Introduction to Art: Semester 1/Final Review

Introduction to Art: Semester 1/Final Review
1. Define medium: _______________________________________________________
2. What is the plural of this term? ___________________________________________
3. What is it called when you use more than one media in an artwork? ______________
4. Identify three appropriate media an artist might use for each of the following art processes:
a. painting:
_______________. _______________. _______________
b. sculpture:
_______________. _______________. _______________
c. drawing
_______________. _______________. _______________
5. You should be able to list the elements of art and identify a visual example of each.
List the elements of art and draw a simple picture illustrating each element in the box to the
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
e. _________________________
g. _________________________
6. What is the difference between a fine and a functional art? ____________________________
7. Give an example of functional art: _______________________________________________
8. Give an example of a fine art: ___________________________________________________
9. What is an implied line? ______________________________________________________
10. What is the difference between calligraphy and a calligraphic line? ____________________
11. What is the difference between an outline and a contour line? ________________________
Define the following terms and explain how they relate to value. Give examples
12. Light source: _______________________________________________________________
13. Highlights: _________________________________________________________________
14. Transform the circles below into spheres by adding changes in value. Use the four
different shading techniques and label each one.
What should you consider before you begin shading? ____________________________
15. What is the difference between shapes and forms? _________________________________
16. What are the two kinds of shapes?
Draw an example of each:
a. _____________________
b. _____________________
17. What are the different types of forms?
Draw an example of each:
a. ______________________
b. _______________________
18. What is the difference between an organic and a geometric form? ____________________
Give an example of each: _________________________________________________________
19. Which element of art do you use to make shapes look like forms by shading darker and
lighter areas?
20. Is sculpture a 2-dimensional or a 3-dimensionsal art form? ___________________________
a. Freestanding sculpture: __________________________________________________
b. Relief Sculpture: _______________________________________________________
Perspective is a graphic system that creates the illusion of depth and volume on a twodimensional surface. There are 6 techniques or devices that artists use to give their work
22. Fill in the blanks below that describe the different techniques and then illustrate how each of
these techniques is used in a small sketch or drawing.
a. __________________________: when one object covers part of a second object, the
first object appears to be closer.
b.__________________________: large objects appear to be closer than small objects.
c. __________________________: objects placed low on the picture plane appear closer
to the viewer when placed at eye level.
d. __________________________: objects with clear sharp edges and visible details
seem to be close to you while objects with hazy outlines appear farther away.
e. __________________________: where converging lines meet a vanishing point or
points on the horizon to give the illusion of going off into space.
__________-point perspective is when receding lines meet at a single vanishing point.
23. The surface of a painting or drawing is called the ___________________ _______________.
24. forground:__________________________________________________________________
25. middle ground: ______________________________________________________________
26. background: ________________________________________________________________
27. Positive space. ______________________________________________________________
28. Negative space. _____________________________________________________________
29. If you were shown a picture of two children playing, what would the positive space be?
30. If you were shown a freestanding sculpture of a gigantic clothespin, what would the negative
space be? _____________________________________________________________________
31. A tool that artists use to organize colors by bending the color spectrum into a circular
formation is called: ______________________________________________________________
32. What is a hue: _______________________________________________________________
33. How can you change the value of a hue? _________________________________________
34. What do you call a hue in which you added black to make it darker? ___________________
35. What do you call a hue in which you have added white to make it lighter? _______________
36. What is a tone and how do you make one? ________________________________________
37. Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel are called: _____________________
38. What does the intensity of a hue refer to? _________________________________________
39. How do you change the intensity of a color? ______________________________________
40. When two hues that are opposite from each other on the color wheel are mixed together they
start to become a neutral gray color. The colors are sometimes called __________________.
41. Color schemes are plans for organizing colors. Define the following color schemes and give
an example of each.
a. Monochromatic: _______________________________________________________
b. Analogous: ___________________________________________________________
c. Complementary: _______________________________________________________
d. Color Triad: __________________________________________________________
Example: _________________________________________________________
e. Split complement: ______________________________________________________
Example: _________________________________________________________
f. Warm colors: _________________________________________________________
Example: _________________________________________________________
g. Cool colors: ___________________________________________________________
Example: ________________________________________________________
42. Write in the hues in their correct order on the color wheel below:
43. What is the difference between Real and Visual texture? ____________________________
44. What is the difference between Simulated and Invented texture? _____________________
45. Draw and example of each in the boxes below:
Simulated texture
Invented texture
46. Through which two senses do we perceive texture?
Almost done, just a few more on next pages.
Which of the images below is a/an:
47. Sculpture
48. Still life
49. non objective
50. abstract
51. portrait
Use the information on the credit line of the image below to answer questions 52-56
Manet, Edouard, A Bar at the Folies-Bergere, 1881, Oil on canvas, 37.8” in × 51.2 “, Courtland Institute
Galleries, London.
52. What medium did the artist use? ________________________________________________
53. Who was the artist of this work? ________________________________________________
54. What is the size of this work? __________________________________________________
55. What is the title of this work? __________________________________________________
56. Where is this work now? ______________________________________________________