Vol 10 No 98 Monday 13 January , 2014 Rs.2 13 January , 2014

Vol 10 No 98 Monday 13 January , 2014 Rs.2 13 January , 2014
Mr.Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Chief Minister Punjab Mian Muhammad
Shahbaz Sharif Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif Sharif Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice
Tassaduq Hussian Jillani and Mr. Imran Khan of PTI what is now needed?
Faisalabad: 12 Jan, Prime Minister
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif is
serving Pakistan third time as PM
as the representative of the masses
of Pakistan so at present he is the
most experienced politician in
Pakistan. So far Punjab is
extraordinarily trained CM to look
after Punjab so present PML(N)
government in the country is
considered as one of the
governments of most seasoned
politicians in Pakistan and that is a
good luck for Pakistan and people
of Pakistan. It is a fact that PML
(N) government has handled the
killing issue of energy crisis
besides the water constrained
posed by the Indian violations of
Indus water treaty and in Pakistan
resistance of Pro Indian groups
against the construction of dams at
most suitable places. It is also a
fact that the construction of
Kalabagh dam can help Pakistan
to settle the energy crisis on
permanent basis but how those
who are getting benefits out of its
opposition could allow the project
of national importance to be a
success but in the presence of
General Raheel Sharif as chief of
army staff and Mr. Justice
Tassaduq Hussian Jillani as Chief
Justice of Pakistan it is hoped that
now the government of PML(N) is
gaining strength to decide about
the difficult matters beside
balanced politicians like Mr.
Imran Khan of PTI are there in
opposition and Mr. Imran Khan as
his statements indicate is all for
the benefit of Pakistan and people
of Pakistan. So far the economy of
the country is concerned finance
experts like Mr. Ishaq dar are
putting hard to stabilize the most
disturbed Pakistan’s economy.
But is this sufficient? In simple
situations such initiatives are
considered big initiatives but in
complex situations that Pakistan is
subject to something else is also
needed. It is a fact that the bold
and remarkable initiative by the
Prime Minister to follow the line
of dialogue with the fighting
against the law
enforcement agencies and defence
forces of Pakistan in Pakistan was
something extraordinary and in
the beginning Pakistan observed
that such initiative by the Prime
Minister was not only working but
it was expected that such would
be sufficient to bring in peace in
Pakistan that due to the failed and
very objectionable policies of a
few cunning and a few most
incapable politicians in the past
have converted the entire country
into a battlefield but later it was
realized that many external and
internal factors were there for
such situation because India do
not want a stable Pakistan as well
as she does not want batter
relations between the two
countries because if this happens
than Pakistan and Afghanistan
would be the beneficiary of the
situation and central Asia and
Eastern Europe would gradually
emerge as a very strong bloc in
the politics of the world and India
would left with no option except
to depend on Pakistan or
Afghanistan and such dependence
would be much expensive for
India and she has to compromise
on many issues like distribution of
water moreover such situation was
likely to settle Kashmir dispute
creating a buffer state between
India and Pakistan. So India
utilized all her resources in
Pakistan and Afghanistan to
aggravate situation on the crossing
line from Pakistan to Afghanistan
that was never considered a
boarder between the two countries
since the inception of Pakistan. It
was expected that media managers
of PML (N) would help its
government to highlight such
aspects so that the most important
issue of Pakistan, the Kashmir
could be settled moreover
Pakistan may get an opportunity
to excel in the region as she
deserves but political parties like
MQM always stressed upon only
one aspect dependence on India
and the importance of Indian
influence on Pakistan because the
HQ of MQM is there in London
and..?. Perhaps now time has
arrived that PM in his traditional
style may let all know that PML
(N) has created Pakistan and now
would defend it as well as
Kashmir cause as both deserve
and would evolve a strategy that
not only give a ‘relief’ to the
‘engaged’ law enforcing agencies
and defense forces for long in
internal matters to divert their
attention towards the real enemies
of Islam and Pakistan. Moreover
now PML(N) government now
would prove that the way it is
operational in Karachi to free
Karachi from ‘criminals’ and
‘dons’ with the help of political
wisdom would evolve a strategy
that would turn Pakistan into a
peaceful country instead of a
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif as he
constructed motorway would
develop a Pakistan that was the
Muhammad Ali and would ‘brain
wash’ all ‘negativity’ from the
minds of people that was there
due to the very objectionable
education policies of Pakistan in
the past and Pakistan would again
become the country of Pakistanis
instead of Pro Indian and against
Kashmir Pakistanis
national leaders always think
about national interests like
Former Israeli premier Ariel
Sharon who died a few days
earlier and emerged as a
controversial figure around the
world but who is still much liked
in Israel because he was a true
Israeli and that is what is needed
in successful politics.
closer, preparations are getting
pace with buildings and shrines in
twin cities decorated with
colourful buntings, banners and
fancy lights to celebrate the
occasion with great reverence and
devotion. Like every year, the
federal as well as the provincial
governments, Azad Jammu and
Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan
governments have planned a
number of activities to celebrate
the annual event on January 14.
Newspapers and magazines will
supplements, while television
channels transmitting and radio
stations broadcasting special
‘Naatia Mushairas’ and quiz
programmes on Seerat-e-Mustafa
(PBUH).Similarly, various social,
cultural, educational institutions
and religious organisations are
finalising their programmes for
celebrating Eid Milad-un-Nabi
(PBUH) with religious fervour.
The stalls carrying buntings,
banners, badges, stickers and flags
inscribed with the slogans of
paying respect and reverence to
Muhammad (PBUH) are being set
up at every corner of the cities.
Large banners and big bill boards
are being displayed at different
entrance points of streets and main
roads across the cities while
mosques, homes and plazas are
being decorated with colorful
Special programmes are being
prepared for paying tribute and to
high light different aspects of the
life of Holy Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). On Rabi-ul-Awal 12,
Eid Milad-un-Nabi processions
would also be taken out from
different areas of Rawalpindi.
Elaborate security arrangements
were being taken to ensure peace
on 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal and all the
routes of the Milad processions
will be thoroughly checked and
the security will be tightened at
Cops with Elite Force, Special
Branch officials, Muhafiz Force,
disposal squads, Lady Police and
personnel of other departments
concerned would guard the Milad
processions.Special duties would
also be performed by the members
of the peace committee, members
volunteers of the procession
committee to ensure the security
of the processions.
SWAT: 12 Jan, Six people were
killed in twin Blasts in Martong
area near Poran in Shangla district
on the convoy of Prime Minister
Nawaz Sharif's advisor Amir
Muqam. Martong police officials
have confirmed that two plicemen
and four civilians were among
those killed in the two blasts
carried out using remote-
controlled bombs. Amir Muqam
had gone to resolve a dispute in
Martong between two families
and was targetted on his way
back. Prime minister Nawaz sharif
has condemend the loss of lives in
the attack, but so far no one has
claimed responsibility. Dawn
Nawaz Sharif Sunday condemned
the bomb blasts in Shangla, Swat.
In his message, the Prime Minister
condoled the death of security
personnel and other people in the
incident and expressed grief over
the loss of precious human lives.
Charsadda 12 Jan, Death toll in
Charsadda rival groups clash
mounted to five as three more
injured people expired in hospital
on Sunday.Two persons were
killed and three others including a
woman were injured when armed
men of two tribes traded fire over
property dispute in Trangzai area
of Charsadda.The injured were
shifted to hospital where three of
them succumbed to their wounds
raising the death toll to five.
Police have registered cases
against accused hailing from both
groups and raids were underway
for their arrest but no arrest was
made till filing of this report The
Sindh Engro Coal Mining
Company (SECMC) is planning to
initiate mining activity of Thar
coal by the mid of 2014, and it
will take 3.5 years to reach Coal
Production stage. Ministry of
Water and Power has an allocation
of Rs.50 Million during current
Financial Year for construction of
transmission network from Thar
to Matiari (Total Cost Rs. 22
details,Planning Commission has
approved a UCG Block-V Pilot
project led by Dr. Samar
Mubarakmand for 8c10 MW with
an allocation of Rs.900 Million
for FY 2013c2014 . Total cost for
the Pilot project is Rs. 1.8 billion,
Government of Sindh has issued
three leases to mine developers in
Thar and according to the planned
timeliness of the existing lease
holders at Thar, SECMC plans to
generate power based on Thar
Similarly, the other lease holders
Sino Sindh Resources Limited &
Oracle Coalfields Pvt. Ltd have
plans to initiate Mining Activity in
BlockcI &Vi during 2014, official
various financial institutes to
achieve financial close for both
Mining and Power.
Five hydel power projects, with a
capacity to produce over 5,789
MW power, would be completed
by 2016, said an official of Water
Authority (WAPDA). According
to an official of WAPDA, the
power would help meet the energy
requirements of the country. He
said the Diamer-Bhasha Dam
project on River Indus is a
“lifeline” for national economy,
which will go a long way in
meeting future agricultural and
electricity requirements.He said
Diamer-Basha Dam has three
important objectives, including
flood control, power generation
The gigantic project will generate
4500 megawatts electricity and
store over eight million acre feet
of water to meet growing power
and irrigation needs, he said.
The Golen Gol Hydropower
Project, being constructed by the
Pakistan Water and Power
(WAPDA) in district Chitral of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province,
will complete in 2015 and will
Golen Project is a part of leastcost energy generation plan of
government, being executed by
WAPDA on priority basis to
hydropower resources of the
country to improve the ratio of
hydel electricity in the National
Grid, help reduce electricity tariff
and provide relief to the
consumers. On its completion, the
project will contribute about 436
million units of electricity to the
Hydroelectric Project is being
constructed over river Neelum and
the project, once completed, will
contribute about 5.15 billion units
of electricity annually to the
National Grid. Annual benefits of
the project have been estimated at
Rs 30 billion. The Hydroelectric
Neelum Jhelum project would be
Hydroelectric project would help
the country in meeting its
growing energy requirements. The
project would produce 969 mw
electricity.The Duber Khwar
Hydropower Project is located on
Khan Khwar River, right bank
tributary of Indus River near
Pattan District Kohistan in Khyber
PakhtunKhwa province at a
distance of 265 Km from
Islamabad. Duber Khwar would
hydropower project has already
been floated and engineering
The project would produce 84
MW power and it will be
completed wihthin 48 months.
Bukhari): The University of
collaboration with Punjab Agri
Department is strengthening soil
analysis and fertilizer prediction
model through Information and
Communication Technology in
the 36 districts of the Punjab. The
requirements and latest practices
to the farming community through
SMS, call centre and web in order
to increase the productivity and
solve their problems.It was
discussed at meeting chaired by
UAF Vice Chancellor Prof Dr
Extension Dept Director General
Dr Anjum Ali Bhuttar, Agri
Information Punjab Director Rafiq
Akhtar, Registrar Muhammad
Hussain, Treasure Umar Saeed,
Dr Rasheed Ahmad, Director Soil
Sciences Institute Director Dr
Javaid Akhtar, Ayub Agri
General Dr Abid Mahmood,
Community College Principal Dr
Khalil-ur-Rehman and Dr Ahsan
attended the meeting. The Vice
Chancellor said that the farming
community needs to given
awareness regarding the latest
practices. He was of the view that
the project will prove the
milestone as the information be
provided to farmers for solving
their problems through discussion
with experts on phone and internet
also. He also said that farmers’
facilitation centre would be set up
at the UAF. He said that majority
of the farmers in Pakistan were
the small farmers. The country is
losing heavy money because of
imbalanced use of inputs. By
making it rationalized though
awareness to farmers, millions of
rupees can be saved. He said the
UAF had established a fertilizer
prediction model in collaboration
with Punjab Agri Department.
Website (fertilizeruaf.pk) had
been set up guiding the framers
about the balanced use of
fertilizer.Dr Anjum Bhuttar said
that keeping in view the cost of
production, balanced use of input
was vital for the progress of the
country. He said that his
department was making all out
efforts to sensitizing the farming
community about balance use and
modern practices in order to
ensure the food security. He said
the project was a complete
package for the famers providing
experts opinion. He said that the
project entered in the second
phase would bear the fruit in term
of increment in production. Prof
Dr Rasheed Ahmad briefed the
meeting about the project He said
that food security was one of the
areas of the concern. The project
will bring tangible results to
increase the productivity and
increase the profit of the farmers.
HEC awarded 2,528
foreign, 4,108
indigenous scholarships
ISLAMABAD, Jan 12 (APP): The
Higher Education Commission
(HEC) has awarded 2,528 foreign,
4,108 indigenous scholarships to
various scholars in the last five
years, said an official of Ministry
of Education, Training and
Standards in Higher Education.
Talking to APP, he said the HEC
has sent 4,204 scholars to abroad
and also extended financial
assistance to 8,178 students under
different need based programmes
in last five years. Giving detail of
the foreign scholarships, he said
including 238 female scholars of
Punjab have been awarded in last
five years. A total of 304
scholarships including 68 female
scholars hailing from Sindh have
been awarded since the year 2008.
Yet other 482 scholarships
including 43 female scholars have
been awarded to the students of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. While 75
scholarships including 13 female
students of Balochistan have also
been awarded in last five years, he
said.Likewise, 116 scholarships
including 25 female scholars
belonging to Azad Jammu and
Kashmir have been awarded. The
other 39 scholarships including 1
female scholars of Federally
work on Dasu
project to start
this year
Minister of State for Education,
Trainings, and Standards in
Higher Education Muhammad
Baligh-ur-Rehman has said that
PML-N has strong bonds of love
with masses. Talking to APP, he
said PML-N government will give
loans to youth so that they can
earn their living in a dignified
way. Replying to a question,
Minister said PML-N government
will bring the country out of
crises. To another question, he
said business community of the
country is the backbone of our
economy but past government did
not take care of it.
ISLAMABAD, Jan 12 (APP): The
construction work on 4,320
Hydropower Project will start
from this year as detailed
engineering design and tender
completion. World Bank has also
agreed to extend financial
assistance for the Hydropower
Project, said an official of Water
Hydropower Project will have
positive impact on existing
hydropower stations including
Tarbela, Ghazi Barotha and
Chashma. The first phase of the
project would be completed in
2017. The project will be
constructed on the Indus River,
seven kms upstream of Dasu
village and 74 kms downstream of
Diamer-Bhasha Dam. The project
is situated on the Karakoram
Highway, about 350 kms from
He said the Dasu project is part of
the least-cost energy production
plan of WAPDA aimed at
hydropower resources to improve
the share of hydroelectricity.
Kashmir settlement
under UN resolutions resolution essential
for betterment of
Srinagar, January 12 (KMS): In
occupied Kashmir, the veteran
Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani,
has said that minorities, the
Muslims in particular, in India
have suffered immensely during
the Congress rule.Syed Ali Gilani
in a statement issued in Srinagar
dismissed as election stunt the
Minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde,
asking the governments of all
Indian states to set up review or
screening committees to assess
role of minority youth languishing
in jails on terror charges without
Muslim community in India and
people of Kashmir in particular
were the worst sufferers and
thousands of Muslim youth are
languishing in different jails on
fictitious cases,” the veteran
leader said. He pointed out that
subjected to the worst type of
suppression for being a part of the
freedom movement, while Muslim
community in India was being
targeted for their association with
so-called Indian Mujahedeen.Syed
Ali Gilani said that Congress
under the cover of so-called
secularism, promoted the agenda
of the rightwing communal parties
whose sole agenda was killing,
destruction and humiliation of
Kashmiri people and Muslim
community in India.“It is in view
of the forthcoming elections that
Sushil Kumar Shinde has raised
the issue of fake cases against
Muslim population and this is all
mockery and only to lure Muslim
veteran leader maintained that the
Congress party ignored all norms
of justice when Kashmiri youth,
Muhammad Afzal Guru, was
executed mercilessly to satisfy the
so-called conscience of the people
of India.Referring to the Mecca
Masjid, Malegaon and Samjhauta
Express blasts, he said that these
elements blamed Muslim youth in
India for these terror acts.
“However, after the investigations
revealed the facts about these
incidents, they never apologized
for their misleading statements
and their allegations against the
Muslim community,” he added.
Srinagar, January 12 (KMS): In
occupied Kashmir, the Jammu and
Kashmir Democratic Political
Movement (DPM) has urged India
to withdraw its troops from the
territory and settle the Kashmir
dispute by implementing the
relevant UN resolutions.The DPM
General Secretary, Muhammad
Shafi Reshi, addressing a party
meeting at Sumbal in Sonwari
said that Kashmir was an
internationally recognized dispute
and permanent peace in the region
was not possible without its
resolution.The DPM General
Secretary denounced the curbs on
the movement and political
activities of Hurriyet leadership.
He said that India could not
suppress the ongoing liberation
movement through such cheap
tactics.Muhammad Shafi Reshi
paid glowing tributes to the
Kashmiri youth martyred recently
by Indian troops and police
personnel at different places. He
said that sacrifices of Kashmiri
waste.Besides others, party Chief
Coordinator, Muhammad Imran
and Feroz Sarfaraz attended the
South Asia’
Srinagar, January 12 (KMS): In
occupied Kashmir, senior leader
of the All Parties Hurriyet
Conference, Professor Abdul
Ghani Butt, has said that
settlement of the Kashmir dispute
is essential for the betterment of
the people of entire South
Asia.Professor Abdul Ghani Butt
in a media interview in Srinagar
said, “Resolution of Kashmir is
not only for the betterment of the
people of Kashmir but also in the
larger interests of South Asia,
China and America.” He said, the
long-pending dispute should be
resolved so that no wars and
nuclear powers – Pakistan and
India – take place in future.The
APHC leader deplored that the
United Nations had failed to
resolve the conflict over Kashmir
and even after 65 years, nothing
concrete had happened vis-à-vis
its settlement.Maintaining that the
so-called elections in the occupied
territory had no relevance to the
Kashmir dispute, he said that the
sham polls were held for better
roads and electricity and they had
nothing to do with the ongoing
liberation struggle.
Three to
Washington 12 Jan, U.S. President
Barack Obama has nominated
three people to the board of the
country's powerful central bank.
Obama named Stanley Fischer, a
former governor of Israel's central
bank who holds dual U.S. and
Israeli citizenship, to be vice
chairman of the Federal Reserve.
If confirmed by the Senate, the
70-year-old Fischer would replace
Janet Yellen, who is taking over
as Fed chair next month as the
eight-year tenure of Ben Bernanke
nominated Lael Brainard, one of
his former international economic
advisers, to the seven-member
board, and renominated current
board member Jerome Powell for
The Fed board sets policies for the
world's largest economy as it
attempts to boost job growth and
keep inflation in check.
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif is
serving Pakistan third time as
PM as the representative of the
masses of Pakistan so at present
he is the most experienced
politician in Pakistan. So far
Punjab is concerned Mian
Muhmmad Shahbaz Sharif is an
extraordinarily trained CM to
look after Punjab so present
PML(N) government in the
country is considered as one of
the governments of most
seasoned politicians in Pakistan
and that is a good luck for
Pakistan. It is a fact that PML
(N) government has handled
the killing issue of energy crisis
besides the water constrained
posed by the Indian violations
of Indus water treaty and in
Pakistan resistance of Pro
Indian groups against the
construction of dams at most
suitable places. It is also a fact
that the construction of
Kalabagh dam can help
Pakistan to settle the energy
crisis on permanent basis but
how those who are getting
benefits out of its opposition
could allow the project of
national importance to be a
success but in the presence of
General Raheel Sharif as chief
of army staff and Mr. Justice
Tassaduq Hussian Jillani as
Chief Justice of Pakistan it is
hoped that now the government
of PML(N) is gaining strength
to decide about the difficult
pressures because balanced
politicians like Mr. Imran Khan
of PTI are there in opposition
and Mr. Imran Khan as his
statements indicate is all for the
benefit of Pakistan and people
of Pakistan. So far the economy
of the country is concerned
finance experts like Mr. Ishaq
dar are putting hard to stabilize
the most disturbed Pakistan’s
economy. But is this sufficient?
In simple situations such
initiatives are considered big
initiatives but in complex
situations that Pakistan is
subject to something else is
also needed. It is a fact that the
bold and remarkable initiative
by the Prime Minister to follow
the line of dialogue with the
fighting people against the law
enforcement agencies and
defence forces of Pakistan in
extraordinary and in the
beginning Pakistan observed
that such initiative by the Prime
Minister was not only working
but it was expected that such
would be sufficient to bring in
peace in Pakistan that due to
objectionable policies of a few
cunning and a few most
incapable politicians in the past
have converted the entire
country into a battlefield but
later it was realized that many
external and internal factors
were there for such situation
because India do not want a
stable Pakistan as well as she
does not want batter relations
between the two countries
because if this happens than
would be the beneficiary of the
situation and central Asia and
gradually emerge as a very
strong bloc in the politics of the
world and India would left with
no option except to depend on
Pakistan or Afghanistan and
such dependence would be
much expensive for India and
she has to compromise on
many issues like distribution of
water moreover such situation
was likely to settle Kashmir
dispute creating a buffer state
between India and Pakistan. So
India utilized all her resources
in Pakistan and Afghanistan to
aggravate situation on the
crossing line from Pakistan to
Afghanistan that was never
considered a boarder between
the two countries since the
inception of Pakistan. It was
expected that media managers
of PML (N) would help its
government to highlight such
aspects so that the most
important issue of Pakistan, the
Kashmir could be settled
moreover Pakistan may get an
opportunity to excel in the
region as she deserves but
political parties like MQM
always stressed upon only one
aspect dependence on India and
the importance of Indian
influence on Pakistan because
the HQ of MQM is there in
London and..?. Perhaps now
time has arrived that PM in his
traditional style may let all
know that PML (N) has created
Pakistan and now would defend
it as well as Kashmir cause as
both deserve and would evolve
a strategy that not only give a
‘relief’ to the ‘engaged’ law
enforcing agencies and defense
forces for long in internal
matters to divert their attention
towards the real enemies of
Islam and Pakistan. Moreover
now PML(N) government now
would prove that the way it is
operational in Karachi to free
Karachi from ‘criminals’ and
‘dons’ with the help of political
wisdom would evolve a
strategy that would turn
Pakistan into a peaceful country
instead of a ‘battlefield” and
Sharif as he constructed
motorway would develop a
Pakistan that was the dream of
Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali
and would ‘brain wash’ all
‘negativity’ from the minds of
people that was there due to the
very objectionable education
policies of Pakistan in the past
and Pakistan would again
Pakistanis instead of Pro Indian
and against Kashmir Pakistanis
because national leaders always
think about national interests
like Former Israeli premier
Ariel Sharon who died a few
days earlier and emerged as a
controversial figure around the
world but who is still much
liked in Israel because he was a
true Israeli and that is what is
needed in successful politics.
Perhaps in a county like
Pakistan it is easy to be national
leader but history is evident of
the fact that it is much difficult
to be ‘beloved’ national leader
and Mian Muhammad Nawaz
Sharif who is ruling Pakistan
third time as Prime Minister
would prefer to be the
‘beloved’ leader of Pakistanis
and would not only ‘solve’ the
issue of Kashmir but would
also built a strong Pakistan as
he made Pakistan an atomi
power and would defeat all
enemies of Pakistan with his
wisdom and expertise as
Shahbaz won Punjab.