2015-2016 Parent Handbook - Church of St. Joseph

Parish Family of Saint Joseph
Religious Education Program
Parent’s Handbook
Office of Religious Education
14 Croton Falls Road
Mailing Address:
95 Plum Brook Rd.
Somers, NY 10589
(914) 276-1067 Fax (914) 277-5834
Office Email: sjcfre@yahoo.com
DRE Email: norahmcgee@earthlink.net (Rita)
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Table of Contents
Introduction To Our Catholic Faith
 God Is Love
 Becoming a Child of God (Sacrament of Baptism)
 God Has A Plan
 Parents Are The Primary Educators
 Practice Of Faith
Responsibilities: Parish, Parents,
 Our Parish Mission
 Parental Responsibility
† Mass Attendance
 Religious Education Responsibilities and Goals:
Religious Education Programs & Times
Program Requirements and Policies
 Calendars, Class Attendance, Cancellations
 Tardiness, Early Dismissal, Car Pools, Bathroom Use,
Preparation for Class
 Lost Books, Discipline, Parish/School Property, Home
 Problems/Concerns, Report to Parents, Tuition & Books
 Our Security Policy
Sacramental Preparation and Practice
 First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
 Confirmation Preparation Program
 Sacrament of Penance - Reconciliation
Religious Education Curriculum Grades 1-8
Special Celebrations And Services
Saint Joseph’s Religious Education Ministry Staff
 Religious Education Office Hours
 Religious Education Website
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I. Introduction To Our Catholic Faith
God Is Love
Scripture says: “God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in
God and God in him.” 1John 4:16
“God himself is an eternal exchange of love, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit,
and He has destined us to share in that exchange of Love”. CCC 221
This is truly, what our Faith is all about – Learning how to fall head
over heals in love with God – who is head over heals in love with us.
A journey that begins on our Baptism day, when the Lord pours the
fullness of His love deep within each of us - Never to leave us from that
day on. A journey that continues until we come Face-to-Face with our
Lord. On that day, will the Lord see in us, His love being reflected back
to Him?
We as humans have a great capacity for giving and receiving this love.
We do not want our love to be just a momentary feeling either; we want
it to become visible, tangible, lasting, and always more real. It is good
that we have such desires.
Love has four Dimensions: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and Physical.
We love each other in all four dimensions. It is also the way God loves
us and asks that we love Him in return.
That is exactly what Jesus did to us. He Touched us. He became
Visible, He needed to be nurtured, loved, fed, and taught. He grew up
spending His whole life touching us in the four Dimensions of Love.
Before Jesus went to His Passion, He said I am not leaving you alone. I
am not taking back the Physical Dimension of my Love. I will always
be with You.
“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood
remains in me and I in him.” John 6:56
After Jesus’ Resurrection, He continues to Touch us. Jesus did many
physical signs so you may (come to) believe that Jesus is the Messiah,
and is physically present with us now; and that through this belief you
may have life in His name.
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Becoming a Child of God (Sacrament of Baptism)
Every Sacrament has two dimensions, that is, the dimension of the
covenant and grace, and the dimension of sign. John Paul 129
Baptism confers covenant and grace upon us. Baptism is one of the
Sacraments of Initiation, cleansing, strengthening, and welcoming.
Baptism welcomes us into the community of Christian believers. It
offers forgiveness of original sin, (personal sin for older children) and a
new life in which we become the children of God, followers of Christ,
temples in which the Holy Spirit dwells. Baptism leaves an indelible
spiritual mark on our souls that makes us holy and opens us to salvation
and eternal life with God. This is why we are only be baptized once; we
have this indelible spiritual mark.
In Baptism, the potent symbols (signs) of water, oil, candles, white
garment, words and Sign of the Cross are used to wash away our sins
and the effects of sin itself. It gives us a new identity, connects us to a
new community of believers, initiates us into a new way of living, and
provides a clear mission in life.
God Has A Plan
God has a Plan and we are Part of His Plan. Have you ever wondered
why did God create me?
God has created us in His image and likeness. We have been created to
complete His love. We do this by coming to know, love, and serve God
in this world and be happy with Him forever in the next world.
In our birth, we complete our parents love. We too complete our Lord’s
love as well. Just as we come to know, love and serve (honor and obey)
our parents, we need to come to know, love and serve our Lord as well.
God has a Plan, we are Part of His Plan, and Baptism is the beginning
for you and your children to walk with God in Love.
Think of this as you decide: Who do I choose to Be in this life?
Who do I want my child to be?
O, Lord, help us to love You more and more!
O, Lord, help us, to love each other more!
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Parents are the Primary Educators
Just as Jesus spoke often of doing his Father’s will, it is the intention
and teaching of the Catholic Church that parent(s) are the first teachers
of their children in the ways of the Faith.
Parents are the primary educators, and they teach their children whether
they know it or not. We teach by our words, example, action, and our
relationships within the family and others.
The Parish of St. Joseph’s welcomes and wants to help our parents be
prepared and willing to accept the responsibility of raising their children
in the practice of the Catholic Faith.
Practice of Faith
We can only come to know God and love Him by being part of His
family. Just as your child is part of your family, he/she cannot come to
know you, love you and respond to you without being around you.
Your child needs to grow up learning all about you and your extended
Within your family, you have certain norms, expectations, customs and
traditions that you have learned though experience and knowledge. You
were taught these by your family.
Think of your family when they celebrate. They come together at table
to listen and talk with each other (Word), they eat and drink at Table
(Eucharist), and they exchange thoughts and ideas (learning).
Our Church is the Family of God (Body of Christ). By our participation
at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, and receiving the
Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist on a regular basis, we
participate in family. We listen to our Father’s and Jesus’ Words
together, we partake in His actual physical presence with and in us.
Since Baptism is entrance into a living and lived Faith, parents
participate at Mass not only for your own good, but also as a model for
your children. You should explore your understanding and participation
in the Mass and Sacraments as you prepare for your child’s Religious
“We have asked to have our child baptized. In doing so, we are accepting the
responsibility of training him/her in the Practice of the Faith. It will be our duty to
bring him/her up to keep God’s Commandments as Christ taught us,
by loving God and our neighbor.
We clearly understand what we are undertaking?”(Rite of Baptism)
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II. Responsibilities: Parish, Parents, & Religious Education
Our Parish Mission
The Mission of the Church of Saint Joseph's is to be a welcoming,
caring, Christ-centered Catholic Community. We desire to experience
and share God's unconditional love. Inspired by the example of Jesus,
we strive to lead all people to wholeness and fullness of life… We
celebrate the Eucharist for it is here that we find our unity and our
strength to be the Living Church who carries out the mission of Christ
in the world today!
Parental Responsibility
Parents give life to their children and it is their duty to create a family
atmosphere, inspired by love and devotion to God and love and service
to others, which promotes an integrated personal, emotional,
intellectual, and spiritual education for their children. Parents teach by
example and word. They communicate values and attitudes by:
 Showing love for Jesus, the Church, and each other.
 Reverently receiving the Eucharist and living its spirit.
 Fostering justice and love in relationships.
 Actively supporting and being involved in the parish.
 Seeking opportunities to serve other.
 Praying frequently and spontaneously.
Mass Attendance
The Ten Commandments are God’s laws of love. God gave us these
Commandments as a gift to help us live in peace. The Third
Commandment is: “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day”.
Weekly participation at Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days
fulfills the serious obligation of every Catholic and is an integral
part of St. Joseph’s Religious Education. How can one learn what
is not practiced or not put into action by the family? How can Jesus
touch us, if we are not present to Him each week?
Parents’ have the responsibility to bring their children to Mass each
week. Since Eucharist is the source and summit of our Faith,
celebrating the Eucharist as family strengthens not only the bond of
faith, but also the bond of family, which is the “Domestic Church”
It is assumed that all families enrolled in St. Joseph’s Religious
Education Program are attending weekly Mass.
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Religious Education Responsibilities and Goals:
The Religious Education Program is designed to assist parents in their
ministry to lead their child to God. It builds on the faith that parent’s
witness on a day-to-day life experience in “The Church of the Family”.
Religious Education is the process of communicating the beliefs, values,
and practices which help people grow as Catholic Christians. It is the
work of handing on, from one generation to the next, the faith that has
come down to us from the apostles and the way of life to which that
faith calls us.
The Goal of Religious Education
 Assist parents in imparting the Catholic Faith to their children as
a living and life-giving Faith;
 Teach students what a Roman Catholic Christian believes and
how a Catholic lives in response to that message;
 Forming children to make good moral decisions.
 Involve students and families in the life of the parish worship,
community, and service;
 Encourage parents to continue their own faith development
Through Our Parish Parent Education Programs We Aim To:
 Assist parents in their own growth in faith so that they will
become better communicators of the Christian message.
 Assist parents in their understanding of the human development
of their child.
 Relate this understanding to the religious development of the
 Familiarize parents with the formal religious instruction given to
their children to incorporate and deepen the Church in the home.
 Give parents an opportunity to discuss programs of instruction
with their child's Catechist.
 Empower parents to prepare their children for the reception of
the Sacraments.
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III. Religious Education Programs & Times
Gr 1-7
Gr 1-7
Gr 1-7
Gr 1-7
4:30 – 6:00pm
Gr 1-7
4:30 – 6:00pm
Gr 1-7
9:00 –
Gr. 8 7-8:30
No second session
Meets once
a month!
Weekly Programs
Parents should walk their child into the building using the Main
Entrance of the School.
OF ALL OF THE CHILDREN. Students report to their assigned
classroom only after the Catechist is in the classroom. Children remain
in the lobby until the Catechist arrives.. Parents come into the
building 5 minutes before dismissal time. Class dismissal will be from
the side doors by the church. The Main Entrance will be LOCKED
Saint Joseph's Family Program Saturday’s school auditorium
September 19th
October 3rd
November 8th
December 5th
January 9th
February 6th
March 5th
April 2nd
events will begin promptly. It is a distraction to others when children
arrive late. Late arrivals add up to absences and may result in
reassignment of class session.
IV. Program Requirements and Policies:
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Calendars A calendar is given to each family for the year listing all important
dates. In addition, flyers are sent home with the students to inform
parents of changes in the schedule or additional events or an email will
be sent to any grade affected.. The Weekly Parish Bulletin contains
information about Religious Education activities.
Parents should read information sent Home, Bulletin and Website.
Website: stjosephsomers.org
Class Attendance:
A child’s regular attendance at Religious Education classes is very
important and each student is required to attend all scheduled classes.
Excessive absences may result in the student having to repeat the grade
unless there is a valid reason, (such as illness, death in family, accident,
Parents are asked to submit a written explanation of the child’s
 Each classroom based child is allowed up to 4 absences per year
 Family Program allowed 1 absence per year.
It is the responsibility of the student and the parents to make up class
work because of an absence.
In the event of inclement weather, or any other reason, cancellations
will be announced on: WHUD: 100.7FM and on www.WHUD.com
their website and an email will be sent to the given grades & day.
If Somers or North Salem Schools are closed due to inclement
weather, Religious Education Classes are canceled for that day and/or
evening. Please do not call the Rectory. Listen to the radio or go to
a website.
Use your judgment. Safety is THE PRIORITY OF EVERYONE.. If
it is possible there will be a message on the Religious Education’s
answering machine (914) 276-1067.
Students are expected to be on time for all classes. Catechists keep a
record of tardiness. After three late arrivals, the child's parents will be
contacted to see how this difficulty can be alleviated. Every time a
child enters a classroom late he/she interrupts the lesson which the
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catechist has begun.
Early Dismissal
Is Discouraged, however, if a child is to be dismissed early, a
parent/guardian must notify the Religious Education Office in advance
with a note stating the reason for the dismissal. The student needs to be
signed out and someone from the RE Office will get your child from
their class. At no time is a parent/guardian allowed or permitted in
the halls to pick up their child during classes. This is due to Safe
Environment safety requirements.
Car Pools:
Parents are asked to submit in writing, at the beginning of the year, the
name(s) of adults who will provide transportation for their child. One
(1) Copy to the teacher and one (1) copy to the office.
Bathroom Use:
Please have children take care of their bathroom needs before class. To
avoid multiple distractions during class, the use of the bathroom is
limited during class time. Students cannot leave the classrooms unless it
is an emergency.
Preparation for Class:
All students are required to bring a pocket folder, 2 pencils, and their
Textbooks and Bible (Grades 6&7). It is the responsibility of the
parents to check this folder each week for assignments and
important notices. It is up to the discretion of each individual catechist
whether or not other supplies will be required for their particular class.
Catechists will send home a notice with your child listing the supplies
they will be using. Students are allowed to bring a bottle of water to
class. No peanuts ever, please.
Lost Books:
Although the registration fee covers the cost of the textbooks, they are
expensive, so please remind your child to put their name in the book
and to take care of his/her book and to bring it to class. A fee of $25.00
will be charged for replacement of a textbook.
Religious Education Classes take place in a Christian setting. Each
student is expected to show respect for the catechist, their fellow
students, and for the desk/table that they are using. If there is a problem:
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 The catechist will discuss the student’s inappropriate behavior and
try to resolve the issue directly with the student and/or Parent.
 If the student does not respond, they will be sent to the office to
meet with the Director .
 The Parent of the Child will be called to come immediately to pick
up their child for continual behavioral issues.
Parish/School Property:
If a RE Student has damaged parish or school property, the parent will
be responsible for replacing, repairing, and/or paying for the damage.
Home Assignments:
Students are expected to learn certain Prayers, Liturgical Symbols and
Gestures and Words at each grade level. In order to promote family
involvement in passing on our faith, these items should be reviewed and
practiced. In addition, any home assignments that are given must be
completed. In addition, lessons taught in class should be reinforced
at home each week.
Our Textbooks contain a Family Page for each lesson. Please take the
time to review this material with your child as a family. It will help
them to fall more in love with God and develop a personal relationship
with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Problems / Concerns:
There are different needs in children as they grow. If parents have
special concerns, they are asked to call the office to speak with the
Director of Religious Education.
Tuition & Books:
The Total Fee helps to cover the cost of textbooks, activity books,
supplies, AV equipment, etc. The balance of the Religious Education
budget is subsidized by parish funds. The total fee schedule is:
 One Child: $ 255.00 Two Children: $ 350.00
Three Children : $385.00
Four or more children: $435.00
 Sacramental Donation for 2nd Grade is $40.00 and
for 8th Grade Confirmation Classes and Retreat $190.00
Our Security Policy
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Doors of the school are locked during class time. For pick-up and dropoff all parents must use the front doors to enter and leave the building.
Students in grades 1-7 will be released from the classroom to their
Parents ONLY at dismissal time, unless the Religious Education Office
is notified in advance in writing. (This includes carpool arrangements,
and other family members who must be 16 or older.) If someone other
than a parent or legal guardian is picking up a child, written permission
needs to be on file in the Religious Education Office and a copy with
the student’s teacher.
For your child's safety, it is essential that children are dropped off
no more than five minutes before class time and picked up
promptly at the end of the class session. If an emergency arises, call
the Religious Education Office.
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V. Sacramental Preparation and Practice
In Saint Joseph's Parish, a child’s sacrament preparation is under the
leadership of the Pastor and Director of Religious Education. Parents,
as the primary religious educators, prepare their children for the
sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Sacramental preparation of First Reconciliation and Eucharist requires a
two year preparation which begins in 1st grade. At home, parents
should review each week the lessons learned in class. Reconciliation
takes place in the winter. First Communion will take place on
Saturdays in the Spring, 2016 (check calendar). Dates and times will be
Parents will receive further information regarding
sacramental procedures prior to the event.
Confirmation Preparation Program
Confirmation Preparation begins with the Right of Inscription, where
parents are invited to present their children as candidates for
confirmation. This is planned to take place in April of 7th grade. The
students receive their Confirmation Folders to guide them through their
preparation. There is also a Confirmation retreat.
are scheduled in the fall of 8th grade. Preparation for the Sacrament of
Confirmation is outlined in the Confirmation Packet. The Confirmation
meetings will take place on March 29th & 30th in the school auditorium
We will let you know which day. It is essential that you attend the
meeting. Confirmations will be scheduled in the spring of 8th grade.
Sacrament of Penance - Reconciliation:
Each child in grades 3 through 7 should receive the Sacrament of
Penance twice a year. We will bring each class to Reconciliation once
during the school year. You can attend a reconciliation service during
Christmas or Easter (check bulletin for dates and times) or you can
attend any Saturday reconciliation held in the Church from 4:00 – 4:45
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VI. Religious Education Curriculum
Saint Joseph's Parish offers children and parents a developmental
program of Catholic faith through catechesis, through personal and
communal prayer, through service...in order for them not simply to
know about God, but to know God...inspiring them to develop a
personal, intimate relationship with God and to model their lives on the
example of Jesus.
The greatest challenge is to help children realize that religion is not an
academic subject, but a way of life. As Disciples, we strive to “Live in
the Lord”, as witness to our Christian Faith.
The Archdiocese of New York has prepared Guidelines to help your
child grow in Faith and Love of the Lord, Jesus Christ and His
teachings for His Church. The Guidelines assist the parents, catechists
and Director to identify the essential content to be taught each year.
Grades 1- 7 will be using Finding God by Loyola Press. Grade 6 will
be presented with a Bible at a special service in September.
Twice a year the students will be evaluated in written form to determine
their progress in learning their faith. The seventh grade will take a test
at the end of the year. This will help ensure they are prepared for the
next grade level.
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 God is our Father who loves us.
Jesus is the Son of God who tells us about our Father.
The Holy Spirit helps us to be holy.
 To develop an awareness of God the Creator who gives
us life and grace and promises us eternal life through
Profession of Faith
 First statement of the Apostles Creed: “I believe in
God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.”
Words to be taught:
 Advent, Amen, Catholic, Christmas, Church, Creator,
Easter, Guardian Angel, Lent, Liturgical Year, Mass,
Parish, Sacrament of Baptism, Sacred Scripture, Saint.
Liturgical symbols and gestures to be taught:
 Altar, Baptismal Font, Genuflection, Holy Water Font,
Kneeling, Lectern, Sanctuary, Sign of the Cross,
Tabernacle, Tabernacle Lamp.
Prayers to be Learned:
 Sign of the Cross,
 Our Father,
 Hail Mary,
 Glory Be to the Father (Doxology)
 Morning and Evening Prayers,
 Grace at Meals
Other Requirements
 Weekly & Holy Days Mass attendance.
 Children will be orally evaluated on the required
prayers throughout the year.
Text Books:
 Finding God , Loyola Press
 A Parent Guide to Prayer
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 Jesus nourishes us and strengthens God’s life and grace
within us.
 To present Jesus as the model for Christian living, and
to introduce the sacraments of Baptism, Penance and
Profession of Faith:
 Apostles Creed up to …He will come again to judge the
living and the dead”
Words to be taught:
 Ascension, Blessed Sacrament, Crucifixion, Charity,
Grace, Heaven, Hell, Holy Day, Holy Week, Liturgy of
the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Pentecost, Prayer,
Rite of Penance, Resurrection, Sacrament of the
Eucharist, Sacrament of Penance.
Liturgical symbols and gestures to be taught:
 Altar, Baptismal Font, Genuflection, Holy Water Font,
Kneeling, Lectern, Sanctuary, Sign of the Cross,
Tabernacle, Tabernacle Lamp.
 Reconciliation room, Confessional
 Act of Contrition,
 Simple responses at Mass,
 Act of Contrition
 Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament
 All prayers taught in Grade 1
Other Requirements
 Weekly & Holy Days Mass attendance.
 Children will be orally evaluated on the required
prayers throughout the year.
Text Books:
 Finding God, Loyola Press
 A Parent Guide to Prayer
 First Eucharist & Reconciliation
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 Jesus continues His life and work through His Church.
 To deepen the child’s understanding of the Church and
to help the child experience the Church as a Christian
Profession of Faith
 The complete Apostles’ Creed
Words to be taught:
 Annunciation, Assumption, Bishop, Deacon, Disciple,
Lay Man, Lay Woman, Parables, Pastor, Pope, Priest,
Religious Brother, Religious Sister, Samaritan, Savior,
Stewardship, Trinity, Word of God.
Liturgical symbols and gestures to be taught:
 Presider's Chair, Sacred Vessels, Sacristy, Vestments.
 Review Prayers of the Previous Grades 1-2:
 Sign of the Cross
 Our Father
 Hail Mary
 Glory to the Father
 Act of Contrition
 Morning and evening prayer
 Grace at meals
 Spontaneous prayer
 Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament
Other Requirements
 Weekly & Holy Days Mass attendance.
 Children will be orally evaluated on the required
prayers throughout the year.
Text Books:
 Finding God,Loyola Press
 A Parent Guide to Prayer
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 As God’s people we are called to live as Jesus did,
choosing a life of love, characterized by obedience to
God and service to others.
 To help the children form their consciences according
to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and to learn the
basis of Christian morality as taught in the Old and
New Testaments.
Profession of Faith:
 Review the Apostles’ Creed
Words to be taught:
 Absolution, Beatitudes, Commandments, Communion
of Saints, Conscience, Contrition, Corporal Works of
Mercy, Covenant, Holiness, New Testament, Old
Testament, Saint, Sanctus, Spiritual Works of Mercy,
Liturgical symbols and gestures to be taught:
 Give Sacred Scripture a special place in the classroom.
 Encourage a reverent and prayerful attitude in the place
of worship.
 Foster the children's participation in the prayer and
worship of the parish community.
 Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
 The Ten Commandments
 Sanctus
 Act of Faith
 Stations of the Cross
 Review Prayers taught in Grades 1 -3.
Other Requirements
 Weekly & Holy Days Mass attendance.
 Children will be orally evaluated on the required
prayers throughout the year.
Text Books:
 Finding God, Loyola Press
 A parent Guide to Prayer
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 Through the sacraments the Church celebrates Christ’s
saving actions in our lives.
 To help the child experience and understand the rites of
the sacraments and so become a more conscious and
active participant in the Church’s sacramental life.
Profession of Faith:
 Review the Apostles’ Creed
Words to be taught:
 Absolution, Confession, Contrition, Evangelization,
Gloria, Minister, Ordination, Original Sin, Paschal
Mystery, Sacrament, Sacrament of the Anointing of the
Sick, Sacrament of Confirmation, Sacrament of Holy
Transubstantiation, Vocation.
Liturgical symbols and gestures to be taught:
 Give Sacred Scripture a special place in the classroom.
 Encourage a reverent and prayerful attitude in the place
of worship.
 Foster the children's participation in the prayer and
worship of the parish community, in particular in the
rites of the Sacraments.
 Gloria
 Responses of the Mass
 Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary
 Act of Love
 Review Prayers from the Previous Grades 1-4
Other Requirements
 Weekly & Holy Days Mass attendance.
 Children will be orally evaluated on the required
prayers throughout the year.
Text Books:
 Finding God, Loyola press
 A Parent Guide to Prayer
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 God’s saving actions are found throughout history. The
Bible, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
records God’s plan of salvation.
 To understand the Old Testament as the revelation of
God in history of a people, a revelation fulfilled in the
New Testament.
Profession of Faith:
 Review the Apostles’ Creed
Words to be taught:
 Bible, Canticle, Chosen People, Community, Exodus,
Incarnation, Inspiration, Lector, Manna, Magnificat,
Paschal mystery, Passover, Prophet, Psalm, Revelation,
Liturgical symbols and gestures to be taught:
 Give Sacred Scripture a special place in the classroom.
 Encourage a reverent and prayerful attitude in the place
of worship.
 Foster the children's participation in the prayer and
worship of the parish community.
 Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
 Act of Hope
Review Prayers of the Previous Grades
 Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the
Father, Act of Contrition, Responses of the Mass,
Joyful and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, Morning
and evening prayer, Grace at meals, Spontaneous
prayer, Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, Act of
Faith and Love, Stations of the Cross, Sanctus, Gloria.
Other Requirements
 Weekly & Holy Days Mass attendance.
 Children orally evaluated on the required prayers.
Text Books:
 Finding God, Loyola Press
 Student Bible
 A Parent Guide to Prayer
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Grade Theme:
 The growth and change experienced during adolescence
are part of the unfolding of God’s plan for our
development as fully Christian persons.
 To develop in the young adolescent a sense of selfworth and self-respect nurtured and strengthened by a
knowledge of God’s love.
 To acquaint the young adolescent with an
understanding of the virtues necessary for a life of
goodness and faith.
 Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
Review Prayers of the Previous Grades
 Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the
Father, Act of Contrition, Responses of the Mass,
Complete Mysteries of the Rosary, Morning and
Evening prayer, Grace at meals, Spontaneous prayer,
Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, Act of Faith.
Love, and Hope, Stations of the Cross, Sanctus, Gloria.
Other Requirements
 Weekly & Holy Days Mass attendance.
Text Books:
 Finding God, Loyola Press
 A Parent Guide to Prayer
 Confirmed in the Spirit, Loyola Press
 Meditation on Faith - Creed
Grade Preparation for Confirmation
 Jesus' life and mission are continued through the
Church, the community of believers who are called to
be the sign of the Kingdom of God.
Workshops and Retreat:
 To deepen the young adolescent's knowledge of the
Church and to lead them to a fuller participation in its
life and mission.
 Weekly & Holy Days Mass attendance
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V. Special Celebrations And Services
Jesus said: "I am the living bread come down from heaven; if anyone
eats of this bread, they will live forever ...the one who eats my flesh and
drinks my blood has eternal life...abides in me, and I in them." John
6:51, 54, 56.
Special Celebrations and Services
Throughout the year grades 1 -7 will have special workshops to which
all Religious Education and their parents must attend. Attendance at
scheduled Mass services is expected and will be considered an absence
if missed.
Bible Blessing and Presentation
For Grade 6 students, Bibles, a gift of the Parish Family of Saint
Joseph’s, are blessed and presented to each child who begins the study
of the Scripture - Old and New Testaments.
Inscription Services
Begins the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. At these
services, the Pastoral Staff welcomes candidates in the name of the
parish. Dates and times to be announced.
Family Mass
Each grade level will be expected to attend a special monthly Mass
which includes the Family Program. Each grade level will take a turn
preparing and taking part in each of the parts of the Mass. All classes
are invited to attend even if it is not their turn.
September27th – Grade 8 @ 6:00PM
October 4th – Grade 7 @ 6:00PM
November 1st – Grade 6@6:00PM
November 22nd – Grade 5 @ 6:00PM
January 10th – Grade 4 @6:00PM
January 31st Grade 3 @6:00PM
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VII. Saint Joseph’s Religious Education Ministry Staff
Director of Religious Education – Ms. Rita Retzlaff
Administrative Support -Ms. Annie Mengler
Ms. Andie Barry
Sr. Mary Lynn Kellogg, RDC
Religious Education Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: 10:00AM– 6:00PM
Tuesday & Thursday 1:00PM – 6:00PM
Meetings with the Director will be by appointment.
Please know that the Religious Education office is available to help you
in any way that it is able.
On behalf of the Religious Education office, God bless you and all your
loved ones!
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