Questions on The Letters from Frankenstein Letter #1 1. What seems to be the purpose of Robert Walton’s voyage? 2. How many years has it been since he resolved to pursue this “present undertaking” of his? Letter #2 1. What is the one “want” which he has never been able to satisfy? 2. Walton reports that his first lieutenant is a man “madly desirous of” what? 3. What had the “master” done in his earlier life that was so “noble”? 4. To what Romantic poem does Walton make reference? Letter #3 1. Walton is sure he will succeed, for “What can stop the _____________________________________________________________?” Letter #4 1. What question does the man floating on the ice with his dog-sled ask? 2. Walton confesses that he begins to love this new passenger like a brother, and he describes the man as being in constant and deep ___________. 3. As Walton speaks to the passenger about his journey and its purpose, what is the passenger’s response? 4. "You may easily perceive, Captain Walton that I have suffered great and unparalleled misfortunes. I had determined, at one time, that the memory of these evils should die with me; but you have won me to alter my determination. You seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been. I do not know that the relation of my disasters will be useful to you; yet, when I reflect that you are pursuing the same course, exposing yourself to the same dangers which have rendered me what I am, I imagine that you may deduce an apt moral from my tale; one that may direct you if you succeed in your undertaking, and console you in case of failure. Prepare to hear of occurrences which are usually deemed marvelous.” How do these words, spoken by the passenger, relate to the poem mentioned earlier? And, thus, begins Victor Frankenstein’s tale of woe…… Frankenstein Chapters 1-5 Questions Chapter 1 1. Who is the “I” narrating the story at this point? 2. Explain how Elizabeth came to be part of the narrator’s family. How did Victor view his relationship to her? Chapter 2 3. Victor mentions a fascination with research. What might this foreshadow? 4. Who is Victor’s best friend? What are his interests? 5. Which scientists does Victor study? 6. How does Victor learn about electricity? Chapter 3 7. Why does Victor leave home? 8. Who dies in this chapter? 9. Victor believes that someone (or something) else was controlling his life. Who or what was it? 10. What does Victor decide to “unfold to the world”? 11. Who inspires Victor to continue with science? Chapter 4 12. What question about nature does Victor dedicate himself to answering? 13. Why can’t Victor tell us his secret? 14. Where did he get his materials? Chapter 5 15. How does Victor feel once the creature awakes? 16. Describe his nightmare. 17. To what poem does Shelley allude? 18. Who comes to visit? 19. Why does Victor become ill? 20. Frankenstein Chapters 6-10 Questions Chapter 6 1. From whom does Victor receive a letter? What does it say? 2. Who is Justine? 3. Who are Ernest and Willie? 4. Where is the creature during this chapter? Chapter 7 5. Who was murdered? Who is the suspect, and why? 6. When Victor arrives back home, he says he foresaw something about himself. What was it? 7. What does Victor consider the storm to be? Whom does he see during the storm? What does he realize as a result? 8. How long has it been since Victor created the creature? Chapter 8 9. Why doesn’t Victor tell the truth? Do you agree with his decision? 10. Why does the accused murderer confess? What is the “murderer’s” fate? Chapter 9 11. Where does the Frankenstein family go? 12. Describe Victor’s experience in the mountains. From a literary standpoint, why is it significant that this experience happens out in nature, not in “civilization”? (Consider the literary movement represented by this novel and the time period during which it was written.) Chapter 10 13. How does Victor greet his creature? Why did the creature expect such treatment? 14. What does the creature think Victor owes him? Why? Do you agree or disagree? 15. At this point, the narrative switches “frames” for several chapters. Explain what I mean by that. Can you tell, just by leafing through the next several chapters, when the frame switches back? Frankenstein Chapter 11-17 Questions Chapter 11 1. Where did the creature hide? 2. Describe the family the creature watches. 3. What sounds intrigue the creature? Chapter 12 4. How does the creature treat the family? 5. Why does the creature want to wait before exposing himself? Chapter 13 6. Who comes to visit the cottage? Why? 7. What does the creature learn about society’s values by listening to history? Chapter 14 8. What was the relationship between Felix and Safie? Why do you think Mary Shelley included this story in the novel? (How does it relate to our main characters’ situations?) Chapter 15 9. How did the creature feel about crime? 10. What books does the creature read? 11. How does the creature learn his own history? 12. Why does the creature approach the old man first? What is the result? Chapter 16 13. What emotions does the creature experience? 14. Why did the creature kill Willie? Chapter 17 15. What does the creature want Victor to do? When Victor at first refuses, what does the creature vow to do? Frankenstein Chapters 18-21 Chapter 18 1. To what country does Victor go? Who goes along? What is Victor to do when he returns? 2. What foreshadow’s Clerval’s death? Chapter 19 3. What was the insurmountable barrier between Victor and his fellow men? How does Victor procrastinate in the building of “the bride”? Chapter 20 4. How does Victor rationalize not creating a bride? 5. The creature says that even thought Victor is the creator, he is the ______________. 6. What does the creature vow to seek? When will he seek it? 7. Of what crime is Victor accused? Chapter 21 8. Who was the murder victim ? 9. How does Mr. Kirwin treat Victor? 10. Who comes to visit Victor? Frankenstein Chapters 22-24 Chapter 22 1. How does Victor feel about his fellow human beings? 2. What does Victor claim he would have done to save the victims’ lives? 3. How was Victor confused about the creature’s wedding night intentions? Chapter 23 4. Who dies? 5. Why does Victor accuse the magistrate of being ignorant? Chapter 24 6. What is keeping Victor alive at this point? 7. How do Victor and the creature travel? 8. What is Victor’s one comfort? 9. What do the sailors make Walton promise to do? How does this relate to Victor story? 10. How does the creature react to Victor’s death? 11. How does the novel end?