British Embassy Press Review 2008

1)For Building Pump Stations to Transfer Man-Made River Water to Benghazi
Tender by: Execution System &Administration 0f Man-made River Execution System & Administration of
Man-made River
Tender for submitting services of supervision and engineering administration for the project of building pump
stations to transfer Man-made River water from Kofra / Tazerbo-Sareir/ Sirte -Tazerbo/ Benghazi including
executing works of Kofra Wells and establishing center of supporting operation and Maintenance in Kofra.
The required works include providing expert and skilled employees to checkup and approved designs and
engineering works which are prepared by project contractors.
They should do works of supervision and directing the project.
This related to the constructions, fixing, and tests to reach the complete operation of equipment and the formation
of the project as follows:-- Supervision on establishing pump station in Kofra field and pump station in pipelines of transferring water of
Sareir/ Ijdabia.
- Also, station pump of Sirte No.2 in the line of transferring water Ijdabia/Sirte in the circles of executing
connection with the system of transferring the executed water (Sareir System/ Sirte-Yazerbo-Beghazi).
- Supervision for executing works of Kofra wells field include (Wells pumps-Lifting wells pipes-equipment &
attached heads of wells-Pipelines of collecting wells water-system providing electric energy-Control system
and communications.
- Supervision on establishing center of supporting operation and maintenance near Kofra pumping station.
Invited to Tender: All consultant and specialized national and international companies which desire to participate
in this tender
Application to & purchasing tender document from: executing and administration system of Great Man-made
River located in:- 1) Benghazi at Hwari Street, OR
2) Tripoli location at Qasr bin Qashir al wadi alrabea Street,
Purchasing Tender documents at formal working hours
Starting Date : from 07-10-2008
Terms & Conditions
1) Applicant should have experience and ability to execute similar projects of the tender.
2) Applicant should enclose with his offer the documents which indicate to his experience, copy of
establishing contract, basic system and financial status.
3) Last date of receiving offers is at 12:00 on Sunday 07-12-2008 and, applicants can purchase offer
documents during this period.Validity of
4) the offer is (180days) from the date of submitting the offer.
5) Applicant should purchase the offers document by a check worth of three thousand LD (3000LD) should be
deposited in the account of execution and administration of Great man- made River project NO.550020
Wahda Bank in Benghazi or account No. 2990 Sahara Bank in Tripoli at First September Street ( it is not
6) Applicant should enclose with the offers a primary deposit worth of (50000 Euro) Fifty thousand Euro or
should be equal to the amount in Libyan currency with a guarantee letter issued from Libyan Bank and the
approved check should from one of the Libyan Banks valid for 240 days from date of submitting offers and
refundable if applicant did not win the tender.
7) Offers should be submitted to secretary of Bids committee in Benghazi in closed envelop and stamped in
red tape before12:00 on 07-12-2008.
8) Envelops will be opened in a public meeting by the attendance of the representatives of the participated
For more information please contact the following :
( Telephones& Fax): (00218) 0215692141 / 0612226941 / 061223024705 / 0612230247
2) Invitation for Pre-qualification contractors for Downhole Drilling/Fishing
Tools and Services
Tender for Downhole Drilling/Fishing Tools and Services Announcement Re-opening of the Notice of Intent to
Pre-qualify Contractors for Downhole Drilling/Fishing Tools and ServicesRe-opening Notice.
ExxonMobil Libya Limited intends to pre-qualify contractors offering Downhole Drilling/Fishing Tools and Services.
This qualification process is in preparation for a request to provide competitive proposals for the provision of
Downhole Drilling/Fishing Tools and Services for planned offshore drilling operations in Libya utilizing the Misrata,
Libya Port Area.
Invited to Tender Local and International Contractors specializing in Downhole Drilling/Fishing Tools and Services
are invited to register their interest to receive a Request for Proposal package by providing the information
requested below.
Basic QualificationsTo be considered for receipt of a Request for Proposal package,
Contractors should ensure that they can meet the following basic qualifications:
Contractor can provide proof of existing registration in Libya or their planned intent and strategy to register in Libya
solely or through a joint venture with a Libyan registered partner, to conduct business in accordance with Libyan
Contractor can provide audited financial statements for the past 3 years.
Contractor specialises in, and can demonstrate previous experience in providing Downhole Drilling/Fishing Tools
and Services.
Required information to register their interest to receive a Request for Proposal package, contractors shall provide
the information requested below:A request for additional information will be provided in the Request for Proposal package if so received.
1. Full Contractor name and company registration details.
2. Full name and company registration details of Libyan partner (if any).
3. Address and contact name to which the Request for Proposal package may be sent.
4. Details of Ownership/Corporate Organization of Contractor and Libyan partner (if any)·
Identify whether or not your company is publicly held.·
Provide the name of major shareholders in your company and their percentage of equity interest.
· Name of Parent, Affiliate and Subsidiary companies. Organization chart depicting the relationship between the
. Name of Managing Director or Owner
· Nature of relationship between Contractor and Libyan partner (if any), e.g. unincorporated joint venture,
incorporated joint venture etc including date of formation of relationship.
5. A brief description of all Downhole Drilling/Fishing Tools and Services offered by Contractor in Libya.
6. Please provide all information requested in English format.
Terms & Conditions
The following conditions should be noted:
1) ExxonMobil reserves the right to request further information from Contractors seeking registration for a Request
for Proposal package.
2) Contractors supplying insufficient or inadequate information will be excluded from further consideration
3) This registration process is not an invitation to tender. Notwithstanding the submission of the requested
information to ExxonMobil Libya Limited.
4) ExxonMobil Libya Limited is neither committed nor obligated to issue any call for tender or to include any
5)Contractor on any bid lists or award any form of contract.
6)Full bidding information or an invitation to bid will only be sent to those contractors that have successfully
completed the registration process and are considered qualified by ExxonMobil Libya Limited to fulfill the technical,
personnel, material and performance requirements of the services to be tendered.
7)ExxonMobil Libya Limited will not make any form of payment for submissions presented in response to this
announcement, or for completion and submission of a pre-qualification package.Response
Dead line for submitting tender The latest date and time by which interest should be registered is 20th
October 2008
Responses should be sent by email to: or delivered to :
ExxonMobil - Libya Limited ATTN: Downhole Drilling/Fishing Tools and Services Prequalification Coordinator Al
Fateh Tower 2 , 23rd Floor, Tripoli, Libya.Responses should be clearly marked with the following reference;
Downhole Drilling/Fishing Tools and Services Announcement. October 2008.