MFL Primary Strategy CPD details 2009-2010 Courses pre-fixed with a MLS code are not charged for and supply cover, where appropriate is paid following attendance. Courses pre-fixed with a MLN code are not charged for but there is no funding to support teacher release Courses pre-fixed with a MLB code carry a charge for attendance and there is no funding available to support teacher release. There is CPD money placed in CELL budgets to cover these types of courses. Contacts: Lorna Harvey : tel 01785278804 Jim Fisher : tel 01785277951 CPD team tel 01785277932 Teaching French to Primary children “language and methods” phase 1 Description This course is suitable for beginners or near beginners of French, who are teaching children the language in curriculum time. Sessions are free and £75 towards supply costs will be paid for up to 25 participants after attendance at each session. How to register Would-be participants must contact Lorna Harvey or Jim Fisher to express an interest in this course. After receiving confirmation of eligibility, they should register in the usual way by contacting the CPD team on 01785 277932. Code MLS43201 Autumn start MLS43202 Spring start Day /date Starts 21st September 2009 pm Further dates: 12/10pm,2/11pm, 16/11am,30/11am, 14/12am, 11/1pm, 25/1am, 8/2pm Starts 8th March 2010 am Further dates: 15/3pm,29/3am, 19/4pm,10/5am, 24/5pm, 7/6pm 21/6am, 5/7pm am / pm various Venue / room Note Kingston 9 half day sessions between 21st Sept. and Feb 2010 various Kingston 9 half day sessions between 8th March and July 2010 Teaching Spanish to Primary children “language and methods” phase 1 Description This course is suitable for beginners or near beginners of Spanish, who are teaching children the language in curriculum time. Sessions are free and £75 towards supply costs will be paid for up to 25 participants after attendance at each session. How to register Would-be participants must contact Lorna Harvey or Jim Fisher to express an interest in this course. After receiving confirmation of eligibility, they should register in the usual way by contacting the CPD team on 01785 277932. Code MLS43001 Autumn start Day /date Starts 28th September 2009 pm Further dates: 13/10am, 22/10am, 9/11pm,27/11am,9/12pm,7/1am,25/1pm,10/2pm am / pm various Venue / room Kingston Note 9 half day sessions between 28th Sept. and Feb 2010 MLS43002 Spring start Starts 23rd February 2010 am Further dates: 10/3pm, 29/3pm, 22/4am,12/5pm, 25/5am, 14/6pm, 30/6am,15/7am various Kingston 9 half day sessions between 22nd Feb and July 2010 Teaching French to Primary children “language and methods” phase 2 Description This course is suitable for teachers who have attended our phase 1 course or who have a basic level of French already. The course will consider how to ensure progression in French and how to develop the language learning skills of pupils by focusing on the KS2 FWK objectives for years 4 to 6. It will incorporate some of the units of the QCA schemes of work for years 4 to 6, and will explore possibilities for cross-curricular work. The course would be more appropriate for teachers who are teaching pupils who have had a year or more of French already or those wanting to continue to improve their French after completing a phase 1 course. How to register To discuss whether you are eligible to register for a place please contact Lorna Harvey or Jim Fisher BEFORE trying to register. After receiving confirmation of eligibility, you should then register in the usual way by contacting the CPD team on 01785 277932. Code MLS 43301 Day /date am / pm Starts 8th Oct 2009 am Further dates: 4/11am, 2/12am, 11/12pm, 26/1am, 12/2am, 18/3pm, 31/3am Venue / room Kingston Note 8 half day sessions between 8th Oct 09 and March 2010 Teaching Spanish to Primary children “language and methods” phase 2 Description This course is suitable for teachers who have attended our phase 1 course or who have a basic level of Spanish already. The course will consider how to ensure progression in Spanish and how to develop the language learning skills of pupils by focusing on the KS2 FWK objectives for years 4 to 6. It will incorporate some of the units of the QCA schemes of work for years 4 to 6, and will explore possibilities for cross-curricular work. The course would be more appropriate for teachers who are teaching pupils who have had a year or more of Spanish already or those wanting to continue to improve their Spanish after completing a phase 1 course. How to register To discuss whether you are eligible to register for a place please contact Lorna Harvey or Jim Fisher BEFORE trying to register. After receiving confirmation of eligibility, you should then register in the usual way by contacting the CPD team on 01785 277932. Code MLS 43101 Day /date Starts 21st Sept 2009 (am) Further dates : 21/10 am, 20/11am,7/12pm, 14/1am, 3/2am. 5/3am, 25/3pm am / pm Venue / room Kingston Note 8 half day sessions between 21st Sept 09 and March 2010 7-14 conference : progression in language learning Description This one day conference provides an opportunity for colleagues involved in co-ordinating languages to focus on progression and explore how teachers can build upon the skills pupils are acquiring in primary schools, specifically in terms of MFL. The conference is aimed at secondary subject leaders of MFL (or a colleague leading with primary liaison within the department) to attend with a representative from a primary school within the CELL. Wherever possible, one of the two colleagues should be the CELL co-ordinator. Colleagues will be invited to choose from a range of workshops which will disseminate the work of a number of Staffordshire CELLs involved in a national 7-14 project. There will also be an opportunity to hear from colleagues from outside the authority about their work with transition and how it is impacting on the KS3 curriculum. Places are restricted to 100 and limited to 2 places per CELL so early booking is strongly recommended How to register As places are limited for this conference, schools should ensure registration is done through CELL coordinators, who should contact the CPD team on 01785277932 giving names of delegates, schools and the CELL they represent. For CELLS with more than 1 high school / middle school or if you are uncertain about eligibility, please get in touch with Lorna Harvey to clarify the number of spaces available for your CELL. Code CNN411101 Day /date 2nd October 09 am / pm All day Venue / room Kingston Note 2 free places per CELL (1 high school, primary school) Cell Coordinator meetings Description Network and update meetings for all CELL co-ordinators. Wherever possible all CELL co-ordinators should attend. There is no charge for the sessions. Money towards supply costs has been allocated to CELL budgets for attendance at these meetings. CELL co-ordinators are asked to put these 3 dates in their diaries and register using the code below, which will mean they are registered for all three sessions. How to register By contacting the CPD team on 01785277932 Code MLN43801 MLN43801 MLN43801 Day /date 14h Sept 2009. 15th Jan 2010 29th April 2010 am/pm am am am Venue / room Kingston Kingston Kingston Note Primary languages coordinators’ development day Spring 2010 Description For ALL co-ordinators of languages in primary and middle schools. An opportunity to network and attend workshops. Choices of workshops will be available for certain sessions. This is a free course and £150 towards supply costs will be paid into individual school budgets after attendance. Maximum of 80 places so early booking recommended. How to register By contacting the CPD team on 01785277932 Code MLS43401 Day /date 5th Feb 2010 am/pm All day Venue / room Kingston Note all coordinators 80 places Primary FLA Mentors’ Induction (non host) Autumn 2009 Description An essential briefing session for nominated FLA mentors in primary schools which are not designated as the FLA’s HOST school. The brieifing considers practical administrative and pastoral concerns and responsibilities but foucsses on ideas to make best use of the FLA as a uniquely authentic resource. There is no charge and supply cover is paid following attendance How to register Contact the CPD team on 01785 277932 and book a place in the normal way. If you are uncertain about eligibility contact Jim fisher Code MLS42501 Day /date 9th Sept 2009 am/pm pm Venue / room Kingston Note Primary languages coordinators’ network sessions 2009- 2010 Description For ALL co-ordinators of languages in primary and middle schools. An opportunity to network and receive updates on developments in November and in March. The same session will be repeated in 4 different venues. There is no charge for these sessions but there is no funding to support teacher release How to register Contact the CPD team on 01785277932 Code MLN44802 MLN44801 MLN44803 MLN44804 MLN44904 MLN44903 MLN44902 MLN44901 Day /date 11/11/09 13/11/09 17/11/09 18/11/09 17/03/10 19/03/10 24/03/10 23/03/10 time 13.30-15.15 13.30-15.15 13.30-15.15 13.30-15.15 13.30-15.15 13.30-15.15 13.30-15.15 13.30-15.15 Venue / room Burton Teachers Centre Kingston Seabridge Pendrell Hall Pendrell Hall Seabridge Burton Teachers Centre Kingston Modern Languages in Early Years and KS1 Description 3 half day linked sessions. This is a re-run of the course run in 2008-9.The 3 sessions are NOT language specific and aimed at teachers teaching a language in Early Years or KS1. Participants are also invited to register for a 4th session (French / German / Spanish language) which will provide an opportunity to learn some key vocabulary and structures which they will find useful when teaching Early Years and KS1 pupils. These sessions are for beginners in learning the chosen language. The additional language sessions may also be booked by teachers not attending the 3 linked sessions. Booking Would-be participants must contact Lorna Harvey to express an interest in this course. After receiving confirmation of eligibility, they should register in the usual way by contacting the CPD team on 01785277932. Code MLS 44601 Day /date Fri 18th sept Mon 8th Feb Wed 21st April Time pm am am Venue / room Kingston Note Opportunity to register for a 4th session (one of the choices below) Time am Venue / room Kingston Note Venue / room Kingston Note French language for Early Years / KS1 Code MLS45401 Day /date 1st Feb 2010 Spanish language for Early Years / KS1 Code MLS45501 Day /date 18th Jan 2010 Time pm German language for Early Years / KS1 Code MLS45601 Day /date 3rd Dec 09 Time am Venue / room Kingston Note CELL development opportunities: These sessions (outlined below) are offered to CELL group representatives. Each CELL is given an allocation of either £1,000 (for CELLs with up to 8 members) or £1,500 (for CELLS with 8 or more members). This allocation is additional to the fixed formula grant and MUST be spent on the “Development” activities. CELLS should agree their own priorities and identify at least 4 opportunities to access. The courses are charged at £100 for a full day and £50 for a half day. The cost to the CELL budget including supply is £250 for a full day and £125 for a half day where the supply subsidy is calculated at £150 full and £75 half. CELL coordinators will have received details on application, costing and charging procedures. Both primary and secondary colleagues are welcome to attend these sessions. How to register for all CELL development activities listed below Schools should decide as a CELL group which teachers and schools will be attending which courses, and include these details in part B of the CELL action plan. Teachers named will be registered automatically and receive a programme for the course 2-3 weeks prior to the course date. CELL development opportunity : KS2 FW for MFL – progression in language learning skills This session will provide colleagues, either from the primary or secondary sector, with an opportunity to become more familiar with the KS2 framework for languages. It will also explore how to use this cruicial document in planning to ensure progression in language learning. Code MLB42402 Day /date 22nd January 2010 Time am Venue / room Kingston Note CELL development opportunity : Creative use of the interactive whiteboard in MFL A one-day hands-on course on the use of the interactive whiteboard in teaching languages .These 2 courses will provide an opportunity to consider how key features of activ studio and powerpoint might be effectively used to develop exciting activities for language lessons. Code MLB 43601 Day /date 10th Dec 2009 Time All day Venue / room Kingston MLB 43701 11th March 2010 All day Kingston Note For beginners or teachers / TAs with basic skills (eg.can write on the board, save flipcharts, but only use a limited number of the tools For teachers who use a whiteboard already (eg. use the library, paste images, use a number of the basic tools), but who wish to improve their skills in order to develop a wider range of activities for language lessons. CELL development opportunity : Improving French pronunciation A new course for teachers / TA’s with a basic knowledge of French only (for eg. up to GCSE level), who would like to improve their pronunciation. Participants will be taught some of the key sound – spelling patterns to enable them to be more confident when speaking the language, but should also gain ideas for how they might focus on this area in language lessons. Code MLB45201 Day /date 5th November 2009 Time am Venue / room Kingston Note CELL development opportunity : planning for languages in the creatve curriculum A number of schools which have languages in curriculum time are now exploring how this subject can be further embedded, to provide more cross-curricular links and ultimately to link in with the creative curriculum. This course will consider how to plan towards this, explore how some of the QCA units might support us and share initial ideas of where to go for possible resoucres and materials. Code MLB 43501 Day /date 26th November 2009 Time All day Venue / room Kingston Note CELL development opportunity : Assessing Primary Languages This session will consider models of good practice for how teachers might assess languages in primary classrooms. Code MLB 44110 Day /date 22th March 2010 Time am Venue / room Kingston Note CELL development opportunity : Differentiating in the languages classroom for mixed experience, mixed ability and mixed age This session will share practical ideas for planning and teaching where there is a range of prior learning experiences in the class. Code MLB50301 Day /date 17th June 2010 Time am Venue / room Kingston Note Developing intercultural Understanding through another language These sessions may be a way forward for schools which are for example teaching one language, such as French, and wish to include a small amount of another language in order to add breadth to the learning experiences of pupils looking for a way of developing intercultural awareness and understanding throughout the school wanting to develop further ideas to include in the creative curriculum considering how they might develop languages in KS1 The course will share a range of resources and lesson plans which classroom teachers could adapt and deliver in both Key Stage 1 and 2. Teachers will leave the course with a set of resources. There is no assumption that a teacher will have any knowledge of the language before the session. The materials will incorporate a small amount of language (eg greetings linked to festivals, a few numbers and colours), but the focus will be to consider the culture of the country. CELL development opportunity : Developing Intercultural Understanding : A look at Chinese culture and language Code MLB45301 9th Day /date Dec 2009 Time am Venue / room Kingston Note CELL development opportunity : Developing Intercultural Understanding : A look at German culture and language Code MLB50201 Day /date 21st June 2010 Time am Venue / room Kingston Note LSG (local support group) twilight sessions for Staffs / Stoke Twilight sessions at various venues throughout the county. Free attendance and snacks to anyone interested. Proposed initial sessions will be advertised on the following website in the near future lands/staffordshire.aspx