Sample Answers

Master 5.29
Sample Answers
Extra Practice 1 – Master 5.25
Extra Practice 2 – Master 5.26
Lesson 1
Lesson 3
1. a)
cookies; fruit
cookies, chips, popcorn, fruit
85 children
35 children
The bar for cookies would be the tallest or
longest. The tallest or longest bar represents
the favourite snack food.
f) How many more children like chips than
popcorn? (Answer: 10 children; 25 – 15 = 10)
Lesson 4
2. I chose the attributes red and thick.
3. I chose the attributes: Black hair and wears
glasses. I put the children with black hair that do
not wear glasses in the left loop. I put the
children who wear glasses but do not have
black hair in the right loop. I put the children
who wear glasses and have black hair in the
overlap. I put
children who do
not wear glasses
and who do not
have black hair
outside the loops.
1. a) The squirrel; the cat
b) The squirrel and the dog
c) No, the number of each animal type is
divided into the total to get their part of a
whole. The circle graph shows what fraction
of the animals were squirrels, but it does not
give an exact number.
d) I know that Kally saw more birds than
chipmunks. I also know Kally did not see
any rabbits.
e) Which 3 animals together made
about one-half of the animals Kally saw?
(Answer: The chipmunk, the cat, and the bird)
Extra Practice 3 – Master 5.27
Lesson 5
1. a)
Lesson 2
b) I counted by 5s and I hit every number in the
2. I put all activities with 1 attribute in a single loop.
I put all activities with 2 attributes where the
2 attributes overlap. I put the activity with
3 attributes where
the 3 loops overlap.
I put the activities
with none of the
attributes outside
the loops.
c) The greatest number of children would like to
go to a water park. The least number of
children would like to go to the museum or
the pioneer centre. There are 55 children in
the two Grade 3 classes.
d) How many more children would like to go to
the amusement park than to the zoo?
(Answer: 5 children; 15 – 10 = 5)
Lesson 9
1. a)
f) When I changed the key to 1 symbol
represents 10 children, I used fewer symbols
and I also used half-symbols.
Lesson 6
1. a), b)
Black; blue
10 red cars
Black; blue
10 red cars
110 cars
Susan saw the same number of white and
beige cars. Susan did not see any green or
yellow cars. The car colours, from most
popular to least popular are: black, silver,
white and beige, red, blue.
Extra Practice 4 – Master 5.28
b) I found out that most Grade 3 students would
like to go to Florida. Eight students would
like to go to the cottage, 4 students would
like to go camping, 3 students would like to
go to another province in Canada, and 2
students would like to go somewhere else.
c) How many students are in the class?
(Answer: 28 students; 8 + 4 + 11 + 3 + 2 = 28)
How many more students would like to go to
Florida than to a cottage? (Answer:
3 students; 11 – 8 = 3)
2. a)
Lesson 8
1. a)
b) 2 students
c) Most students have 1 brother or sister. I
know because it has the greatest number of
tally marks.
d) I know that 4 students have no brothers or
sisters. I know that 13 students have
1 brother or sister, 9 students have
2 brothers and sisters, and 2 students have
3 brothers and sisters. By adding the tally
marks, I know there are 28 students in my
2. a) What is your favourite indoor-recess activity?
b) What is your favourite number?
c) What is your favourite movie?
d) Which animal do you like to watch at
the zoo?
c) I found out that most Grade 3 students like
the water ride. The rides, in order from most
popular to least popular are: water ride, roller
coaster, slide, Ferris wheel, merry-go-round.