Barclay: I just get on the phone and be can't lose by doing that.
[10:23:58 AM] Mike Nowak: Jess has done well and will find what works best
[10:24:18 AM] Jesse Mezano: I have right now I have 2 people interest it in a fitness program and 2 possible shakeology prospects.
[10:24:35 AM] Valarie Emich: I've only been a coach for a month or so and still learning. I will try the phone but I have to make my
list I guess. How do you find leads to call?
[10:24:47 AM] Tom Hordin: Vicky did you get a chance to see my video? I was going to put that with my welcome letter. But wanted
a second opinion.
[10:24:47 AM] Victoria Barclay: Oh Tom I couldn't access your video..
[10:24:54 AM] Mike Nowak: Updated Super Saturday Listings! get there check for events in your area!
[10:25:04 AM] Tom Hordin: Funny , just typed that line
[10:25:08 AM] Tom Hordin: LOL
[10:25:11 AM] Greg Franklin: Val, that's what I wanna know
[10:25:22 AM] Tom Hordin: I may have to change the permissions
[10:25:24 AM] Victoria Barclay: YOU earn leads when you are emerald..
[10:25:42 AM] Kelly Jevons: I'm so looking forward to summit. I'm Emerald now but expect to be diamond by the end of the year just
need to learn some better sharing strategies.
[10:25:55 AM] Greg Franklin: I’ve gotten customers but no leads, no phone numbers
[10:26:01 AM] Valarie Emich: Yeah two personally sponsored coaches and 90pv
[10:26:01 AM] Mike Nowak: Val the leads you find now on Facebook, for example, get them on the phone it will accelerate the
[10:26:12 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Kelly!
[10:26:28 AM] Tom Hordin: ok try again
[10:26:30 AM] Tom Hordin:
[10:26:42 AM] Valarie Emich: Ok that will start me out
[10:26:58 AM] Mike Nowak: Greg the phone numbers come with the Success club Leads.
[10:27:11 AM] Mike Nowak: So here are some ideas for finding new prospects...
[10:27:43 AM] Valarie Emich: I'm all Ears Mike
[10:27:55 AM] *** Mike Nowak sent RRfindingprospects.pdf,... ***
[10:27:56 AM] Tom Hordin: I know it’s not perfect but it’s the best I can do on my camera
[10:29:36 AM] Mike Nowak: I have found one of the best approaches is to build these online groups for support and motivation, but
locally I get a lot of interest wearing the P90X stuff around and working the products/business into everyday conversations. For
example, ask someone what they do for a living. Naturally they will likely ask you back and then you have a lead in to Beachbody:)
[10:30:05 AM] Jesse Mezano: Nice video Tom! Great job
[10:30:18 AM] Mike Nowak: Always get their information to follow-up, just handing out your info or cards hardly works from my
experience. Let them know you are out of cards and that implies you are successful and busy.
[10:30:25 AM] Tom Hordin: Thanks , it’s not too pitchy is it?
[10:30:55 AM] Valarie Emich: I need to get some gear...also people tell me I look amazing so I guess that it's my in to start telling
them about beachbody.
[10:31:23 AM] Victoria Barclay: shouldn't talk about products in your welcome video..
[10:31:51 AM] Mike Nowak: Absolutely Val. I like the P90X Hat and the P90X/Shakeology cobranded shirt. Many good options in the
coach backoffice and then SALES AND MARKETING then TEAM BEACHBODY MALL.
[10:32:04 AM] Victoria Barclay: I would also lose the coach part..I just watched a video with Craig Holiday and he goes into how we
shouldn't remake ourselves into coaches...etc...
[10:32:20 AM] Victoria Barclay: We are who we are..continue to be that
[10:32:22 AM] Tom Hordin: Ok ,
[10:32:35 AM] Mike Nowak:
[10:32:39 AM] Victoria Barclay: The welcome video should be about how you are there to help them...that's it.
[10:33:07 AM] Tom Hordin: So I should cut the shake, and the equipment part
[10:33:10 AM] Victoria Barclay: This is info I got from barbie decker personally..
[10:33:13 AM] Mike Nowak: I agree Vic. A good example of that is all the coaches that change their screen name to "Coach____"
[10:33:29 AM] Victoria Barclay: Yes and the pop-ups...just be you
[10:33:45 AM] Mike Nowak: Greg did you get a chance to download the document on prospecting?
[10:33:51 AM] Victoria Barclay: I will track down that Craig Holiday really got me thinking...
[10:34:12 AM] Valarie Emich: I'm buying a shirt as I drink shakeology and Skype with coaches :O
[10:34:35 AM] Tom Hordin: Cool , I will do some editing and repost it later, I will let you know when it’s up again.
[10:34:39 AM] Mike Nowak: Nice Val:)
[10:34:48 AM] Tom Hordin: Thanks Vic
[10:34:48 AM] Victoria Barclay: Our welcome e-mails should also be about you helping can briefly discuss..your story and
results...but then go into how you can help them
[10:34:58 AM] Greg Franklin: still downloading
[10:34:59 AM] Brad Hall: I completely agree that we just need to be ourselves. I've gotten better contacts etc. from just talking
casually to someone and asking more questions.
[10:35:00 AM] Jesse Mezano: well, I have to go fellas. The wife is calling!
[10:35:09 AM] Mike Nowak: You can also brand your team and get some excitement around the atmosphere like TEAM RAGE at for gear.
[10:35:20 AM] Victoria Barclay: You could have your website at the bottom or end though..
[10:35:49 AM] Brad Hall: I've got to jump as well. Got to get my supps taken and then prepare lunch for me and my little princess
that decided to stay at home with me while Heather took the other two out.
[10:35:57 AM] Mike Nowak: PRODUCTS & SPECIAL OFFERS is LIVE + New Workshops
P90X® Certification is taking off like a 747. Workshops are selling out and Coaches are getting certified from coast to coast as they
help more people than ever to rock the “X”.
Now we've got a one-stop shop, where you and your customers can access ALL the Qualification, Certification, and workshop
schedule info. It's called
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don't forget, Tony Horton will be making a special appearance at the June 19/20 workshop at Coach Summit in Las Vegas. Come
to Summit a couple days early, get certified, and take the opportunity to TRAIN WITH TONY. Plus, you'll have a chance to be in a
workout video with the man himself. Registration closes June 5th, so get it done ASAP!
Get more info at
NASM CEU's approved!
It's official; when you get P90X Certified, you'll earn 1.9 NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) continuing education units
(CEU's). For a little perspective, 1.9 CEU's means you'll fulfill your NASM continuing education requirement for a full 2 years!
Note: this is retroactive and will apply to anybody who has already gotten P90X Certified. Feel free to contact us at for more details.
[10:35:58 AM] Tom Hordin: My welcome letter is very simply Thank you for taking the right steps and sign up for wowy and track
your progress, clean the fridge and such and such.
[10:36:07 AM] Brad Hall: I'm going to stay logged onto Skype to catch the convo and read in a bit.
[10:36:38 AM] Mike Nowak: Later Jesse and Brad, thanks for stopping by! Keep up the good work. NOW IS THE TIME!
[10:36:57 AM] Mike Nowak: Excellent Tom. How has the response been?
[10:37:03 AM] Valarie Emich: Oh I wish I could make it to summit. To workout with Tony would be great!
[10:37:09 AM] Victoria Barclay: Also try sitting down when you do the video you don't fidget. :)
[10:37:30 AM] Mike Nowak:
Coach’s Playbook from the TB Coach newsletter:
■ Focus on Success Club. Set your sights on making Success Club every month, and your business will grow exponentially.
■ Take time to build relationships. Don’t just come right out and ask someone to be a Coach. It may scare them away. Build
relationships first, and if someone isn’t ready right now, don’t get discouraged. They may be ready later.
■ Talk to strangers. Sometimes you have to step outside your comfort zone. Christy isn’t afraid to call people, or talk to strangers
in line at the grocery store. “I ask everybody if they’ve tried any of our workouts,” she says.
■ Be a product of the product. Do your workouts, drink Shakeology, and focus on your health and fitness. According to Christy,
“You can’t sell something you don’t believe in. People will see right through you.”
■ Use the Coach Training Academy. Go through the training yourself, and make sure every new Coach completes it during their
first week.
[10:38:09 AM] Greg Franklin: got the download mike, I see it's on the ripped republic site
[10:38:11 AM] Mike Nowak: Val - NEXT YEAR. Put it on the schedule. But, commit to getting to a Super Saturday event. Check out the
link earlier in the chat to find an event near you. You should plug into our upline Melanie Bolen in Chicago.
[10:38:44 AM] Tom Hordin: Mike , I have been using I-contact to keep track of new customers. They get the welcome later and 3
weeks later it sends a follow up letter asking how they are doing with their workout . I get a lot of responses on the follow-up
[10:38:46 AM] Mike Nowak: Cool Greg. yeah, we are part of the ripped republic too, as well as other groups. I helped write that
article with Nick. Some tips there...
[10:39:12 AM] Valarie Emich: What is the super Saturday event? That would be great!
[10:39:26 AM] Mike Nowak: That's great Tom! Pretty cool and a lot of people can learn from the technique of auto-responder to
keep in contact with customers with little effort. That is key.
[10:39:30 AM] Tom Hordin: Most folks want to know more about Shakeology and what to do with the 7 packs they get now.
[10:40:03 AM] Mike Nowak: Super Saturday is where local coaches get together, celebrate and learn the latest announcements, etc.
Share success stories and strategies. Coaches from all teams are welcome.
[10:40:23 AM] Mike Nowak: 7 packs?! Ha, sound like coach prospects to me.
[10:40:54 AM] Valarie Emich: That’s great where can I find out more info?
[10:40:58 AM] Mike Nowak: All-New Coach Opportunity Presentation
Now Including Challenge Packs, Step-by-Step Script
Talking about your business with family, friends, and prospects can be intimidating—especially when there's so much to
remember! That's why we've made it super simple with the Beachbody Challenge™/Coach Opportunity Presentation. Only now,
we've added even more personality, more Beachbody Challenge Success Stories, and more info about Challenge Packs.
Download the updated presentation Large, ZIP File
New Step-by-Step Script
We've also created a step-by-step script that walks you through the entire presentation—so you know exactly what to say and
when to say it.
View the script in the backoffice
What else is new?
•Script added to notes section of each slide
•New Success Stories and Challenge winners
•Updated "How to Hold a Coach Opportunity Meeting" PDF
•New script that walks you through the "Introducing Team Beachbody®" DVD, if that's what you're using to introduce the
business to a prospect
Where can I find all the updates?
In the Meeting Resource Center! Click here to check it out and scroll down to the section titled "Beachbody Challenge/Coach
Opportunity Presentation."
[10:41:00 AM] Tom Hordin: My new customers are getting a 7 day supply of shake-o with their workout
[10:41:37 AM] Mike Nowak: [10:24 AM] Mike Nowak:
<<< Updated Super Saturday Listings! get there check for events in your area!
[10:41:52 AM] Mike Nowak: Click the link!
[10:42:09 AM] Mike Nowak: Tom - Sounds like an extension of the P90X2 QVC special earlier in the year.
[10:42:17 AM] Tom Hordin: oh
[10:42:27 AM] Tom Hordin: I thought it was a new thing
[10:44:17 AM] Mike Nowak: June 2012 – Your Monthly Hotlist
Key Success Club incentives, product updates, and dates you need to know… Right now!
What is it?
Your monthly hotlist is your month at-a-glance for all-things Coach Network—and includes three categories: Success Club
Incentives, Product Spotlights, and Dates to Remember.
The idea is to keep you and your Team focused on the most important activities each month. Print, study, and most importantly,
SHARE with your Teams!
To start the month, we actually don’t have any particular Success Club promotions scheduled. But that doesn’t mean you should
stop kickin’ butt and takin’ names. Remember, you can earn plenty of rewards just for achieving Success Club each month—like
new customer leads, eligibility for other programs, and points toward our 2012 trip to Walt Disney World.
**Monday, June 11th** - BIG ANNOUNCEMENT
■While we don’t have a promotion scheduled for June, we WILL be unveiling our major summer promotion on Monday, June
■Make sure you tune in to the National Coach Call to catch the big news. Monday, June 11th at 9AM PT + (832) 225-5055.
**Beachbody® Challenge Groups/Packs**
■Coach sales are skyrocketing—as much as their Teams are growing—as a result of Challenge Groups and helping participants
with the sale of a Challenge Pack.
■Our goal is to help people and end the trend of obesity and Challenge Packs offer the total solution.
■Start thinking about your next Challenge Group and don’t be shy to bring it up in casual conversation. You’ll be surprised at how
open people are to REAL help from REAL people!
Monday, June 1st
■It’s National Fruit and Vegetable month. Have yourself some Shakeology®!
Monday, June 4th
■National Coach Call - Dial (832) 225-5055 at 9AM PT
Saturday, June 9th
■Game Plan Event in Kansas City. Check the “Events” section of your back office for details
Monday, June 11th
■National Coach Call - Dial (832) 225-5055 at 9AM PT
■BIG Success Club Promotion Announcement!
June 11th – June 17th
■Men’s Health Week. Give the men in your life the gift of health!
Sunday, June 17th
■Father’s Day! Does your Pops golf? Tai Cheng will change his game forever.
Monday, June 18th
■Summit Pep Rally on the National Coach Call
■Dial (832) 225-5055 at 9AM PT
Thursday, June 21st – Sunday, June 24th
■COACH SUMMIT 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Vegas, baby!
Monday, June 25th
■Post-Summit recap on the National Coach Call - Dial (832) 225-5055 at 9AM PT.
Saturday, June 30th
■National Super Saturday, Part III – “The Summit after Summit!”
■Click HERE to RSVP
■View the latest event listings
[10:44:19 AM] Tom Hordin: June 30th.?! man , it has to fall on that day
[10:45:04 AM] Mike Nowak: --- I am looking forward to the June 11th call on the new Success Club promotion. Does everyone know
about Success Club? New coaches, it really is the key to growth in your business and Team.
[10:45:25 AM] Mike Nowak: Conflict Tom?
[10:45:52 AM] Mike Nowak:
[10:46:52 AM] Kelly Jevons: I'm not familiar with success club.
[10:47:05 AM] Greg Franklin: or the hotlist
[10:47:23 AM] Kelly Jevons: I know there SC5 and SC10, that about it.
[10:47:56 AM] Valarie Emich: I'm familiar just trying to get there!!
[10:48:17 AM] Tom Hordin: May be , I would drive out to Huntington , it’s the day before our Blackbelt test. If Vic you want to go we
could carpool.
[10:48:22 AM] Mike Nowak: Kelly Success Club is focused on helping other's with solutions including Shakeology HD and Challenge
Packs which include Shakeology HD. You must also be on Shakeology HD. As such, you can earn SC points that lead to paying
Shakeology leads, coach leads and numerous bonus prizes, money and trips. It IS the cornerstone of our business.
[10:48:46 AM] Greg Franklin: Mike, your link was for TBB profile setup wizard
[10:48:50 AM] Victoria Barclay: No..I'm not going Tom
[10:48:59 AM] Tom Hordin: Ok then
[10:49:17 AM] Tom Hordin: You’re going to Summit so it may be redundant for you
[10:49:22 AM] Victoria Barclay: Yup
[10:49:44 AM] Mike Nowak: Greg the hotlist is just a term Beachbody uses to summarize the key promotions for the month. For
example, the one above is the hotlist for June. You will see one each month on their Facebook page at Team Beachbody Coach 411. I
recommend subscribing.
[10:49:51 AM] Victoria Barclay: I am looking forward to July 4th when all of this is done..I am so busy I can't even think straight
[10:50:04 AM] Tom Hordin: I will see if some other coaches in my team might be interested
[10:50:30 AM] Mike Nowak: Sorry Greg probably because you are logged in. Just go to the online backoffice then NEWS AND
[10:50:58 AM] Mike Nowak: Tom last year they had some initial announcements after Summit plus a great recap.
[10:51:16 AM] Mike Nowak: Vic and this is your only job! Haha. Keep up the good work.. BODY BEAST Supplement Video Link
[10:51:38 AM] Victoria Barclay: It's not the job that has me this busy!!! LOL
[10:51:48 AM] Mike Nowak: So any other questions friends for me or the Team? We have a good range of coach experience here
[10:51:55 AM] Mike Nowak: nice Vic:)
[10:52:03 AM] Victoria Barclay: You guys have to remember being a mom is like 3 full time jobs...
[10:52:18 AM] Brad Hall: Yes it is Vic
[10:52:20 AM] Greg Franklin: I'm good, I've got some things to read and learn
[10:52:20 AM] Valarie Emich: I agree Vic
[10:52:27 AM] Mike Nowak: Trust me, I can now relate..
[10:52:39 AM] Tom Hordin: Oh Please Vic, your daughter is perfect, She can’t be that much work. LOL
[10:52:44 AM] Victoria Barclay: Wait until Sam is a teen Mike it gets CRAZY!!!
[10:53:00 AM] Victoria Barclay: No but she is busier than 3 children..
[10:53:02 AM] Mike Nowak: haha. Well he is already a handful and a second is on the way in months.
[10:53:06 AM] Tom Hordin: LOL
[10:53:31 AM] Tom Hordin: How exciting Mike
[10:53:45 AM] Mike Nowak: Okay then TEAM RAGE I should get going here as we have a lot of arrangements to continue. I will be
back home mid to end next week,,,, HAVE A GOOD DAY AND GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!
[10:53:59 AM] Tom Hordin: Have a safe trip
[10:54:00 AM] Valarie Emich: Thanks for the help Mike
[10:54:16 AM] Kelly Jevons: Thanks Mike
[10:54:18 AM] Victoria Barclay: Ok Mike take to you and your family
[10:54:24 AM] Greg Franklin: see ya
[10:54:33 AM] Victoria Barclay: We appreciate you being here too :)
[10:54:38 AM] Tom Hordin: Ditto
[10:54:41 AM] Mike Nowak: Thanks all, you have all helped me today get some normality back in my life:) Have a good one...
[10:54:49 AM] Victoria Barclay: Bye!
[10:54:59 AM] Mike Nowak: TEAM RAGE, another great IM chat session. I will send out the transcript. My direct coach Team –
please make sure you forward the transcript to your team. As always, please let me know how I can help and keep BRINGING IT!!
[10:55:29 AM] Valarie Emich: Bye take care!!
MISC Announcements:
Shakeology article!!
Updated manual on engaging prospects
Updated Manual: