1 IIE SECONDARY (Year 3) LESSON PLAN – SEJARAH ISLAM NAME: DAY: WAKTU: CREDIT: WEEK/DATE/ TIME TOPIC & LESSON DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE METHOD & APPROACH TEACHING AIDS/RESOURCES CONCEPT & VALUE ONE Date: _________ 45 minutes Unit 1:The Empire of Umayyad (41–132 HIJRAH) 1- Students know the origin of Umayyad tribe. 2- Students know when the Umayyad embraced Islam collectively. 3- Students know that the Umayyad was the last tribe to embrace Islam 4- Students know the Umayyad had proven their worthiness and sincerity for the cause of Islam as a recompense to their past mistakes before becoming Muslim 5- Students know how the Umayyad Caliphate was formed. 1- Teacher recalls the lesson on – the Khulafa’Al-Rasyidin especially of Saidina Osman bin ‘Affan to link it with today topic. 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson summary 4- Chart on the period Khulafa’ AlRasyidin 5- Chart on the descendants Abdul Manaf *Leadership * Fairness * History * Power * Skills * Foundation of the Empire of Umayyad * Towards the formation of Umayyad Caliphate KELAS BIMBINGAN MENENGAH 3 – SEJARAH ISLAM 2- Teacher explains in details. 3- Q&A 2 TWO Date: _________ 45 minutes THREE Date: _________ 45 minutes 1- Students know the happenings after the demised of Saidina Usman bin *Aftermath of the ‘Affan demised of Caliph 2- Students know the reason for Uthman Muawiyah to seek justice on the death of Saidina Usman * The Battle of Siffin 3- Students know the reason for the and it causes first civil war between Caliph Ali and Muawiyah 4- Students realize that the See attached group project entitled: The characteristics of sincerity, trust and integrity are important in a leader. Battle of Siffin and its causes. Continuation Unit 1 1- Students know the meaning of tahkim. * Conference of 2- Students know the reason behind Tahkim and its effect the Conference of Tahkim and how it was conducted. a- Objective of the 3- Students know the political trickery Conference of in any given government. Tahkim 4- Students know and understand how b- The Process of the the Umayyad Dynasty was formed. conference and the announcement of Muawiyyah as caliph c- Effects of the Conference of Tahkim and the beginning of Umayyad Empire Continuation Unit 1 KELAS BIMBINGAN MENENGAH 3 – SEJARAH ISLAM 1- Teacher recalls past lesson and links it with today topic. 1- Textbook 2- Whiteboard 3- Teacher notes Same as above 2- Teacher explains in details the topic taught. 3- Q&A Group Assignment Same as above 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson Summary 4- Map of Umayyad Empire * Leadership * Skills * Experience * Knowledge * Justice * Sincerity * Trickery * Politic * Peace 3 FOUR Date: _________ 45 minutes FIVE Date: ________ 45 minutes Continuation Unit 1 * The year of Jamaah * Summary Unit 2 MUAWIYYAH BIN ABU SUFYAN (41 – 60 HIJRAH) * Appointment of Muawiyyah as Caliph * Life history of Muawiyyah * Contribution of Muawiyyah * Virtues of Muawiyyah SIX Date: _________ 45 minutes Continuation Unit 2 * The changes made by Muawiyyah a- Relocation of the capital from Madinah to Damsyik b- Transformation of caliphate system to Monarchy system c- Instilling the temporal objective in administration 1-Students know the meaning of the Year of Jamaah 2- Students know the reasons Saidina Hassan bin Ali bin Abi Talib withdrew from being the next Caliph after the demised of his father. 1- Students know the process of the appointment of Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan as the first Caliph of the Umayyad Empire 2- Students know the life history of Muawiyah. 3- Students know and understand his contributions after he becoming a Muslim 4- Students know the leadership quality of Muawiyah 1- Students know the few changes made by Muawiyah in his administration of the State or government. 2- Students know the importance of knowledge, experience and skill in administrating a government. 3- Students know, understand and realize that Islam emphasizes a well balanced lifestyle that incorporates both earthly and life hereafter matters 4- Students realize the changes made by Muawiyah was for the good of society during his time. KELAS BIMBINGAN MENENGAH 3 – SEJARAH ISLAM 1- Teacher recalls last lesson and links it with today’s topic. 2- Teacher explains in details today lesson. 3- Teacher questions student to gauge their understanding of the lesson. 1. Teacher recalls past lesson on the appointments of the 4 first caliphs of the Khulafa’ Al-Rasyidin period and links it with today’s topic. 2- Teacher explains in details today topic. 3- Teacher asks students myriad of questions. 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Teacher Note Same as above 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Teacher’s note 4. Chart on the descendant of Abdul Manaf 5- Map of Umayyad Empire Same as above 1- Teacher recalls the appointment of Muawiyah and links it with today topic. 2-Teacher explains in details the major changes made by Muawiyah in administrating the state. 3- Teacher reflects and discusses the need for a well-balanced life with the students. 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson Summary Same as above 4 SEVEN Date: _________ 45 minutes EIGHT Date: _________ 45 minutes Continuation Unit 2 * Politic of Caliph Muawiyyah in his administration of the State a- Politic of Muawiyah in dealing with the Kharijite b- Methodology of Muawiyyah in dealing with his critics * Summary Unit 3 YAZID BIN MUAWIYYAH (60 – 64 HIJRAH) * Life history of Yazid bin Muawiyyah * The reasons for his appointment. NINE Date: _________ 45 minutes Continuation Unit 3 * Hussain bin Ali and the habitants of Kufah * Hussain went to Kufah * The effect of Hussain’s assassination * Summary 1- Students know how Muawiyah conducted his political dealing during his period of governance. 2- Students know who is the Kharijites. 3- Students know how Muawiyah dealt with the problem raised by the Kharijites and his critics. 4- Students know the brilliance of Muawiyah in administrating the State and citizens well. 1. Teacher revises past lesson. 2- Teacher explains in details by giving ample examples on Muawiyah ability to combine both diplomacy and firmness in his managing the affair of the state. 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson Summary Same as above 1- Students know briefly the background of Yazid bin Muawiyah 2- Students know the reason Muawiyah appointed his son, Yazid to replace him as Caliph 3- Students know and understand the reason Muawiyah did not employ the system of Syurah or consultation during the appointment of his heir to the position of Caliph. 4- Students know the reason the leadership of Yazid was not well received 1- Students know about Saidina Hussain bin Ali and the residents of Kufah. 2- Students know why Saidina Hussain’s insistence to go to Kufah after migrating to Mecca even against the advices from some companions. 3-Students know that his return to Kufah was a mistake. 4-Students know the effects of the assassination of Saidina Hussain 1- Teacher recalls the lesson during the leadership of Muawiyah and associates it with today topic. 2- Teacher discusses with students the most appropriate ways to tackle or deal with a cruel and troublesome leader. 1. Teacher recalls past lesson and links it with topic of the day. 2- Teacher explains in details today lesson. 3- Teacher discusses with students that Islam prohibits killing of humans especially among fellow Muslims. 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson Summary Same as above 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson Summary Same as above KELAS BIMBINGAN MENENGAH 3 – SEJARAH ISLAM 5 TEN Date: _________ 45 minutes ELEVEN Date: _________ 45 minutes Unit 4 Umayyad Caliphs * Periods of Umayyad Empire - First period (The Birth of Empire) - Second Period (The Golden Period of advancement and flourish) - Last Period (The Downfall) * Muawiyyah (64 H) * Marwan bin AlHakam (64-65 H) * Abdul Malik bin Marwan (65 – 86 H) Continuation Unit 4 * Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik (86 – 96 H) * Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik (96 – 99 H) * Umar bin Abdul Aziz (99 – 101 H) a- Abolished the incitement towards Ali b- Efforts to restore the government during his leadership c-Administration and governance d- Cultural expansion 1- Students know that there were 3 main periods of the Umayyad Empire. 2- Students know that Yazid bin Muawiyyah was the main cause of weakness during the 1st Period. 3-Students know the reason Yazid bin Muawiyyah was reluctant to take over his father as Caliph. 4- Students know a brief history of Marwan bin Al-Hakam and Abdul Malek bin Marwan 5- Students know that the nation was in turmoil when both caliphs (Marwan and Abd Malek) was in government 1- Teacher explains the situation of the Umayyad Empire from the first period beginning with Yazid bin Muawiyah where the nations was in turmoil and unrest. 2- Teacher discusses with students on the methods employed by the Umayyad Caliphs to tackle the situation faced especially of unloyal subjects. 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson Summary Same as above 1- Students know the brief background of these 6th,7th and 8th Caliph of the Umayyad Empire. 2-Students know the accomplishment of Caliph al-Walid bin Abd Malik during his reign as Caliph. 3- Students know and understand the reason for the decline or downfall of Caliph Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik. 4- Students know, understand and realize that Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz managed to restore the glory of the Umayyad Empire which mirrored the governance during the Khulafa’ AlRasyidin. 1- Teacher recalls past lesson and links it with today’s topic. 2- Teacher explains in details today lesson. 3- Q&A 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson Summary Same as above KELAS BIMBINGAN MENENGAH 3 – SEJARAH ISLAM 6 TWELVE Date: _________ 45 minutes Continuation Unit 4 * Downfall of Umayyad Empire - Yazid bin Abdul Malik (101 – 105 H) - Hisyam bin Abdul Malik (105 – 125 H) THIRTEEN Date: _________ 45 minutes Continuation Unit 4 - Al-Walid bin Yazid (125 – 126 H) - Yazid bin Al-Walid (126 H) - Ibrahim bin Al-Walid (126 H) - Marwan bin Muhammad (127 – 132 H) Continuation Unit 4 * The cause of Umayyad downfall a- The appointment of two concurrent heirs to the Caliph post b- Caliphs were subdued by the material gain of the world c- The inclination to support one’s race d- The emergent of the element of ‘asabiyyah FOURTEEN Date: _________ 45 minutes 1- Students know the downfall happened during the 3rd period of the Umayyad Empire. 2- Students know that during this period there were numerous rebellions against the government by the Shiite and Kharijite 3- Students know the development during this period of downfall. 4- Students know that a leader who emphasis on materials and the pleasures of life will result in his downfall. 1- Students know briefly the background of the Umayyad Caliphs who led to their downfall. 2- Students know and realize that conflict, wealth, not practicing the way of life as expounds by Islam with consistency and following the lifestyle foreign to Islam such as emulating the Romans led to the downfall of Umayyad Empire. 1- Same as above. KELAS BIMBINGAN MENENGAH 3 – SEJARAH ISLAM Same as above 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson Summary Same as above 1. Teacher recalls past lesson and links it to the topic of the day. 2- Teacher gives detail explanations as the causes of the downfall with ample examples 3- Q&A 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson Summary Same as above 1- Teacher explains in details today lesson. 2- Teacher gives the opportunity for students to ask questions or discuss the topic. 1. Textbook 2. Whiteboard 3. Lesson Summary 7 FIFTEEN Date __________ 45 minutes e- Appointment policy of electing Caliph was undemocratic Unit 5 Abbasid Empire (132 – 656 H) * The formation of Abbasid Empire - 1st Phase (132 – 232 H) - 2nd Phase (232 – 590 H) - 3rd Phase (590 – 656 H) * Baghdad as the capital of the Empire SIXTEEN Date: ________ 45 minutes Continuation Unit 5 * Phase One of the Abbasid Empire a- Secrecy Movement b- Open Movement SEVENTEEN Date: _________ 45 minutes Continuation Unit 5 Phase Two of Abbasid Empire Factors that contributed to the success in the field of education Unit 6 Separation of EIGHTEEN Date: 1- Students know the founder of the Abbasid Empire. 2- Students know the background of Abbasid Empire. 3- Students know the governance of Abbasid was divided into 3 main phases. 4- Students know that Baghdad was the capital of Abbasid Empire. 1- Students know how the Abbasid Empire originated and formed. 2- Students know that Abbasid had plotted in secrecy to topple the Umayyad Empire since the government of Caliph Umar bin Abd Aziz. 3 – Students know the date the movement was carried out openly. 1- Students know the downfall of Abbasid began during the 2nd phase of its ruled. 2- Students know, understand and realize that the rise and fall of a Nation is closely related to the social values and ethics of its society or people. 1- Students know the formation of separate territories during the Abbasid KELAS BIMBINGAN MENENGAH 3 – SEJARAH ISLAM 1- Teacher recalls in brief about the Umayyad Empire 2- Teacher explains the formation of the Abbasid Empire. 3- Teacher explains the development of the 3 phases during the period when Abbasid was in power and the reason for Baghdad as the capital of the Empire. 4- Q&A 1- Teacher recalls past lesson 2- Teacher explains from the textbook today lesson 3- Q&A Same as above 1- Textbook 2- Whiteboard 3- Teacher’s Note 4- Chart on the descendents of the Abbasid Empire Same as above 1- Textbook 2- Whiteboard 3- Teacher’s Note 4- Chart on the descendents of the Umayyad and Abbasid Empires Same as above 1- Textbook 2- Whiteboard 3- Teacher Note 4- Chart of Umayyad and Abbasid Empires Same as above 1- Teacher expounds on 1- Textbook students to explain: 2- Whiteboard *United we stand tall. 8 __________ 45 minutes Territories Aghalibah Empire Thahiriyyah Empire Saffariyyah Empire Samaniah Empire Buwaihiyyah Empire Saljukiyyah Empire Empire. 2- Students know that these small empires had an effect on the Islamic world on the whole. 3- Students understand the reason the Abbasid government did not react to these small territories aggressively as they did not pose a treat to the stability of the Abbasid Empire. 4- Students know and understand after successfully ruled for 524 years, the Abbasid were defeated by the Ottoman Empire of Turkey. a- The Origin of Abbasid Empire. b- During this period, the city of Baghdad became the centre of education excellence in the world. List the factors that contributed to this progress. 2- Teacher scanned all the answers and links it with the origin of the smaller territories within Abbasid Empire. 3- Q&A NINETEEN Date __________ REVISION WEEK TWENTY Date _________ EXAMINATION WEEK KELAS BIMBINGAN MENENGAH 3 – SEJARAH ISLAM 3- Teacher’s Note 4- Chart on the various small territories within the Abbasid Empire. Separate we fall. * Obeying the teaching of Islam wholeheartedly will guarantee the success of both worlds.