Weekly Market Report Week 46 2014

Weekly Market Report Week 46/2014
Friday 07/11/2014 to Thursday 13/11/2014
Vegetables: Good supplies on offer met occasional bouts of good trading. Traders attributed the
slight improvement to the more prevailing seasonal weather conditions.
Cauliflower is one of those products where supply and demand can fluctuate due to
variable weather and after a number of weeks of heavy supplies as a result of mild
weather the volume on the market tightened as growth patterns were returning to more
seasonal norms because of the drop in temperature. Prices firmed, Irish and U.K. count
of 8 traded in the range €6.50-€7.50, U.K. count of 12 sold at €8.00-€10.00 per dozen.
 Good quality Irish and Dutch leeks met a fair demand at slightly firmer values, 5 Kg
packs traded at €4.25 compared to €4.00 in week 45.
Supplies of
Spanish and Canary Island 57-67mm round tomatoes increased and prices slipped back
from €8.00/6 Kg in week 45 to trade at €7.50, small volumes of good quality Dutch and
Irish round tomatoes also eased in value and they traded in the range €6.00-€7.00 per 6
 Iceberg lettuce met a fair demand at similar values to last week. Spanish produce made
up the bulk of the produce on offer. Trade reports indicate that weather conditions have
been very warm in Spain but temperatures are now starting to cool down and this is
benefitting the quality of the produce.
 Broccoli values nudged upwards, Spanish 6 Kg traded in the range €8.50-€9.50, Irish
and U.K. iced produce sold at €6.00-€7.00 per 4. 5 Kg.
 Good supplies of Spanish, Dutch and Irish peppers met a fair demand at increased
values. Spanish green peppers traded at €8.00-€9.00/ 5 Kg compared to €7.00-€8.00
last week, Irish and Dutch green peppers sold at €6.00-7.00/ 5 Kg compared to €5.00€6.00 in week 45. Red and yellow produce from all three countries made similar gains.
 Root crops, carrots parsnips and Swedes met a steady turnover at stable values.
Potatoes: Demand remained sluggish for good supplies. As the potato harvest nears
completion a breakdown in weather conditions has halted harvesting activity. At this stage
approximately 85% of main crop varieties have been harvested and reports indicate that quality
is good and the total yield will be similar to last year despite the reduction in acreage.
 New season Rooster traded in the range €2.30 -€3.00 /10 Kg.
 New season Kerrs Pink was trading at €2.80-€3.00 per 10 Kg.
 Small volumes British Queens traded in the price range €1.50-€2.00 /10 Kg.
 U.K. Maris Piper for the chipping trade traded at €7.50 -€8. 50 / 25 Kg.
Fruit: Supplies on offer met a moderate demand.
 Good supplies of apples met a fair demand at unchanged values. The remaining lots of
Southern Hemisphere apples on offer struggled to compete with new season French
lines. With apple and pear yields up in EU producing countries, traders are striving to
find new export opportunities after the loss of the Russian market. Following on from
the recent agreement between Belgium and Canada trade reports indicate that China
has agreed to import Dutch pears and traders are hoping that equilibrium on EU
markets will be enhanced as a result of these agreements.
 Clementines and oranges moved out at values similar to last week. After a slow start
due to high temperatures Spanish citrus lines are gradually increasing as cooler weather
sets in. Lemon values eased slightly, Spanish count 90/100 traded at €16.00-€17.00 and
Turkish 9 Kg at €9.50-€10.50.
 The quantity of strawberries on the market tightened and values rose sharply, Dutch 8
x 500g moved out at €28.00 compared to €20.00 last week, small volumes of good
quality Irish increased from €1.75/227g to trade at €2.00.
Good quality grapes from Brazil and the USA met a fair demand at firm values.
Flowers Good supplies met a fair demand.
Chrysanthemums moved out steadily throughout the week
Flower bouquets met a moderate demand.