KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY TENDER NO. KPA/095/2013-14/EE SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF 2NO. NEW PANORAMIC LIFTS AND ASSOCIATED CIVIL WORKS AT BANDARI COLLEGE TENDER DOCUMENT MARCH 2014 TENDER NO. KPA/095/2013-14/EE – SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISIONING OF 2 NO PANORAMIC LIFTS AND ASSOCIATED CIVIL WORKS AT BANDARI COLLEGE TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 2 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................. 4 SECTION I: INVITATION FOR TENDERS (IFT) ........................................................................................ 5 VISION, MISSION, & CORE VALUES ................................................................................................................ 7 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT POLICY STATEMENT .............................................................. 8 SECTION II: INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS (ITT) ................................................................................... 9 Scope of Tender ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Source of Funds ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Eligible Tenderers ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 One Tender per Tenderer .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Alternative Tenders by Tenderers .................................................................................................................................. 11 Cost of Tendering .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Site Visit and Pre-Tender Meeting ................................................................................................................................ 11 TENDERING DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 12 Content of Tendering Documents .................................................................................................................................. 12 Clarification of Tendering Documents .......................................................................................................................... 13 Amendments of the Tendering Documents..................................................................................................................... 13 PREPARATION OF TENDERS ................................................................................................................................................. 13 Language of Tender ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 Documents Constituting the Tender .............................................................................................................................. 14 Documents Establishing Eligibility and Qualifications of the Tenderer ....................................................................... 14 Form of Tender .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 Tender Prices ................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Tender Currencies ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Tender Validity Period .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Tender Security and Tender Securing Declaration ....................................................................................................... 16 Format and Signing of Tender....................................................................................................................................... 17 SUBMISSION OF TENDERS.................................................................................................................................................... 17 Sealing and Marking of Tenders ................................................................................................................................... 17 Deadline for Submission of Tenders .............................................................................................................................. 18 Late Tenders .................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Modification, Substitution and Withdrawal of Tenders ................................................................................................. 18 OPENING AND EVALUATION OF TENDERS ........................................................................................................................... 19 Opening of Tenders ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 Confidentiality ............................................................................................................................................................... 20 Clarification of Tenders ................................................................................................................................................ 20 Preliminary Examination of Tenders............................................................................................................................. 20 Correction of Errors ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 Conversion to Single Currency...................................................................................................................................... 21 Comparison of Tenders ................................................................................................................................................. 22 National Preference....................................................................................................................................................... 22 Determination of the winning evaluated Tender ........................................................................................................... 22 Post-qualification of Tenderer....................................................................................................................................... 22 AWARD OF CONTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................ 22 Criteria of Award .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Clarifications ................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Procuring Entity’s Right to Accept any Tender and to Reject any or all Tenders ......................................................... 23 Procuring Entities Right to Vary Quantities at the Time of Award ............................................................................... 23 Notification of Award .................................................................................................................................................... 23 Signing of Contract........................................................................................................................................................ 24 Performance Security .................................................................................................................................................... 24 Advance Payment .......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Adjudicator .................................................................................................................................................................... 24 REVIEW OF PROCUREMENT DECISIONS ............................................................................................................................... 25 Right to Review .............................................................................................................................................................. 25 Time Limit on Review .................................................................................................................................................... 25 Submission of Applications for Review by the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board .............................. 25 Page 2 of 89 Decision by the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board ............................................................................. 25 Appeal on the decision of the Review Board ................................................................................................................. 26 SECTION III: TENDER DATA SHEET............................................................................................................. 27 SECTION IV: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ............................................................................ 36 PART I – GENERAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................... 36 PREAMBLE TO GENERAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................. 37 PART II – SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT...................................................................................... 40 4 LANDING DOOR .............................................................................................................................................. 47 SECTION VI: DRAWINGS.................................................................................................................................. 57 SECTION VII: BILLS OF QUANTITIES .......................................................................................................... 59 TENDER-SECURING DECLARATION (MANDATORY) ............................................................................................................ 73 LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE .................................................................................................................................................... 79 CONTRACT DATA SHEET ..................................................................................................................................................... 80 FORMAT OF CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) FOR PROPOSED PROFESSIONAL STAFF ......................... 82 SECTION IX: FORMS OF SECURITY ............................................................................................................. 84 TENDER SECURITY GUARANTEE ......................................................................................................................................... 84 PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE [UNCONDITIONAL] ...................................................................................................... 85 BANK GUARANTEE FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT ..................................................................................................................... 86 SECTION X: APPLICATION TO PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD .. 87 APPENDIX TO TENDER ...................................................................................................................................... 89 SPECIAL STIPULATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 89 Page 3 of 89 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CDS Contract Data Sheet GCC General Conditions of Contract IFT Invitation for Tender ITT Instruction to Tenderers PE Procuring Entity PM Project Manager PPDA 2005 Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005 PPDR 2006 Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations, 2006 PPOA Public Procurement Oversight Authority STD Standard Tender Documents SOR Statement of Requirements SP Service Provider TDS Tender Data Sheet VAT Value Added Tax Page 4 of 89 SECTION I: INVITATION FOR TENDERS (IFT) Invitation for Tenders Tender No. KPA/095/2013-14//EE Tender Name: SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF 2 NO PANORAMIC LIFTS AND ASSOCIATED CIVIL WORKS AT BANDARI COLLEGE 1. The Kenya Ports Authority now invites sealed tenders from eligible electrical contractors registered with Ministry of Energy’s ERC Class A2 and National Construction Authority Specialist Contractors Minimum NCA 5 or above for carrying out the SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF 2 NO PANORAMIC LIFTS AND CONSTRUCTION OF LIFT SHAFTS AT BANDARI COLLEGE. 2. Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedures specified in the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005 and the Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations, 2006 and Amendment Regulations (2013) Nos. 106 and 114 and are open to all Tenderers as defined in the Regulations. 3. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from and inspect the Tendering Documents at the offices of the Head of Procurement & Supplies located on the 4th floor of office Block 3 at the Kenya Ports Authority Headquarters, Kilindini Kipevu from MONDAY TO FRIDAY (BETWEEN 0800 HOURS AND 1600 HOURS inclusive) except on public holidays and Sundays. 4. A complete set of Tender Document(s) can be obtained/ purchased by interested Tenderers at the address given under paragraph 8 below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000.00 in cash or Bankers Cheque payable to Kenya Ports Authority. 5. The document can also be viewed and downloaded from the KPA website at no fee. Bidders who download the tender document from the website must forward their particulars immediately for records and communication of any further tender clarifications or addenda. Enquiries can be made via email address: fax number +25422 2226721. Bidders are advised to regularly visit the KPA website to obtain any additional information/addendum on the tender. 6. There shall be a pre-planned site visit on Thursday, 10th April, 2014 starting from 1000Hours. Interested and eligible candidates shall be required to gather at the Bandari College Amphitheatre located in Bandari College. All bidders shall be required to sign an attendance register as evidence of having participated in the site visit. Bidders who shall not turn up for the pre – planned site visit shall make their own arrangements to visit the site. Non – attendance shall not lead to disqualification. 7. The amount of Tender Security shall be Kenya Shillings Two Hundred Thousand (Kshs. 200,000.00) in the form of a Banker’s guarantee or an Insurance Company Guarantee issued by an insurance firm approved by the Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA), cash, letter of credit or guarantee by a deposit taking microfinance institution, Sacco society, the Youth Enterprise Development Fund or the Women Enterprise Fund valid for 120 days from the date of tender opening in the format provided in the tender document. 8. All Tenders in one original plus 2 (Two) copies, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelopes must be delivered to the address below: Page 5 of 89 THE SECRETARY CORPORATION TENDER COMMITTEE KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY KIPEVU HEADQUARTERS 4TH FLOOR FINANCE BLOCK III, DOOR BLK-3.4.3 KILINDINI MOMBASA Phone: +254 (41) 2113600/ 2113999 Fax: +254 (41) 2226721 E-mail: a. Tender Box No. 7 located at the BUS TERMINUS, PORT MAIN PEDESTRIAN GATE NO.8, KILINDINI, MOMBASA BEFORE 1000 HOURS ON THURSDAY, 24TH APRIL, 2014 b. Bulky tenders shall be submitted at the office of the Head of Procurement & Supplies located on the 4th floor of office Block III at the Kenya Ports Authority Headquarters, Kipevu, Kilindini Mombasa 1000 HOURS ON THURSDAY, 24TH APRIL, 2014. 9. Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend the opening from 1030Hours at the Procurement Conference Room located at the New Service Area (Kapenguria), in the former Supplies Accounts office. Late or incomplete tenders shall not be accepted. 10. Canvassing or lobbying for the tender shall lead to automatic disqualification. Yobesh Oyaro HEAD OF PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR: MANAGING DIRECTOR Page 6 of 89 VISION, MISSION, & CORE VALUES Vision World class seaports of choice. Mission To facilitate and promote global maritime trade through the provision of competitive port services. Values Customer Focus: Service excellence is key to our operations and we endeavour to exceed customer expectations. Integrity: We uphold fairness, honesty, professionalism and transparency in all our undertakings. Teamwork: We embrace team spirit in all that we do. We Care: We care for our staff, the communities around us and are sensitive to the environment. Page 7 of 89 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT POLICY STATEMENT The Kenya Ports Authority recognizes and appreciates the importance of Health, Safety and Environment in the organization. The Authority therefore places Health, Safety and Environment matters as important Boardroom Agenda. To translate this commitment into actions, the Authority shall adopt a health, safety and environment policy that shall ensure: 1. Compliance with all relevant statutory instruments in all matters of Health, Safety and Environment. 2. Appropriate consideration of relevant international conventions and recommendations. 3. Formulation and compliance with rules, regulations and guidelines on matters of Health, Safety and Environment. 4. All reasonably practicable precautions are taken to safeguard the safety and health of all employees and Port users. 5. Appropriate systems for providing adequate information and instructions to all cadres of employees on risks to their health and safety are in place. 6. That all work places and equipment/plant are safe and regularly inspected. 7. All employees and Port Users assume defined responsibilities in matters of health, safety and environment in conformity with this policy. 8. Appropriate training for all employees to enhance their performance is provided. 9. That all Suppliers comply with Health, Safety and Environment rules, regulations and guidelines. 10. Adequate provision for prevention and control of fires and proper use of Fire fighting appliances. 11. Adequate provision for prevention and control of environmental pollution. 12. That Environmental Impact Assessment is carried out for all projects likely to have an impact on the environment. 13. Provision and promotion of First Aid services and activities. 14. Contravention of the Health, Safety and Environment Management System attracts severe disciplinary action including dismissal and/or prosecution. 15. Review of the Health, Safety and Environment Management System to conform to changing trends. (Signed) GICHIRI NDUA MANAGING DIRECTOR Page 8 of 89 SECTION II: INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS (ITT) Page 9 of 89 Introduction 1.1 The Procuring Entity indicated in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS) invites Tenders for the construction of works as specified in the Tender Data Sheet and Sections V (Technical Specifications) and VII (Drawings). 1.2 The successful Tenderer will be expected to complete the works by the required completion date specified in the Tender Data Sheet. 1.3 The objectives of the works are listed in the Tender Data Sheet. These are mandatory requirements. Any subsequent detail is offered to support these objectives and must not be used to dilute their importance. Source of Funds 2.2 Eligible Tenderers 3.1 Payments will be made directly by the Procuring Entity (or by financing institution specified in the Tender Data Sheet upon request of the Procuring Entity to so pay) and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the resulting contract placed by the Procuring Entity. A Tenderer may be a natural person, private or public company, government-owned institution, subject to sub-Clause 3.4 or any combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing agreement in the form of a joint venture, consortium, or association. In the case of a joint venture, consortium, or association, unless otherwise specified in the Tender Data Sheet, all parties shall be jointly and severally liable. Scope of Tender 3.2 The Invitation for Tenders is open to all suppliers as defined in the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005 and the Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations, 2006 except as provided hereinafter. 3.3 A Tenderer shall not have a conflict of interest. All Tenderers found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Tenderer may be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this Tendering process, if they: a) Are associated or have been associated in the past directly or indirectly with employees or agents of the Procuring Entity or a member of a board or committee of the Procuring Entity; b) Are associated or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the Procuring Entity to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications and other documents to be used for the procurement of the works under this Invitation for Tenders; c) Have controlling shareholders in common; or d) Receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; or e) Have the same legal representative for purposes of this Tender; or f) Have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on the Tender of another Tenderer, or influence the decisions of the Procuring Entity regarding this Tendering process; or g) Submit more than one Tender in this Tendering process. However, this does not limit the participation of subcontractors in more than one Tender, or as Tenderer and subcontractor simultaneously. 3.4 A Tenderer will be considered to have a conflict of interest if they participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or technical specification of the project and related services that are the subject of the Page 10 of 89 Tender. 3.5 Tenderers shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by the Government of Kenya in accordance with GCC sub-Clause 3.2. 3.6 Government owned enterprises in Kenya may participate only if they are legally and financially autonomous, if they operate under commercial law, are registered by the relevant registration board or authorities and if they are not a dependent agency of the Government. 3.7 Tenderers shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory to the Procuring Entity, as the Procuring Entity shall reasonably request. 4.1 A firm shall submit only one Tender, in the same Tendering process, either individually as a Tenderer or as a partner in a joint venture pursuant to ITT Clause 5. 4.2 No firm can be a subcontractor while submitting a Tender individually or as a partner of a joint venture in the same Tendering process. 4.3 A firm, if acting in the capacity of subcontractor in any Tender, may participate in more than one Tender but only in that capacity. 4.4 A Tenderer who submits or participates in more than one Tender (other than as a subcontractor or in cases of alternatives that have been permitted or requested) will cause all the Tenders in which the Tenderer has participated to be disqualified. 5.1 Tenderers shall submit offers that comply with the requirements of the Tendering documents, including the basic Tenderer’s technical design as indicated in the specifications and Drawings and Bill of Quantities. Alternatives will not be considered, unless specifically allowed for in the Tender Data Sheet. If so allowed, sub-Clause 5.2 and 5.3 shall govern. 5.2 When alternative times for completion are explicitly invited, a statement to that effect will be included in the Tender Data Sheet as will the method of evaluating different times for completion. 5.3 If so allowed in the Tender Data Sheet, Tenderers wishing to offer technical alternatives to the requirements of the Tendering documents must also submit a Tender that complies with the requirements of the Tendering documents, including the basic technical design as indicated in the specifications. In addition to submitting the basic Tender, the Tenderer shall provide all information necessary for a complete evaluation of the alternative by the Procuring Entity, including technical specifications, breakdown of prices, and other relevant details. Only the technical alternatives, if any, of the winning evaluated tenderer conforming to the basic technical requirements shall be considered by the Procuring Entity. 6.1 The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Tender, and the Procuring Entity shall in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Tendering process. Site Visit and Pre- 7.1 Tender Meeting The Tenderer, at the Tenderer’s own responsibility and risk, is advised to visit and examine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Tender and entering into a contract for construction of the Works. The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the Tenderer’s own expense. One Tender per Tenderer Alternative Tenders by Tenderers Cost of Tendering 7.2 The Procuring Entity may conduct a site visit and a pre-Tender meeting. Page 11 of 89 The purpose of the pre-Tender meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage. 7.3 The Tenderer’s designated representative is invited to attend a site visit and pre-Tender meeting which, if convened, will take place at the venue and time stipulated in the Tender Data Sheet. 7.4 The Tenderer is requested as far as possible, to submit any questions in writing or by electronic means to reach the procuring Entity before the pre-Tender meeting. It may not be practicable at the meeting to answer all questions, but questions and responses will be transmitted in accordance with sub-Clause 7.5. 7.5 Minutes of the pre-Tender meeting, including the text of the questions raised and the responses given together with any responses prepared after the pre-Tender meeting will be transmitted within the time stated in the Tender Data Sheet to all purchasers of the Tendering documents. Any modification of the Tendering documents listed in sub-Clause 8.1 that may become necessary as a result of the pre-Tender meeting shall be made by the Procuring Entity exclusively through the issue of an Addendum pursuant to ITT sub Clause 10.2 and not through the minutes of the pre-Tender meeting. 7.6 Non attendance during the site visit or pre-Tender meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a Tenderer unless specified to the contrary in the Tender Data Sheet. Tendering Documents Content of Tendering Documents 8.1 The works required, Tendering procedures, and contract terms are prescribed in the Tendering Documents. In addition to the Section I Invitation for Tenders, Tendering documents which should be read in conjunction with any addenda issued in accordance with ITT sub Clause 10.2 include: Section II Instructions to Tenderers Section III Tender Data Sheet Section IV General Conditions of Contract Section V Technical Specifications Section VII Drawings Section VIII Bill of Quantities Section IX Forms of Tender Form of Tender Appendix to Tender Confidential Business Questionnaire Integrity Declaration Letter of Acceptance Contract Data Sheet Section X Forms of Security Tender Security Form Tender Securing Declaration Performance Bank or Insurance Guarantee Advance Payment Guarantee Section XI Form RB 1 Application to Public Procurement Administrative Review Board 8.2 The number of copies to be completed and returned with the Tender is specified in the Tender Data Sheet. 8.3 The Invitation for Tenders (Section I) issued by the Procuring Entity is Page 12 of 89 not part of the Tendering Documents and is included for reference purposes only. In case of discrepancies between the Invitation for Tenders and the Tendering Documents listed in sub-Clause 8.1 above, the said Tendering Documents will take precedence. Clarification of Tendering Documents Amendments of the Tendering Documents 8.4 The Procuring Entity is not responsible for the completeness of the Tendering Documents and their addenda, if they were not obtained directly from the authorized staff of the Procuring Entity. 8.5 The Tenderer is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the Tendering documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the Tendering Documents or to submit a Tender substantially responsive to the Tendering documents in every respect will be at the Tenderer’s risk and may result in the rejection of its Tender. 9.1 A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification of the Tendering documents may notify the Procuring Entity in writing, e-mail or facsimile at the Procuring Entity's address indicated in the Tender Data Sheet. 9.2 The Procuring Entity will within the period stated in the Tender Data Sheet respond in writing to any request for clarification provided that such request is received no later than the period indicated in the Tender Data Sheet prior to the deadline for the submission of Tenders prescribed in sub-Clause 22.1. 9.3 Copies of the procuring entity's response will be forwarded to all Purchasers of the Tendering documents, including a description of the inquiry, but without identifying its source. 9.4 Should the Procuring Entity deem it necessary to amend the Tendering documents as a result of a clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under ITT Clause 10. 10.1 Before the deadline for submission of Tenders, the Procuring Entity may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Tenderer, modify the Tendering documents by issuing addenda. 10.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Tender documents pursuant to sub-Clause 8.1 and shall be communicated in writing, by e-mail or facsimile to all who have obtained the Tendering documents directly from the Procuring Entity. 10.3 In order to allow prospective Tenderers reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in preparing their Tenders, the Procuring Entity at its discretion shall extend, as necessary, the deadline for submission of Tenders, in accordance with sub-Clause 22.2 Preparation of Tenders Language of Tender 11.1 The Tender, and all correspondence and documents related to the Tender exchanged by the Tenderer and the Procuring Entity shall be written in the Tender language stipulated in the Tender Data Sheet. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Tenderer may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the above stated language, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Tender, the translation shall prevail. Page 13 of 89 Documents Constituting the Tender 12.1 The Tender submitted by the Tenderer shall consist of the following components: a) The Form of Tender (in the format indicated in Section IX) completed in accordance with ITT Clause 15, 16 and 17; b) Information requested by Instructions to Tenderers ITT subClause 13.2; 13.3 and 13.4; c) Tender Security or Tender Securing Declaration in accordance with Instructions to Tenderers ITT Clause 19; d) Priced Bill of Quantities; – the tender bills of quantities must not be altered and it shall be in the format provided in the tender document and all elements in the Bills of Quantities must be priced (This is a mandatory requirement). e) Qualification Information Form and Documents; f) Alternative offers where invited in accordance with Instructions to Tenderers ITT Clause 5; g) Written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Tender to commit the Tenderer in accordance with Instructions to Tenderers ITT sub Clause 19.2; and h) Technical schedules duly filled in details as requested. i) And any information or other materials required to be completed and submitted by Tenderers, as specified in the Tender Data Sheet. Documents Establishing Eligibility and Qualifications of the Tenderer 13.1 Pursuant to ITT Clause 13, the Tenderer shall furnish, as part of its Tender, documents establishing the Tenderer’s eligibility to Tender and its qualifications to perform the contract if its Tender is accepted. In the event that pre-qualification of potential Tenderers has been undertaken, only Tenders from pre-qualified Tenderers will be considered for award of contract. These qualified Tenderers should submit their Tenders with any information updating the original prequalification applications or, alternatively, confirm in their Tenders that the originally submitted pre-qualification information remains essentially correct as of the date of Tender submission. The update or confirmation should be provided in Section IX If the Procuring Entity has not undertaken pre-qualification of potential Tenderers, to qualify for award of the contract, Tenderers shall meet the minimum qualifying criteria specified in the Tender Data Sheet: 13.2 Tenders submitted by a joint venture of two or more firms as partners shall comply with the following requirements, unless otherwise stated in the Tender Data Sheet: a) The Tender shall include all the information listed in the Tender Data Sheet pursuant to sub-Clause 13.3 above for each joint venture partner; b) The Tender shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners; c) One of the partners will be nominated as being in charge, and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a power of Page 14 of 89 attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners; d) The partner in charge shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of a joint venture and the entire execution of the Contract, including payment, shall be done exclusively with the partner in charge; e) All partners of the joint venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the contract in accordance with the contract terms and a statement to this effect shall be included in the authorization mentioned under (c) above as well as in the Tender and in the Agreement (in case of a successful Tender); and f) A copy of the joint venture agreement entered into by all partner shall be submitted with the Tender. Alternatively, a Letter of Intent to execute a joint venture agreement in the event of a successful Tender shall be signed by all partners and submitted with the Tender, together with a copy of the proposed Agreement. g) The Tender Security and Tender Securing Declaration as stated in accordance with ITT Clause 19, and in case of a successful Tender, the Agreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners. Form of Tender 14.1 The Tenderer shall fill the Form of Tender furnished in the Tendering Documents. The Form of Tender must be completed without any alterations to its format and no substitute shall be accepted (This is a mandatory requirement). Tender Prices 15.1 The Contract shall be for the whole Works, as described in subClause 1.1, based on the priced Bill of Quantities submitted by the Tenderer. 15.2 The Tenderer shall fill in rates and prices for all Items of the Works described in the Bill of Quantities including the preliminary items without any amendment to the quantities (This is a mandatory requirement). 15.3 All duties, taxes and other levies payable by the Contractor under the Contract, or for any other cause, as of the date 15 days prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders, shall be included in the rates, prices and total Tender price submitted by the Tenderer. Tender Currencies 16.1 Tender Validity Period The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the Tenderer in the currency as specified in the Tender Data Sheet. 16.2 Tenderers shall indicate details of their expected foreign currency requirements in the Tender, if any. The rates of exchange to be used by the Tenderers in arriving at the local currency equivalent shall be the selling rates for similar transactions established by the authority specified in the Tender Data Sheet prevailing on the date 28 days prior to the latest deadline for submission of Tenders. These exchange rates shall apply for all payments so that no exchange risk will be borne by the Tenderer. In any case, payments will be computed using the rates quoted in the Tender. 16.3 Tenderers may be required by the Procuring Entity to clarify their foreign currency requirements and to substantiate that the amounts included in the rates and prices and in the Contract Data Sheet are reasonable and responsive to sub-Clause 17.1. 17.1 Tenders shall remain valid for the period specified in the Tender Data Sheet after the Tender submission deadline prescribed by the Page 15 of 89 Procuring Entity, pursuant to ITT Clause 22. A Tender valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Procuring Entity as non responsive. Tender Security and Tender Securing Declaration 17.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original Tender validity period, the Procuring Entity may request that the Tenderers extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The request and the Tenderers' responses shall be made in writing or by cable. A Tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting its Tender Security or causing to be executed its Tender Securing declaration. A Tenderer agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to otherwise modify the Tender, but will be required to extend the validity of its Tender Security or Tender Securing declaration for the period of the extension, and in compliance with ITT Clause 19 in all respects. 17.3 In the case of fixed price contracts, if the award is delayed by a period exceeding sixty (60) days beyond the expiry of the initial Tender validity period, the contract price will be increased by a factor specified in the request for extension. The Tender evaluation shall be based on the Tender price without taking into consideration on the above correction. 18.1 Pursuant to ITT Clause 12, where required in the Tender Data Sheet, the Tenderer shall furnish as part of its Tender, a Tender Security in original form and in the amount and currency specified in the Tender Data Sheet. A Tender Securing Declaration as specified in the Tender Data Sheet in the format provided in section IX shall be provided as a mandatory requirement. 18.2 The Tender Security or Tender Securing Declaration is required to protect the Procuring Entity against the risk of Tenderer’s conduct which would warrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to ITT subClause 19.9. 18.3 The Tender Security shall be denominated in the currency of the Tender and shall be in one of the following forms: a) Cash; b) A Bank Guarantee; c) An Insurance Bond issued by an insurance firm approved by the PPOA located in Kenya; d) An irrevocable letter of credit issued by a reputable bank. 18.4 The Tender Security shall be in accordance with the Form of the Tender Security included in Section IX or another form approved by the Procuring Entity prior to the Tender submission. 18.5 The Tender Security shall be payable promptly upon written demand by the Procuring Entity in case any of the conditions listed in subClause 19.8 are invoked. 18.6 Any Tender not accompanied by a Tender Security in accordance with sub-Clauses 19.1 or 19.3 shall be rejected by the Procuring Entity as non-responsive, pursuant to ITT Clause 28. 18.7 The Procuring Entity shall immediately release any Tender Security if: a) The procuring proceedings are terminated; b) The Procuring Entity determines that none of the submitted Page 16 of 89 Tenders is responsive; c) A contract for the procurement is entered into. 18.8 The Tender Security shall be forfeited and the Tender Securing Declaration executed if the Tenderer: a) Withdraws its Tender after the deadline for submitting Tenders but before the expiry of the period during which Tenders must remain valid; b) Rejects a correction of an arithmetic error pursuant to sub-Clause 29.2; c) Refuse to enter into a written contract in accordance with ITT Clause 40; 18.9 18.10 d) Fails to furnish the Performance Security in accordance with ITT Clause 41. The Tender Security and Tender Securing Declaration of a joint venture must be in the name of the joint venture submitting the Tender. A Tenderer shall be suspended from being eligible for Tendering in any contract with the Procuring Entity for the period of time indicated in the Tender Securing Declaration: a) If the Tenderer withdraws its Tender, except as provided in ITT sub-Clauses 18.2 and 29.2; or b) In the case of a successful Tenderer, if the Tenderer fails within the specified time limit to: (i) Sign the contract; or (ii) Furnish the required Performance Security. Format and Signing of Tender 19.1 The Tenderer shall prepare one original of the documents comprising the Tender as described in ITT Clause 12 of these Instructions to Tenderers, with the Form of Tender, and clearly marked “ORIGINAL”. In addition, the Tenderer shall submit copies of the Tender, in the number specified in the Tender Data Sheet, and clearly marked as “COPIES”. In the event of discrepancy between them, the original shall prevail. 19.2 The original and all copies of the Tenders shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Tenderer. This authorization shall consist of a written confirmation as specified in the Tender Data Sheet and shall be attached to the Tender. The name and position held by each person signing the authorization must be typed or printed below the signature. All pages of the Tender, except for un-amended printed literature, shall be initialled by the person or persons signing the Tender. 19.3 Any interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are initialled by the person or persons signing the Tender. 19.4 The Tenderer shall furnish information as described in the Form of Tender on commissions or gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid to agents relating to this Tender and to contract execution if the Tenderer is awarded the contract Submission of Tenders Sealing and Marking of 20.1 The Tenderer shall seal the original and each copy of the Tender in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL” Page 17 of 89 Tenders 20.2 and “COPY”. The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope securely sealed in such a manner that opening and resealing cannot be achieved undetected. The inner and outer envelopes shall: a) Be addressed to the Procuring Entity at the address given in the Tender Data Sheet; and b) Bear the Project name indicated in the Tender Data Sheet, the Invitation for Tenders (IFT) title and number indicated in the Tender Data Sheet, and a statement: “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE,” to be completed with the time and the date specified in the Tender Data Sheet, pursuant to ITT sub-Clause 22.1. Deadline for Submission of Tenders Late Tenders 20.3 In addition to the identification required in sub-Clause 21.2, the inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the Tenderer to enable the Tender be returned unopened in case it is declared late, pursuant to sub-Clause 22.1 and for matching purpose under ITT Clause 23 20.4 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required by ITT sub clause 21.2, the Procuring Entity shall assume no responsibility for misplacement or premature opening of the Tender. 21.1 Tenders shall be received by the Procuring Entity at the address specified under ITT sub-Clause 21.2 no later than the date and time specified in the Tender Data Sheet. 21.2 The Procuring Entity may, in exceptional circumstances and at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Tenders by amending the Tendering documents in accordance with ITT Clause 9, in which case all rights and obligations of the Procuring Entity and Tenderers previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the new deadline. 21.3 The extension of the deadline for submission of Tenders shall not be made later than the period specified in the Tender Data Sheet before the expiry of the original deadline. 22.1 22.2 Modification, Substitution and Withdrawal of Tenders The Procuring Entity shall not consider for evaluation any Tender that arrives after the deadline for submission of Tenders, in accordance with ITT Clause 22. Any Tender received by the Procuring Entity after the deadline for submission of Tenders shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the Tenderer 23.1 A Tenderer may modify or substitute or withdraw its Tender after it has been submitted, provided that written notice of the modification, including substitution or withdrawal of the Tender, is received by the Procuring Entity prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of Tenders prescribed under ITT sub-Clause 22.1. 23.2 The Tenderer’s modification or substitution or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and dispatched in accordance with the provisions of ITT Clauses 20 and 21 with the outer and inner envelopes additionally marked “MODIFICATION” or SUBSTITUTION or “WITHDRAWAL” as appropriate. The notice may also be sent by electronic mail and facsimile, but followed by a signed confirmation copy, postmarked not later than the deadline for submission of Tenders. Page 18 of 89 23.3 No Tender may be withdrawn, replaced or modified in the interval between the deadline for submission of Tenders and the expiration of the period of Tender validity specified by the Tenderer on the Tender Form. Withdrawal of a Tender during this interval shall result in the Tenderer’s forfeiture of its Tender Security or execution of Tender Securing Declaration, pursuant to the ITT sub-Clause 19.9. 23.4 Withdrawal of a Tender between the deadline for submission of Tenders and the expiration of the period of Tender validity specified in the Tender Data Sheet or as extended pursuant to sub-Clause 22.2 shall result in the forfeiture of the Tender Security and execution of Tender Securing Declaration pursuant to ITT sub-Clause 19.9. 23.5 Tenderers may only offer discounts to, or otherwise modify the prices of their Tenders by submitting Tender modifications in accordance with this Clause, or included in the original Tender submission. Opening and Evaluation of Tenders Opening of Tenders 24.1 The Procuring Entity will open all Tenders including modifications, substitution or withdraw notices made pursuant to ITT Clause 24, in public, in the presence of Tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend and other parties with legitimate interest and Tender proceedings, at the place on the date and at time specified in the Tender Data Sheet. The Tenderers’ representatives who are present shall sign a register as proof of their attendance. 24.2 Envelopes marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened and read out first. Tenders for which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has been submitted pursuant to ITT Clause 24 shall not be opened but returned to the Tenderer. If the withdrawal envelope does not contain a copy of the “Power of Attorney” confirming the signature as a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Tenderer, the corresponding Tender will be opened. Subsequently, all envelopes marked "MODIFICATION" shall be opened and the submissions therein read out in appropriate detail. Thereafter all envelopes marked or "SUBSTITUTION" opened and the submissions therein read out in appropriate detail. 24.3 All other envelopes shall be opened one at a time. The Tenderers' names, the Tender prices, the total amount of each Tender and of any alternative Tender (if alternatives have been requested or permitted), any discounts, the presence or absence of Tender security, and such other details as the appropriate tender opening committee may consider appropriate, will be announced by the Secretary of the Tender Opening Committee at the opening. 24.4 Tenders or modifications that are not opened and not read out at Tender opening shall not be considered further for evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances. In particular, any discount offered by a Tenderer which is not read out at Tender opening shall not be considered further. 24.5 Tenderers are advised to send in a representative with the knowledge of the content of the Tender who shall verify the information read out from the submitted documents. Failure to send a representative or to point out any un-read information by the sent Tenderer’s representative shall indemnify the Procuring Entity against any claim or failure to read out the correct information contained in the Tenderer’s Tender. Page 19 of 89 Confidentiality Clarification of Tenders Preliminary Examination of Tenders 24.6 No Tender will be rejected at Tender opening except for late Tenders which will be returned unopened to the Tenderer, pursuant to ITT Clause 23. 24.7 The Secretary of the appropriate tender opening committee shall prepare minutes of the Tender opening. The record of the Tender opening shall include, as a minimum: the name of the Tenderers and whether or not there is a withdrawal, substitution or modification, the Tender price per Lot if applicable, including any discounts and alternative offers and the presence or absence of a Tender Security or Tender Securing Declaration. 24.8 The Tenderers’ representatives who are present shall be requested to sign the record. The omission of a Tenderer’s signature on the record shall not invalidate the contents and affect the record. 24.9 A copy of the minutes of the Tender opening shall be furnished to individual Tenderers upon request. 25.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and comparison of Tenders and recommendations for the award of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Tenderers or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the award to the successful Tenderer has been announced. 25.2 Any effort by a Tenderer to influence the Procuring Entity’s processing of Tenders or award decisions may result in the rejection of his Tender. 25.3 Notwithstanding sub-Clause 26.2, from the time of Tender opening to the time of Contract award, if any Tenderer wishes to contact the Procuring Entity on any matter related to the Tendering process, it should do so in writing. 26.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison of Tenders and post-qualification of the Tenderer, the Procuring Entity may, at its discretion, ask a Tenderer for clarification of its Tender including breakdown of prices. Any clarification submitted by a Tenderer that is not in response to a request by the Procuring Entity shall not be considered. 26.2 The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. No change in the prices or substance of the Tender shall be sought, offered, or permitted except to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the Procuring Entity in the evaluation of Tenders in accordance with ITT Clause 29. 26.3 From the time of Tender opening to the time of Contract award if any Tenderer wishes to contact the Procuring Entity on any matter related to the Tender it should do so in writing. 27.1 Prior to the detailed evaluation of Tenders, the Procuring Entity will determine whether: a) The Tender has been submitted in the required format; b) Any Tender Security submitted is in the required form, amount and validity period; c) The Tender has been signed by the person lawfully authorized to do so; d) The required number of copies of the Tender have been submitted; e) The Tender is valid for the period required; f) All required documents and information have been submitted; and Page 20 of 89 g) Any required samples have been submitted. 27.2 The Procuring Entity will confirm that the documents and information specified under ITT Clause 12 and ITT Clause 13 have been provided in the Tender. If any of these documents or information is missing, or is not provided in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, the Tender shall be rejected. 27.3 The Procuring Entity may waive any minor informality, nonconformity, or irregularity in a Tender which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any Tenderer 27.4 A substantially responsive Tender is one which conforms to all the terms, conditions, and specifications of the Tendering documents, without material deviation or reservation. A material deviation or reservation is one that: a) Affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or execution of the Works; b) Limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Tendering documents, the Procuring Entity's rights or the Tenderer’s obligations under the Contract; or c) If rectified, would affect unfairly the competitive position of other Tenderers presenting substantially responsive Tenders. 27.5 Correction of Errors 28.1 If a Tender is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Procuring Entity, and may not subsequently be made responsive by correction or withdrawal of the non-conforming deviation or reservation. Tenders determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the Procuring Entity for any arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by the Procuring Entity as follows: a) If there is a discrepancy between unit prices and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of the Procuring Entity there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price, in which the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected; b) If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and 28.2 Conversion to Single Currency 29.1 c) Where there is a discrepancy between the amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words will govern. The amount stated in the Tender will, be adjusted by the Procuring Entity in accordance with the above procedure for the correction of errors and, with, the concurrence of the Tenderer, shall be considered as binding upon the Tenderer. If the Tenderer does not accept the corrected amount, its Tender will then be rejected, and the Tender Security may be forfeited and the Tender Securing Declaration may be executed in accordance with sub-Clause 19.9. To facilitate the evaluation and comparison, the Procuring Entity will convert all Tender prices expressed in the amounts in various currencies in which the Tender prices are payable to Kenya Shillings at the selling exchange rate established for similar transactions by the Central Bank of Kenya ruling on the date specified in the Tender Page 21 of 89 Data Sheet. Comparison of Tenders 30.1 30.2 30.3 National Preference 31.1 Determination of the winning evaluated Tender Post-qualification of Tenderer 32.1 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 The Procuring Entity shall evaluate and compare only the Tenders determined to be substantially responsive in accordance with ITT Clause 28. In evaluating the Tenders, the Procuring Entity will determine for each Tender the evaluated Tender price by adjusting the Tender price as follows: Making any correction for errors pursuant to ITT Clause 29; Excluding provisional sums and the provision, if any for contingencies in the Bill of Quantities, but including Day work , where priced competitively ; and Making appropriate adjustments to reflect discounts or other price modifications offered in accordance with sub-Clause 24.5. The Procuring Entity may waive any minor informality or nonconformity, which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative standing of any Tenderer. Variations, deviations, and alternative offers and other factors, which are in excess of the requirements of the Tendering documents or otherwise result in unsolicited benefits for the Procuring Entity will not be taken into account in Tender evaluation. There will be no national preference except to the effect and substance as contained in the Tender Data Sheet. The Tender with the highest combined technical and financial score evaluated from among those which are eligible, compliant and substantially responsive shall be the winning evaluated Tender. If specified in the Tender Data Sheet, post-qualification shall be undertaken. The Procuring Entity will determine to its satisfaction whether the Tenderer that is selected as having submitted the winning evaluated responsive Tender is qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily, in accordance with the criteria listed in sub-Clause 13.3. The determination will take into account the Tenderer’s financial, technical, and production capabilities. It will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the Tenderer’s qualifications submitted by the Tenderer, pursuant to sub-Clause 13.3, as well as such other information as the Procuring Entity deems necessary and appropriate. Factors not included in these Tendering documents shall not be used in the evaluation of the Tenderer’s qualifications. An affirmative determination will be a prerequisite for award of the contract to the Tenderer. A negative determination will result in rejection of the Tenderer’s Tender, in which event the Procuring Entity will proceed to the next highest evaluated tender to make a similar determination of that Tenderer’s capabilities to perform satisfactorily. Award of Contract Criteria of Award 34.1 Subject to ITT Clause 35 and 36, the Procuring Entity will award the Contract to the Tenderer whose Tender has been determined to be substantially responsive to the Tendering documents and who has offered the winning evaluated tender Price, provided that such Tenderer has been determined to be: a) Eligible in accordance with the provisions of ITT Clause 3; b) Is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily; c) Successful negotiations have been concluded. Page 22 of 89 Clarifications 35.1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Clarifications may be undertaken with the winning evaluated tenderer relating to the following areas: A minor alteration to the technical details of the statement of requirements; Reduction of quantities for budgetary reasons, where the reduction is in excess of any provided for in the Tendering documents; A minor amendment to the Contract Data Sheet; Finalizing payment arrangements; Mobilization arrangements; Agreeing final delivery or work schedule to accommodate any changes required by the Procuring Entity; The methodology or staffing; or Clarifying details that were not apparent or could not be finalized at the time of Tendering. 35.2 Clarifications shall not change the substance of the tender. 36.1 Notwithstanding ITT Clause 35, the Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender, and to cancel the Tendering process and reject all Tenders, at any time prior to the award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers. 36.2 Notice of the rejection of all Tenders shall be given promptly within 14 days to all Contractors that have submitted Tenders. 36.3 The Procuring Entity shall upon request communicate to any Tenderer the grounds for its rejection of its Tenders, but is not required to justify those grounds. Procuring Entities Right to Vary Quantities at the Time of Award 37.1 Notification of Award 38.1 The Procuring Entity reserves the right at the time of contract award to increase or decrease the quantity of goods or related services originally specified in these Tendering documents (schedule of requirements) provided this does not exceed by the percentage indicated in the Tender Data Sheet, without any change in unit price or other terms and conditions of the Tender and Tendering documents. The Tenderer whose Tender has been accepted will be notified of the award by the Procuring Entity prior to expiration of the Tender validity period by e-mail or facsimile confirmed by registered letter. This letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract called the "Letter of Acceptance") will state the sum that the Procuring Entity will pay the Contractor in consideration of the provision and maintenance of the Work(s) as prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Contract called the “Contract Price”). The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract, subject to the Tenderer furnishing the Performance Security in accordance with ITT Clause 41 and signing the Contract in accordance with sub-Clause 40.2 Procuring Entity’s Right to Accept any Tender and to Reject any or all Tenders 38.2 38.3 At the same time as the person submitting the successful Tender is notified, the Procuring Entity will notify each unsuccessful Tenderer, the name of the successful Tenderer and the Contract amount and will discharge the Tender Security and Tender Securing Declaration of the Tenderer pursuant to ITT sub Clause 19.7 If, after notification of award, a Tenderer wishes to ascertain the grounds on which it’s Tender or application for pre-qualification was unsuccessful, it should address its request to the secretary of the Tender Committee that authorized the award of contract. The secretary of the Tender Committee shall, within fourteen days after a request, provide written reasons as to why the Tender, proposal or application Page 23 of 89 to be pre-qualified was unsuccessful. However, failure to take this opportunity to clarify the grounds for rejection does not affect the Tenderer’s right to seek immediate review by the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board under Clause 45. Signing of Contract 39.1 39.2 Performance Security 40.1 40.2 Promptly, and in no case later than 14 days, after notification, Procuring Entity shall send the successful Tenderer the Agreement and Contract Data Sheet, incorporating all agreements between the parties obtained as a result of Contract negotiations. Within the period specified in the notification or Tender Data Sheet but not earlier than fourteen (14) days since notification of award of contract, the successful Tenderer shall sign and date the contract and return it to the Procuring Entity. Within thirty (30) days but after 14 days after receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the successful Tenderer shall deliver to the Procuring Entity a Performance Security in the amount and in the form stipulated in the Tender Data Sheet and the Contract Data Sheet, denominated in the type and proportions of currencies in the Letter of Acceptance and in accordance with the Conditions of Contract. If the Performance Security is provided by the successful Tenderer in the form of a Bank Guarantee or Insurance Bond, it shall be issued either: a) At the Tenderer’s option, by a bank or insurance firm located in Kenya, or a foreign bank or insurance firm through a correspondent bank or insurance firm located in Kenya; b) With the consent of the Procuring entity, directly by a foreign bank acceptable to the Procuring entity. 40.3 Advance Payment Adjudicator 41.1 Failure of the successful Tenderer to comply with the requirement of sub-Clause 41.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Tender Security, in which event the Procuring Entity may make the award to the next winning evaluated tenderer or call for new Tenders. The Procuring Entity will provide an Advance Payment as stipulated in the Conditions of Contract, subject to a maximum amount, as stated in the Tender Data Sheet. 41.2 The Advance Payment request shall be accompanied by an Advance Payment Security (Guarantee) in the form provided in Section X. For the purpose of receiving the Advance Payment, the Tenderer shall make an estimate of, and include in its Tender, the expenses that will be incurred in order to commence work. These expenses will relate to the purchase of equipment, machinery, materials, and on the engagement of labour during the first month beginning with the date of the Procuring Entity’s “Notice to Commence” as specified in the Contract Data Sheet. 42.1 The Procuring Entity proposes the person named in the Tender Data Sheet to be appointed as Adjudicator under the Contract. If the Tenderer disagrees with this proposal, the Tenderer should so state in the Tender. If, in the Letter of Acceptance, the Procuring Entity has not agreed on the appointment of the Adjudicator, the Adjudicator shall be appointed by the Appointing Authority designated in the Contract Data Sheet at the request of either party. Page 24 of 89 Review of Procurement Decisions Right to Review 43.1 A Tenderer who claims to have suffered or risk suffering, loss or damage or injury as a result of breach of a duty imposed on a Procuring Entity or an Approving Authority by the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005 and the Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations 2006, the procurement proceedings or processes, may seek administrative review as prescribed by the Act. The following matters, however, shall not be subject to the administrative review: a) The choice of procurement method; b) a decision by the Procuring Entity to reject all Tenders, proposals or quotations; c) Where a contract is signed in accordance to Section 68 of the Public Procurement and Disposal Act,2005; d) Where an appeal is frivolous. Time Limit on Review 44.1 Submission of Applications for Review by the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board 45.1 45.2 The Tenderer shall submit an application for review in the number of copies and pay fees as prescribed by the Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations 2006 within fourteen (14) days of the time the Tenderer became or should have become aware of the circumstances giving rise to the complaint or dispute. Any application for administrative review shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary, Public Procurement Administrative Review Board on Form RB 1 at the address shown in the Tender Data Sheet. The secretary to the review board shall immediately after filing of the request, serve a copy thereof on the Procuring Entity or DirectorGeneral as the case may be. The application for administrative review shall be in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 73 of the Public Procurement and Disposals Regulations, 2006, including: a) Reasons for the complaint ,including any alleged breach of the Act or Regulations; b) An explanation of how the provisions of the Act and or Regulation has been breached or omitted, including the dates and name of the responsible public officer, where known; c) Statements or other evidence supporting the complaint where available as the applicant considers necessary in support of its request; d) Remedies sought; e) Any other information relevant to the complaint. Decision by the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board 46.1 The Administrative Review Board shall within thirty days after receipt of an application for administrative review deliver a written decision which shall indicate: a) Annulling anything the Procuring Entity has done in the procurement proceedings, including annulling the procurement proceedings in their entirety; b) Giving directions to the Procuring Entity with respect to anything to be done or redone in the procurement proceedings; c) Substituting the decision of the Review Board for any decision of the Procuring Entity in the procurement proceedings; d) Order the payment of costs as between parties to the review. Page 25 of 89 Appeal on the decision of the Review Board 46.2 The decision made by the Review Board shall, be final and binding on the parties unless judicial review thereof commences within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Review Board’s decision. 47.1 Any party to the review aggrieved by the decision of the Review Board may appeal to the High Court and the decision of the High Court shall be final. Page 26 of 89 SECTION III: TENDER DATA SHEET Page 27 of 89 Tender Data Sheet (TDS) Instructions to Tenderers Clause Reference TDS ITT Reference Clause Number Number A. Introduction The Procuring Entity is: The Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). 1 1. 1.1 . 2. Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the Instruction to Tenderers 1.1 2. 3. 1.2 . 4. 1.3 . 5. 3.1 7 . 6. 7.1 7. 7.5 . 8. 7.6 Name of Project is SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF 2 2NO. PANORAMIC LIFTS AND ASSOCIATED CIVIL WORKS AT BANDARI COLLEGE The expected completion date of 3 the works is (six) 6 months. The Objectives of the Project are: 4 to provide 2No. passenger panoramic lifts at Bandari college for students, staff and other users This invitation to tender is open to contractors who are Duly Authorized Local agents of manufacturers of panoramic lifts and who shall demonstrate Technical and Financial capability to execute the works envisaged in the tender document and are eligible electrical contractors registered with Ministry of Energy’s ERC Class A2 and National Construction Authority Specialist Contractors Minimum NCA 5 There shall be a pre-planned site visit on Thursday, 10th April, 2014 starting from 1000Hours. Interested and eligible candidates shall be required to gather at the Bandari College Amphitheatre located in Bandari College. All bidders shall be required to sign an attendance register as evidence of having participated in the site visit. Bidders who shall not turn up for the pre – planned site visit shall make their own arrangements to visit the site. Non – attendance shall not lead to disqualification. The minutes of the pre-Tender 1meeting will be transmitted within [Three (3 days)] Non-attendance at the pre-tender meeting will not result in disqualification B. Tendering Documents 9. 8.2 The number of copies to be completed and returned with the Tender is 1 i.e. One ORIGINAL and Two (2) COPIES 10. 8.1 Address for clarification of Tendering Document is The Secretary, Corporation Tender Committee, Kenya Ports Authority, Mombasa, KENYA Tel +254 041 2113600/999 Fax: +254-041-2226721 Email: 11. 9.2 Period to Respond to request for clarification by the Procuring Entity [2- days] 12. 10.1 Period Prior to deadline for submission of Tenders for Tenderers to request clarification [seven (7) days] C. Preparation of Tenders 13. 11.1 Language of Tender and all correspondence shall be English Page 28 of 89 14. 12.1 Other information or materials required to be completed and submitted by Tenderers : Tenders shall be submitted in a two envelope systems (Envelope A Technical Submission and Envelope B - financial Submission) the two sealed envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope bearing the tender number and name and a statement ‘ DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 1000 HOURS ON THURSDAY, 24TH APRIL, 2014’ Envelope A shall contain the Technical submission and shall be clearly marked “Envelope A – Technical Submission”. Envelope A shall contain NO indication of the tender price or other financial information of the bid and: Shall have a table of contents pages clearly indicating Sections and Page Numbers. The various sections shall be highlighted and arranged in the format below and Shall have pages in the whole document numbered in the correct sequence and all pages MUST be initialled. THIS IS A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT AND TENDERS WITHOUT PAGE NUMBERS SHALL BE DISQUALIFIED. Section 1. Profile 2. Manufacturer’s Authorization And certification Requirements Particulars of Tendering Company including the Company background, statutory registration documents e.g. Taxpayer Registration Certificate, Valid County Single Business Permit and a Valid /Current Tax Compliance certificate (TCC3) for the Bidder.(MANDATORY) Duly filled, signed and stamped Confidential Business Questionnaire (MANDATORY). Duly filled, signed and stamped Anti-Corruption Declaration Commitment/ Pledge (MANDATORY). A Valid and Current Ministry of Energy’s ERC Class A2 license (MANDATORY). National Construction Authority (NCA), Specialist Contractors category, Minimum NCA 5 (MANDATORY). Civil subcontractor NCA 6 (MANDATORY). Original Manufacturer’s Authorization Form for the lifts in the format provided in the tender document - where the bidder is not the manufacturer of the lifts quoted for (MANDATORY). Must submit a certified Copy of EN 81 Compliance from the Manufacturing Factory. (MANDATORY). 3. Tender Security Original Tender Security of Kenya Shillings Two Hundred Thousand (Kshs. 200,000.00) in the form of a Banker’s guarantee or an Insurance Company Guarantee issued by an insurance firm approved by the Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA), cash, letter of credit or guarantee by a deposit taking microfinance institution, Sacco society, the Youth Enterprise Development Fund or the Women Enterprise Fund valid Page 29 of 89 for 120 days from the date of tender opening in the format provided in the tender document (MANDATORY). 4. Experience 5. Technical Specifications and Technical schedules Tenderers Experience In Similar works Provide evidence to demonstrate that the bidder have previously installed similar lifts and have adequate technical knowledge and practical experience in the last 5 years. The Manufacturer must have minimum 10 years’ experience of manufacturing lifts. Proof including site details, technical brochures must be included with the tender. List and contact details of sites where the bidder has installed similar lifts complete with brief description of project scope, contract value, and Contract period. Site Visit may be requested to prove the same. (Use the table format provided in Confidential Business Questionnaire part D) reference letters from the clients shall be an added advantage. Qualifications and Experience of Key Projects Staff proposed for the Project (Team Leader, CoTeam Leader, and other Engineers) provide a list, attach Curriculum Vitae (Use the table format provided in Confidential Business Questionnaire part E) and attach certified copies of professional and academic certificates. Key equipment proposed for the works and evidence of ownership or lease (Provide a list and attach evidence of ownership or lease). The Manufacturers must have ISO 9001 quality assurance Certification or equivalent certification (MANDATORY). Detailed Specifications and information of lifts which the Contractor intends to install. Detailed Information Brochures of the lifts and details of manufacturer and their country of origin, CE conformity certificate etc. Statement of adherence to technical specifications. This should be in form of a clause-by-clause commentary on the Procuring Entity’s Technical Specifications demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the specifications. A statement of deviations and exceptions to the provisions of the Technical Specifications. Tenderer’s Technical Specifications shall not be a reproduction of the Procuring Entity’s specifications. The schedule of deviations should be accompanied by a commentary of how they enhance the operational efficiency, cost effectiveness, maintainability, and Page 30 of 89 durability, environmental and economic advantages. 6. Methodology and work plan Work plan for design, building, shipping, delivery, testing and commissioning in descriptive Gantt chart format. 7. Under-takings A written undertaking: a. That the proposed components are of standard non-customized type, which is likely to remain, readily available throughout the working life of the installation at least for a minimum of 25 years. (MANDATORY) b. to supply the lifts accompanied by all necessary manuals from the original manufacturer of each major component to be of good quality, plastic covered, and in the English language required to operate and maintain the lifts and in three (3) copies for each of the following categories: - Operation, - Maintenance and Parts (MANDATORY) c. Details that the bidder intends to carry out their part of the obligations during the duration of Warranty (defects liability) period - 12 months after commissioning and how it shall be carried out (MANDATORY). d. Bidder shall submit the right information brochures relevant to and in compliance to the technical specifications of the Items offered. (MANDATORY) 8. Major Component Manufacturer Documentation Form 9. Defects liability period support plan 10. Spare Parts 11. Financial Capacity This should list the major components used on the lifts, their manufacturers’ details to include name, address & location, contacts and name of the contact person where applicable and be submitted in the format provided in the tender document (MANDATORY) (NOTE: The manufacturer’s engineer shall give a minimum 4 months on site technical support as long as the Procuring entity has given notice to require their presence. Thereafter, the manufacturer’s engineer shall be availed on site within 48 hours of notification) (MANDATORY) Recommended list of Tools and Spares to be supplied with the lifts for three year's preventive maintenance consumption after the 12 months Defect Liability period (MANDATORY) FINANCIAL CAPABILITY (MANDATORY) In particular the bidders shall submit financial statements for the last three (3) years i.e. 2010, 2011 and 2012 or (2011, 2012 and 2013). The financial statements submitted should be audited by a registered auditor and Page 31 of 89 certified as true copies of the originals and should comprise but not limited to: - a statement of financial position, a statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, a statement of cash flows, a statement of changes in equity and explanatory notes to the accounts. Further, bidders shall be required to submit evidence of:i. Evidence of access to credit lines, indicating the credit limits (valid and current reference letters from reputable financial institutions) ii. Access to or availability of financial resources such as liquid assets, cash reserves, unencumbered real assets (indicating the values) and other financial means other than any contractual advance payments. iii. Financial statements shall not be fabricated for tendering purposes and bidders who don’t comply with this requirement shall not be considered for further evaluation. Bidders in joint ventures must all submit their financial statements and complete the Financial Data for 3 Years. 12. Accompanyin g technical documents 13. Information regarding litigation, Operator manuals, Maintenance manuals etc Any other item and information which the Tenderer considers may support his technical proposal.(MANDATORY) (Litigation history in the last ten years in the format provided) (MANDATORY) Envelope B shall contain: i. ii. iii. iv. 16 13.1 Form of Tender.(MANDATORY) Priced Bill Of quantities in format provided in the tender document with rates and prices for all items including preliminary items (MANDATORY) Cost of spare-parts to be used for one year’s preventive maintenance after warranty period. (MANDATORY) Priced list of major spare parts, listed tools Accessories and consumables (MANDATORY) Minimum qualifying criteria shall be 80% of the marks in the technical evaluation (Envelope A). The marks shall be distributed as follows: ITEM Adherence to Technical Specification (Only bids that meet a score of 80% i.e 48 out of 60 of the technical specification score shall be considered) Adherence to Technical Specifications as in Tender Document for the panoramic lifts; Page 32 of 89 Rating % 60 Elevator general data (20 Marks) Car (10 Marks) Car doors (10 Marks) Control System (10 Marks) Drive system/machinery (10 Marks) Tenderer’s experience 15 Company Profiles Curriculum Vitae of Key staff Equipment capability Experience in similar works as proposed by KPA, give at least five(5) sites and referees of installations in the last five years Proposed Method statement and program (work method and schedule) for the whole of the Works presented in Gantt chart format depicting organizational capability and experience for execution of similar projects Detailed after sales support plan and Warranty. Proposed training for the clients personnel local training Factory training FATs Audited Accounts for the last three years 2010, 2011 and 2012 or (2011,2012 and 2013) TOTAL 10 5 10 100 17 13.2 In the case of joint venture each partner shall submit information required under Clause ITT Clause 13.2 and a copy of the joint venture agreement entered into by all partners shall be submitted. 18 15.3 The price shall be fixed. Variations shall be governed by the Public Procurement & Disposal Act, 2005 and its Regulations of 2006. 19 16.1 The currency in which the prices shall be quoted shall be: Kenya Shilling or United States Dollars 20 16.2 The authority for establishing the rates of exchange shall be Central Bank of Kenya. The applicable date for exchange rates for tendering and evaluation purposes is 28 days earlier than the final deadline for the submission of tenders. 21 22 17.1 18.1 The Tender validity period shall be 90 days. The amount of Tender Security shall be Kenya Shillings Two Hundred Thousand (Kshs. 200,000.00) in the form of a Banker’s guarantee or an Insurance Company Guarantee issued by an insurance firm approved by the Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA), cash, letter of credit or guarantee by a deposit taking microfinance institution, Sacco society, the Youth Page 33 of 89 23 19.1 24 19.2 Enterprise Development Fund or the Women Enterprise Fund valid for 120 days from the date of tender opening in the format provided in the tender document In addition to submitting the original Tender, the Tenderer should submit two copies of the original Tender Written confirmation of authorization are Sealed Power of Attorney authorising the signatory to commit the tenderer D. Submission of Tenders 25 26 20.2 a) 20.2 b) 27 21.1 28 21.3 29 23.4 Tenders shall be submitted to: Tender Box No. 7 located at the BUS TERMINUS, PORT MAIN PEDESTRIAN GATE NO.8, KILINDINI, MOMBASA BEFORE 1000 HOURS ON THURSDAY, 24TH APRIL, 2014 Bulky tenders shall be submitted at the office of Head of Procurement & Supplies located on the 4th floor of office Block III at the Kenya Ports Authority Headquarters, Kipevu, Kilindini Mombasa BEFORE 1000 HOURS ON THURSDAY, 24TH APRIL, 2014 Project name: SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF 2NO. PANORAMIC LIFTS AND ASSOCIATED CIVIL WORKS AT BANDARI COLLEGE Tender number : KPA/095/2013-14/EE Time and date for submission, BEFORE 1000 HOURS ON THURSDAY, 24TH APRIL, 2014 The deadline for Tender submission is BEFORE 1000 HOURS ON THURSDAY, 24TH APRIL, 2014 The extension of the deadline for submission of Tenders shall be made not later than 7days; normally not more than seven days] before the expiry of the original deadline. Expiry of Tender validity is 90 days from tender opening date. E. Opening and Evaluation of Tenders 31 31.1 The Tender opening shall take place as follows: from 1030Hours at the Procurement Conference Room located at the New Service Area (Kapenguria), in the former Supplies Accounts, Kenya Ports Authority, Kilindini and Tenderers or their representatives may attend Additional Preference [Nil] 32 33.1 Post- qualification will be undertaken where KPA deems it necessary 33 37.1 Percentage for quantities increase or decrease will be as deemed necessary by the Procuring Entity. 30 24.1 F. Award of Contract 34 40.1 The amount of Performance Security shall be [10% of the contract price]in the form of a Bank guarantee for an equivalent amount in the format provided 35 41.1 36 42.1 The Advance Payment shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) percent of the Contract Price] and in any event shall be covered by a Bank guarantee for an equivalent amount in the format provided. The proposed adjudicator for the project is: The chairman Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Kenya Branch Page 34 of 89 G. Review of Procurement Decisions 37 46.1 The address for submitting appeals to Administrative Review Board : The Secretary, Public Procurement Administrative Review Board , The Public Procurement Oversight Authority, 10th Floor ,National Bank House, P.O. Box 58583-00200, NAIROBI, Kenya. Tel: +254 (0) 20 3244000Email: Website: Page 35 of 89 SECTION IV: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The Conditions of Contract shall be : A: MAIN ELECTROMECHANICAL WORKS CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (Including erection on site) PART I – GENERAL CONDITIONS PART I – General Conditions, shall be those forming Part I of the “Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works – Including Erection on Site, Third Edition 1987, re-printed 1988 with Editorial Amendments” prepared by the Federation International des Ingenieurs – conseils (FIDIC). The Conditions are subject to variations and additions set out in Part II hereof entitled “Special Conditions”. i. The Special Conditions take precedence over the General Conditions of Contract. ii. Copies of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract can be obtained from: FIDIC Secretariat P.O.Box 86 1000 Lausanne 12 Switzerland Fax: 41 21 653 5432 Telephone 41 21 653 5003 Page 36 of 89 PREAMBLE TO GENERAL CONDITIONS This Preamble, the General Conditions, the Special Conditions, Technical Specification, Employer’s and Contractor’s Drawings and Technical Literature, Schedules and Bills of Quantities and other documents constitute the Contract documents. The clauses and sub-clauses mentioned here are from the FIDIC conditions of Contract for Mechanical and Electrical Works. Commencement Date Sub-Clause 1.1.1 (i) The date for commencement of the works is 14 days from the date of letter of notification by the employer subject to receipt of a letter of acceptance The Employer Sub Clause 1.1.12 The employer is: KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY P.O. Box 95246-80104 Mombasa The Engineer Sub-Clause 1.1.15 General Manager Infrastructure Development Kenya Ports Authority P.O. Box 95009-80104 Mombasa Time for Completion Sub-clause 1.1.35 The Time for Completion from the Commencement Date will be agreed at the time of tender award Contractor’s Profit Sub-Clause 1.6 The percentage to cover profit entitlement, where appropriate, is 18%. Ruling Language Sub-Clause 5.1 The version in English language (ruling language) shall prevail. Day to day Communications Sub-Clause 5.2 The language for day to day communications is English. Programme to be Furnished Sub-Clause 12.1 The Programme must be submitted in the form of GANTT Chart and Method Statement. Electricity, Water, Gas and Other Services Sub-Clause 14.3 Supplies on the site are: a. Electricity: Shall be supplied by the Employer b. Water: Shall be supplied by the Employer c. Other Services: The Employer shall not provide any other services. Employer’s Equipment Sub-Clause 14.4 The Employer will not avail for use by the Contractor any equipment Working Hours Sub-Clause 18.3 The normal working hours are 0800Hours to 1700Hours Monday to Friday Delay in Completion Sub-clause 27.1 Failure to meet the Time for Completion entitles the Employer to reduction in Contract Price as follows: Kshs. 100,000.00 per day Maximum Kshs. NO LIMIT Page 37 of 89 Prolonged Delay Sub-Clause 27.2 Maximum amount recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer: 110% of the value of uncompleted work. Terms of Payment Sub-Clause 33.1 In addition to the provisions under Clause 33, the terms of payment shall be on the basis of payment Schedule (if any) annexed to this Preamble. Payment in Foreign Currencies Sub-Clause 35.1 Payment in foreign currencies shall be arranged as follows: Shall be in US DOLLARS or equivalent Rates of Exchange Sub-Clause 35.3 The rates of Exchange for the purpose of the Contract are: Not Applicable. Payment against Provisional Sums Minimum Liability Sub-Clause 36.4 (b) The percentage to be applied to Provisional. Nil Sub-Clause 42.2 The maximum liability of the Contractor to the Employer shall be Contract sum. Insurance of Works Sub-Clause 43.1 The deductible limits in the insurance cover of the Works shall not exceed 10% Sub-Clause 43.1 (a) The additional risks to be insured are: 110% of the value of loss of damage Third Party Liability Sub-Clause 43.3 The amount of insurance against third party liability taken out by the Contractor shall not be less than: Kshs. 200,000.00 Payment on Termination for Employer’s Default Sub-Clause 46.3 The additional amount payable by the Employer on termination shall not exceed : Kshs.100,000.00 Labour, Materials and Transport Sub-Clause 47.1 The method of Calculating adjustments for changes in costs shall be: Adjustments for changes in the cost of labour, materials, transport or other costs shall not be allowed. Notices to Employer and Engineer Sub-Clause 49.2 The address of the Employer for notices is: THE SECRETARY, CORPORATION TENDER COMMITTEE KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY P. O. BOX 95246-80104 TEL: +254-41-2113999/3600, FAX: +254-41-2226721 E-MAIL: Applicable Law Sub-Clause 51.1 The applicable law is the laws of the Republic of Kenya. Procedural Law for Sub-Clause 51.2 Page 38 of 89 Arbitration The Procedural Law for arbitration is the laws of the Republic of Kenya. Language and place of Arbitration Sub-Clause 51.3 The language of arbitration is English language. The place of arbitration is Mombasa Kenya. Page 39 of 89 PART II – SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The Conditions of Contract comprise the “General Conditions of Contract” and the following “Special Conditions of Contract” which include amendments and additions to the “General Conditions of Contract” and the Special Conditions of Contract. The provisions in the “General Conditions of Contract” shall apply unless modified in Sub-Section 3.3: special Conditions of Contract”. (The Clauses referred to in Part II – Section A are those where the provision in the General Conditions (Part I) refer to an alternative solution to be stated in Part II. The provisions in the General Conditions will apply unless an alternative solution is given in Part II – Section A.) Table 3.1 Ser General ial Conditions No. Clause No. 01 1.1.12 Brief Description Modification Employer The Employer shall be: Kenya Ports Authority P. O. Box 95009-80104 Tel. No. +245-41-2311867 Fax No. +254-41-2226721 Email: The Engineer shall be: General Manager Infrastructure Development P. O. Box 95246-80104 Tel. No. +245-41-2311867 Fax No. +254-41-2226721 Email: The Defects Notification Period shall be 12 months. 02 1.1.15 Engineer 04 1.1.11 05 4 (Sub-clause 6.6.) 06 9.0 Defects Notification Period Operation and Maintenance Manuals Price Variation 07 10.1 Performance Security 08 Invitation Tender Validity Period 09 25.1 Time for completion Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be in English language. 9.1 Contract price variations shall not be allowed for contracts not exceeding one year (12 months) 9.2 Where contract price variation is allowed, the variation shall not exceed 25% of the original contract price. 9.3 Price variation requests shall be processed by the procuring entity within 30 days of receiving the request. Performance Security shall be 10% of the Contract sum in the form of a bank guarantee in the format provided The Tender shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of submission. The time for completion shall be agreed at the time of Tender Award. The scope of work shall include: 1. This part of the contract shall comprise the supply delivery, erection, testing, commissioning and setting to work of all engineering installation works as detailed in Page 40 of 89 these specifications and the accompanying contract drawings. 2. 10 26.3 Earlier Completion 11 - Currency of Payments Terms of Payment Sub-Clause 33.1 The contractor shall include all apparatus and appliances not particularly called for in this specification or on the contract drawings but which are necessary for completion and satisfactory function of the contract works. No claim for extra payment shall be entertained from the contractor due to his failure to adhere to the above requirement. There will be no extra sum paid for partial or full completion earlier than the stated Time for Completion. Currency shall be Kenya Shillings or US Dollars. In addition to the provisions under Clause 33, the terms of payment shall be on the following: i. On Signing of Contract Advance payment of 15% of the contract price against an approved advance payment Bank guarantee. ii. 45% of contract price upon receipt of evidence of shipping.; Clean Bill of Lading shall be provided by the contractor, evidencing the shipment of the materials iii. 20% of contract price upon installation. iv. 10% of contract price upon commissioning. v. 10% of contract price - Retention money on expiry of warranty period - (The release of the 10% retention money can be replaced with a warranty bond covering the warranty period, issued by a reputable bank with operations in Kenya and approved by the Procuring Entity). 12 - Sufficiency of Contract Prices, Materials, Labour, Programme etc a) The Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to the conditions of working at the site in KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY and have obtained all necessary information on all matters and things that may in any way influence them in making his Tender and completing the Schedules and to have satisfied himself as to the risks, obligations and responsibilities to be undertaken in entering into the Contract. b) The Contractor is deemed to have inquired into and satisfied himself as the sources of supply, the sufficiency of and the means of obtaining and transporting all plant, materials, labour, fuel, water, electricity and other things required for or in connection with the work and to have considered all matters as possible contingencies affecting the execution and completion of the work Page 41 of 89 13 - Bribery Any commission, advantage, gift, gratuity, reward or bribe given, promised or offered by or on behalf of the contractor or his agent or servant or any other person on his or their behalf to any officer, servant, representative or agent of the Employer shall be in addition to any criminal liability which may be thereby incurred subject to the Contractor to the cancellation of this and all other contracts which he may have entered into with the Employer of any loss or damage resulting from such cancellation The Employer shall be entitled upon a certificate in writing of the Engineer to deduct the amounts so certified from any monies otherwise due to the Contractor recover the said amounts as a debt due or partly the one and partly the other as the Employer shall deem advisable. 14 - First Aid Facilities The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the Site adequate and easily accessible first aid facilities for treatment of all personnel and work-people in case of accidents during the execution of the works under the Contract and such equipment as may be required in any relevant laws and regulations for the time being in force. 15 - Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting 16 - Regulations and site Discipline 17 - Register of Employees The places where these items are kept shall be prominently marked. A sufficient number of the Contractor’s employees shall be fully qualified in first aid so that a person so qualified is immediately available in case of accident at any time and at any place and the persons so designated shall be made known to all employees by the posting of their names and designation in a prominent position on the Site. Any order from the engineer as to extensions of or alterations to such first aid facilities or services shall be promptly carried out. The Contractor shall provide, maintain and at all times carry a suitable first aid kit in each of his supervisory transport vehicles. The Contractor shall take necessary precautions to prevent any damage due to fire. The precautions shall include but not limited to the installation and maintenance of fire extinguishers in key positions in or near the buildings. Such arrangements shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate fire service officer. The Contractor shall obey all Government of Kenya, Local authority and Kenya Ports Authority regulations and all other regulations which may from time to time require his observance and he shall instruct his agents, servants and other employees to obey such regulations; the Contractor shall be responsible for keeping discipline of the Site. The Contractor shall keep on the site a detailed register in the form required by the Engineer of all persons employed upon the Works, including Sub- Page 42 of 89 contractors and their employees, containing the names, usual and temporary address, trade and rate of pay of each such person. The register shall be available for inspection by the Engineer whenever required. 18 - Disorderly Conduct etc The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst his employees and for the preservation of peace and protection of persons and property in the neighbourhood of the Works against the same and shall not interfere with members of any authorized Police Force who shall have free and undisputed access at all times to any part of the Works in the performance of their duties. 19 - Consent by Authorities The contractor shall obtain and fill in all notices and forms required by the Authorities and shall obtain all consents where necessary for the various works being executed and shall pay all fees in connection therewith. 20 - Declaration Against Waiver The condonation by the Employer of any breach or breaches by the contractor or an authorized SubContractor of any of the stipulations and conditions contained in the Contract shall in no way prejudice, or effect or be construed as a waiver of the Employer’s rights, powers and remedies under the Contract in respect of any breach or breaches aforesaid. Page 43 of 89 SECTION V: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.1. These specifications describe the basic requirements for equipment. Tenderers are requested to submit with their offers the detailed specifications, drawings, catalogues, etc for the products they intend to supply. 5.1.2. Tenderers must indicate on the specifications sheets whether the equipment offered comply with each specific requirement. 5.1.3. All the dimensions and capacities of the equipment to be supplied shall not be less than those required in these specifications. Deviations from the basic requirements, if any, shall be explained in detail in writing with the offer, with supporting data such as calculation sheets, etc. The Authority reserves the right to reject the products, if such deviations shall be found critical to the use and operation of the products 5.1.4. The tenderers are requested to present information along with their offers as follows; Information on proper representative and/or workshop for back-up service/repair and maintenance including their names and addresses Page 44 of 89 5.2 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS FOR BANDARI COLLEGE PANORAMIC PASSENGER LIFT 5.2.1. The work for installation of new PANORAMIC LIFT at Bandari college shall involve: 5.2.2 Construction of the shaft (Hoist way). Supply and Installation of 2 new Panoramic Lifts Testing, commissioning and handing over to KPA. The criteria to be used in selecting a suitable Panoramic Lift include: 5.2.3. Space efficiency , the lift shall be Machine Room Less Adequate passenger transportation capacity Short waiting times. Oral/voice announcement in elevator car Comfort, convenient and quiet operation or very soft music. Safety. Attractive and environmentally friendly design. Reliability and efficiency. Ease of maintenance Energy saving: instruments for monitoring power factor to be provided. Prioritized selected floors Detailed information as requested in the technical specifications requirements. The Main Features of the PANORAMIC LIFT:- Passenger Panoramic Lift Car Must be designed to endure heavy passenger traffic; they must be comfortable. The touch buttons and signal equipment must be ergonomically designed for easy observation and use. Car levelling shall be within plus or minus 3mm. Bidders shall specify the guaranteed tolerance under all loading conditions. Lamps shall be of the energy saving type. Power-operated doors The two-panel centre opening doors must be AC power operated with effective safety devices. The safety devices shall include retractable safety edge or electronic detector and a door pressure switch. The door shall have durable enamel coatings or other surface materials. The door hold-open time shall be controlled by a photocell or other specifies electronic circuits. Control system The Panoramic Lifts shall incorporate a well-planned and efficient control system. Each landing must have up and down buttons and lift must respond to calls selectively. The panoramic lift is to automatically home in to the lobby level to cater for incoming traffic although at the end of the day the panoramic lift must park at the top landing for security reasons. It shall be possible to control traffic using state of art of information technology/electronic equipment to improve safety, and reduce waiting times. Page 45 of 89 The controls should operate reliably and efficiently without being adversely affected by heat, cold, dust, or humidity. Drive System In order to improve on energy conservation the drive shall be gearless variable voltage and Variable frequency controlled type with rated speed of approximately 1.0m/s and shall be vibration free. Installation, testing and commissioning Qualified staff shall carry out the installation work competently in accordance with international and local standards. At the completion of the installation the plant shall be inspected, tested and certified as statutorily required. Maintenance The supplier must have highly skilled and efficient maintenance procedures in place to minimize lift down time. Therefore the bidders are required to submit a proposal for maintenance of the equipment. The charges shall be clearly specified for the lifts on offer. Summary of Lift Specifications To be completed for type of Panoramic Lift offered and submitted as part of the tender document by bidders. SUMMARY OF LIFT SPECIFICATIONS Requirement Bidders Offer 1 Elevator general data 1.1 Make Bidders to specify (for the PANORAMIC LIFT and for each major item) 1.2 Country of origin Bidders to specify (for the panoramic lift and for each major item) 1.3 Travel height Approx 20 meters 1.4 Number of One car group elevators/group 1.5 Load Approx 1000kg 1.6 Travel speed –m/s 1m/s 1.7 Stops/openings 5stops / 5landings 1.8 Roping 2-1 2 Car 2.1 Side wall KPA skin-plate-colour to approval (Bidders to include types) 2.2 Front Wall KPA skin-plate-colour to approval (Bidders to include types) 2.3 Ceiling type Full flat honeycomb diffuser or full ceiling lighting with energy saving lamps. 2.4 Mirror Smoked finish, half-height on side walls. 2.5 Handrail Round brushed stainless steel Page 46 of 89 on two walls. Anti-slip linoleum or rubbercolour side Extractor 240V 50Hz 2.6 Floor finish 2.7 Fan plus vents Other apparatus Other apparatus 2.8 2.9 3 Car door 3.1 Type 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Door opening Door height Door width Interior Finish 3.6 Safety devices 4 Landing door 4.1 Type 4.2 Finish Entrance Telephone Oral/voice announcement in elevator car Fully automatic AC power operated, two panel quieter centre-opening. centre-opening Approx. 2100mm Approx. 900mm Laminate and Brushed stainless steel Full height infra-red retractable safety edge or higher reliability electronic detectors and a door pressure switch Door photocell (Light Ray Sensor) Closing force limiter Appropriate keys Center-opening, approx. 900mm clear opening KPA skin plate-colour to approval Splayed Jamb, Light blue Aluminium frame 5 Control System 5.1 Microprocessor-controlled system, fully up and down collective. 5.2 Environmental endurance 5.3 1.Fireman’s control 2.Override Emergency switch to summon panoramic lifts rapidly to ground floor 5.4 Accurate electronic levelling 5.5 Jerk less and smooth starting, acceleration, declaration and stops 6 Optical & acoustic signals 6.1 Car operating Economically designed elegant panel type touch buttons with LED call acceptance illumination. 6.2 Car operating Brushed stainless steel panel panel finish Landing Combine digital position 6.3 signalization indicator and hall call at main Type landings. Page 47 of 89 Electronic gongs and directional arrows at all other floors. 7 Drive system/machinery 7.1 Hoisting machine Gearless traction 7.2 Drive type Variable voltage variable frequency, VVVF 7.3 Power supply 3 Phase + neutral + earth 1 Phase + neutral + earth 7.4 7.5 7.6 Frequency Voltage Power factor 50Hz 415V /240V Greater than 0.90lag 8 Regulations/Dire ctives Design, installation, testing and certification to EN81/BS5655/96-16-EC/8933EE/89-106-EEC/local and directive 95/16EC 5.3 CIVIL WORKS 5.3.1Reinforcement Materials Quality of Materials Steel for reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of BS 4449:1997 - "Carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete" All steel for concrete reinforcement shall be entirely free from mill scale, loose rust, pitting, oil, grease, paint and other deleterious matter before being used in reinforced concrete work. Certificates The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer a manufacturer's test certificate for each consignment of reinforcement delivered to the Site, together with a delivery note stating the weight, number, length, dimension and place of origin of the bars or fabric in each consignment Samples for Testing The Contractor shall, under the supervision of the Engineer cut samples from any of the reinforcing bars or fabric whenever directed and the Contractor shall despatch such samples for testing as the Engineer may from time to time direct. Minimum sample length shall be 600mm or 20 times the bar diameter whichever is greater. Binding Wire All binding wire shall be galvanised steel wire No.16 SWG (1.6 mm diameter). Storage All reinforcement shall be stored at least 300mm off the ground. Bar or rod reinforcement shall be stored in suitable racks. Reinforcement shall be kept in a clean condition until it is required to be used. Cutting and Bending Bending Schedules The Contractor will be provided with Bending Schedules of the reinforcement required for the Page 48 of 89 Permanent Works but the Contractor shall be responsible for checking the schedules before ordering, cutting or bending the reinforcement. The preparation of any additional Schedules necessary for the approved methods and sequence of construction, including any additional reinforcement required, will be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Schedules shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before cutting or bending. Cutting & Bending Bars shall be cut and bent to the dimensions shown on the Drawing and bending schedules in accordance with BS 8666:2000. All bars shall be cold bent by the gradual and uniform application of pressure such that the material is not injured in any way. No heating of the bars will be permitted without the prior approval of the engineer. Tolerances Tolerances shall be as specified in BS 8666:2000 Re-bending Bars shall not be straightened or bent again once having been bent. Where it is necessary to bend mild steel reinforcement projecting from the concrete, the internal radius of bend shall not be less than twice the diameter of the bar. Fixing Placing of Reinforcement The size, form, spacing and location of all steel reinforcement shall be in exact accordance with the Drawings and the Contractor shall ensure that the reinforcement is fixed and placed correctly in all respects, within a tolerance of + or -5 mm of the correct position and that it shall not move in the forms during concreting. All ties, links stirrups etc. shall be taut, and the bars properly braced and tied. There shall be no direct connection between any reinforcement within a concrete member and any metalwork on the surface of the member. The Contractor shall provide all spacer bars, chairs and distance pieces necessary to retain the reinforcement in the correct position and to maintain a rigid reinforcement cage during concreting. Binding Wire Binding wire shall be finished tight with the correct tools. The free ends of the binding wire shall be bent inwards away from the formwork. Splices and Laps No splices or overlapping of reinforcement shall be made except where shown on the Drawings or approved by the Engineer. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the bars shall be provided with an overlap of not less the lap length specified in Table 3.27 of BS 8110: Part 1: 1997. The gap between pairs of lapped bars shall not be less than the diameter of the larger bar or the maximum size of the concrete aggregate. Fabric reinforcement shall be fixed in position with lapped joints of two meshes and shall be securely bound to any supporting bars with binding wire. Welding of Reinforcement Reinforcement shall not be welded except with the approval of the Engineer, who will require detailed procedures to be submitted for his approval. Cover Cover to reinforcement shall be no less than the minimum cover specified on the Drawings and in general shall not exceed this by more than 10mm except where there are local depressions in any underlying surface. Spacer blocks not exceeding 50mm square and of the correct depth for the specified cover, made of concrete not leaner than one part of cement to two parts of fine aggregate shall be used to maintain the specified cover. Spacer blocks shall be securely wired to the reinforcement of approved pattern may be used. Page 49 of 89 Inspection of Reinforcement No concreting shall be commenced until the Engineer has inspected the reinforcement fixed and placed in position and given his written approval. Prior to concreting the reinforcement shall be washed with fresh water to remove any surface contamination and shall be free of surplus water before concrete is place. Starter Bars Reinforcement temporarily exposed from the concrete such as starter bars, shall immediately be protected against corrosion after concreting, in a manner to be approved by the Engineer. Tie Bars All reinforcement passing through a movement joint shall be protected with three coats of approved bituminous paint after cleaning and preparing the bars. The protection shall extend across the joint and a minimum of 25 mm into the concrete. 5.3.2 Normal Concrete Standards Except where modified by this Specification, the provisions of British Standards BS EN 206-1:2000 and BS 8500 shall be applicable to the Works. Concrete shall be a designed mix unless specifically stated otherwise on the Drawings or in item descriptions in the Bill of Quantities. Cement General Only CEM I Class 42.5 N (or higher strength) Portland cement complying with the requirements of Kenyan Standard KS EAS 18-1:2001 shall be used in the works unless otherwise specified, ordered or permitted in writing. Alkali Content The total acid soluble alkali content ( Na20 + 0.658 K20) of the cement shall not exceed 0.60% by weight except where otherwise approved. Supply The Contractor shall inform the Engineer of the brand name and manufacturer of the cement which he proposes to use in the Works. The Contractor shall not place the order for the cement before the Engineer's approval of the cement is obtained. The Contractor shall not use cement from a different source or of a different composition to that used in the preparation of trial mixes unless approval of the Engineer has been obtained and until any further trial mixes required by the Engineer have been made and tested. Testing Whenever required by the Engineer the Contractor shall take samples, under supervision, of the cement that he intends to use in the concrete and carry out such tests as required by the Engineer , in accordance with Kenyan Standards KS 1260 and KS 1261. Each consignment of cement shall be brought to the site in sufficient time to allow tests to be carried out before the cement is used in the Works. Delivery Cement shall be delivered to the Site either in bags or in suitable containers. Each bag or container shall be sealed and marked with the name of the brand and manufacturer and the number of the consignment. The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements for deliveries to be made sufficiently frequently to ensure freshness. Delivery arrangements for bulk cement shall be to the Engineer's approval. When each consignment of cement is delivered to the Site the Contractor shall supply the Engineer with a statement showing the quantity so delivered, the number of the consignment, the name of the manufacturer, the date of grinding and the number and date of the manufacturer's test certificate relating to that consignment. Page 50 of 89 If a consignment of cement is delivered to the site without a manufacturer's certificate then the cement shall be tested in accordance with Clause 905 before being used in the works. Storage Cement shall be unloaded and stored in such a way that it will not deteriorate as a result of dampness or contamination. Cement in bags shall be stored in weather proof buildings or bins, the floors of which shall be at least 150 mm off the ground. An air space shall be left between the floor and the bottom layer of bags. Each consignment shall be stacked separately so as to permit easy access for inspection and a record shall be kept so that each consignment may be identified. Storage shall be arranged so that the cement is used in the order of delivery. Cement in bulk shall be stored in suitable weather proof silos. Cement of different source or of different type shall be stored in separate silos. The Contractor shall keep a complete record of the flow of cement through the silos so that any cement drawn off can be related to a particular consignment. Stocks of cement shall be used in the order of delivery and the Contractor shall inform the Engineer when issues from a fresh consignment are about to begin. No loose cement that has been spilt from damaged bags or has escaped from bulk containers or silos shall be used in the permanent works. Aggregates General Concrete aggregates shall comply with the requirements of EN 12620 except where modified by this Specification and be obtained from sources approved by the Engineer. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities to ensure that the aggregates comply with the requirement of this Specification. Approval Before commencing trial mixes the Contractor shall submit for approval by the Engineer, a 50 kg sample of each type of aggregate that he proposes to use together with all the test results stating the source of supply. When approved the samples shall be retained on site by the Engineer for reference and comparison with later deliveries. If during the course of the Works the Contractor wishes to change the source or nature of any aggregate which has been approved, he shall first submit a sample with all the test results to the Engineer for his approval and retention. Sampling and Testing The Contractor shall carry out regular sampling and testing of the aggregate stockpiles as directed by the Engineer. As well as meeting the requirements of EN 12620, aggregates shall be sampled and tested in accordance with the further requirements of this Specification Alkali Reactivity Aggregates shall be tested chemically in accordance with ASTM test C289. If the test shows them to be deleteriously or potentially deleteriously reactive with the alkalis in the cement then an alternative source of aggregates shall be used. Chloride Content of Aggregates The Chloride content of the aggregates shall be determined in accordance EN 1744-1:1998. Where the chloride content of the aggregates is such that the total chloride content of the concrete mix would exceed the chloride content specified for the concrete use, the aggregates shall be washed with fresh water, by means approved by the Engineer, to reduce the total chloride content of the mix to 0.40% by weight of cement or less. Properties of Coarse Aggregate The coarse aggregates shall be crushed natural stone or gravel and have the following characteristics when tested according to: Page 51 of 89 (a) (b) EN 933: grading as per EN 12620 Table 2 clay, silt, dust and other deleterious matter (by weight) max 1.5% flakiness index: EN 933-3 FI35 elongation index: max30.0% particle density EN 1097-6-2000 min 2600 kg/m3 water absorption: EN 1097-6 max 3.0% impact value: BS 812:Part 112:1990 max 30.0% crushing value: BS 812:Part 110:1990 max 30.0% ASTN C88 loss after 5 cycles of immersion and drying shall not exceed 12% when tested for soundness using sodium sulphate or 18% using magnesium sulphate Properties of Fine Aggregates The fine aggregates shall have the following characteristics when tested according to: (a) EN 933-1 and EN 1097-6 grading within the limits of grading CP or MP as Table B1 of EN 12620:2002 (b) - clay, silt, dust and other deleterious matter: (by weight): max 3.0% - apparent relative density: EN 1097-6 min 2.5 ASTM C125 fineness modulus shall not be less than 2.3 nor more than 3.1 Storage Aggregates shall be stored on clean, well-paved and properly drained areas which are not liable to flooding. The various sizes and types of aggregates shall be separated by solid dividing walls Moisture Content Wet fine aggregate shall not be used until in the opinion of the Engineer, it has drained sufficiently to ensure proper control of the water/cement ratio. Coarse aggregates shall be surface dry and saturated when used in preparing concrete and stock piles shall be watered as necessary to achieve this. Water for Concrete Mixing The Contractor shall make his own arrangements to the approval of the Engineer for the supply and, if necessary, the metering of fresh water for mixing concrete, curing and for all other purposes. The Water shall be clean, free from deleterious matter in solution or suspension and shall comply with the requirements of EN 1008:1997 Admixtures Use of admixtures and cement containing additives will only be permitted with the Engineer's written approval. Where admixtures are permitted they will conform to EN 934-2. Concrete Quality Classes of Concrete The various classes of concrete shall be in accordance with Table 9.1: Table 9.1: Schedule of Concrete Mixes Mix Reference Compressive strength class A1 C25/30 A2 C16/20 Page 52 of 89 A3 C12/15 A4 C32/40 Exposure class Maximum nominal upper aggregate size Maximum Chloride content Maximum water cement ratio (Table F.1) Minimum Cement Content(kg) XS1 Dmax 20 X0 Dmax 40 X0 Dmax 40 XS1 Dmax 10 Cl0,4 0.5 Cl0,4 0.55 Cl0,4 0.6 Cl0,4 0.5 325 240 210 325 Chloride Content of Concrete The total chloride content of the concrete mix arising from the aggregate and from any other source shall be class Cl 0, 40 as Table 10 of EN 206-1:2000. The chloride content shall be measured in accordance with EN 1744-1:1998. Trial Mixes General The Contractor shall prepare trial mixes and carry out initial testing in accordance with Clause 9.5 and Annex A of EN 206-1:2000 using three batches for each concrete mix. Approval of Mixes The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval full details of the trial Mixes he proposes to adopt for the works including:i. the grading of the coarse and fine aggregates ii. the ratio by weight of all constituents of the mix; iii. the compaction factor and slump test result; iv. the test cubes results No concrete shall be used in the works until the test cubes have attained the required strength and the mix has been approved in writing by the Engineer. Calculations to be Provided The Contractor shall supply copies in triplicate to the Engineer of all calculations relevant to the determination of the proportions of each class of concrete, and shall prove the sufficiency of such calculations to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Batching and Mixing Measuring Materials All cement and aggregates shall be measured by weight. The amount of water added shall also be measured, due allowance being made for the water content of the fine aggregate. The moisture content of fine aggregate shall be measured using an approved device. Accuracy of Measuring Equipment Weigh-batching machines shall be kept clean and in good condition and adjustment. The Engineer shall require, at reasonable times, the Contractor to check the accuracy of each weigh batching machine and water measuring device in the presence of the Engineer. The accuracy to be attained in each case shall be within ±3% of the quantity of cement, water or total aggregates being measured. Mixing Concrete shall be thoroughly mixed to a uniform consistency . Each batch of concrete shall be mixed for a minimum of two minutes after all the materials have been added. The mixer shall be washed out with cement grout before mixing the first batch after any stoppage or alternatively the first mix shall be discarded. After every stoppage the mixer shall be thoroughly cleaned and washed out. Concrete shall be discarded from the mixer or agitator onto a level, clean watertight platform or floor or into watertight receptacles. Concrete which has commenced to set shall not be re-mixed and shall not be used in the permanent Page 53 of 89 works. Quality Control and Testing Quality Control The Contractor shall provide full time on site a fully qualified Concrete Supervisor whose duties shall include day to day supervision of the constituents, concrete mixing, placing, sampling, testing and record keeping. The Contractor shall ensure that his Concrete Supervisor is aware of the importance of maintaining a uniform quality of concrete and that he is experienced in detecting variations in quality and workability and rapidly correcting the same. The Contractor shall carry out such tests as the Engineer may require to check the proportions of the ingredients of any concrete being produced. Testing of Concrete Three 150 mm test cubes shall be made from each sample of concrete taken from a section of work as required by the Engineer. Samples of each class of concrete shall be taken at the rate detailed or for each shift's work where this is less than the rate detailed. Cubes shall be made, transported, cured in accordance with EN 12390-2 and tested for compressive strength in accordance with EN 12390-3. Compliance with Characteristic Strength Compliance with the characteristic strength shall be assessed as provided for in EN 206-1:2000. Results of Tests The results of all works tests carried out to control the quality of concrete and concrete materials shall be recorded by the Contractor on suitable forms provided by him which shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The contractor shall supply to the Engineer three copies of the results of each test. Unsatisfactory Test Results Should any of the results of the specified works tests on concrete or materials be unsatisfactory the Engineer may take one of the following actions:i. Reject the work and instruct that the section of the Works to which unsatisfactory test results relate be cut out and replaced at the Contractor's expense. ii. Instruct the Contractor to carry out additional tests and/or works to ensure the soundness of the structure at the Contractor's expense. iii. Accept the work. Any decision to do so shall be with the Employer's approval and at the Engineer's discretion and the rate of payment for the appropriate items shall be decided by the Engineer. iv. In the case of any test result at 7 days being less than 55% of the characteristic strength, or an amended percentage based on test results for the trial mixes the Engineer may order that work affected be stopped but it shall not be liable to rejection until the results of the 28 day tests are known. Any delay to construction due to the results at 7 days being unsatisfactory shall be at the Contractor's expense. Following the failure of test cubes to reach the required standard, the Contractor shall, on the instructions of the Engineer, take one or both of the following steps: i. He shall alter his methods of making concrete and control its quality so as to reduce its variability. ii. He shall alter the proportions of the concrete mix so as to increase its compressive strength. Casting of Concrete Transportation of Concrete All concrete shall be transported in bottom-opening skips or vehicles of a type and size approved by the Engineer. Concrete shall be so transported and placed that contamination, segregation or loss of Page 54 of 89 the constituent materials does not occur. Placing Concrete Concrete shall not be placed in any part of the Works without the prior written approval of the Engineer who shall be given a minimum of 24 hours notice by the Contractor of his wish to do so. No concrete shall be placed outside normal working hours unless the Engineer so approves. Concrete shall be placed in its final position and all compaction shall be completed within 30 minutes of the time of commencement of mixing. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against previously placed concrete in the same pour which has been in position for more than 30 minutes or where the initial set has taken place. Concrete shall be placed and compacted in such a way that previously placed and compacted concrete is not disturbed. Concrete shall not be placed in a manner which in the Engineer's opinion precludes even distribution of its constituents and full compaction of the concrete. Concrete shall be placed uniformly in layers not exceeding 300 mm in depth in its final position in the works and shall not be caused to flow into position by vibration or other means. The surface of the work shall be kept generally horizontal. When the cement content of a mix exceeds 400 kg/m3 and the minimum dimension of concrete to be placed in a single pour exceeds 600 mm special precautions shall be taken to ensure high temperature differentials are not generated within the concrete. Concrete shall be placed in such a way as to avoid any joints other than the construction joints shown on the Drawings approved by the Engineer. No concrete shall be allowed to fall more than 1 metre during placing. If the Contractor proposes to place concrete by pumping or pneumatic means, he shall submit his proposals for the Engineer's approval and shall not commence operations until such approval has been obtained. Concreting During Wet Weather No concreting shall be carried out during periods of continuous heavy rain. If rain should interrupt concreting the concrete shall be adequately protected from it. Concreting During Hot Weather Concreting shall not be carried out if the temperature of the concrete mix rises above 38oC. Where concrete pours are greater than 1 m thick the temperature of the mix shall be reduced to below 32oC. When the air temperature rises above 35oC special measures to control mix temperature and evaporation from placed concrete shall be provided as set out in ACI 305R-77. 914 Compaction and Finish Concrete shall be compacted into place by means of a sufficient number of approved internal vibrators of adequate power with a frequency of not less than 100 hertz. Mechanical vibrators shall only be operated by trained and experienced workmen. Care shall be taken to avoid contact with reinforcement or formwork. Concrete shall be thoroughly worked around the reinforcement and against whatever surface it adjoins so that a dense homogeneous mass is produced, all entrained air is expelled and the concrete surface when exposed is free from air pockets, honeycombing and other defects. If vibrating screeds are used for slab work they shall be of sufficient power to compact the full depth of the slab being cast, over the full length of screed. All horizontal surfaces shall be finished with a brushed finish unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or shown on the Drawings. Attendance of Steel Fixer During concreting of all reinforced work a competent steel fixer shall be in attendance. It shall be his duty to ensure that the reinforcement and other embedded fittings are kept in position as the work proceeds. Page 55 of 89 Joints Structural Joints Structural joints shall be formed in the positions and to the details shown on the Drawings. Joint filler, sealing compounds and water bars shall be incorporated in these joints in strict accordance with the Drawings and manufacturer's instructions. The faces of structural joints shall have a wrought finish. Joint Filler Compressible filler sheets of the thicknesses shown on the Drawing shall be made of bitumen impregnated wood fibres to the approval of the Engineer. They shall not extrude when compressed and must return to at least 80% of the original thickness after the compressive force is removed. Joint Sealants Sealants for the joints shall be a cold two-part polysulphide based mix complying with ISO 11600. Protection and Curing Protecting Concrete Newly placed concrete shall not be disturbed in any way until it has thoroughly hardened. Newly placed concrete shall immediately be protected to the Engineer’s satisfaction against sun, rain and wind and from damage occasioned by other work in progress until it has hardened. No plant, vehicles, workmen or materials shall be permitted on recently placed concrete until the Engineer considers the concrete to be sufficiently strong and hard not to be damaged thereby. Curing Newly placed concrete shall either be sprayed with a concrete curing liquid immediately after completion of compaction, or shall be kept continually wet by a sprinkler or trickle system for 7 days or such other longer period as may be directed by the Engineer. In the event that a curing liquid is used, it shall have an efficiency index of 95% and a white pigment to reflect suns rays and shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Inspection and Records Inspection of Concrete Surfaces No concrete surface shall be worked on in any way after the removal of formwork, or covered up, until it has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. Tolerances Except where otherwise noted in Drawings concrete surfaces shall be cast within the tolerances set in BS 5606:1990. Records Records shall be kept by the Contractor of the positions in the Works of all batches of concrete, of their Class and of all test cubes, cores or other specimen taken from them. Three copies of these records shall be supplied to the Engineer as soon as possible but not later than 24 hours after concreting. Defective Concrete Concrete which is defective from any cause whatsoever shall, if so directed by the Engineer, be cut out and the work reconstructed at the Contractor's expense. If there is any doubt concerning the strength or quality of previously placed and hardened concrete, 150 mm diameter core samples shall be taken at locations directed by the Engineer, regardless of the results of works tests. The cores shall be tested in accordance with EN 12504: Part 1-2000 and the equivalent cube strength shall be determined. Page 56 of 89 SECTION VI: DRAWINGS Record Drawings The Sub-Contractor shall keep on site, at all times a complete set of the drawings related to this contract and as the Contract works are proceeded with, indicate in red color on such drawings, any variations to the Contract drawings. On completion of the Contract works, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineers two SOFT copies and three hard copies prints of the drawings showing the Contract works as installed or fitted, or such other drawings and operating instructions for equipment as may be required. Page 57 of 89 Page 58 of 89 SECTION VII: BILLS OF QUANTITIES BILL NO.1.0: PASSENGER PANORAMIC LIFTS-ELECTRICAL WORKS UNIT QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION 1.1 Provide Contractors All Risks Insurance Provide Insurance to Contractor's Personnel Provide insurance for the work Provide third party insurance Allow for upon completion of the works the Contractor shall removal of such temporary structures directed and making good and reinstating of all works and services to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the employer Item Sum Item Sum Offices:- The contractor will be availed space in the sites to cater for temporary offices but should allow for power, water, fax machines ,computer, and internet connection for use also by the site Engineer and the Consultants Operation and Maintenance of Facilities Offices and Stores, Ablution and latrine facilities ,Tools and Equipment Samples:- The Contractor shall furnish at his own cost any samples of materials or workmanship including concrete test cubes required for the Works that may be called for by the Engineer for his approval or rejection and any further samples in the case of rejection. The engineer shall arrange for the testing of such materials as he may at his discretion deem desirable and he Contractor shall pay all expenses in connection with preparation, transportation and testing Protection of the Works:- Provide protection of the whole of the Works contained in the Bills of Quantities, including casing up, covering of such other means as may be necessary to avoid damage to the satisfaction of the Engineer and remove such protection when no longer required FAT and Training: - Allow for FAT factory acceptance tests for 2 No’s KPA nominated personnel and specialized training for 4 No’s KPA nominated personnel with equipment manufacturers. Allow for costs to cover out of pocket allowance, Travel (ground/ air travel and airport passage taxes) and full board accommodation expenses in at least in three (3) star hotels during lift inspection and training. Allow for preparation of as built drawings and final documentation and operation maintenance manuals Item Sum Item Sum Item Sum Item Sum Item Sum 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Page 59 of 89 RATE AMOUNT UNIT QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION 1.8 Supply and install test and commission Machine Room Less Passenger Panoramic Lift shall be as Fujitech, Hitach, Symax, Mitsubishi, Schindler or Approved Equivalent Allow for supply of 2 sets of all lift keys No. 2 Item Sum Allow for all costs associated with the on site installation, general and particular specifications and for the initial statutory inspection of the lifts by an Approved Government Lift Inspector during the commissioning of the new lifts, and thereafter for inspection at intervals of six (6) months during the 12 month defect liability period Allow for associated electrical works including provision of power supply to the two lifts; install and connect suitable circuit breakers at existing switchboard complete with suitably sized sub main armored copper cables installed in metallic trunking from the power source to the two lifts, including glands, lugs, and terminations and all other materials necessary to complete the installation. Allow for any other item necessary to complete the lift and hoist way installation Item Sum Item Sum Item Sum 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 ADD CONTIGENCY@10% 1.14 ADD VAT@16% TOTAL FOR PASSENGER PANORAMIC LIFTS-ELECTRICAL WORKS CARRIED FORWARD TO SUMMARY PAGE Page 60 of 89 RATE AMOUNT BILL NO.2.0: PASSENGER PANORAMIC LIFT SHAFTS –CIVILWORKS PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL ITEMS SECTION A ITEM 1 2 DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY Preliminaries and General Items Allow for mobilisation of plant, equipments and tools, including maintaining and demobilising on completion. Item Sum Allow for provision and maintenance of power and water necessary for execution of the works. Item Sum Allow for all necessary insuarance covers related to the execution of the works. Item Sum Allow for site clearance on completion including loading and disposing all arsing debris. Item Sum Allow for preservation of existing service lines as may be directed by the Employer. Item Sum Allow for provision and maintenance of sound scaffolding for proper execution of the works. Item Sum Provide temporary fence/hoarding around the demolition site using suitable/stable posts with two strands of 40 mm diameter manila rope attached with reflective cautionary signs (length 380 meters) Item Sum Allow for a firefighter including maintaining him on site as per Kenya Ports Authority HSE regulations. Item Sum NOTES: Prospective Tenderers MUST visit the site before filling their bids. Tenderers will be required to sign attendance register. Non-attendance is an automatic disqualification. The bid document comprises of two sections; Section A comprises preliminary items and notes related to execution of these works. Section B comprises a schedule of works. 3 Conditions of contract shall be those published by FIDIC 1st Edition 1999 'SHORT FORM OF CONTRACT' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SUB TOTAL PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL ITEMS (SECTION A)CARRIED FORWARD Page 61 of 89 RATE KSHS AMOUNT KSHS MEASURED WORKS SECTION B ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT 1 SITE CLEARANCE Clear site of all bushes, shrubs and trees not exceeding 600 mm girth, grub up roots and dispose SM 2 Cut trees, girth 600 - 1000, split into logs and heap on site. N0 2 3 Excavate and uproot tree stumps average diameter 1.5 meters. N0 2 Pull down 1400 mm parapets including precast concrete balutrades spaced at 3000 centers and dispose as directed LM 7 Cut down 1400 mm high hedge including grabbing up roots and disposing. LM 7 Excavate oversite to remove vegetable soil average 150 mm deep ; wheel, spread and level on site n.e. 100 meters away. SM 50 Excavate oversite to reduce levels ( for basement ) n.e. 1.5 M deep starting from existing ground level CM 120 stripped level and not exceeding 1.50m deep CM Rate only 9 Ditto 1.50m - 3.0m deep CM Rate only 10 Ditto 3.0 m - 4.5 m deep. CM Rate only 11 Return, fill in and ram selected excavated material around foundations. CM 36 12 Cart away from site surplus excavation material. CM 84 13 Extra over for excavating in rock Class 1. CM 10 14 Ditto in reinforced concrete. CM 10 4 5 QTY 50 EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORKS 6 7 8 Excavate for column base (surface trench) commencing from Page 62 of 89 RATE AMOUNT 15 Approved hardcore bed in making up levels well compacted. CM 15 16 50mm quarry dust blinding on hardcore to receive concrete. SM 50 17 150 mm approved murram filling consolidated in layers to make up levels SM 50 18 Ditto in approved red soil filling. SM 36 SM 50 ANTI TERMITE TREATMENT 19 "Termidor" or equivalent approved insecticide treatment to surfaces of excavations applied as per manufacturer's instructions with a 10 year guarantee CONCRETE WORKS 20 Plain concrete class X mix 1:4:8 blinding layer CM 5 21 Plain concrete 1:3:6 Class Q in foundations CM 1 22 100 mm thick surface bed ditto SM 1 Vibrated concrete class 20/20 in: 23 wall and Column CM 40 24 600 mm thick Basement slab SM 50 Vibrated concrete class 25/20 in: 25 Foundations and Ground beams CM 5 26 150 mm thick ground / suspended Roof slab SM 6.5 MOVEMENT JOINTS 27 12mm movement joint filler as 'Flexcell' or approved equivalent SM 50 28 25 x 25mm movement "Expendite" joint sealant or equivalent LM 50 SM 50 SM 50 CONCRETE PROTECTION AND WATER PROOFING AS DESCRIBED IN: 29 30 Penetron or equivalent approved Integral Capillarry System Water proofing to concrete surfaces Waterproofing to conrete surfaces in 'Masterseal' or approved equivalent. Sawn soft wood formwork to: Page 63 of 89 31 Sides of foundations / Columns & beams SM 18 32 Sides of ditto curved on plan to various radii SM 5 Sawn soft wood formwork contd in: 33 Curved sides of columns and beams to various radii SM 0 34 Edge of beds and steps 75-150mm high LM 0 35 Sides and soffits of beams SM 0 36 Vertical sides of walls and columns SM 850 37 Ditto but curved in plan SM 0 38 Soffits of suspended slabs and landings n.e. 3.5 m high SM 7 39 Ditto exceeding 3.5 m high SM 7 Extra over formwork for:40 Fair face SM 100 41 Bush hammering SM 100 STEEL REINFORCEMENT Steel reinforcemnt as described including cutting, bending, hoisting, fixing,spacer blocks and all necessary binding wire. 42 Round mild steel bars 8 mm diameter. KG 0 43 10 mm ditto KG 0 44 12 mm ditto KG 0 45 16 mm ditto KG 0 46 20 mm ditto KG 0 47 High tensile bars 8 mm Diameter. KG 0 48 10 mm ditto KG 100 49 12 mm ditto KG 3,000 50 16 mm ditto KG 0 51 20 mm ditto KG 2800 Page 64 of 89 INTERNAL WALL FINISHES Plasterwork 52 53 15 mm thick two coat cement sand (1:4) plaster trowelled smooth and comprising 12 mm backing and 3 mm finishing coat. SM 350 SM 0 15 mm thick cement sand (1:4) backing plaster to walls to receive tiling EXTERNAL WALL FINISHES 54 15 mm thick two coat cement and sand (1:4) render SM 0 55 Medium chisel dressing on all types of walling SM 500 56 Pointing with cement/sand mortar 1:3 LM 0 57 key - in with cement/sand mortar 1:3 LM 0 58 12 mm thick coloured tyrolean rendering on walls SM 0 CLAY FACING BRICKS FIXED IN CEMENT ADHESIVE Supply and fix the following items as described including hacking existing surface and carting arising debris to spoil 59 25 mm facing strip size 250 X 50 mm SM 100 60 Ditto curved SM 0 61 37 mm briquettes size 150 X 75 mm SM 0 62 Hand scratched bricks size 230 X 75 X 35mm thick SM 100 63 Ditto 50mm thick SM 0 HEAVY DUTY ALUMINIUM Aluminium framed and grazed partition comprising 50 x 38mm natural aluminum the whole filled in 6mm thick one way tinted glass complete with rubber lining all necessary iron monger and plugging to wall. SM 64 SUB TOTAL MEASURED WORKS (SECTION B) CARRIED FORWARD Page 65 of 89 112 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT SUMMARY-CIVIL WORKS 1 Subtotal Preliminaries and General Items (Section A) Sum 2 Subtotal Measured works (Section B) Sum 3 Total of Subtotal Preliminaries and General Items (Section A) and Subtotal Measured works (Section B) Sum Add 3 Contingency @ 10% to be expended in part or in full at the discretion of the Project Manager. Add 4 16 % V.A.T TOTAL FOR PANORAMIC LIFT SHAFT -CIVIL WORKS CARRIED FORWARD TO SUMMARY PAGE Page 66 of 89 Sum QTY RATE AMOUNT SUMMARY PAGE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BILL NO.1.0: TOTAL FOR PASSENGER PANORAMIC LIFTSELECTRICAL WORKS BILL NO.2.0: TOTAL FOR PASSENGER PANORAMIC LIFTSCIVIL WORKS GRAND TOTAL CARRIED TO FORM OF TENDER Page 67 of 89 SECTION VIII: TENDER FORMS Form of Tender [date] To: [name and address of Procuring Entity] To: Sir/Madam: Having examined the Tender documents including Addenda Nos. [insert addenda numbers], the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to s, in conformity with the said Tender documents for the sum of ______________________________________________[total Tender amount in words and figures] or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the Schedule of Prices attached herewith and made part of this Tender. We undertake, if our Tender is accepted, to Execute the works in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements. If our Tender is accepted, we undertake to provide a performance security in the form, in the amounts, and within the times specified in the Tender documents. We agree to abide by this Tender for the Tender validity period specified in Clause 18.1 of the Tender Data Sheet, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. We are not participating, as Tenderers, in more than one Tender in this Tendering process. Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries – including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract – has not been declared ineligible by the Government of Kenya under Kenyan laws. Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, this Tender, together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding Contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender you may receive. We certify/confirm that we comply with the eligibility requirements as per ITT Clause 3 of the Tender documents Dated this ________________ day of ________________ 20______. (Name) _________________ [Signature] __________________________ [In the capacity of Duly authorized to sign Tender for and on behalf of Authorized Signature: Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Tenderer: Address: Page 68 of 89 ______________________________ Appendix to Tender Schedule of Adjustment Data [In Tables A, B, and C, below, the Tenderer shall (a) indicate its amount of local currency payment, (b) indicate its proposed source and base values of indices for the different foreign currency elements of cost, (c) derive its proposed weightings for local and foreign currency payment, and (d) list the exchange rates used in the currency conversion. Table A. Local Currency Index code Index description Source of index Nonadjustable — Base Tenderer’ Range of value s related weighting and date currency Proposed by the amount Procuring Entity — — a: * Tenderer’s proposed weighting a: * b: ------ to -------- b: * c: c: ------- to ------* d: d: ------- to ------- e: * e: ------- to ------* etc. etc. Total Page 69 of 89 1.00 Table B. Foreign Currency State type: ....................... [If the Tenderer wishes to quote in more than one foreign currency, this table should be repeated for each foreign currency.] Index Index code description Non adjustable Source of index Base value and date — — Tenderer’s related source currency in type/ amount — Equivalen t in Foreign Currency 1 Range of weighting Proposed by the Procuring Entity a: * Tenderer’s proposed weighting a: b: ------ to --- * -----* b: c: ------- to ------* c: d: ------- to -- d: -----* e: e: ------- to ------* etc. etc. Total 1.00 Table C. Summary of Payment Currencies For ………………………..[insert name of Section of the Works] [Separate tables may be required if the various sections of the Works (or of the Bill of Quantities) will have substantially different foreign and local currency requirements. The Procuring Entity should insert the names of each Section of the Works.] Name of payment currency Local currency A Amount of currency B Rate of exchange (local currency per unit of foreign) C Local currency equivalent C=AxB 1.00 Foreign currency #1 Foreign currency #2 Page 70 of 89 D Percentage of Net Tender Price (NBP) 100xC NBP Foreign currency # Net Tender Price Provisional sums expressed in local currency 100.00 * * * TENDER PRICE Authorized Signature: Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Tenderer: Address: Page 71 of 89 Financial Data for Previous 3 Years Form Each Bidder or member of a joint venture or other consortium making up a Bidder must fill in this form. Information from statement of financial position (Balance Sheet) 2010 or 2011 2011 or 2012 2012 or 2013 Noncurrent Assets Current Assets Total Assets Noncurrent Liabilities Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Capital Employed Information from Statement of income 2010 or 2011 2011 or 2012 Total General Revenues Total Specific revenues relevant to the project Profits Before interests and Taxes Profits After interests Taxes Page 72 of 89 2012 or 2013 Tender-Securing Declaration Date: [insert date (as day, month and year)] Tender No.: [insert number of Tendering process] To: [insert complete name of Procuring Entity] We, the undersigned, declare that: We understand that, according to your conditions, Tenders must be supported by a Tender-Securing Declaration. We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for Tendering in any contract with the Procuring Entity for the period of time of [insert number of months or years] starting on [insert date], if we are in breach of our obligation(s) under the Tender conditions, because we; a) Have withdrawn our Tender during the period of Tender validity specified in the Form of Tender; or b) Having been notified of the acceptance of our Tender by the Procuring Entity during the period of Tender validity, (i). (ii). Fail or refuse to execute the Contract, if required, or Fail or refuse to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the ITT. We understand this Tender Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Tenderer, upon the earlier of; 1) Our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful Tenderer; or 2) Thirty days after the expiration of our Tender. Signed: [insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown] In the capacity of [insert legal capacity of person signing the Tender Securing Declaration] Name: [insert complete name of person signing the Tender Securing Declaration] Duly authorized to sign the Tender for and on behalf of: [insert complete name of Tenderer] Dated on ____________ day of __________________, _______ [insert date of signing] Corporate Seal (where appropriate) Page 73 of 89 Confidential Business Questionnaire A. Company details Constitution or legal status of Tenderer:___________________ [attach copy] Place of registration: [_______________________________insert] Principal place of business: [________________________insert] Plot No, Street/Road Postal address Tel No. Fax ……………………….. Email……………………………………………………. Power of attorney of signatory of Tender: [attach] Registration certificate [attach] current Business License [attach] B. Directors State the nominal and issued capital of company Nominal Kshs. Issued Kshs. Given details of all directors as follows: Name Nationality Citizenship details Shares 1. …………………………………………………………………………… … 2. …………………………………………………………………………… … 3. …………………………………………………………………………… … 4. …………………………………………………………………………… … C. Key equipment Major items of Equipment proposed for executing the contract. List all information requested below. Description, make, and age (years) Condition (new, good, Poor) and number available Owned, leased (from whom?) or to be purchased (from whom?) (a) (b) (c) (d) D. Similar works 1.3 Work performed as prime Contractor on works of a similar nature and volume over the last five years or as specified in the Tender Data Sheet in Kenyan Shillings. Also list details of work under way or committed, including expected completion dates. Page 74 of 89 Project name and country Name of client and contact person Contractors Participation Type of work performed and year of completion Value of contract (a) (b) E. Qualification 1.5 and experience of key personnel Position Qualifications and experience of key personnel proposed for administration and execution of the Contract. Attach biographical data. Refer also to sub-Clause 12.3 of the Instructions to Tenderers and Sub- Clause 10.1 of the General Conditions of Contract. Name Years of Experience (general) Years of experience in proposed position (a) (b) Use format of CV attached 1.6 Proposed sub-contractor and firms involved. Refer to Clause 7 of General Conditions of Contract. Sections of the Works Value of subcontract Subcontractor (name and address) Experience in similar work (a) (b) F. Financial reports G. Litigation History Other party(ies) (a) 1.7 Financial reports for the number of years specified in the Tender Data Sheet. 1.8 Evidence of access to financial resources to meet the qualification requirements: cash in hand, lines of credit, etc. List below and attach copies of support documents. 1.9 Name, address, and telephone, e-mail address, and facsimile numbers of banks that may provide references if contracted by the Procuring Entity. 1.10 Information on current litigation in which the Tenderer is involved. Cause of dispute (b) Page 75 of 89 Amount involved H. 3. Joint Ventures Additional Requirements 1.11 Statement of compliance with the requirements of sub-Clause 3.2 of the Instructions to Tenderers. 1.12 Proposed Program (work method and schedule). Descriptions, drawings, and charts, as necessary, to comply with the requirements of the Tendering documents. 1 The information listed in above shall be provided for each partner of the joint venture. 2.3 Attach the power of attorney of the signatory (ies) of the Tender authorizing signature of the Tender on behalf of the joint venture. 2.4 Attach the Agreement among all partners of the joint venture (and which is legally binding on all partners), which shows that: 3.1 (a) all partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms; (b) one of the partners will be nominated as being in charge, authorized to incur liabilities, and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of the joint venture; and (c) the execution of the entire Contract, including payment, shall be done exclusively with the partner in charge. Tenderers should provide any additional information required in the Tender Data Sheet or to fulfil the requirements of subClauses 12.1 of the Instructions to Tenderers, if applicable. We, the undersigned declare that (a) The information contained in and attached to this form is true and accurate as of the date of Tender submission Authorized Signature: Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Tenderer: Address: Company Stamp / seal ____________________________ Integrity Declaration Page 76 of 89 UNDERTAKING BY TENDERER ON ANTI – BRIBERY POLICY / CODE OF CONDUCT AND COMPLIANCE PROGRAMME 1. Each Tenderer must submit a statement, as part of the Tender documents, in either of the two given formats which must be signed personally by the Chief Executive Officer or other appropriate senior corporate officer of the Tendering company and, where relevant, of its subsidiary in the Kenya. If a Tender is submitted by a subsidiary, a statement to this effect will also be required of the parent company, signed by its Chief Executive Officer or other appropriate senior corporate officer. 2. Tenderers will also be required to submit similar No-bribery commitments from their subcontractors and consortium partners; the Tenderer may cover the subcontractors and consortium partners in its own statement, provided the Tenderer assumes full responsibility. 3. a) Payment to agents and other third parties shall be limited to appropriate compensation for legitimate services. b) Each Tenderer will make full disclosure in the Tender documentation of the beneficiaries and amounts of all payments made, or intended to be made, to agents or other third parties (including political parties or electoral candidates) relating to the Tender and, if successful, the implementation of the contract. c) The successful Tenderer will also make full disclosure [quarterly or semi- annually] of all payments to agents and other third parties during the execution of the contract. d) Within six months of the completion of the performance of the contract, the successful Tenderer will formally certify that no bribes or other illicit commissions have been paid. The final accounting shall include brief details of the goods and services provided that they are sufficient to establish the legitimacy of the payments made. e) Statements required according to subparagraphs (b) and (d) of this paragraph will have to be certified by the company's Chief Executive Officer, or other appropriate senior corporate officer. 4. Tenders which do not conform to these requirements shall not be considered. 5. If the successful Tenderer fails to comply with its No-bribery commitment, significant sanctions will apply. The sanctions may include all or any of the following: a) Cancellation of the contract; b) Liability for damages to the public authority and/or the unsuccessful competitors in the Tendering possibly in the form of a lump sum representing a pre-set percentage of the contract value (liquidated). 6. Tenderers shall make available, as part of their Tender, copies of their anti-Bribery Policy/Code of Conduct, if any, and of their-general or project - specific - Compliance Program. 7. The Government of Kenya has made special arrangements for adequate oversight of the procurement process and the execution of the contract, and has invited civil society and other competent Government Departments to participate in the oversight. Those charged with the oversight responsibility will have full access to all documentation submitted by Tenderers for this contract, and to which in turn all Tenderers and other parties involved or affected by the project shall have full access (provided, however, that no proprietary information concerning a Tenderer may be disclosed to another Tenderer or to the public). Page 77 of 89 ANTI-CORRUPTION DECLARATION COMMITMENT/ PLEDGE (Sections39, 40,41,42,43 & of the PPD Act, 2005) I/We/Messrs……………………………………………………………………………. of Street, Building, P O Box…………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Contact/Phone/E mail………………………………………………………………….. declare that Public Procurement is based on a free and fair competitive Tendering process which should not be open to abuse. I/We ..………………………………………………………………………………….. declare that I/We will not offer or facilitate, directly or indirectly, any inducement or reward to any public officer, their relations or business associates, in connection with Tender/Tender No ………………………..………………………………………………. for or in the subsequent performance of the contract if I/We am/are successful. Authorized Signature................................................................................................ Name and Title of Signatory…………………………………………………………… Page 78 of 89 Letter of Acceptance [Letter head paper of the Procuring Entity] [date] To: [name and address of the Contractor] This is to notify you that your Tender dated [date] for execution of the [name of the Contract and identification number, as given in the Contract Data Sheet] for the Contract Price of the equivalent of [amount in numbers and works] [name of currency], as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers is hereby accepted by us. We confirm that [insert name proposed by the procuring entity] to be the Adjudicator. We accept that [name proposed by Tenderer] be appointed as Adjudicator. Or We do not accept that [name proposed by Tenderer] be appointed as adjudicator, and by sending a copy of this letter of acceptance to [insert the name of the Appointing Authority], we are hereby requesting [name], the Appointing Authority, to appoint the adjudicator in accordance with Clause 44.1 of the Instructions to Tenderers. You are hereby instructed to proceed with the execution of the said works in accordance with the Contract documents. Please return the contract dully signed. Authorized Signature: Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Agency: Attachment: Form of Contract Page 79 of 89 Contract Data Sheet This Agreement, made the [day] day of [month], 2011] between [The Kenya Ports Authority] (hereinafter called “the Procuring Entity”) and [name and address of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other part. Whereas the Procuring Entity is desirous that the Contractor execute [SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF 2 NO PANORAMIC LIFTS AND CONSTRUCTION OF LIFT SHAFT AT BANDARI COLLEGE] (hereinafter called “the Works”) with the objectives of [lighting improvement] and the Procuring Entity has accepted the Tender by the Contractor for the execution and completion of such works and the remedying of any defects therein in the sum of [contract price in words and figures] (hereinafter called “Contract Price”). NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to, and they shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as pert of this Agreement; 2. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Procuring Entity to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Procuring Entity to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract; 3. The Procuring Entity hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects wherein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. In Witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written. The Common Seal of Was hereunto affixed in the presence of: Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by the said In the presence of: Tendering Signature of Procuring Entity Binding Signature of Contractor Page 80 of 89 MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM To Kenya Ports Authority [Name of the Procuring entity] …………………. WHEREAS …………………………………………………………[ name of the manufacturer] who are established and reputable manufacturers of ………………….. [Name and/or description of the goods] having factories at ………………………………… [Address of factory] do hereby authorize ………………………… [name and address of Agent] to submit a tender, and subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract with you against tender No. ………………………. [Reference of the Tender] for the above goods manufactured by us. We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per the General Conditions of Contract for the goods offered for supply by the above firm against this Invitation for Tenders. ___________________________________________ [Signature for and on behalf of manufacturer] Date:_______________________ Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the Manufacturer and should be signed by an authorized person. Page 81 of 89 FORMAT OF CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) FOR PROPOSED PROFESSIONAL STAFF 1. Proposed Position [only one candidate shall be nominated for each position]: 2. Name of Staff member [insert full name]: 3. Date of Birth: Nationality: 4. Education [indicate college/university and other specialized education of expert, giving names of institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment]: 5. Membership in Professional Associations: 6. Other Trainings [indicate significant training since degrees under 5 - Education were obtained]: 7. Countries of Work Experience: [list countries where expert has worked in the last ten years]: 8. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and writing]: 9. Employment Record [Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held by expert since graduation, giving for each employment (see format here below): dates of employment, name of employing organization, positions held.]: From [Year]: To [Year]: Employer: Positions held: 10.Detailed Tasks Assigned 11.Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned [List all tasks to be performed under this assignment] [Among the assignments in which the expert has been involved, indicate the following information for those assignments that best illustrate the expert’s capability to handle the tasks listed in line 11.] Page 82 of 89 Name of assignment or project: Year: Location: Client: Main project features: Positions held: Activities performed: 12. Certification: I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that (i) this CV correctly describes my qualifications and my experience; (ii) In the absence of medical incapacity, I will undertake this assignment for the duration and in terms of the inputs specified for me in the Personnel Schedule in Form provided team mobilization takes place within the validity of this proposal or any agreed extension thereof; (iii) I am committed to undertake the assignment within the validity of Proposal; (iv) I am not part of the team who wrote the terms of reference for this consulting services assignment; I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged. Date: [Signature of expert or authorized representative of the firm]1 Day/Month/Year Full name of authorized representative: 1 This CV can be signed by an authorized representative of the Consultant provided that if the Consultant’s proposal is ranked first, a copy of the CV signed by the expert and/or specialist must be submitted to the Client prior to the commencement of contract negotiations IMPORTANT NOTE: Attach certified copies of academic certificate and Professional membership certificates Page 83 of 89 SECTION IX: FORMS OF SECURITY Tender Security Guarantee (MANDATORY) [the Bank shall fill in this Guarantee form in accordance with the instructions indicated in brackets.] [insert bank’s or insurance company’s name, and address of issuing branch or office] Beneficiary: [insert name and address of Procuring Entity] Date: [insert date] TENDER GUARANTEE No.: [insert number] We have been informed that [insert name of the Tenderer; if a joint venture, list complete legal names of partners] (hereinafter called "the Tenderer") has submitted to you its Tender dated [insert date] (hereinafter called "the Tender") for the execution of [insert name of Contract] under Invitation for Tenders No. [insert IFT number] (“the IFT”). Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, Tenders must be supported by a Tender Guarantee. At the request of the Tenderer, we [insert name of bank or insurance company] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [insert amount in figures expressed in the currency of the Purchaser’s Country or the equivalent amount in an international freely convertible currency] ([insert amount in words]) upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Tenderer is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Tender conditions, because the Tenderer; a) Has withdrawn its Tender during the period of Tender validity specified by the Tenderer in the Form of Tender; or b) Does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers (hereinafter “the ITT”) of the IFT; or c) Having been notified of the acceptance of its Tender by the Procuring Entity during the period of Tender validity; (i). Fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form, if required, or (ii). Fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the ITT. This Guarantee shall expire; a) If the Tenderer is the successful Tenderer, upon our receipt of copies of the Contract signed by the Tenderer and of the Performance Security issued to you by the Tenderer; or b) If the Tenderer is not the successful Tenderer, upon the earlier of; (i) Our receipt of a copy of your notification to the Tenderer that the Tenderer was unsuccessful, or (ii) Thirty days after the expiration of the Tenderer’s Tender. Consequently, any demand for payment under this Guarantee must be received by us at the office on or before that date. [signature(s) of authorized representative(s) ] Page 84 of 89 Performance Bank Guarantee [Unconditional] [The Bank or Insurance providing the Guarantee shall fill in this form in accordance with the instructions indicated in brackets, if the Procuring Entity requires this type of security.] [insert bank’s or insurance company’s name, and address of issuing branch or office] Beneficiary: [insert name and address of Procuring Entity] Date: [insert date] PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No.: [insert Performance Guarantee number] We have been informed that [insert name of Contractor] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has entered into Contract No. [insert reference number of the Contract] dated with you, for the execution of [insert name of Contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter called "the Contract"). Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a Performance Guarantee is required. At the request of the Contractor, we [insert name of Bank or Insurance Company] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [insert amount in figures] ([insert amount in words]), such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Contractor is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract, without your needing to prove or to show grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein. We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before presenting us with the demand. We further agree that no change, addition or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this Guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any change, addition, or modification. This guarantee shall expire not later than thirty days from the date of issuance of the Taking-Over Certificate. [signature(s) of an authorized representative(s) of the Bank or Insurance Company] Page 85 Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment [Bank’s Name and Address of Issuing Branch or Office] Beneficiary: ___________________ [Name and Address of Procuring Entity] Date: ________________ ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE No.: _________________ We have been informed that [name of Contractor] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has entered into Contract No. [reference number of the contract] dated ______ with you, for the execution of [name of contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter called "the Contract"). Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, an advance payment in the sum [amount in figures] ( ) [amount in words] is to be made against an advance payment guarantee. At the request of the Contractor, we [name of Bank or Insurance Company] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [amount in figures] ( ) [amount in words] upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Contractor is in breach of its obligation under the Contract because the Contractor used the advance payment for purposes other than the costs of mobilization in respect of the Works. We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between ________________________[name of Procuring Entity] and the Contractor, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification. No drawing may be made by you under this guarantee until we have received notice in writing from you that an advance payment of the amount listed above has been paid to the Contractor pursuant to the Contract. The maximum amount of this guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amount of the advance payment repaid by the Contractor as indicated in copies of interim statements or payment certificates which shall be presented to us. This guarantee shall expire, at the latest, upon our receipt of a copy of the interim payment certificate indicating that eighty (80) percent of the Contract Price has been certified for payment, or on the ___ day of _____, 2___, whichever is earlier. Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at this office on or before that date. Yours truly, Signature and seal: Name of Bank or Insurance Company: Address: Date: Page 86 SECTION X: APPLICATION TO PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD Page 87 FORM RB 1 REPUBLIC OF KENYA PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION NO…………….OF……….….20……... BETWEEN ……………………………………………………….APPLICANT AND …………………………………RESPONDENT (Procuring Entity) quest for review of the decision of the…………… (Name of the Procuring Entity) of ……………dated the…day of ………….20……….in the matter of Tender No………..…of …………..20… REQUEST FOR REVIEW I/We……………………………,the above named Applicant(s), of address: Physical address…………….Fax No……Tel. No……..Email ……………, hereby request the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board to review the whole/part of the above mentioned decision on the following grounds , namely:1. 2. etc. By this memorandum, the Applicant requests the Board for an order/orders that: 1. 2. etc SIGNED ………………. (Applicant) Dated on…………….day of ……………/…20… FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Lodged with the Secretary Public Procurement Administrative Review Board on ………… day of ………....20….……… SIGNED Board Secretary Page 88 APPENDIX TO TENDER SPECIAL STIPULATIONS Special stipulations applicable to the Contract, which are the subject of his Tender, are set forth herein together with reference to applicable clauses in the Conditions of Contract 1. Description Amount of Performance Security Clause No . 10.1 Stipulation Ten (10) percent of Contract Price in the form of Bank Guarantee. On issue of Defects Liability Certificate 2. Release of Performance Security 10.2 3. Programme of work to be Submitted 14.1 Within 14 days of receipt of Letter of Acceptance 4. Minimum Amount of Third Party Insurance 23.2 Kshs 5,000,000.00/= per occurrence, number of occurrences unlimited 5. Time for Issue of the Notice to Commence 41.1 Within seven (7) days following receipt of Letter of Acceptance 6. Time for Completion ………………………………….. 43.1 7. Amount of Liquidated Damages 47.1 Kshs 5,000 (Kenya Shillings Five Thousand) per day 8. Maximum Cumulative amount of Liquidated Damages 47.1 10 per cent of Contract Price 9. Defects Liability Period 49.1 12 months from the date of issue of Taking –Over Certificate 10 Retention Money 60.3 Deducted at rate of 10% of Each Interim Certificate 11 Limit of Retention Money 5% of Contract Price (Bank Guarantee of the same amount may be used to recover Retention). Page 89